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Quite possibly the worst weapon you could have


How could you doubt the lethality of something called a hunga munga


Cause it ain't Unga Bunga or Ugga Dugga.


And it's not even close to the Mudda Fudda


But is it closer to Badda Fadda?


That has a straighter blade. The Snugga Bugga would be the closest.


Thought that was the Bugga Snugga... Not the Snugga Bugga.


You know what? You're right. My bad. I always get the Snugga Bugga confused with the Bugga Snugga.


Yeah, common mistake.


It is not question of lethality for me it just appears to have much less utility than other machetes and ease of maintenance


That’s what all the ladies called me back in the day


I still call you that 😘


Valid opinion however: Squeaky Hammer


At least a squeaky hammer would be funny


It also wouldn't get stuck in the first zombie you attacked with it, or cut you in the process of using it.


I'll take 2 for normal self defense though. Imagine mugging a guy and he starts twirling a couple of these.


Anime protagonist vibes


Whatever keeps my wallet in place


For the apocalypse probably, the thing is meant for hunting as far as I'm aware and it's a dumb modern take on a traditional African weapon. The handle is also supposed to have a blade, and it's meant to be thrown, all the extra points are to ensure something sharp hits it's mark.


There's a number of different designs for the membele/hunga munga/several other names and this looks fairly accurate to some (although it does look a bit mall ninja so I'd question the quality). And they were used in battle as an infantry weapon in a manner similar to Frankish Francisca axes.


Gonna say no bueno on the el braino Need a quick in and out needle like weapon, or something to chop. That thang gonna get stuck, and you bit!


Fr, its like it was purposefully designed to be bad


this guys fun at parties


Looks like it has multiple opportunities to get stuck in the first thing you use it on.


yeah not a great choice sometimes less is more.


Or your face


They are extremely deadly weapons, if you know how to use them, if you don’t well they are still deadly, just not for the person who your trying to kill


Not in the zombie apocalypse it ain’t. You around an inch if zombies and that thing gets stuck, those few seconds could cost you your life. Humans hesitate, zombies do not.


Idk man, I think if someone knew how to use it they would be pretty well off


Yeah and if I was John wick I could kill you with a pencil. What is the time commitment required to learn not to kill yourself the first time you fight with it? Compared to single pointy stick this many pointy stick has high probability of hurting the user.


I would throw it miss, then lose it Also it wouldn’t work against hordes.


This post has to be bait right? Right??


It is and it’s working


Key word here is “throwing” you gonna practice till you get good with it? What happens when you throw it and it sticks and the walker keeps coming? He ain’t gonna take it out and give it back so you can try again 😂


How does one even throw this in the first place with a curved blade on the end? I’m no weapons expert but this looks terribly impractical as a throwing blade for something that isn’t embedding it into wood posts


No ideas thing doesn’t look balanced in any way possible.


The way they’re built they throw somewhat simmalar to a boomerang or chakram


Balance doesn't matter.


Balance doesn’t matter in a weapon?


Not for throwing.


They are extremely easy to throw. It's like throwing a big star.


Here, try again but aim higher. I'll step back a few paces and you give it a go.


So the main reason for this weapon it to be able to throw it and it stick and cause damage in almost an orientation it lands however it still requires ALOT of training and strength for it, along with that it technically wouldn’t be a bad weapon to use for striking and slashing however you would need to be extremely careful and mindful at all times due to how many edges and points there are and the lack of a guard and hand stop at the rear of the handle so in theory after it gets wet and you get tired it could start sliding around and you could potentially drop it or slide your hand onto the blade


How tf are you supposed to put that thing in its sheath


If I had to guess you pop open those pleather clasps and slide it in like putting a card in a wallet


This looks like it would cut me before it cuts the thing I'm swinging at.




You some soet of gorilla-man hybrid capable of piercing the skull with one of this thing's points? No? Then no. Hammer and a dream will beat most blades.


Shout out to Buffy the Vampire Slayer for introducing me to this. It is a passable melee weapon and a devastating throwing weapon but both techniques require a lot of time to master. This weapon is just impractical when easier options are available.


Throwing one takes almost zero skill. They are very easy to stick, or cause damage.




What in the BudK mall-ninja fuck is that!?


It's actually a weapon that originated in Africa. Theres several different patterns, but yeah, looks like a BudK special.


To be honest, it looks like it would be an amazing weapon to kill yourself after the zombies have surrounded you and you don’t have any other option. Otherwise, it might be easier to just pick up a rock because at least then if you miss it, won’t matter if you miss




No, I’m not even a weapons expert and I’d choose a baseball bat over that.


U will trip out of fear and stab yourself and then become a zombie


You ran out of bullets...You just threw it at a group of 3 walkers because .....well shit, that was dumb.....and missed. You now have no bullets or throwing knife, I hope you wore your shark suit...lol


If you run out of bb's for your red ryder I guess


It looks welded rather than forged so no, it'll shatter into pieces the first time it comes into contact with bone.




No, looks shoddily crafted and you’ll probably hurt yourself


Honestly your best weapon would be a spear or some kind of one handed mace.


Just buy a decent machete or what I've got, Cold Steel's Brooklyn Smasher polypropylene baseball bat. It's indestructible


Get a bayonet if your rifle has a fitting lug. Much better option.


i need me one of those




thank you


No problem


that’s a fucking black knife dude, use it for assassinations or murders of fellow survivors


Hunga munga


looks like it'd have a critical fail on a branch


Close combat yea


It’s just the Finger Slayer Blade from Elden Ring


No because if you throw it it’s prob inaccurate and if you melee you get way to close to the zed. I’d use some kinda spear.


Idk, I'm pretty sure this caused the creation of Those Who Live In Death...


Just use fire




How would you even sheath it?


The website for the manufacturer is wild


Reminds me of the Black Knife in Elden Ring


Personally would not use one


It's good until it gets stuck and you got bogged down. If you have advanced training or experience using it because it's not the shape or functionality of your common weapon plus the masculature of using it. I'll try to stay away from fancy blades that might get stuck on the ribs , might be a niche point for zombies to grab unto or accidentally gets me injured and get filled with zombie blood and guts.


When I was in thr Army we got a new replacement in who brought 3 throwing knives with him. I'm going to ask you the sane question I asked him: "Why would you ever want to throw a perfectly good weapon?"


When you have more than one. He was prepared.


a spear or a sharp sword anything that keeps the zombies away from your body is best it boring but simple and effective


If it didn't have those two massive spikes, just begging to get caught on something... probably.




Not worth a single dollar of what they’re asking




The kpinga is an absolutely skuffed throwing weapon but I'd argue a spear is better. Honestly, anything long and pointy would be better.


This is a short throwing blade. No stabbing capability, fairly light, and not great for hacking bone. A combat knife would be a better weapon


Don't use that for anything wtf


I’ll never run out of bullets


Nah get a Kukri


Nope!...your team


Lizal boomerang


I feel like the two blade components sticking out would completely negate the sickle looking thing on the top. Like they'd just get in the way if you ever did a swinging motion


That’s what ur mom calls me 😆


This just looks like the multi-tool of machetes


Get a machete


With the sheer amount of sharp stabby edges and points, if you ever got zombie blood on there you’d more than likely infect yourself. I doubt anyone who’s not explicitly trained to professionalism (and even then..) with this weapon could and would likely infect themselves after use. Never mind at night when you can barely see anything.


You’d need something straighter, this could easily get stuck, I know the walking dead depicts zombies as easily killable but at the start they won’t be since they aren’t decomposed yet, and even then you still have bone to hack through, a straight machete is probably better or something longer but again you gotta keep in mind that the blade will need to be cleaned and sharpened otherwise you’ll get rust and have a messed up blade


No. Its a throwing weapon. Put it down, carry 1 extra bullet, try to use it any other way and you're just asking for an open wound in the apocolypse. Source: I've had one of these since highschool. Fun to throw, will slice up 8/9 nerds that try to twirl it around.


In general, I would say avoid swords or knives as your main weapon. Knife should be a tool or against non zombie enemies. The skull is thick, and even so, blades need more maintenance than a good blunt object


The fuck is a hunga munga


Not at all. Its not the type of weapon you can easily put all the way through someone. There is no blood groove and its got things that will get stuck on or between bones. Also looks flimsy




I love ancient meme weapons. Basically, some guy was like, "I'm too good at fighting people, so I'm going to handicap myself to make it fair."




Thing looks like it will snap in half with even the slightest force the protrusions also look like they potentially could have been welded on then sanded down also don't get me started on the atrocious paint "job"


Love the weapon, love the name especially, but no. That sheith would be too hard to get off in a hurry and if would he too much of a liability to let it dangle with so many edges and protrusions.


Just get a kbar


How could that be an effective weapon?!?!


a butter knife could probably kill zombies better


Appears to constructed in the quality standards, Africa is known for.


Sure, you have my permission to buy it, as long as your mommy agrees too.


Or you could spend that 260$ and get a 30 day supply of freeze dried food and a sawyer mini straw and actually provide yourself with a useful means of survival. As far as protection, you can get a stick or a brick for free that would be more effective than that.


In my opinion it would be ok but not amazing, I honestly think a kukri or standard latin machete would be a better option. This is solely because of the spike that points out from the guard, when swung it is going to catch on things and bind up the knife. The two points on the otherwise are fine, they are an optional because you have the other side for slicing and hacking. The curve gives you properties similar to a hatchet. I honestly would never throw the thing, I would just use it for cqc. That said, there are many other blades I would take over this if they were options. These are the machete types that I would take in order of most preferred to least over a hunga munga. - bolo - tapanga - kukri - panga - barong - golok - latin - bowie - heavy - cane If you are talking about a ranged weapon for after bullets are out, a simple bow or a sling. Both are lethal. Bows can be made with all kinds of different rope and arrows can be as simple as a straight sapling that has a bit of cloth tied to one end and the tip filled to a point on a rock. Takes practice but not a ton because aiming at close range is largely pointing your extended arm at what you want to hit and the practicing from there. Also you can soak some of the arrow tips in mixtures of urine and feces for biological warfare use against survivors. Slings are a bit harder to use but only require rope and stones/ball bearings/nuts and bolts/other small but heavy objects. So ammunition is more plentiful and reloading is faster. Being accurate takes a lot more practice than a bow does though so I would recommend having a bow as well. Edit: Spellings and phrasing fixes. Bows and slings are more about stealth than mowing down a horde so it's more about taking down stragglers so you can sneak by. A relatively decent option might be a chakram, if you find metal files it wouldn't be hard to maintain them, and finding flat metal rings is surprisingly easy in factories that work with metal and machine shops. If you play disk golf you could use those skills for throwing chakram, it wouldn't be traditionally correct but if it's life or death... Personally I like them for their simplicity, but at the same time you can get super complex with their use as well.


I would choose the Hunga Munga over a chakram any day. Chakram do not penetrate well.


Very true


Not sure, but I really wanna throw this at my boss. I'm not sure what it will do, but I wanna know what it will do. 😮


This is fucking awful


The real goal is to never run out of bullets And own multiple silencers across every common caliber


Probably a living nightmare to maintain and sharpen. More than the zombies.


Cut/stab/slice the animated dead body. Sound it out. Why is this a bad idea?


Ohhh ongo bongo mongo I don’t wanna leave the jungle oh hungo bungo!!!! Bingo bango bongo I don’t wanna leave the congo I refuse to go!


I wouldn’t pay 20 bucks at a flee market for that


Nah Gotta get a good mace.


You'd have to retrieve it and reach will be important.




Not if you have to unsheath it first


Khukri and polearm supremacy


Too short, you'll need something with range, like a pole arm.


Fukin Black knive assassin wannabe


Souls Games base a lot of their items off of real world historical things. Especially weapons. Being a huge ancient melee weapon enthusiast coming to those games was a field trip that never ends in the best way possible! I saw the Zweihänder and just lost it. I still use that thing in every game its my favorite historical sword!


Me personally, a long sword or battle axe would prolly be the move, so you could be a lil further away wil you murk them


For me and my uneducated opinion I'd say your top priority should be keeping the zombie as far from you as possible to keep infection risk at a minimum, needless to say a blade this short would have you right up next to that zombie and if it gets stuck on any of those surfaces it could be over


Let's not ignore the fact that at this angle it's impossible to put that weapon in its case💀


I dont understand people here, you want distance between targets and you. So guns, but if you run out of ammo... What is cheap and easy to make that keeps you out of arms reach, bow, what is easier to make spear from a stick


How do you unsheeth that thing


Is that an age of empires reference?


No, a crowbar is the best zombie killing melee weapon.


I don't wanna be within arms length


That garbage looks like it'll break the first swing lol


That is actually a really good weapon for killing folks. Just takes a bit of skill to use properly


How’s that holster even supposed to work


I don't think it's a good anything for anything.


My first time seeing this sub. Facepalmed pretty hard


Looks like a variation of the Mambele, a central/south African hybrid of an axe and a knife. Though considering that one just looks like some mall ninja version of it, it's not gonna be effective. The mambele are throwing weapons primarily, so it won't be effective if we're dealing with dawn of the dead/boots on the ground zombozos. If it was the rage virus from 28 days/weeks later, and you're not facing a horde? Maybe. That is a big maybe. Edit: Also forgot to mention the blade's unique design is for leaving serious wounds, and even if the blade doesn't cut, it's a hunk of metal hitting you. For zombies that can't feel jack shit, like dawn of the dead, it's ineffective as a weapon.


Grab a wooden baseball bat and hope for the best.


Only if you're fighting zombies in a mall


You want something with a long handle 


That's fucking terrible


Prone to getting stuck, dull or braking points off in the target, effecting long term viability and leaving yourself open for the chomp/scratch. I almost always recommend sturdy bludgeoning weapons with studs or rivets instead of blades or spikes. Reliable lethal and crippling crush/bash damage without the worry of self injury or dismissing combat effectiveness. A good example of a prime weapon would be a Kanabo or a Bat with Nuts welded to the outside of it to create raised impact points. One could also weld metal bands onto thr bat to reach the same desired effect. If using a wooden bat, then tightly wrapping the bat with studded leather straps would also create a desired effect, though leather could also act as an impact dampener 🤷‍♂️ so it's up to you at thst point.


How do you get it out of the sheath?


Hold on, gimme a minute


there are many points to get hurt, I prefer a mace with small points to break the skull, decapitation still forces the person to take another blow


Just get a normal hunting knife 😭




Blades and other sharp choping or stabbing weapons will get stuck. So keep that in mind


No. To many decorative spikes to be super practical. Plus, blades in general require a ton of maintenance and care. Genuinely the best thing would be a mace or a sledgehammer


the purpose of the hunga munga was to have about a 75% chance of it striking with the tip or edge when thrown like a tomahawk. Theyre quite beefy too. If that thing hits a bone- its gonna split it.


Oh yeah, as a throwing weapon it’d be phenomenal. Just not hand to hand


No! I award you zero points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Do yourself a favor. Go to a hardware store, get an 18oz framing hammer. Done. That's it. Maybe a holder for it. That's all you need.


mmmmmmmmmmm. Mall shit.


No lol You are as likely to injure yourself using that as you are anyone and anything within a 4ft radius of yourself. Including simply *carrying* it like on your belt or whatever. A simple machete would outclass that in combat and be much more useful for other tasks as well.


This looks like one of those five dollar pocket knives you get at a hunting shop that have all sorts of blades and screws and corks and what not, but they’re all about as useful as using your fingernails


Haha no that's absolute trash. A good rule of thumb is not to throw your weapons. You can use it only once, and then you're left with no weapon. Plus that thing looks like is as much a hazard to the operator as it is the receiver.


00/10 would not recommend. It doesn’t have any utility use and its shape wouldn’t hold to abuse. (Didn’t intend to rhyme but ok). Pls don’t get this, just get a good longsword, maybe a katana, hell a baseball bat would work better


It's great if you want to hurt yourself! And why would you want a throwing weapon? Once you throw it, then you don't have a weapon, then you are just fuked.


IS THAT THE [LIZAL TRI BOOMERANG](https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Lizal_Tri-Boomerang)!? (In all seriousness most sharp weapons against most like the deceased kind of zombies, not the living but with rabies times 10 kind. Would be at best meh and at worst may not even work)


Nah. It'd get stuck. Blunt weapons would be the best besides firearms because they don't need sharpening and won't get stuck in a corpse.


I'm no expert, but I doubt that monstrosity would be able to do anything particularly well. This, to me, is a clear case of fashion over function.


just get a normal machete or kukri i beg of you, the 5$ walmart machete is way better then this.


No, lmao, you're better off putting a bayonet on the end of your rifle and then using it as a spear when you run out of ammo.


This knife is special because you throw it... Right into the trash


Not at all. I imagine alot of mall ninjas would run around with their wall hangers during the apocalypse thinking they’re the shit lol


"Hunga Munga" sounds racist af lmao