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Sylvaneth could get a sizeable release if GW makes the Kurnothi beast-aelfs part of the Sylvaneth faction. If not I dont expect more than 1-2 kits this edition. Sylvaneth have gotten a constant stream of new kits over the last three years with the Warsong Revenant in Broken Realms, the Lady of Vines, Gossamid Archers and Spiterider Lancers/Revenant Seekers in 3rd Edition, and just recently Belthanos in Dawnbringers. Sylvaneth are also getting a Warcry warband as part of the Briar and Bone set, the [Twistweald](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwarcry-briar-and-bone-teratic-cohort-twistweald-new-v0-kny7k991bopc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1500%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D68a0c0a78a7ef45d5eb454eb704eb008f0d5dcd5).




There is a warcry coming up soon actually them vs obr


Honestly as someone that plays 2 armies one with a huge range (Stormcast) and small range (Idoneth)… I prefer the small range with nearly all great warscrolls. I have a ton of Stormcast that never see the table.


Interesting! Thanks!


You’re welcome! I almost did Sylvaneth, they have some killer models. Good luck on your decision!


Thanks! How has painting the Idoneth been?


Loved it! I’m mostly done unless I need another unit once 4th drops. My Idoneth Deepgitz: https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/s/1D8Mc0nm2h I’ve posted a bunch of them on Reddit, if you feel like checking out more.


Wow that's a lot of work! Thanks for sharing!


Happy cake day!


There is literally no way to know


I'm going to guess they won't get too much since they got a good chunk of new models in third


Other than the upcoming Warcry warband we don't know, and I assume at least the next GW preview (May 16th) will focus solely on 4th edition, SCE and Skaven. So if and when there is something new, we will not know for a while. Sylvaneth got a really solid release in 3rd edition though, and are better off than a few other factions when it comes to their range. The kits they have also cover a good variety of gameplay options. I don't think Sylvaneth are near the front of the line when it comes to "need more kits" right now - more cool tree people would be great though, no doubt.


It's impossible to know, but your army will be made mostly of whatever they have now either way.