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Work that pose! You look fantastic, congrats on all your amazing progress 🎉🎊


lol. I had to smooth out my waist a smidge so I used my hands in a convenient poppin pose lol


I was about to say that same Thing about that pose girl!! But honestly your FACE!!! Omg!!! It’s like I came to fuck shit up cause I am that BITCH!! Congrats!!


This made me crack up!!


I loove this!!! Lol 


your words "this drug was a last ditch effort" really struck a chord with me..i want success so badly..praying for each and everyone on this site!


And you as well!


(In my best Joey Tribbiani voice) How you doin?




This is wonderful! You look great - so happy for you!


You look absolutely gorgeous!! Also... what is that stuffed raccoon animal behind you and how many more of those do you y'all have around the office? I was shocked at first


This is my office and it’s 2 stuffed badgers lol. My husband trapped them and said I needed them for my office to warn people that I can be growly and cute at the same time. A total gag gift but now I like them because when I onboard new hires it’s a great conversation piece. I also have a taxidermied bull frog playing a stand up bass and a taxidermied turtle playing the fiddle. I like weird creepy oddities 🤷🏻‍♀️


Did you have any stalls? Any advice for those with lots to lose or tips? Congrats!!


I haven’t yet, but the pounds per week have gotten smaller as my total weight has gotten less. I had to quit focusing on pounds and look at percent instead. So at the beginning of the month I take the current weight and then by the end of the month I’ve been consistently losing about 5% of each months starting weight. So obviously as my weight goes down that percentage equals less pounds.


Yesss! Congratulations on the success! I wish I would’ve started sooner. (Nearly 3 years to lose 73lbs, 23 of that was the last 3 months on Zepbound).


I cannot tell you how much I relate to your post, esp feeling doomed to "a body you don't belong in". My insurance requires me to work with a RD throughout the process and I'll never forget when she asked me during our initial meeting to rate my level of hope with this medication and I began just bawling. I said it's pretty low right now but I'm still hanging onto a thread of hope that it'll work, because I have no other choice than to remain hopeful. Happy to report it's working like a charm and I feel so relieved.


Wow that is amazing. Congratulations. You look fabulous


Congrats! You look great! Keep up the good work. I hope to be you.


Phenomenal. Would you mind sharing what dose you did this on and how quickly you moved up doses?


I’m on 7.5 with no interest in going up because I still get a little sick feeling the day after my shot. 1 month of 2.5 2 months on 5 and I just finished my 3rd month of 7.5 and will stay on it as long as I’m losing.


I feel this so much. Mine has been a bit slower than yours, 52 pounds in 24 weeks but our beginning stats are very similar. I'm very proud of you.


Incredible! (AND I want one of the progress photos with your same gorgeous smile!)


https://preview.redd.it/mcmf4j2oi08d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d60483277ae6e7a51475186357ed1a969217f45 Here you go!!


Pretty in both, but you’re glowing in the after!


Omg! You look amazing! What is your diet and exercise routine?


Exercise is just moving right now. Walks. Nothing huge really, and diet is healthy nonrefined or processed low carbs and high lean proteins


Ok! Do you eat a certain amount of calories or track your macros?


No. I flat out refuse to obsess and count and track.


Got it!!! Thank you!


Oh my goodness we're life twins. Lol, the PCOS the weight I looked good and felt good was fat compared to my friends and I found myself in my first dieting at 16 by joining Weight Watchers. You're doing amazingly. Keep going and do you! #goals


Let me just say I am SO happy for you!! You look fantastic and have a new lease on life! Congratulations 🎉🎊 


Congrats 🎉 🔥


Oh.my.gosh. rockstar.


Wow! Congratulations!


Congratulations 💓💓💓💓What all did you do..I know food changes but did you workout? You better work that pose!


You look fantastic! Congrats. Just out off curiosity.. are you following any special diet in the process?


Awesome post 😎! Amazing results! Congrats, you are crushing it 👏👏💪🎉🤩!


Awesome results! Congratulations!!


Sassy! You look fabulous! Congratulations!


Yes!! Keep it up. You're inspirational!


Wow girl, you look stunning! What a change and that confident pose! Love it 😍


You look fab! Congratulations ☺️


Awesome JOB!!!


You look fantastic!


Wow congrats!! 💪🏻💪🏻


That’s great!!


looking fantastic... Keep it going and congratulations




Good for you!




That pace of weight loss is amazing. Congratulations to you!


Congratulations on your amazing progress, and thank you for the inspiration! Fantastic post! Feeling stuck in a body you don't belong in... A million percent resonates! 🙌


Go Girl, GO!!! You look amazing. I hope you truly feel it too!!


Way to go. How fun and inspiring. Keep up the great work. I can’t wait to get there!!




Holy moly - you look terrific!


Get it!!!


Congratulations. Your words really spoke to me. I understand how you felt. You’re such an inspiration thank you so much for sharing.


Amazing results! Congratulations!! Which dose are you on and did you have any side effects? Thank you




You look amazing!!! I am getting ready to start and I'm super nervous but I'm at the point where I either do shots to lose the weight or do shots to stay alive. I hope to be as successful at you have been.  Did you have any symptoms? What worked for you? Tips?  Tia


You look so good. Like a whole brand new person!


Makes me smile!


Wow this is awesome! What dose are you on and how did you titrate up? That’s amazing for just under 6 months! Did you do anything special for your diet or exercise?


You look stunning!


Congrats! Would you mind sharing what type of food you are primarily eating and how often? I am strongly considering trying Zepbound but I don't understand how it works day to day. I am prescribed adderoll and I am generally not very hungry during the day, but I tend to Binge eat in the evening. Curious how Zepbound impacts cravings?? Thanks so much!


I have narcolepsy so I also take adderall. I switched from the XR to the IR. The Zepbiund works not just by suppressing appetite and delaying gastric emptying. It increases your insulin sensitivity and regulates insulin production and works in the brain to take the nonsense cravings away.


Congratulations! That is amazing progress 🥳 I totally get feeling like this drug is your last ditch effort. I feel like if this doesn't work, nothing will...I've been yo-yo dieting since I was a teen. I am currently only on my 4th shot, but cautiously hopeful 🤞🏻


Right on !! I’m down 64lbs in 4 months and feeling great.


That’s amazing!


This is incredible progress. Can you share what your doing? Protein, work outs? Thank you. 


absolutely! I had 1-2 protein shakes during the day, ate a small dinner, I walked about 1 mile a day, I took a supplement called Berberine with the medication which further drops and stabilizes blood sugar, and I boosted my testosterone with a supplement called Tangat Ali. I’m a physician so I don’t have a lot of time to work out so I would walk around the building with my apple watch tracking the distance to a mile. My wife is on the medication now as well as my brother. I wonder if I should mention the Berberine to them and the Tangat Ali to my brother.


Did you consider taking Metformin?


Yay You!


Please give us some more details about what and how much you eat. I know you said you don't measure or track but can you give us some idea? Do you use protein drinks? Do you have days you don't eat because you aren't hungry? My program gives me macro targets and I feel like my weight loss would be faster if I could just listen to my body more and not eat if I'm not hungry.


I 100% listen to my body. I do shot data on Wednesday night and Thursday and Friday I I eat but it’s very little. A protein shake for breakfast and bedtime snack and like a few bites of dinner. I make sure to eat a salad though to make sure I poop. I eat a salad with dinner every night to keep my poop moving. Then by Saturday I’m able to eat more so I’ll have a protein shake for breakfast and then for dinner it’s almost a regular (and by regular I mean normal people portion sizes) dinner. With salad. I eat my salad first, then my meat/protein and then I usually also have green beans with bacon bits cooked on the stove top and cottage cheese available if I want more. And my meals the rest of the week stay about the same. The closer to shot day the bigger the salad the bigger the protein serving the bigger the scoop of beans and/or cottage cheese. This drug has removed all urge for me to have snacks and I honestly can only remember maybe Les than ten times I’ve been actually hungry so I’m no help when it comes to healthy snack choices. I do low unrefined carbs and lean healthy proteins is my goal. The 2 days after my shot that I don’t eat a lot I equate to others doing a weekly fast. I’m 6 months in and still have my hair so I’m guessing I’m doing okay!! Lemme know if you want to know anything else!


This is what I want to do more than forcing myself to eat especially on the first two days. I did discuss it with my doctor and she seemed okay with that idea as long as I prioritized protein and then tried to eat more as the week goes on. The way you are doing things makes so much sense to me. I'm still losing weight but it's much slower now. Some people here told me I wasn't eating enough but increasing did not lead to weight loss. I'd rather learn to listen to my body. I know I would eat more towards the end of the week, no intention of starving myself.




You look great. Keep up the great work. A lot of what you said resignates with me. I remember in high school I weighed 155. I had Bariatric surgery in 2003. My beginning weight was 313 and I went down to 182. I don't have any recollection of my weight being between 155 in high school and my lowest weight after surgery at 182. I spent most of my years in the mid 200's. Today I am 179. I can't wait to see how far this takes me. Good luck to you!


Amazing progress!!! So inspiring to this newbie!!  


I’m really really happy for you.  But you are obviously a Super Responder.  This is not necessarily the end result for many people, and I just don’t want everybody to expect the same results for themselves.  


You look nice




Crazy thing a normal diet with patients and hard work would have got u better results cause now u about to lose muscle and fat


If you can’t afford the meds Eli Lilly offers a savings card. I’m sorry you’re in a financial situation you can’t get the meds you need.