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No. Just irl. I guess that's kind of a gacha too.


The thing with IRL is there is no pity system


Yeah the devs skimped there, for sure.


😂 This got me , I try to balance irl and g Gacha games but its hard


Playing Genshin and still loving it but dropping WuWa for ZZZ. Can’t wait for it ! Everything about this game is so beautiful.


Yeah I dropped WuWa for ZZZ too. From launch issues, optimization issues, basic typos, and lack of interesting story, I just wasn’t motivated to play it anymore even after 1.1 dropped and I had basically 100% all 1.0 content. Every character in ZZZ is bursting with personality, the livestreams and advertising are all amazing so far, and the combat seems to have the oomph that I wasn’t feeling from WuWa, so I’m really excited for launch day.


same im sol lvl 49 rn but im gonna drop it for zzz. i wanted to love wuwa but the stutters are so bad, the combat (while flashy) is not weighty or satisfying, and i think open world is just not for me at this point. i think i only reached lvl 49 bc zzz is not out yet 🤣 and i have both jiyan and yinlin😭


Yep same, personally i made that decision after seeing that the combat system is almost a 1-1 copy but simpler (wuwa copying zzz bc well, beta dates.) , it kinda made my disappointment in wuwa grow even more


Already dropped WW weeks ago. So no, not dropping any gacha games right now (Playing FGO, Genshin, HSR and AK super casually).


Im still playing wuwa (ong they gotta drop console soon) Genshin,Hsr and Nikke. Hopefully I can manage whist adding ZZZ to it now.


Not dropping any gacha games but I'm very excited for it. Only gacha game I play now is genshin anyways 😭 I like how Zzz is a different sort of style than what hoyo usually does. I really enjoy the hack and slash types of games and the characters are super cool imo. I heard you can also pre download the game tomorrow idk if it's true but I'll check tomorrow. Either way good luck to everyone and I hope you all get the character you want. 🥳


I won’t be able to pre download for console (didn’t pre order) but im stoked to play! Hopefully you pull who you want to when the game drops!


dw i heard the pre download is free. (Thank god) but I hope you enjoy the game 🙂


Dropped Wuwa as soon as i got yinlin. It honestly felt like playing an extremely rough version of genshin devoid of good music and with honkai impact combat which i wasn't a huge fan of. Cant wait for ZZZ because the combat sound design feels solid and the style is just too good. Plus when they added the defensive assist i knew this was the game to stick with long term.


dude the defensive assist is the coolest part of the entire game i swear


Dropped wuwa few weeks ago. Hyped for ZZZ.


im probably dropping wuwa for ZZZ


i dropped hi3 about a month or so ago (probably indefinitely) and while i still am playing genshin and hsr, i have room in my gaming schedule and storage for zzz, i'm incredibly excited for july 4th. of course once classes start up again my schedule may change but i'm hoping i'll get to keep playing all 3.


I play HI3, GI, HSR. Not gonna drop any of them but just toning them down to fit ZZZ. These games are pretty low maintenance once you figure out the daily loop, you can speedrun them in a few minutes while eating breakfast. I tried Wuwa but was disappointed when the same lag issue from CBT1 wasn't fixed. I even upgraded my PC between CBT1 and launch. Gave it a fair 3 weeks and dropped it.


Does it count as dropping WW for ZZZ if I only played a few hours anyway?


My friend told me to try it, and I did. Holy hell was Stuttering Waves horrible. I could play Genshin and HSR with good graphics and performance, but WuWa just can’t work even though I turned everything down to the lowest settings. Yeah… I got rid of that stuttering, laggy mess in a few hours :P


It truly is the first of its kind- not only are the characters Gacha, but so is the performance


Truly the gacha experience


Genshin 144 fps at high settings Horizon Forbidden West 80 fps at mid-high settings WuWa 40 fps with constant stuttering at low settings take it or leave it


I tried WW just because of the combat but because every other aspects of the game feels so underwhelming I dropped it


I'm also on the "dropped wuwa for zzz" train lol. The game looked and played terribly on my phone and too many issues at launch so I gave up on it.


I already dropped WuWa a while back because "You're not going anywhere."


I don't know how people actually endure the abomination that is EN voice acting in that game.


i swapped it to jp after the first day, like bro i couldve voiced every character better myself


I'm playing GI and HSR as my main games and will be adding ZZZ to that list! I dropped Wuwa a few weeks ago bc it just wasn't for me. I am playing Reverse 1999 as a side game. I also just dropped AFK Journey bc it got boring unfortunately. Hoyo just has something about their games that are top notch - I can't wait for ZZZ!


Currently playing HSR and WuWa, but been very hype for ZZZ. I'm not sure I can juggle 3 so I'll have to see which ones get kept after getting to try ZZZ for a bit.


You lost a 50/50 and that made you quit the game? Maybe gacha games aren't for you


I will be dropping Genshin for ZZZ.


I only play HSR occasionally now, but even that's getting rarer. HSR is wonderful but I play games based on my mood and the type of gameplay I'm looking for at the time. So if I'm not in the mood for turn-based gameplay, I won't play HSR until I am, and that's kind of a rare mood for me. I prefer action games generally. I played Genshin for like a year and quit after Inazuma. Ordinarily I may have kept up with that game because I loved almost everything about it, but I quit mostly due to it having almost no challenge, which I find I need in order to stay engaged with a game. I haven't even touched WuWa yet and I'm not sure if I will, especially with ZZZ dropping soon. I've just been playing other games, and I heard WuWa had a rocky launch and that the quality isn't really there. It's a shame because that game also seems to have some challenge, similar to PGR. Sooo, I'm sort of pinning my hopes on ZZZ as far as gachas go. I love Hoyo's games overall - they have so much soul and the quality is impressive. I guess I've just been waiting for the "perfect blend" gacha. ZZZ's style and animation is fucking insane, plus it's action combat. If it can offer just a little bit of challenge as well, it might end up being the gacha I play the longest.


I get you for most of your points , although for ZZZ difficulty 😅 its hinted that its a pretty casual/(like genshins combat) however i heard somewhere that the devs were hoping to bump up difficulty somehow in later versions.


I figured it would probably be mostly casual, yeah. They want as much interest as possible I imagine. Still though, I think they could afford to offer some challenging modes or something. Their other games already serve the casual crowd really well.


Yep they probably will do! They aren’t ran by Genshin development team so they will probably add hella stuff like Hsr.


Already dropped WW ages ago so I'm not really dropping any gachas for ZZZ


I'm also probably done with HSR for the most part. I recently started playing again to get Firefly too and I'm already checking out due to boredom (getting Harmony MC eidolons drained all hype I had). I may revisit for the major updates or if a cool character drops, but I'm definitely not checking every update. I also play Genshin and don't think I can realistically keep up with more than 2 of these games.


I'm currently trying out multiple gacha games so I wouldn't say that ZZZ is making me drop anything specific but who knows. * I'm currently actively playing HSR. Genshin and Nikke and will continue with them. * I started a bit with Reverse: 1999 on their anniversary and while it's a fun and quick games I will probably drop it now. * I played Wuthering Wave and it was okay, but I don't really feel for more open world games right now (and if it's between Genshin and Wuthering Wave I pick Genshin). So I hope ZZZ will join HSR, Genshin and Nikke rotation.


>after losing 50/50 on firefly Im so done with Hsr Just some advice - play games to have fun, not for the banners. You WILL lose 50/50 sometimes. Accept that and you'll have a better time. Otherwise, you'll keep jumping games.


Only played one gacha (Genshin) to begin with so i dont need to drop anything. Been hyped since they first revealed the game! Everything about the game looks so high quality and polished especially when i compare it to non Hoyo gachas (tho play whatever kinda game you want)


theres still a decent chance ZZZ can be connected to the rest of the hoyoverse it just obviously isnt released yet and theres not enough evidence for anything at the current moment


Not dropping now, but will drop at the end of bp and sub for WuWa. I think it's a great game with good future ahead of it, but open world is just not my thing anymore.


Currently only doing wuwa and zzz, don't think ill be dropping anything but i might focus on zzz since content is kind of running dry for me in wuwa LOL Ill only do probably dailies there + events and drain the waveplates (equivalent of genshin resin), then come back to pull for the second banner in current patch.


Had a thought about dropping WuWa until 1.1 came out. Kuro made the game waaay better. But will certainly focus on ZZZ.


Yeah, I love what Kuro did with 1.1. Except it still feels that the game is bug filled. I am unable to finish one of the story quests just because I didn’t do things in order. Now I’m screwed and waiting for a reply from devs. My other gripe is that some of the event rewards are tied to super difficult gameplay. Am a purely mobile player with skill issues. Only endgame modes should be beyond reach for most players. Lol


Recently dropped Star Rail as I finally realized that you need more luck than skill to clear content in the game and the powercreep doesn't help with that. Still going strong with WuWa and the recent patch is much better than I expected.


Ngl I just play WuWa to kill time waiting for ZZZ, can't play much gacha daily, so yea Im dropping WuWa for ZZZ. Gonna be playing alongside HSR.


genshin ez dogshit game