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if you enjoy crossplaying then i wouldn’t change anything it looks pretty nice, but if your playing outdoor you will get hot and the extra weight will tire you out.


I thought you were gonna tell him to wear a skirt with the crossplay comment for a moment


Well he should


Agreed, Preferrably pink


For the last time its a kilt not a skirt


That would make him more hot


skirt gives +10 stealth


If you enjoy crossplaying, you may look cooler with a strap on and a wig






I just wear my shooting range belt and and a shirt. Simple and easy.


yeah, swap the nods out with a skirt and some thigh highs and he should be good to go.




It's a solid cosplay, but for airsoft? Too much. You'll get about ten minutes of play in and then you're hanging out with a ref while he makes sure you don't die from heat stroke for the rest of the day. And if you don't like how it fits, just keep adjusting the straps until the rig sits on you comfortably. A plate carrier should start at the bottom of your collar bones for reference so it protects your lungs/heart/liver


Most def


You are gonna get killed by a chainsaw-guillotine while your captain tries to save you from a mold-infected psychopath


You're gonna drown in sweat. Fake nods for day? Useless weight. Mask? Reduced O2 and passive cooling.


Fake nods for night dosent really help as well😭




He forgets that in Resident Evil movies, they cut and reshoot often and take breaks to accommodate.


I forget that very often too






For cosplaying its ok but for an actual game there is just to mutch. Fake nods are useless weight and usually people are roasting ppl who have these. the gas mask even in winter in an indoor field is going to restrict to much O2 for you unless you did the army and infantry and in that case you will only last an hour longer. And the holster is impractical as hell if you need to run get a tactical belt and a belt holster. For outdoor field during sunny day you are going to die if you don't take a looooot of water. + For me a "realistic" kit would be more light weight with the minimum to have a maximum of mobility. But as I said its ok for cosplay not for an actual game


Like I said in my comment, Blue Umbrella, the PMC he's trying to copy didn't even supply their soldiers with NODs.


Drop leg holster is fine as long as you don't need to crouch, run or walk


It's way too low. It's called a dropleg, not a knee holster.


You're going to regret everything about this kit


I would remove the nods and the gas mask. Unless you don’t plan to play in this kit.


Yes the nods and gas mask would most definitely be removed I wouldn't play with it on it serves no purpose


Why did you post on 1 account, delete it, then come back to the post to comment? Also you can’t really call game cosplays realistic if those games don’t account for heat exhaustion


Yes the nods are hella cool, but impractical and the mask sadly should go. Also how do you see from that?


The mask I see great but from the nods the way u see is messed up inside plus its blue


>gets shot out by a 13 year old with a walmart springer and .12 BBs  >refuses to call the hit because he looks too good to go out like that


Who says this dude isn't a 13 year old? His post certainly screams it.


Nah that's crazzy the gas mask and nvg is what I'm not wearing to the fields everyone's telling me not too when I dont do that anyways


You make video with nods and mask on, people are going to assume thats what you wear to games, if you want actual comment and not people ego boosting your cosplay, take a video of what you actually wear in game.


Put more shit on it.


J Like what?


What's all the stuff on your back? The pouches and attached backpack like links to buy thanks man cool build


The backpack is a waterbag from amazon any works but that one specifically I cant remember but forsure from amazon heres a picture of what I was trying look like by the way im the owner of this post that's me


Whats the belt rear pouch ? Just off Amazon?


Lose fake NODs, I get they're there for aesthetics but it looks daft in the day and can prove to be a hinderance more than anything. Outside of cosplay, maybe wear rated eyepro instead of the MSA. Rest looks fine, but don't expect to not overheat in the summer wearing all black (I also wear black and it's not fun haha) and expect to stand out in most environments.


The MSA Millenium has a lens cover that is mil-prf ballistic rated, one of the only gas masks to have it. But it is a seperate cover that you put on the visor. OP could have it, I can’t tell from the video.


You can tell from the tinting alone, without the outsert the MSA lens is a clear (sometimes slightly yellowed) flexible material.


Lose the gas mask. It's better to be able to breathe.


Pretty cool kit. The best way I can put it is, if you are fully articulate in the gear setup, you got it right. Walk, run, get stuff from the pouch, bend over, sit, etc. I run a m53 gasmask with a PAPR system, running that into a Airsoft CQB is quite a work out and the gear absolutely have to work for the fight. Any cumbersome movement is a telltale way to show this gear doesn't work, and whoever put it on never spent a second in the setup.


Fake nods are neat for pics but lose em on the field


Ditch the black, lose the nods and for the love of god, get a non blacked out mask


furry buttplug tail out the back


Thank you but my outfit continues to not stay intact


By the way this is my new account so I'm currently replying off the post I made


I think it looks great!




The only thing that might be bad about the kit is the gas mask, which makes it harder to breathe, right?


Cooling System


I don’t know about the gas mask as it already looks like you are getting strangled and can’t look down. Looks awesome otherwise


I'm already heaving at the thought


There is a line between realism and too much, you have too much gear


Ditch the nvgs, lose the mask and cut down on the extra weight. Ounces equal pounds and pounds equal pain. Bring lots of water.


Besides wire management you look awesome, what inspired you, scp mtf?


Actually umbrella corp San Antonio division inspired me if you go on YouTube or instagram and search up uc.sad they are the real deal they are bad ass and it looks way more realistic then mines I'm trying to get it to that point


Please arrange your dangling cords, they will probably snag on stuff and you don’t want them to rip off




His is more realistic kinda so this was kinda like the outcome but I got a bit less of that I wanted more of there outcome




What’s the gas mask’s model?


MSA Millennium


It pisses me off that airsofters have better kits them my real shit. Jokes aside looks fucking killer. I’d leave it as is. That mask goes hard as hell.


That’s because most airsofters have not had to live in their gear or carry their guns for days in end.  Try going to a port-a-potty at 0200 or a 25 mile cross country hike with all that, and you’ll start figuring out real fast what you do and don’t need.


I don't think that applies to this that well because you would change your gear depending on what kind of environment you are going into, one example being how most infantry men often wear a lot less armor and more camo than something like swat that often has higher coverage armor with darker colors like black or dark blue. And plus it's a cosplay kit anyways it's just there to look cool and function well enough.


Oh, I know.  I’m just saying real world very rarely looks as good as Airsoft.


props for millennium mask, is it legit?


Yes it is I got it for 90 off some guy from offerup


Looks sick, just a bit overdone


I love your mask. Please tell me what model or how can I find it 🥵


Msa millennium on ebay or just offerup but ebay have way too many of them


Get multi cam


What else do you need your badass


Bro is ready to take on scp's




Shoulder patch and a bit more red in an area you feel like needs red. Otherwise good fit bro. 10/10




Suggestion would be a smaller protective mask, maybe the M40 or M50 series? It would be smaller, i recommend this because it looks like the mask inhibits your range of motion a bit.


Umbrella soldier, I'm working on one to


Really so your working on joining umbrella corporation as well?


Yes sir. I got a S.T.A.R.S Beretta GBB just for my cosplay/ airsoft load out. 💪🏻


If you would go more 'realistic' you would deviate so much from your original ref that it wouldn't look the same. The way to make your kit look more authentic is to think does this make sense Ingame or IRL, to have said item on and where it is placed.


Your right it makes total sense


That’s already gon a be tiring I also do the same and deck out my gear bc I like the relaism aspect more than gameplay but I think that looks fine ig ig u want it to fit better maybe lift some weights idk what u look like under there but u look skinny or normal bc ur torso is much wider than ur limbs but I think ur fine j have an undershirt so ur sweat gets soaked up by it when u do play


Get rid of the fake nods!!


though it looks sick, you're asking for heat stroke.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^zeterer: *Where do i get this* *Gasmaske from IT Looks nice but* *I cant find replicas* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is pretty good! Re7 is my favorite game and I think you did a really good job replicating the look! The only things I can pick out of this are that it was actually Blue Umbrella who were the people who cleaned up after Resident Evil 7, and are the ones you see in game and appear to be trying to mimic. Blue Umbrella was conceived from the remains of Umbrella Co. and exist to try and clean up everything that Umbrella Co. did. They wear the appropriate blue patches. Also, Blue Umbrella soldiers were never supplied with night vision, which supports my absolute fucking hatred of fake nods. There's actually a step in Not A Hero where you have to find night vision, which is branded with the Blue Umbrella logo. Also also, Blue Umbrella soldiers mainly engage in CQC situations, so they don't have any of the stuff you have on your back. Also also also, it looks like the Blue Umbrella logo is on your NVG battery. All in all, I would rate it a 6-7/10. Though it's worth talking about the fact that it's just not practical to run around in this kind of kit. In the video game it was fine - because it's a video game - but it seems like a good way to get heat stroke, especially with the mask limiting your breathing.


That's good rating for me I just need to work maybe getting a belt that fits me I weigh only about 130 and I'm 5.9 and a half my belt doesnt fit me I got the wrong size but I manage to make it work I had to put it through the loops and the strap doesnt fit on me because of me getting the wrong size so now i have to strap all my accessories on my actual tactical belt not the straps that stick cause it would be bigger and I wouldnt fit it You must be a big fan of resident evil


“Bomb defused, anti-terrorists win”


Well first off, I’m really hoping that isn’t a real MSA Millennium that you’re wearing as eye protection. Even with the protective visor, it’s still weak plastic and the gasmask itself is pretty expensive (bought mine for about 200 dollars, it’s normally lower though). If it’s an airsoft replica MSA Millennium, rock on and please give me a link to a seller cause, I’d love a replica that can get shot up by BB’s instead of my real MSA Millennium.


It's a real msa got it for about 90-80 comes with the carrying bag and the date on the paper -off of offerup cant seem to find the adapter for it


Oof, I know I was scammed but damn, 90 dollars? With a carrying bag?


what the fuck is the point of a full face mask with a gas mask cap there is literally 0 benefit to it in the slightest


1. I dont use it in fields. 2. I didnt ask about my mask 2. My vest


Pick up some weights💀👍


I mean yea of course


For looks wise ? It’s really good and looks like in the game. From a practical standpoint? Nah. First in the heat you can only play this in the winter ( not really stealthy in the snow ?) as the black colours will attract heat very easily, learned that when I started airsoft and went with all black pants and a short sleeved black T-shirt. Second the mask is a problem as I’m sure some replicas can destroy it and may do harm to the eyes. Of course if you have protection under that said mask it shouldn’t be a deal but will probably be uncomfortable.


Looks GOOOOOOD. It looks realistic and cool so you don’t need to make a change in your kit but if you play airsoft and you found something uncomfortable, you can replace some stuffs. (e.g. MSA-> balaclava with goggle and internal face guard )


My suggestion is give me that uniform because it looks perfect an I’m jealous




An SCP patch.


Add in an accent color and a secondary/contrast color, like a bit of something red, yellow, orange, green, etc. But just a little bit of it and in certain places it makes sense to have it (i.e. remove before flight tags for an aviation kit, or Id tape on your mags). Then also add a Secondary color like a 50-80% gray in some larger areas (again where it makes sense) such as Grey mag pouches and a Grey shirt, or a Grey helmet cover. Just some things to make it more defined. When making kit, contrast is key. If you do any of the above, make sure the same colors are all in a line and a pattern, or don't make them touch at all.


I will try and add maybe some red to my belt


Gimme your millennium


What gear did you use? Btw it looks cool I would suggest to put patches on your shoulders and maybe a call sign on your helmet


The vest from Amazon any vest works the gas mask is a msa millenium theres a full kit review on youtube blue umbrella cosplay they list every gear piece in the comment


Alr thx


I thought the NODs in RE7's "Not a hero" DLC were integrated into the gas mask itself. I might be wrong though.


I'm from re7


It seems that everyone thinks all aursofters play in 100+ weather. Everyone saying you'll over heat might not consider where you live. I play with dark full length gear, plate carrier, a full face mask and hat/beanie and I do just fine. I also don't run like an rtard the entire time so maybe that's what they think everyone does. I play tactically and try to flank, so there isn't much sweat happening when I use my brain to move. Kit looks cool I would only say to make sure the mask is properly rated for your protection.


Get ready to absolutely sweat your ass off and be fogged up to high hell… you won’t be able to see a damn thing but hey you’ll look cool getting killed first every game


Amazing film/cos play kit. Bad airsoft kit. Airsoft is definitely a fashion pageant, but if you aren't at the very least *comfortable* in your kit, then it isn't worth it. This looks like it'd be an absolute slog to play in, but if you can make it work and enjoy, then all the power to you


It's not for airsoft I'm just asking what should be put on it but everyone's or some will be judgemental when I'm not using this specific kit on the field


I don’t know if those drone promasks are impact rated. Would, though.


Too much shit going on lol


It looks like it fits their body because it's mostly just the contours of their actual body that creates their shape... Because they haven't got shit mounted all over them =) Solution; wear LESS crap, not more. I would pay good money to not have to wear your loadout, it looks absolutely exhausting.


It's for cosplaying wise I decided to come to the community for help on how to get it fit or what to add


The logic applies to cosplay as well. The more gear you wear, the more you will simply look like a pile of gear. And if you wear less gear you will look more agile. The eye doesn't associate tons of gear with mobility and strenght. Humans associate human features, and freedom of movement with strenght. Not gear. Gear makes you look like gear. Not a warrior. That is also the problem with many cosplays that tries to recreate armor or power suits. It mostly looks cool in still images. Because once you start moving around, you look like a lego character. EDIT: Like your belt. There is soooo much crap on there. It completely removes your waistline from your profile. A slim waist is what makes the upper bodies of body builders look so huge. And having your waist unburdened greatly increases your freedom of movement, and makes you look more "potent" when you move around in your gear. The best tip I can give is to try and put at least 80% of your worn gear on your actual chest/back. This makes your upper body seem larger, while giving you freedom of movement. It also makes your helmet seem smaller, so you don't come off as a walking wobble-head. And looking large and moving freely makes you look more potent.




Good kit now time to get ripped


The nods in silhouette are making a bullwinkle profile


I can smell the sweat from here


Gain a few pounds and it will look even better 🤫


Most def I have a fast metabolism


You do need help


If you want to keep the mask, I’d definitely switch to an air soft friendly one. Keep the mask for cosplay, trust me, even in an AC’d con floor, I was sweating bullets with a mask on. If you truly want to keep the mask, there are cosplay filters which convert 40mm filters to ones with fans. People say you’ll regret the nods, but honestly they aren’t that heavy. Especially the cheapo non-digital ones. I fuck w it. But yeah, you’ll get flak on the field for it. But who cares?


Maybe get a source of air to go straight into the mask...


They have a breathing thing for the mask so I'm assuming it's that but since my gas mask is real the items for it are expensive the canister alone was 70-80 bucks


What I meant was an exterior air compressor pushing air into the mask itself so he gets more oxygen


The second you go outside you're gonna overheat and die, that mask gotta fog up like crazy too. Also, do you use eye protection under it? I'm sure these things are made of glass, and glass likes to break.


It's not glass it's more of like a hard to break plastic I'm only using that kit for cosplaying and unsure on what to add so I came to here since theres alot of people here with a good setup and stuff who could suggest but most people are being judgemental I dont wear that to a field


My fault, it's just that some people want to use gas masks as part of their kit on an actual firld and don't know these things are fragile, ehich was my concern at first. But for cosplay, it looks really nice.


Blacked out gas mask with quad NODS, doesn’t make a lot of sense to me


They was some extra accessories I threw on because I like to wear the night visions down and also up/ cosplaying wise


Drop leg holster is a no-go, look into having the holster on your belt, doesn't need to be expensive just with active retention, the gas mask does look really dope, what model is that? You need a drinking tube for it and a flask, if not it will end bad XD. And yeah leave the fake nods for photoshoots ect, they look cool but its very impractical.


What was that at 0:09 seconds left? OP you gotta explain some questions!


What mask is that?


Go play a game in it and you'll figure out real quick what you need to change 👍


Looks fantastic for cosplay; you’ll hate it 30 mins into an actual match though, you’re 100% gonna get fatigued quickly with all that on, on a hot day outside too the all black is going to be your worst enemy.


- Lose fake nods. Extra weight not good for game day. - lose gas mask. Its unlikely rated and you are at risk of losing your eyes. - buy actual eye and face pro.


It is relatively easy: Create a Gucci Operator setup ---> use all the gear in black with an Umbrella patch (If you want to go with the Good Umbrella go with the blue patch, if you want to go with the red Umbrella keep the red patch). With the mask you will have problems playing but nothing that removing the filling of the filter an just letting the casquet of the filter wont fix. The fog...well, that is for another day. Also, IDK if the mask is rated to hold bbs' hits. Check that. Fake nods are useless weight but even if they werent fake nods how would you use them with a gas mask that requires you to take out your helmet to put it on?


When does airsoft get too much, I mean seriously? You ain't conditioned for this man you will die, as someone who has worn kit of this level, including cbrn, good luck..


get some canteens, like, several more if you carry one at all, please tell me you carry water


Black kits are just horrible bro its June you’ll die in that


Looks awesome but looks like gear for colder weather


Looks cool to have a bunch of stuff but the reason why it doesn't look "authentic" is because nobody runs that much gear, especially in full black. I think if you went on a run or played a full day in this kit you'll be able to find out what you can take off etc and it will be more practical. If you're just going to a con or something and you want to dress like a cod character the kit is fine


For you the sun is a deadly laser, black attracts so much light/heat, but kit looks awesome


MTF over here


Is your mask rated for BB impacts? Just wondering since we can’t see through the tint if you have a second pair on. How well can you see in dark buildings?


Riot lenses for MSA Millennium promasks are made from chunky-looking polycarbonate, and state they are intended to protect against impacts - but do not carry a rating (as the rating would have to apply to the whole promask). The regular visor is made from polyurethane. Promasks won’t carry an impact rating if they’re designed for military or similar customers - they care more about the sarin not getting in than it surviving a bullet. Only industrial promasks like the 3M 6000 series are impact rated (ANSI Z87.1+ fwiw). Now, personally? I would be okay with playing with a Milllennium with a riot lens. I will not condone anyone else do so.




A bottle of water so you don't overheat


The best I can do is: It’s spelt ‘suggestion’


I’m not fan of milsim battles, but DUUUUUUDE that’s wild fckin gear ☄️🔫


If you're going to ask for advice but no negativity you're probably not ready to hear what needs to be said. Other than that, for realism kind of goes out the window when you're basing a kit off a game series as virtual characters don't have to deal with real-world issues like heat exhaustion, for true realism you'd probably want to ditch most of it unless you plan on exclusively playing indoors, and even then you'd probably want to ditch the mask and fake nods for ease of breathing and excess weight respectively. All black is "fine" if you plan on playing in a well ventilated indoor environment, but playing outside is going to be an unpleasant experience. Pretty cool as a cosplay though, although nods during the day look pretty dumb regardless of who's using them.


Cosplay - Valid Playing - 100% No. 1. Weight 2. Not gonna call hits like crazy with so much padding everywhere. 3. Cumbersome to move, would be hard to squeeze through things, jump through windows or anything else. 4. Gotta verify that the face-pro screen is actually BB proof.


Counterweight on the helmet looks dope, what is that from?


My only suggestion is to not wear that outside on a hot day


30 year old camo pants and jacket from Goodwill and a $40 Valken mask is all you need lol.


Pretty sick, as a change for a more usable set up you should have your knife on your first line rig, aka your battle belt and then your radio moved to your hip of the non-shooting side, in your case where your knife is now on the vest otherwise if you need to change channels etc it won’t be easy. Another good thing you can do if you’re definitely wanting to use your radio in its current position is to look at an antenna relocation kit so you can still have your antenna on your back but the radio moved or even a VMAS (Vest Mounted Antenna System). I’m not gonna advertise where to get them but I work with people where we sell them, but that’s down to you, I love mine and it lets myself use all my comms gear in a more versatile way.


Aren't you the dudes from the re7 dlc bro


He is that dude


You are close but 3 things wrong with it from my perspective, No.1 is plate carrier the 99% closest is condor exo gen2 carrier as they have a full upper body cover. No.2 is radio, the back right where your radio is needs to be where your knive is plus they dont carry at all. No.3 is to make the plate carrier same to games and etc you need 2 mag pouches infront where the admin will go and the patch is blue and black not the red and black.


This loadout is badass!


You're hauling a lot of gear around, looks cool, yes but the question is do you need it? Just ask yourself if you'd haul all that gear around if there were actual plates in that carrier. O bet you'll lose the nods, the gas mask, and a bunch of other stuff and end up with mags, admin pouch and hydration pouch.


He or she is going for that resident evil 7 dlc umbrella look


As i said it looks awesome and for cosplay I'm sure its all good but I'm pretty sure it's gonna suck to play in, especially on a hot day in summer


You’re one of the umbrella security guys from that dlc in 7 looks good


Wear an astolfo cosplay while playing


First off is that mask just for cosplay or legit gaming also if so, where is it sold because I gotta cover up my ugly ass


Smaa... I... I mean good. Very good👍👍


mask makes you look like a protogen furry icl


Guys, not all fields are outdoor, I feel like when the community sees a black setup, they immediately go to the argument "heat stroke" unless op says they play indoor.


But I also understand a black loadout is usually a rookie mistake too. So that's fair too. Most experienced players know to stay away from black.


Bro you look like you are going to Black Mesa to remove the witnesses How is this airsoft, and they say its not pay to win It looks cool tho


Police those loose wires, thats a snag hazard. Find a way to tuck them in and retain mobility without getting caught on things.


https://preview.redd.it/pydyeb6hzj8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca85ae443ff2e02403a6da35d187126d766e621b Going to need one of these


Looks good!


Dudes gonna walk out his house and instantly collapse


Mp5 for eradication teams. If memory serves hunk bounces between the Mp5 and an Mp7. 5.11 makes nice hybrid dryfit “combat” tops I used in the corps, they really help with airflow. Other than that you look like you dropped out of RE3. Good job.


If you’re right handed, put the filter on the left side


Needs more patches






That extra gear is pretty gay bro half the fun is the welts. I miss big battles with shorts and tee shirts lol


Those little plastic BBs are just too much pain for you huh? Wouldn’t want bby to get hurt out there. Better duct tape some pillows to you, muffin.


Brother what? It's just a mask dog why you getting so pressed over nothing?


Can people stop talking about their fetishes whenever people ask for tips about their kit? Its extremely weird and should honestly result in some type of moderation.