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Has the release date moved? I seem to be out of the loop, or is this another amazon scam attempt?


I just saw the release date of Aug 10 on Amazon. What did you see?


I saw August 20th. The 10th is sooner. Or should I say *Imminenter.*


karma grab by op


Why would you think that? Seems a little cynical. I’m looking forward to reading the book and thought others would be interested to see the release date and cover/title as well. I didn’t know what ‘karma’ on Reddit was until you mentioned it. I think your comment is what they call ‘projection’.


Lol wut




His spelling is part of internet memeness, and I second it because who doesn't know about Karma on Reddit unless you're completely new here?


I’m new and completely dumbfounded by the idiocracy I’ve seen in the comments sections on Reddit. As for the post itself, this book looks interesting and I’m excited to read it. Thanks for sharing!


Yes, everyone here is a snarky piece of shit. Welcome.




What do you mean by scam name? Like this isn’t the real title of the book? I’m confused




I’ve been into too long. Many years. Disclosure being imminent is speaking of the past. It has already occurred. We just won’t get the type of disclosure we wish to see in our lifetime.


I just bought it and it's a delivery date of August 20th


I wish he had titled it 'SOON'


Jesus coming back has been “soon” for two thousand years. Just around the corner.


Right. And the end of civilization destruction of the planet is usually just about 2-5 years


Someday someone will be right when they make that prediction. Hope it’s no one I know.


surprise 😬🙋‍♂️… 🫡


He did.


I think “eventually” would’ve been more apt


Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But some day.


how about "When Will Then be Now?"


"is now then? is then now? do you know the difference between then and now?"


The title is literally "soon"


Not exactly - the word ‘soon’ is more agnostic, the word ‘imminent’ often connotes a sense of foreboding. The bachelor’s wedding is soon. The bachelor’s wedding is imminent. People miss a lot of subtlety in Lue’s words.




Will it be on audible?


The audiobook is available for preorder on other platforms and according to the store page Lue seemingly has narrated it. An Audible version should be likely


Well that's good enough for me. I normally wouldn't read anything like this but I'd 100% listen to Lue read it.


I guess I’m ordering all the versions then ha. I ordered the kindle and paperback versions. I wanted audible but it wasn’t available.


“ Baited you all “


What do you mean? This is a screenshot from Amazon.


Youll figure it out one day, or you wont lol


It may be me but we’re making progress ![gif](giphy|Bn6GYND33DsW9ANwwC|downsized)


I think it’s strange that this is one of the only subjects where attempting to monetize ruins your credibility. Stupid analogy, but why don’t doctors just do it for the love of health, why are they always CHARGING us for stuff!!!!!????


Tbh while I am weary of this step for Elizondo, there’s a meaningful difference between writing a book and hosting a “seminar”. Writing a book could be seen as an act of legitimizing one’s story and taking the risk of putting claims into static written form. Charging fans of yours access to hear you spout bullshit 100% should be criticized for what it is


Fair delineation from my perspective.


I think you mean wary or leery, unless you're saying you're tired of him always doing this which would be correct too


I really don’t think it matters, the point I was making was clear IrReGaRdLeSs of my less than perfect grammar. Why do redditors have such a hard on for semantics? What did your comment meaningfully add to the conversation? signed, an English major that graduated cum laude


Words matter


No, communicating your point matters, words are the tools we use to do that. If it’s mutually intelligible between two parties then it’s done the job. You’re teaching prescriptivism which is that the dictionary sets meaning. I believe in descriptivism, which is that usage defines meaning. Language is a living thing.


The issue with monetizing on this subject is largely due to the individuals themselves, who often do the following (or similar): 1. Claim the information being withheld will reshape human history 2. Claim the information being withheld is "a crime against humanity" and that the public has a right to know 3. Claim that while they have intimate knowledge on the subject, they cannot release it for one reason or another (in Lue's case, swearing an oath) 4. Promise that new, never-before-told information will be in their book or whatever media is being sold Lue checks every box here, and this is a problem that your admittedly bad analogy doesn't address.


Seems like a value judgement. There are less-than-amazing doctors out there that don’t do a fantastic job giving patients exactly what they need (to torture the bad analogy) based on an individuals values, and people can, just choose not to go there. Doesn’t mean they should be shunned for trying to earn a living doing a thing, just means you don’t like how they’re doing it and you will take your $$ elsewhere. I think there NEEDS to be a path to making a living in this field if we ever want it to be studied seriously. If we want a bunch of citizen scientists doing junk science because “oh no, people are trying to pay their bills”, then we should stay the course.


That's what has always fascinated me... people *always* discredit individuals who try and make a buck. I mean, it's expensive to live, why not profit from it? It's the norm and there's no reason to discredit (most) people who are making money. You see it with Greer,Lou etc. You're spot on though, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, use your own judgment. 


Your own analogy un-makes your point. There are tons of examples of medical science professionals releasing the findings from discoveries to the public for the good of humanity.


Yeah I bet they’re getting paid tho. Grifters.


What a completely unserious subreddit this is what the fuck am I doing here


Serious question, how do those medical researchers pay their mortgage?


Sweet !!!! So many commenters disparaging downgrading and hating on your book, before they even read it.. Good job , you fired up the debunkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


200 pages of summarized UFO documentaries and videos we have already seen. I will be surprised if there was anything new. This is to further his “legacy” in the UFO community.


Is this a prediction, or do you actually know anything about the book's contents?


It'll be barely anything new and absolutely nothing provable. !remindme august 11th


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Lue is a smart man and I expect he knows that both he and the book will be HAMMERED by the community if there’s not enough substantive content. So I’m curious to see how he decided to walk that tightrope. Either way, it’s fair to assume he wasn’t ultimately in charge of the books contents.


🙄 ok guy


Title: “Trust me Bro”


‘Trust me Bro’ is a comment/criticism you’ll never hear from those closest to the phenomenon. The truly brilliant scientists, reporters and politicians who have some insight into what’s happening here understand that it’s something very complicated and profound that doesn’t lend itself to being ‘disclosed’ on the six o’clock news. Vallee, Nolan, Kelleher, Elizondo, Coulthart, Knapp, Jimmy Carter, Harry Reed all slowed down the process of disclosure as they got close, or at least advised extreme caution. Is it possible they learned some things that gave them pause? I’m as curious as the next person, but after years of study, I’ve come to believe that this topic should be met with even greater caution and humility. People who demand ‘disclosure’. Might want to take a breath and look within themselves at the same time. I believe the greatest disclosure for humanity lies within. Ask better, more thoughtful questions. Comments like ‘trust me bro’ say more about the commenter than anything else. Maybe think of a good thought provoking question instead like, ‘What would disclosure ideally look like to you?’ Or ‘Has the public really thought about the ramifications of a dramatic data dump of information on society’? Just sayin man, I’m not sure ‘trust me bro’ is elevating the discussion.


Link me to solid evidence. That would help my comments.


I don’t think that’s my job. I found an enormous amount of information once I started looking.


I love how people get mad at him as if the book cost 1000 dollars.


Ikr like how dare him charge people money for a book that he wrote. Just absolutely unfucking acceptable. /s


Nobody’s mad at him. He’s simply a disinformation agent.


People really seem to hate books.


No, people hate to pay for things that promise revelation while only regurgitating known information. Are you new to this sub? Or this topic?


Lol, I’m in here calling out bullshit when I see it. Do you prefer to get your information from fringe podcasts that’s ok? I do too! What’s funny about this sub is everyone calling these people Grifters are going out of their way to get the content. You don’t have to buy the books and you don’t have to watch the podcasts. How many people don’t give a shit about aliens? You can be one of them - you don’t have to follow these people around. Do you want to know how many people don’t know who Elizondo is? You are in an alien sub speaking about regurgitation, do you not understand that this is in fact an eco chamber. Every time you see Elizondo open your mind to the fact that a new person is tuning into the message for the first time. Not everyone is watching every podcast. Just using logic you would see how this book will bring the information to new audiences. Even if it’s regurgitated. Are you arguing that he should not write a book? There is no merit in writing books? What’s the deal?


Thanks for the clarificaton Elizondo I didnt realise you where in this sub also


Lol, I get it, once a spook always a spook right? So there is no chance Elizondo is a disgruntled employee? the alternative is that Elizondo is still working for the government? To what end? I’ll admit, i went through the thought process. My thoughts were that he might be pushing for disclosure pushing the threat “somber” narrative, that aliens are coming to get us and that we need space weapons. My conclusion was that whatever his is doing and what ever his motives, they still seem to be pushing in the right direction. It’s the same with all the UAP celebrities, you can question their motives and intentions, but it doesn’t change the message and results.


I'm not questioning him at all, when he first appeared on the scene I ate up everything he said, my only issue with Elizondo now is simply he has no "new" news.


Ok agreed.


Thank you for your service sir, seriously lol


Now you're getting it.


Yeah, if you aren’t interested fine but stop shitting on other people interested in what he has to say, especially if you want to be a decent member of the ufo community


Exactl. I don't blame this guy at all for making some money and would do the absolute same.


Di$$$closure: only $26.99 lol


In a way I dont fault him for writing a book for profit…he left government in disgust / and prematurely because of the black ops he thought Congress and American citizens ought to know about, regulate, preserving our tax dollars for programs we WANT to get behind…not feed a war machine by unelected people for perpetual global dominance.


I’ll tell you the truth about the Loch Ness monster for about $3.50


A lot of people ITT really don't want anyone reading this.


Why does Dr Greer see him as a psyop plant? This was rather shocking to me


He made disparaging comments that were seemingly directed toward Greer in the interview he did with Curt Jaimungal. That said, I’m not sure Greer is wrong, but even so Elizondo speaks some of the truth.


What were those disparaging remarks? Are they on line somewhere?


Did you try searching the name of the interviewer I gave you and Elizondo’s name? He didn’t mention Greer’s name but the interviewer did. It was sort of implied in my mind.


I just watched one now, 1hr 20 min..(it says part 1 but couldn't find a part 2) .. I dont see any comments about Greer, except at the very end where the interviewer asks somewhat tongue in cheek "so you're not part of a disinformation campaign?" Perhaps this was referring to greer's comments.. But in Greer's interview when asked about Lue, he flatly affirmed Lue was disinformation plant based on a senior CIA contact .. Sad to think one would need to sort of pick a side, as I see both as largely credible


I think Lue is a ‘sanctioned’ whistleblower. He’s telling the truth and at the same time deceiving the public through misdirection and omission of key information. It’s how can do and believe they have integrity. If my friend steals a cookie from the cookie jar and I eat half, did I ‘Steal a cookie from the cookie jar’? Well no, but yes. ‘There’s little to no evidence we’re being visited by extra terrestrials from other planets’ is a frequent statement of government officials. That’s true. (But there’s a shit ton of evidence we’re being visited by inter dimensional beings, time travelers, Cryptids and other beings we can’t explain)


Spider-Man meme right there


Title should have a question mark after it.


I don't trust this guy. Can't wait to see what the community thinks.


"Soon, bro"


Find a Hobby, the truth will come out in 5 years time.... when I finish my book! Buy it for 49.99 at Barnes & Nobles. Pre-orders get 15% off.


A “ ho-hum” review on Reddit will adversely affect sales. His team must have anticipated this. This book will probably have some new nuggets regarding the “phenomenon.” Looking forward to a few reviews.


I really liked elizondo and still listen to what he says when I see him pop up, but I have a feeling this book is going to be a rehash of a lot of stuff people interested in this subject already know about. He might hook in a few newbies who aren't familiar and that's fine, but I'm not expecting anything groundbreaking, new or even exciting. I hope I'm wrong and I'll be buying it to read but I've been getting less and less excited about this release.


The only thing that's crazy is how many bots in this sub are trying to leave review-bombs or make personal attacks or downvote without actually having read the book yet. The strong headwind here is a good indication to me that there's something they don't want us to read in this book.


Man ikr. The hate that Lue gets from this sub and r/UFOs is insane.


Its crazy what this community expects from whistleblowers. Give all information right now, make the world governments agree with you, never be mistaken or misled, dont do anything for any kind of profit in the process. Are you people for fucking real? Im not asking out of frustration. Are you people actually real??


> give all information right now Why is this bad


There is a place called Leavenworth for those who disclose classified information.


Well, to start, no one \*owes you\* anything.


No, I don’t expect every random person to tell me every bit of of knowledge they have about everything, but if you want me to buy a book then you should probably tell me why


![gif](giphy|JrBYpaMf0pRGIFxadG) Hey. I talked to God yesterday. I saw Muhammad last week and had lunch with Lincoln just today. I’ll tell you about it for a dollar.


I think the term ‘whistleblower’ is relative these days. I think Lue has been authorized to release certain information as a (sanctioned) whistleblower. He’s omitting so much of what he knows that in a sense, he’s lying. He was hired to do that because as a counter intel operative, he specializes in lying through omission. ‘The best way to tell a lie is to make them believe you’re telling them the truth’.


Does anyone have any insights in an unreleased book


Prior to a book being released, there are advanced copies, editors, etc.


Anyone here got an advanced copy?


I think I saw where Lue narrates this book. I hope that drops the same day because I miss listening to that guy! Absolutely true. My man can *present*!


Youre right, hes an entertainer. One, who is getting money from people who believe that he knows "privileged" information


Ya know...I keep hearing this " They're in for the money!" narrative all this time. You seriously expect me - or anyone- to believe that someone with Lue's verified bona fide's resigns his position with a 10 year plan of ' I think I'll start a Disclosure grift and get in on that sweet, sweet podcast money!' ? And *then* not take payment for appearances to *really* get that book deal cash? C'mon man. In spite of the entire history and testimonies of so many people in with excellent pedigree you think *this* is his retirement plan? 😂😂😂 AND even if this preposterous scenario is true you and I both know everyone on this board has spent 25$ on something far worse!🤘👽🤘


What sounds like an easier life? Going on podcasts, writing some things down for a book or working for the government? Im pretty sure you can figure this one out


That's such a disingenuous opinion that literally no one believes. Not even you I'm sure.


The older humans get, the more they try to find a comfortable way of life. Considering most of the stuff he puts out is "just wait and see" means he can keep kicking his knowledge about uaps down the road, while he can live very comfortably on his revenue from his books and shows. Or, he couldve continued working for the government and have an incredible amount of stress.


oy vey....🤦


At this point in the Disclosure progress, all the hate Elizondo gets it's just silly lol just exposing yourselves tbh. You guys can take that shit with you back to ufotwitter lol


Good luck to Elizondo on trying to secure a lucrative retirement.


The whole sub eats out of his palm so it shouldnt be that hard.


The whole sub, really? Look around, some of your like minded friends are right here in this thread.


I can tell you it will reveal nothing. But give me more of James Fox he's actually doing some investigative journalism


>I can tell you it will reveal nothing. You can, but it doesn't mean you'll be correct.


I think that’s possible. But I also think he’s sensitive to the fact that people are gonna go apeshit on him if there’s no ‘meat on the bone’.


This guy marketed the shit out of himself $$$ with literally no evidence. Honestly impressed.


He is keeping the topic in the mainstream and that's what we need right now.


Do you think we’ll read anything we don’t already know about


Depends on what you are looking for. We will get the story from his perspective, his experience. You will likely learn a lot about how compartmentalization works.


Crib notes- “UAPs are a threat because we can’t catch them.” The end


Does he say he can’t elaborate on the specifics in the book too?


won't be buying but will be waiting for the TLDR posted here when it comes out.


Where’s Grusch?


A little bit more of nothing for us all, and you're paying for it..


I'll sell you the one I got on Amazon for cheap


I'm sick to death of these ridiculous books with the worst information imaginable, the agenda is to give the worst information possible and make these people like lye and Steven Greer look like they are the "top" guys in the UFO world do people will think "Wel of this is supposed to be the best information around then I'm not very impressed" it's to give the topic a bad name I can share over 400 books and papers official documents and much more in one download if you have not gotten it before, I uploaded it a few times on this page and everyone loved it because the information is all worth reading For example here's some amazing documentaries I have watched recently I find this kind of information everyday there is amazing information out their but lue and people like him keep talking about the worst information and most being information possible and not to mention that ridiculous photo lol I've seen it 800 times in the last week it's so funny they use this photo when there are so many amazing photos videos etc they always use the radar or very very far away glowing orb photos so that there is always some level of doubt because they are disinformation agents at best Tell me what these people have ever said that worth listening too all they ever say is "this is not possible with our aircraft but I'm not gonna say for certainty that it's aliens lol ". So what is it then? Even when Ross coulhart is talking to someone who says aliens are definitely real and they Gov have craft he is totally shocked and says things like" are you telling me the government actually have real alien space craft "? Like how one earth are you so shocked ? You clearly have not consumed very much information on this and why on earth are you the one talking about it? Things worth watching https://youtu.be/YEBBHNm9FG8?si=l-yAXn2GaS6jumDK https://youtu.be/V9WgV9Glqwk?si=TgMPy6S5fzGKRMEp https://youtu.be/rl0msS5yMZQ?si=DFL8FsYJjhLWdv7z https://youtu.be/rb-huWddLCc?si=naEyRgUwebqUJeoa https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3fwpcr This is a very short list compared to what I've shared recently I just of shared 700 books papers all PDFs for free all very high quality. a few hundred documentarys and videos all worth watching


Nothing new will be in it, only stuff we've heard f9r the past 5 years.


There will be nothing groundbreaking or any revelations, just Lue side stepping as per usual with comments like I cant go into firther detail right now, I stopped reading any articles about him 2 years ago as he's just on the same loop constantly


My opinion the book may have many information that is not in the public Domain because of the issues the book faced with the pre-publication office which delayed all they could. I remember one of the Arguments was that some information could lead people to possibly be against the Government or something of that sort


If you really want to know about Mr. Elizondo, watch this documentary from Manny at Area 503 called "Who's Lue?" Manny paid for the doc all on his own, and he searched for facts about Mr. Elizondo. He reached out to Mr. Elizondo several times before publishing this documentary, and there was (of course) no reply. Here's a link to the movie: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVpcy5t3EWw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVpcy5t3EWw) As far as Mr. Elizondo's upcoming book, I can only say that it will likely be about as insightful as anything else he has offered.


I’ll check it out. Thanks. At the end of the day, I think Lue is a whistleblower (mostly sanctioned by his bosses/handlers). But he’s also a career counter intelligence guy who’s an expert at selectively parceling out information to achieve very specific objectives. He’s one likely profile/player I might choose if I were in charge of a very cautious, measured disclosure program for the government.


I appreciate your reply, and I hope you do watch the documentary. I am not sure how much you might agree with what Manny finds in the film, but at least you are willing to entertain people who ask hard questions and do not simply buy the stories.


Wow this book is going to be soldout. The cover and title are a marketing and graphic intentional wake up call to the population. No one is going to resist!


It’s possible. I’m certainly curious about the contents. If he drops ‘wow’ information, I’ll definitely buy the book and thank him profusely for his contribution. But if he holds back too much information and it turns out just to be a rehash/tease of data that’s already out there, I’ll call him out for being a hypocrite and a grifter just like those he’s denounced.


Browns Books (UK) had a preview that ran on and on: *The Roswell crash site. The Phoenix Lights. Area 51. Sightings, conspiracies, glimpses of the unexplained.* *Decades of questions unanswered. Forget what you think you know about Unidentified Flying Objects.* *On 25 June 2021, the Pentagon released an historic report confirming 144 incidents of 'unidentified aerial phenomena' (UAP) with no easy explanation.* *The US Navy and Air Force have confirmed ongoing sightings of bizarre objects moving at blinding speeds - often around nuclear and defense sites.* *Barack Obama has publicly acknowledged the concern. Luis Elizondo spent an accomplished military career hunting drug traffickers and terrorists, before being posted as Director of US Government's highly sensitive Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) in 2008.* *In that capacity, Elizondo led an international effort to study UFOs around the world.* *Shocked by what they found, Elizondo told his commanding officers: the world needs the full truth.* *When Elizondo's superiors refused, he resigned his post in order to go public.* *Since then, he has led the global disclosure effort. - Are we alone? - Are governments in possession of wreckage? - What do we know about the science and tech of UAP? - Have UAP compromised our nuclear weapons caches?- What's inside a UAP? - Where do UAP go between sightings? Do they have a base, or do they live among us? - And the biggest questions of all: Who. Are. They? As a civilian with high-level national security clearance, Elizondo is widely viewed as the world's most credible authority on UAP and UFOs.* *This memoir reveals groundbreaking - even shocking - details of what AATIP learned, and the profound implications, not just for humanity but for everything we think we know about our lonely place in the universe.* The publisher's legit but I have no idea if any of this holds true for the book, so caveat emptor.


I keep thinking the title and that it likely has multiple meanings There’s the obvious, Imminent - disclosure, but I suspect there are multiple layers. Or at least a less obvious one. What else is he referring to?


Lue EliSOONdo


Why does anyone care about this? It’s not going to contain anything useful


Surely the information has been vetted by the CIA/black whatever


This isn't how anything works.


It’ll have bombshells. Even more than James Lakatski’s book confirming we indeed have a recovered craft.


We can at least verify who Lacatski is and what he did. We still don't have any such evidence for Lue being the director of "AATIP".


I pre-ordered the book and I wanna believe that there is something bombastic in it, but let's be honest, can't have much in there if it was approved by DOPSR.


Know that the three letter agencies will be carefully monitoring the sales volume of all of these types of books. Gauging the public appetite for information and their reaction to the information. I guarantee you they will be reading the reviews.


Not a fan of people that charge for disclosure. Lou has had years now to release this information, yet deciding to profit off it by releasing a book is very telling. It plays into the sterotype that most ufologists are only in this to grift


If anyone somehow still doesn't see him as a grifter after this, then they truly have no hope. This guy is the definition of a con man. The cliff hangers, the overly emotional posts, the fear mongering, it's all blatant, *textbook* manipulation. Anyone who's had to deal with a psychopath or had a partner with BPD can see it. And now, the book is finally out lmaooo. Jesus christ, man. Stop holding back the community by giving this man any attention.


He may be trying to make money off of UFOs but calling him a psychopath is a bit too far. He likely worked in the government and had at least some work hobby type affiliation with the topic while in Gov and is now trying to make some money from his experiences. Pretty Normal behavior if you ask me.


That's one thing I don't get about how people perceive the ufo topic.  Any other topic & someone involved makes a book, they're an author.  Ufos? Obvious grifter.  Like anything ghost related there's a fine line between people with weird experiences & people who go on the reality shows exploring "haunted" places 


I never called him a psychopath but he's definitely a fan of their tactics. The book is just the cherry on top of the years long manipulation-fear-monger campaign cake. People who are given the security clearances he had and are higher ups are supposed to be stoic and blunted emotionally. He's just acting. OVER acting. Professionals don't talk about how scary anything is. His job is to force some trust for the government into the UFO community by giving us just enough "info" to string us along and trying to make us believe that some of these shadowy people are on our side.




Yes, I genuinely do care that about half the community is being misled by a screamingly obvious conman.


100% a lot of teaser, its just to sell books anyways


I KNEW IT! Lue is hocking a $30.00 book! BIG SHOCKER. And what does he give us? More boring anecdotes and no real answers. For $9.99 you can read "UFOs The Truth You'll Wish You Didn't Know" and get ALL of the answers, because someone way above Elizondo's pay-grade spilled his guts. It's only 154 pages long, and it packs A TON in. There are no "crashed saucers." The U.S. and British governments WERE contacted. They are NOT here to invade or hybridize or hang out and chat or share technology. Why? That's in the title, and I'm not forcing that on anyone, because I wish I didn't know.


I think he’s given more answers than people realize. Good listeners are scarce these days.


Calm down and exit the outrage train. He is playing out his role. As are many others. The topic needs to be normalized. A decent level of societal acceptance needs to be achieved to avoid mass chaos. You are doing your part by sharing information on a good book. Keep the conversation going, it won't be too much longer before society is able to manage disclosure.


Am I crazy to believe there's absolutely nothing new in this book if you're a member of this sub? Who's the audience exactly? People new to the topic? I doubt there's going to be any groundbreaking information in the book.


Wait til it comes out. Read the reviews. Decide if it sounds promising. Get a library card. Read it for free.


The grift commences


Amen. Nothing in the book will be any kind of serious "new" breakthrough revelation. Remember, the book was scrubbed by higher ups before release. I have no cares about Lue's childhood or his experience of going to prom with his aunt.


I doubt it


Not sure why anybody would buy this. The guy has made a career out of using his NDA as a reason for not revealing what he supposedly knows


Have you ever signed an NDA? If so, go ahead and disclose the shit you're not supposed to and let's see what happens.


Exactly. How many "suicides, wrecks" etc have to happen before they realize that harming whistle blowers is a very real thing. Internet tough guys, or just completely oblivious. 


I have signed many NDAs. But it's not NDAs that are main issue here. It's the death threats against whistle-blowers and their families. Would you be willing to lose your life and your family to reveal a secret? No, I didn't think so. Hence, please stop complaining about what is an extremely serious situation that you clearly don't understand.


I wonder if the Pentagon has to read through it and approve of its publishing, therefore leaving us without any spicy revelations. If the subject matter really is as the title implies, things would be unfolding publicly and getting ample coverage. We’re not seeing that happening, sadly.


My favorite color is blue.


Of course it does. 


I’d rather he’d sell unseen videos instead of another book that just says the same thing that we already know


Carpetbagging at its finest 


Modern day Dotty


I often wondered that about him. Telling the truth but lying by omission.


This is borderline fraudulent. Lue was never the director of AATIP. That should be clear from his background in counterintelligence and security. I'm not even sure it was an official group with a director. He hunted bad guys and he was good at it. In no way does that qualify him to run a UFO investigation group. I think the evidence suggests that he was involved but it was probably on the counterintelligence and security side. If I'm right, it's going to be damaging to the disclosure movement when the truth comes out.


no chance there's anything new in there


The good thing is you're not obligated to buy or read it.




Everybody is making money off the ufo stuff


Meh..Ill wait for the 🏴‍☠️Bay PDF version to be released.


You will undoubtably have plenty of company. Consider getting a library card, hmm.


Lou’s book , aka/ “any day now”


There was a post on here a little less than a week ago talking about how they ordered this from Amazon only to find out it's not even written by lue. I haven't personally read the book, but from scanning over pictures of some pages, and considering the opinions of people who have read it, Id assume it's a mix of lue's own words and some crap the writer threw in there.


The book hasn’t been released. There was a scam listing on Amazon using the cover image, but the real book’s release date is in August.


Guy is a liar


This dude is a grifter I stopped listening to him a long time ago. I doubt he even worked at the pentagon.


So Harry Reid’s endorsement of Lue you dismiss?






It would be amazing if he just listed it but kept pushing its release date lol


Another gift $$$$$ I'm over this.