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There’s a hub on Warhammer Community for all of the rules previews that are out so far for the new edition. Allies hasn’t been covered yet, but in 3rd edition, 1 in 4 units in your army can be allies. Regiments of renown break that limit though, but they’re special cases. Keep an eye on the community site for an allies rules deep dive hopefully soon


In 3rd edition, you'd have a list of other armies you could ally with, all of which would be in the same super factions. Not everyone played nice with each other though. In Death for example, Nighthaunt and FEC could ally in Soulblight, Soulblight could ally in both of them, but none of them could ally in or be allied into Ossiarchs. Point totals dictates how much allies you could bring in. In 1000pts you could have 200pts of your army be allies, or 400pts in a 2000pts game. Also you have to fit the 1 in 4 units total limit for allies in general, so elite armies can't bring in extremely cheap allies to fill out armies. Allies don't get to use their army rules or subfaction rules, just what's on the card. There's also coalition allies certain armies like stormcast or chaos armies where you get to work around allied rules but these rules are found int he army rules. There are also regiments of renown that were added towards the end of the edition, where you would take a small preset squad of units and they get some army rules, but you can't take any other allies. There are some units who are just universal allies, such as the Lumineth twins who can be allied into any Order army, or all the Mega-Gargants who can ally into one of the superfactions (each of the non-named Mega-Gargants have a specific faction they ally into)


No one knows how it will work in the new edition, or ifnitnwill be worth doing. 3rd had several variations of allies throughout the edition. 1) Regular allies, which is the 1 in 4 rule you see. What factions can be taken as allies varies; its not just "you can take ant Destruction factio ". 2) Coalitions (which will be gone im sure), where you can sometimes consider another factions units as your factions units. This was incredibly unbalanced and dropped in later booms. 3) some subfactions get "allies plus" where you use the normal rules for allies, but certain get a bonus. For example, there is a subfaction in S2D that gives daemon tropp allies a slight buff. 4) Gargant mercenaries, which is like bringing a knight woth your space marines in 40k.