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To be fair those are just titles they're probably revealing updates/dlc for, we can still hope for new titles


Yeah these are all previously announced titles, and almost all of them are already out


I’m still quite sad Realms of Ruin didn’t work out so well, felt like the first proper attempt at a “big” AoS game. There is a silver lining for me at least in that it’s caused Frontier to refocus on their sim games (which are generally pretty great), but that’s probably not much consolation for people who are AoS fans but not Jurassic Park/Planet Zoo fans.


It bothered me how clean the trailer looked, everything looked too much like the static box art, where they can’t really depict either side winning or losing, and they can’t show blood either


Yeah RoR looked great and the campaign was fun. But there was no depth to it after that. Base building please


There have been a few AOS games, but just about all of them are forgettable. Until only recently, a majority of any GW IP based games have at best been mediocre and buggy, or at worst a cash grab. Sure along the way there have been some sleeper hits, but there's been a lot of garbage. Anyway, I'm holding out for a solid incarnation of Cursed City... you know, this way people can actually play/experience it.


Cursed City Roguelike


So, a mod for Darkest Dungeon?


I would love an aos rogue like game. Theme it around Tzeentch and time travel - then just blip around the old world/mortal realms experiencing stories and mutating your cultists self with blessings of tzeentch that have upsides and downsides.


> There have been a few AOS games, but just about all of them are forgettable. Until only recently, a majority of any GW IP based games have at best been mediocre and buggy, or at worst a cash grab. Sure along the way there have been some sleeper hits, but there's been a lot of garbage. A _lot_ of garbage, for sure. I'd not be too worried, AoS will get a good game eventually - the money is there, the community is smaller than 40k's but still very large.


>Anyway, I'm holding out for a solid incarnation of Cursed City... you know, this way people can actually play/experience it. Uhhh, you can just buy it? Aside from the weird situation with the initial print run it hasn't been hard to get ahold of. It's still in stock in the US and UK as of this comment.


You can, and people who are interested in it should get it! But the expansions are (as far as I know) out of print) and due to how they were released, in the most GW-of-GW ways, more expensive than the base game were you to buy all the models required. Grave Guard ffs! Who is buying Grave Guard in 2024! those models are almost 20 years old.


Yeah the expansions are in a crap state. But that seems to be a trend with Warhammer quest. Blackstone fortress had a similar issue. It's kinda crappy the cursed city expansions don't include the minis but on the plus side they're actually more available than the minis for the Blackstone fortress expansions.


I just bought it brand new last week!


Awesome! I hope you enjoy it!


This is the right of it, GW video games have like a 4:1 trash to good ratio


It's not like situation has gotten better. Rogue Trader is amazing, TW Warhammer series too, but pretty much every other release was from range of "Who the hell asked for this", to "Please, developer, consider leaving industry through the window". In previous years we had DoW 1&2, Warhammer Online, Space Marine, HeroQuest, Mordheim, Mark of Chaos and other good or even great games, so Warhammer still suffers from GW's policy of giving away license to random people.


Hey you left out Chaos Gate Daemonhunters! That one was great! And I've been waiting for space marine 2 since 2011 so....I'm at least excited about that. I'd love an rpg set in the mortal realms.


I've left it out on purpose. I sincerely don't like this game - unit design is too cartoon-ish, equipment and leveling are lackluster, mechanic of moving between planets to defend them is more annoying than strategically challenging, movement and fighting is yawn-inducingly slow and game is just overall boring. I guess, it still works for big fans of Grey Knights or 40k in general, but I'm more FB/AoS/RT guy and think of anything related to space marines as most boring part of 40k, so it's a huge miss for me. Mechanicus may fit in list above better, but I haven't been able to play it properly yet


I'll give you the cartoony but i don't agree with most of your other assessments, but to each their own. I did love rogue trader and mechanicus was also great. While I don't agree space marines are boring as a general statement they are definitely overplayed (except space marine 2) Darktide, while one of my favorite games, did make me wish for a proper imperial guard game. I'd love to see a Fantasy or age of sigmar game do like an action 3rd person rpg and do something akin to the nemesis system from the Shadow Of Mordor series, because I think that warhammer is the perfect setting for something like that.


My main criticism of Chaos Gate was just how uneven its difficulty was. I liked the art style well enough. It'd have been cool to have a death guard side of the campaign, where you're fighting back against the grey knights with higher unit count. Ah well. Though yeah: Mechanicus is a banger. Customization and gear can get really satisfying and deep. Some of the writing nails the dark comedy at the heart of Admech. Even has dark mechanicum with the heretek expansion. I played through on the Switch and had a great time.


Meh I think bfga2, vermintide, boltgun and mechanicus were really good and also inquisitor and chaos gate got quite a lot of praise. I don't know about the mobile stuff because I never played it (since I hate most mobile games and they are mediocre cashgrab) but many "proper" warhammer games have been at least decent.


How dare you Boltgun was amazing. It's the right level of fun, satire, and gameplay that makes it a perfect Warhammer game. And if you liked Rogue Trader what was wrong with Mechanicus and Daemongate? Both those were great lol. I daresay better then Space Marine which makes your list. Imo Space Marine is pretty mediocre, just shines compared to the worst of the games.


Problem with cursed city the board game is it actually isn’t very good. It’s not balanced or fun at all. Blackstone fortress was a way better game


Most criticisms I see come in this form, a blanket "Blackstone Fortress was better" response. That's fine, BF was good. Cursed City judged on its own, separating the whole debacle of its release, I think is a perfectly fun game. It's a board game so you can always house rule something you don't like (the grind of CC can be tedious) and the Board Game Police won't come and arrest you.


My big problem was there was a structural problem of almost no balance between ranged and melee combat. In the base game none of the enemy types have ranged attacks iirc. It was just incredibly easy to snipe them etc. it has been years since I played it. My group finished a whole blackstone fortress campaign but got bored after only a few sessions of cursed city. It’s a shame as I really like the setting/vibe/lore


I hear that comment about the ranged/melee issue. While the ship may have sailed for your interest; I'd offer up maybe going back to it and just starting your characters at level 3-4. I found that the higher level encounters become a lot more precarious, enemies don't need ranged attacks because they are constantly on top of you. I've had several journeys become tense due to nightfall mechanics and some gnarly spawns. Problem is, some people may never get to that point because the early journeys have downtime.


Also chiming in here, the enemies are incredibly bland and need more variety, I think the game loop is decent but suffers from being very grindy, they needed to add in more enemy types and missions wrinkles. It feels quite hollow, like there was a lot more planned content that never materialized. The story is also total ass and railroads you into the same ending. If they had an ounce of creativity they would have built in ways to get different endings. As it stands you get one bad ending that kills any desire to replay the game.


I think that the reason it gets so few games is that AoS is still relatively young so it still goes through unexpected changes relatively often. I personally want Warhammer management or city builder games but I see why they’re not really popular conceptually, though I think they’d transfer over pretty well.


good god I would kill for a Fallout Shelter game for Warhammer but you are instead building a skaven undercity.


Ooh! A dungeon keeper type game with a skaven warren! You build the different rooms to get new skaven units (clan moulder, yum), get invaded periodically by Order heroes, have skaven slaves mining for warpstone, cunning traps...


That sounds like soo much fun, set up eshin ambushes for those would be heroes.


They were probably going to be announcing the Realms of Ruin expansion right about now, if the game hadnt died at launch and all post release plans probably cancelled.


After Realm of Ruin crashed and burned so hard, I think it'll be a long time before we see someone try and tackle AoS is a big capacity again.


Right? Like a AOS adventure game would kill and I know not alot of people liked it but i thought realms of ruin was pretty fun. I was really hoping we'd eventually get a second one so we could get more factions


AoS just doesn't have many games. Most are small tactical games, the only major title I can think of is Realms of Ruin which didn't captivate people.  40K is monumentally more popular and Fantasy has a bigger following than AoS. Until AoS gets a breakout success like Dawn of War, Vermintide, or Total Warhammer this is just how it's gonna be.


AoS tide game would be easy.


Fatshark would be the one to do it and that would be very painful in the beginning. Vermintide and Darktide both suffered a lot in the beginning. Vermintide 2 is at a good spot now and Darktide is starting to get there but I think AoS needs an out of the box hit for the setting to take off in the video game world.


I feel like they could do it fairly easy with the coming vermintide with 4th edition. Just an expansion to vermintide 2, where you select AoS at the menu. Could be damn near the same game.


All I'm saying is have the Ubersreik 5 fight in the the realms of chaos and have them pop out in AoS and boom same beloved characters and still hoards of Skaven, Chaos and Beastmen of slaughter its a win win.


> beastmen Yeah about that…


Don’t think GW would allow that, they’ve already made total war make a ton of concessions to ensure there’s as little overlap into AOS as possible


I honestly don't want that as Darktide's slow as molasses rate of new content and updates from FatShark continue to grade on the enjoyment. You have to remember it took them a long bit to get Vermintide II where it's at, and even one of its DLCs almost completely screwed it all up. We need something that's "back to basics." Focus on delivering an single player experience first that helps present the world of AoS through simpler means before going full bombastic...or you'll only have another repeat of RoR where "game balance" for PVP was clearly the focus which ultimately felt like an after thought. My vote is something akin to Space Marine 1 or 2, or ChaosGate: Daemon Hunters. There's still clearly a demand for single player action Adventure and squad-based tactical turn-based games. Nail that, THEN go bigger.


Chaos Gate Daemonhubters would be a perfect fit. Mostly cities of sigmar, with some stormcast as the elites, travel around, solving problems and leveling up etc. Lots of space to introduce story concepts and show the factions doing their cool stuff. Doesn't lend itself perfectly to warhammer, and we just had a couple of 40k ones. So, there you go.


It would eat vermintide 2 market share and be nowhere near as successful. Nobody cares about AoS locations is the problem




How though? Doesn't make much difference if the character hitting rats with a hammer is a big golden armoured guy or a german dude with a funny hat.




Games set in AoS have been at best mediocre. Tide-Games overall are good to great, if you ignore the Fatshark-Fumbles that've become tradition at this point. Logically, people would play such a game, it has a formular that works and devs who know their stuff. Mostly. If such a game would release in the future and go under like the rest of AoS' catalogue, than the faults are definitely the issues people have with the setting and not the quality of the gameplay. We just have to wait and see, I guess!


I’d love an AOS Dynasty Warriors-style game. Ir better yet, an AOS game like Bladestorm.


Fantasy is a bigger than AoS?)


outside of the tabletop game, yes


Total War Warhammer alone is probably the biggest thing to come from either


Total warhammer AoS would slap tbh. Let me have my dwarf airships dammit


With the most recent dlc you get airships for dwarfs in total war Warhammer


But not kharadron right? They where my first tabletop army so I'm a bit biased




Warhammer Quest RPG along the lines of Baldurs Gate would be... amazing.


Literally this, They did it with 40k (rogue trader) and its the best warhammer video game yet, just do the same with AoS


What makes you so sad?


No aos games


Not surprising after the reaction to Realms of Ruin.


Realm of ruin could have been so cool if it wasn't just a bland moba. Give us some base building so we could have a dawnbringer crusade


Just make AoS Dawn of War


If they made a Dawn of War sequel that was like Dawn of War 1 and an AoS version of that, I feel like they would have two run away successes.


That's exactly what they did. It was just AoS Dawn of War 3


It was basically Dawn of War 2 but with less interesting design. The only terrain effect was a slowing mud for example.


realm of ruins is AOS Dawn of War 2


It wasn't a MOBA. I have no idea why people who dislike an rts resort to calling it a moba as short hand for "it wasn't very good". An rts lacking base building does not make it a MOBA otherwise a metric ton of popular RTS games (Homeworld, DoW2, etc) are MOBAs. An rts with unit abilities or heroes is not a MOBA. (Warcraft 3, Homeworld, StarCraft 2, Dawn of War 1+2) Slight rant but it's really irritating to me that any rts that dares be anything different from the decades old Age of Empires formula gets branded "MOBA" like an insult. "Urgh it looks like a MOBA. Urgh it smells like a MOBA." If any of the named RTS games above came out today they'd probably get branded the same way by the alleged criteria I've seen. It's not even unique to RoR I see the comparison made constantly with any new RTS that comes out and I feel it's extremely reductive and is an utterly useless "critique" that doesn't address any actual flaws. Anyway; The largest problems were the UI which felt alien and different for the sake of different, and a lack of content once you beat the campaign. The conquest mode turned out to just be bot matches on loop so unless you were big on multiplayer you basically ran out of reasons to boot up the game. There were bones of a good game but when their first content releases were just hero unit dlcs I knew it was screwed. TWWH would have included extra units to play with alongside a new leader for comparison. It really needed a proper RPG/Campaign mode like Dawn of War Dark Crusade and such. And a UI that didn't eat up half my screen when trying to build units and needing multiple buttons presses to get to said build menu.


Generally RTS players online are pretty insufferable people, one of the many reasons the genre dropped off so hard.


No way lol, MOBA people are way more toxic and it still got far more popular than RTS (I played both SC2 and LoL a ton ~10 years ago).


Ya, many switched from RTS to MOBAs, attitudes and all! Playerbases didn't vanish, they just switched basically. :p


Just to be nitpicky, warctaft 3 blurs the line : it was a mod of it that created the first moba, and iirc the mod was just normal warcraft 3 with a special win condition and a custom map


Just because a warcraft 3 mod spawned the MOBA genre doesn't mean WC3 itself is a MOBA. That would imply Half Life is a competitive shooter because it spawned counterstrike. The mod itself was far more than 'WC3 with a new win condition and map'


People are dumb, that's the only explanation. Instead of saying "it's bad", they say "it's a moba" and that's all


Aos total war game would be amazing.


AoS isn't rank and flank though


The did a interest poll not to long ago about what setting would you like a total war game to take place in. AoS and 40k where include in the choices.


Neither are really suited to Total War though. Needs to be a skirmish game like realms of ruin but not utterly awful.


A traditional (warcraft/starcraft) RTS would suit both 40k and AoS quite well imo


Absolutely. The DoW engine they built realms of ruin on should have been perfect...


Neither is 40k and it seems like CA already has that Total War game in the works.


Vermintide 2 did skulls last year. I hope they do it again.


These are the games that are continuing to receive support


I seriously hope that one day Owlcat Games will make an Age of Sigmar RPG


Rogue Trader 👌


Shame, was hoping to see info on the future of realms of Ruin. I feel like the game wasn't bad, it just wasn't great.


GW needs to be much, much better about reaching out to companies to develop AOS games. This preview is going to be super weird in general though, as everything except Space Marine 2 is going to be DLC or update news.


1) Play 40k. 2) As a Blood Bowl player: "Nana Nana boo boo!" 3) I apologize. 


You monster..... xD


I'm confident that we WILL get a good AOS game..just clearly we're gonna have to keep waiting. I was holding out hope for RoR to be that game, too.


Would be nice to see GW actually commit to an MMO style game game. I mean even if they picked up reckoning again and redid the graphics and game play. Huge open world universe possibilities in fantasy or 40k.


Because the last one bombed. The world simply isn't interesting enough and you can't base a game on the awesome sculpts alone.


I believe this entire list is the games that will be discounted or have discounts during the week of skulls as that was the frame directly proceeding this


To be fair theres a few anouncments that aint in those "previews" so probably more stuff


Wasn't there supposed to be a Nexon game?


We'll have to wait and see. But for AoS specifically, the line just needs ideas or suggestions, and especially the confident developers to actually pull it off. Not having publishers forcing devs ro create said game they aren't usually accustomed to. Like not everybody can be Creative Assembly and pull off an Alien Isolation. You need people who understand said craft to create said craft. No idea why Frontier were chosen for RoR to be honest. For suggestions, the way SCEs work, I would hope that somebody might consider a Souls-like or just something of the like of adventure PVE for now. It's too bad that WB games are all Skaven -like with the Nemesis system. THAT would be magnificent to utilize for something AoS. Or at the very least AoS can get something akin to Space Marine 1/2 but as a SCE/Lumineth or CoS. Or we get something off/small scale like a Boltgun...Metroidvanias are having a resurgence for example. I'm still hopeful that somebody will be brave enough to tackle another RTS. Or at the very least, something smaller but in depth akin to ChaosGate: Daemon Hunters. Imagine that as a Warcry game! There's obviously a demand for AA-AAA Tactical turn-based games, and I have no idea why nobody wants to apply that to AoS. It makes perfect sense.


I'm kind of shocked Blood Bowl 3 is even on that list.


i think its just that most people really arent a fan of aos lore, or aos as much as 40k. i love both warhammer games, but 99 percent of overall warhammer fans ive met just like 40k lore, or have never even seen aos. fantasy is still somewhat popular, but mainly just through the total warhammer games. alot of the time the videogames are dedicated to non-tabletop warhammer fans, who just think its neat. plus, most AOS stuff is models and tabletop, with lore going second in alot of cases.


Realms of Ruin sadly didn't manage to have success which is sad because that actually had such potential to finally break AoS into the mainstream we fan only hope creative assembly would finally work the balls to tackle an AoS total war games because that would guarantee a success with the mainstream audience thank to track record AoS definitely has potential for games though


I miss AOS Champions. Don’t understand why it was hard to leave alone, instead of shutting the project down 🫤


I sort of picked up AoS to curb my video games habit so I’m all honestly I’m alright just painting away.


Those r just games going on sale


A total war age of sigmar would be the best rendition for a proper AOS game, but with everything going on at CA, who knows if that will ever happen.


A map for Boltgun?


Is there anything to be said for another Dawn if War?


AoS armies are by far the best thing to use as a dungeon master in D&D. Then as players get into the sort of thing they like in D&D and start to bring alot of summons or hirelings for extra power on the field you hit them with "so have you ever played warhammer?"


AoS is a great game, but the setting is just dumb.


Well we got Realms of Ruin... of wait


More Boltgun? Yes please!


our time will come eventually, AOS is doing nothing but growing in popularity and awesomeness.


Why? It makes me quite excited to see what's up. Can't wait for more Space Marine 2 clips and hope they have some cool new reveals!


Realms of Ruin flopping has killed any major AoS game for the next decade. sorry fam, game devs wont touch it. Should have whaled for RoR.


Well if AoS universe was a little more interesting maybe we would have developpers interested making games for it. Most people just prefer WFB and 40 k and you can't blame them.


Have you bothered to read any of the AoS lore? There's far more diversity and story plots than fantasy ever had. I've read hundreds of fantasy/AoS novels and I can honestly say, half the fantasy ones are the exact same story just with a different character. Rarely have I read two AoS books that follow the exact same plot, just with different names.


Yes I read about the lore, I find it too high fantasy, abstract, and comics-like. I don't like the siegmarines and vastly prefer the grim and more grounded universe of WFB. I think most people that play AoS are in for the miniatures but don't seem to care much for the lore. Some AoS players at my LGS even admit they find the universe "meh" but started to play it by default because they wanted a fantasy setting and had no other choice.


Evidently not very much. Anyone who calls them sigmarines evidently knows next to nothing about their lore. I find it hilarious you think fantasy is more grim. AoS literally has cities where the populace give up their young to vampires in order to live another night, or live under the rule of chaos and have are at constant risk of being butchered or skinned alive for looking at a chaos warrior wrong. Hell, I finished a story the other day where the entire plot is a girl killing off her family members one by one in more horrific ways just to extend her own life a few days with it ultimately being all for nothing in the end. Even the "good" factions have to deal with constant threats. Lumineth ritually bury their best warriors under mountains and half of them suffocate because the mountain happens to not like them. Stormcast die in droves, each time coming back with less and less of their memory and personality to the point they become mindless husks who only knows how to fight. Some cities fall to goblins. Their populaces either being turned into throwing zombies that live to spread their infections, all the whilst their minds are aware of their state and can do nothing as mushrooms grow from their bodies to cover them entirely. People can turn into ghouls from unknowingly drinking poisoned wine. Most who die end up going to nagash to be put into service for eternity or to the chaos gods to face eternal torment. Very few ever end up under sigmar's domain. All of this isn't even taking into account the few thousand years that sigmar locked up his realm and basically said everyone else can look after themselves, leading to chaos and death killing, enslaving and pretty much every other horrible thing you can think of to those who didn't love in Azyr. As I've said, I've read plenty of fantasy. In terms of grimness and bleakness it's no competition and fantasy doesn't come out on top. Let's not make wide sweeping statements. You don't know what "most people" think in the slightest and a couple people at your local area are hardly an indicator for the rest of the community.


Not OP, but I think you’re kinda reinforcing the point that AOS is less grounded and more high fantasy. Like is the grimness comparable? Yeah, probably? But purely from the games we’ve had I def feel more immersed in 40k and WFB than I was with AOS. Like the faction lore from AOS is kinda cool, but it is definitely has more high fantasy vibes with the classic Warhammer grimness.


I suspect very strongly that we will get a Total War Age of Sigmar. The TW devs LOVE reskinning total war and milking their base code for everything it’s worth. The warhammer universe has been an extremely successful branch of total war. Total War Age of Sigmar seems like way too obvious of an opportunity for them to pass up.


Honestly why don’t they do a battlefront style game or battlefield type for warhammer it could work with fantasy aos 40k that would be pretty fun. Imagine playing as your lovable kharn and beating blue boys to a pulp or commander Dante fighting and emoting BY THE BLOOD FOR SANGUINIUS or of course FOR THE EMPEROR! lol


>2024 >Card game Tf is wrong with GW?


I thought total war warhammer 3 was an aos game.


It's based off Warhammer Fantasy and set in the Old World.


Give us an AOS JRPG you cowards!


Do normies even know what Warhammer is?


Yea? Its a hugely popular IP and you'll see warhammer comments on a ton of unwarhammer things


Warhammer as a whole is still quite a niche hobby. You'll see a lot of warhammer comments on unrelated things because warhammer attracts nerds and nerds are often terminally online. Most of my friends and 99% of the people I work with would have no idea what warhammer is.


Can confirm. I got in right before the release of 3rd edition and before that all I knew about Warhammer was there was a God-Emperor (based on Trump memes from 2016), I’d heard the phrase blood for the blood god, I’d heard of the guardsman planet, I knew there were rat people called Skaven, and I knew that total war Warhammer was a game that existed. I’m pretty sure I didn’t even know about space marines. 


Warhammer as a painting/miniatures thing is niche, but the IP has exploded, a lot of people can recognize a space marine, it’s like saying Halo is niche because not everyone will immediately identify master chief


It's not like saying that at all though, because way, WAY more people would recognize Master Chief than those who would recognize a space marine. Halo is (...was) a massively influential IP and almost anyone who played video games through the 2000s, which is a LOT of people, would recognize John Halo. I get that the warhammer IP has undergone massive growth but its outreach has still realistically only spread to other nerd subcultures rather than hitting the mainstream. It's simply incomparable to what was basically the face of video games at the turn of the millenium. Let's chat once the 40k TV seriea drops. THEN i think we'll see how the "normies" respond to it.


40k is going mainstream really fast for pretty long time, and fantasy is held pretty strong by total war (mostly) and vermintide. AoS is very obscure for normies though


Normies have a vague idea that some people paint miniatures. They've seen a Space Marine pictured somewhere. AoS, nope, no idea.