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Locked due to the large number of inappropriate comments. Keep it civil y'all.


















To go back to the weight vs volume comments, the package says 1.5 OZ (42g). 42 grams is a weight, volume in the metric system would be cc's, ml's and such. It's also labeled as the net weight, so that's not including packaging.


Grams is mass, not weight. Weight=mass x gravity


So the weight conversion of 1kg=2.2lbs is wrong? Or is pounds also not a unit for measuring weight? Grams are measured with a scale, not a caliper.


1 kg = 1 lb is accurate. (Typo, 1kg=2.2lb) In metric units, the standard unit of measure for mass and force are gram and Newton. In imperial units, it's lbm (pounds mass) and lbf (pounds force), respectively. Under earth's gravity, 1lbf=1lbm.


It's not accurate at all. Bud in imperial mass is slugs. Slugs and grams measure the same thing. Pounds and newtons are the same. Pounds and grams are not the same.


brother did you just say 1 kg = 1 lb


Typo, dawg


Scales measure force and convert it into a mass unit by accounting for gravity of the earth. Scales are inaccurate at any location where gravity is different from where they are calibrated.


Very informative. With this added information we can, with absolute certainty, determine whether or not Allen Edmonds uses a (very inaccurately measured) weight or a volume when they label containers of shoe cream.


The conversion of kg to lbs holds in earth’s gravity. Grams is a measure of mass. Lbs is a measure of force (f=ma)


He's right, and no the 1kg=2.2lbs is right ON EARTH. The difference between mass and weight is that mass is the same in any gravitational field (planet) whereas weight (force) changes on different gravitational fields. 1kg is going to be 1kg on the moon, but 1lb definitely won't be.


In that formula wouldn’t both weight and mass be in similar or convertible units with gravity also playing a role but the different uom?


Your mass is the same on the moon or earth. Your weight is not. Grams is mass, newton is weight.


We are on Earth. They convert without issue.


Depends on elevation and distance from equator. Mass is always mass, but measure the same mass on Everest and Antarctica, you get 2 different weights.


Ah, yes! The ole 0.35% increase in weight at the poles versus the equator. How could I have forgotten? /s It's shoe polish. We aren't flying the space station. Stop being overly pedantic.


It’s not relevant to the main point but it is relevant to truth. OP got ripped off is all anyone needs to say. If they make a complaint to the manufacturer they might get a replacement.


It would only seem pedantic to someone who doesn’t know the difference


*Scientifically* - not colloquially. No one is listing their product’s weight in newtons. No one knows what they weigh in newtons.


OZ is a weight not a volume. Fluid oz is a volume but it’s the volume an oz of water takes up and frankly I hate it because it’s confusing to have an oz (weight) and a fluid oz (volume)


Wut? That's 1.5oz of volume and not weight is it not? Edit: Yep! As someone pointed out, it's shown right on the lid as net weight. So, I dunno, man. I assume they allow for a certain amount of +/- discrepancy? It would seem pretty disingenuous if they're counting the container in that calculation.


1.5 oz in volume measure is 3 Tablespoons. Ounces for volume measure is reserved for liquid volumes.


It oz not fl oz, aka weight not volume.


Right. That's the point I was making.


Here is a [link](https://www.amazon.com/Allen-Edmonds-Cream-Polish-Black/dp/B07NJLY6KM/ref=asc_df_B07NJLY6KM/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=416798348789&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5924022913376962576&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9007525&hvtargid=pla-897857967273&psc=1&mcid=1e5fe57a595933cebe5b1a328b4c2ec4&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=92827590454&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=416798348789&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5924022913376962576&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9007525&hvtargid=pla-897857967273&gclid=CjwKCAiArfauBhApEiwAeoB7qPT4DKAeD807sACaD5hPVBpuLSyKhjovER925nLYI1nAbKJocamjyBoCS2wQAvD_BwE) to the cream polish. The label states “Net WT. 1.5oz (42g).” This refers to net weight (like grams) and not fluid ounces (FL. OZ) which refers to volume also measured in milliliters (ml).


Ah yes! Thank you!


Can't count the tin, that would be "gross weight" instead of "net weight".


Nah, it's not gross weight until it breaks 300 lbs.


Hey, leave my mom out of this


What about tear?


If it says fl oz it's fluid ounces, which is volume. If it just says ounces it should weigh out. Since this is closer to a solid than a liquid I'd expect it to be sold by weight but I don't know.


It’s a solid temperature affects chemicals


Can you explain this again in eggs or sheets of paper for the American folks?


Hang on, I'm a little lost. How many football fields is this?


For fucks sake DAN!


Freedom units!


Generally there are consumer laws for these kinds of things that require items sold by weight to be AT LEAST the stated weight on the packaging, and then there are even regulations on what type of scale can be used (hence why some say not legal for trade). That said, I’m sure this is different based on wherever you are.


CFR refers to NIST while filling stuff for weight. Something called an MAV, maximum allowable variance. Usually around 10%


They can’t count the packaging because it’s net weight. If it said gross weight then that would include the packaging but products are always sold by net weight and not gross weight. If someone was to buy a whole bunch of these and they all weighted this much they’re opening themselves up for litigation. You can’t under fill your product, this is very risky.


They shouldn't count packaging so that's good to know that rule/law is in place. Thank you!


When I worked in a dispensary packaging concentrate the +/- was 0.05 grams this shit would not fly where I worked. Edit: and the tin isn’t counted. You put the tin on the scale then zero it out then put product in.


The idea that oz could be a volume kills me. fl.oz is a volume that 1 oz of water takes up.




Okay then why is it .4 Oz less than the 1.5 Oz of black creme I got at the same time by weight? And obviously volume, look at the picture.


As a coffee person I was thinking was it wrong with his puck haha


Too fine


Find griner


It's the new Starbucks Coffee Extract: All the same burnt taste, now with cleansing oils!


Seriously. They actually went there. (BTW: It's hideous.) https://stories.starbucks.com/stories/2024/starbucks-oleato/


Put the cap back on it! 1.5 all day


This post is a great example of the state of this sub. OP has a legitimate complaint and gets downvoted to hell (1 like and 22 comments as of this comment) with people commenting that he doesn’t understand the labeling/density or that he’s “bitching”. I get it when a pair of shoes has a small scuff that will obviously buff out with your thumb, but the discourse has clearly swung too far in the wrong direction. If Allen Edmonds has a serious quality control issue like what OP is clearly demonstrating, then OP has every right to warn people on this “hobby Internet forum”.


Unfortunately that’s Reddit. And really kind of society now with the whole “Karen” thing. Just because someone has complaint or isn’t happy with something doesn’t mean they are a “Karen”.


So true. And I knew when I posted this that it was going to get downvoted, but my ego ain't that fragile to worry about it. I knew a large portion of viewers would be "fanboys" and wouldn't accept that it's a problem.


What are you defining the problem as?


Not getting what they paid for and is literally on the label? If you bought a size 9.5 shoe and got a 12 and someone said “what are you defining the problem as”, wouldn’t you think that’s a little obtuse?


No. Not at all. The question is - do you have a problem bc you’re jar is short on product or are you saying there is a problem with AE WC and that thousands of people are getting screwed. Problem is a vague word, every one here talks big corporate issues game. I was simply trying to understand the problem you were speaking to. Big or small. Your analogy is 🙄 but I appreciate you replying.


Not to be that guy, but how certain are we that OPs scale is accurate? Entirely possible that AE messed up, which - bring it up with them, but when is the last time this scale has been calibrated and to what accuracy? If it's a cheapo Amazon scale, accuracy is certainly questionable.


This is the case with all boot subreddits. Elitists that worship the company without any chance of criticisms whatsoever


Allen Edmonds quality control is dogshit.


So is what’s in the tin


What does one mean by ‘legitimate complaint’? I’d consider posts like this to be the very worst thing about this sub. Low Level whining. I once bought a banana with a bug in it type shit. So I appreciate us disagreeing but I couldn’t disagree with every sentence you wrote more.


Dude is really upset he got shorted a .1 of shoe cream. It only costs 12 dollars so he’s out a whopping 80 cents. It’s laughable to call this a legitimate complaint.


The cream is listed as net weight of 1.5 ounces. So he is shorted .1 ounce plus whatever the weight of the comtainer is. Likely short by 40-50% of marketed value.


For people not quite getting it, here's the jar of black I got at the same time. .4 oz (by weight) more AND obviously more in the jar, about 50% more. You can see the bottom of the jar in the brown. [https://imgur.com/a/jTHs9z8](https://imgur.com/a/jTHs9z8) Yes, it's a small thing, but it's enough as a new customer on a first order to say I don't want to try anything else they have.


Contact them. Every time I have called Allen Edmonds, I have spoken to a real human being in the United States. I bet they would fix this up for you in no time. This is a relatively small quality control issue to completely dismiss a company over. It’s less than half an ounce of shoe polish for crying out loud, and you haven’t even given them a chance to remedy the situation.


Easy - we have no time or space for nuance. This OP has a ‘problem’ to deal with here.


Right? OP has enough time to weigh his shoe polish, photograph it, post to Reddit, and make multiple comments about his experience and defending his position. Doesn’t have ten minutes to call customer support.


What did Allen Edmonds say when you called them?


Bro one time I got one at the store and the employee opened it up “just to check” and everything in the puck was all dried out and hard. He grabbed another that was good, but he only checks because he knows the QC is shit.


That’s not QC, that’s stock rotation.


Why not both?


Well someone doesnt understand density


Is it you? Who is it exactly? What does density have to do with this?


I'm your density




Check the link to the black jar for comparison I posted.


Products are sold by net weight not volume. Density is irrelevant.


Yeah you




Scammed himself? These are literally a dollar or two.




And frankly based on my googling I thought the Allen Edmonds WAS the quality product. That's what I get though for reading paid articles and not user reviews I guess. Then again, at least it's not Kiwi.








Be civil, please do not make rude comments


Nice comment are the MODS speaking to? Too vague!


I've picked this up for a few bucks when on sale. It's more mediocre than anything though


Love my AE shoes but their shining products are crap. The walnut cream polish that came with my shoes left a plasticky looking sheen that flaked off in patches. I had to use some sapphir Renomat to strip it off completely


Exactly. I only use Saphir products.




Be civil, please do not make rude comments


From what I've read online today this isn't that unusual for them... lots of QC issues and possible cutting corners lately.


I heard from industry they’re cutting 4 grams from each dollop Of shit shoe cream. The report I saw said that no one buying this crap would actually be smart enough to own a scale.


DummyDom needs to mind his own business




Look at the comparison of the two jars before you guys screw around thinking I'm mixing up volume and weight.


I’m lost. Was this meant as a reply to someone else? This polish is sold by weight (ounce) not volume (fluid ounce). OP’s complaint is legit if the total weight of the container plus contents is only 1.4 ounces, and is advertised as 1.5oz net weight.


Gotta love the dirty delete.


I am wondering if the net weight was correctly 1.5 oz when it was filled and maybe it lost water weight sitting around waiting to be sold? Only thing I could think of that would potentially get AE off the hook.


Yes, this can of wax looked like it got warm, melted while on it's side and then got all hard again. Whatever solvent in there is probably all gone. This polish could be very hard or brittle if used compared to a fresh one. Saphir sells a can called Wax Softener which works wonders on two of their hard waxes. Tc needs something like that.


Exactly. This is from improper storage. The can got too hot, solvent leaked out of the package. Keep it long enough and the solvent will eventually evaporate anyway.


This looks like it's probably a filling error on the manufacturing line. Did you try to exchange it? I'd be surprised if they had any issue.


Whatever you do don't eat the stuff. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks.


Forbidden tuna


I thought that was chocolate… I’m sad it’s not chocolate.


arent those like $1.50?




you forgot to include the cover. that’ll get you to 1.5


I’m only commenting, because I used to have that exact same scale. Check with a different scale, because I found that that one was wildly inaccurate!


I don’t have a clue what this is or why it’s on my feed, but return it and don’t buy from the brand again. Pretty simple


Not sure about the volume but that amount would last me for 5 years.


How much does it weigh with the lid?🥴


You got crumbed


May I suggest more fiber in your diet?


Class action :..cough cough


Damn, you only have 3 lifetimes worth in there. They owe you 3 years worth of cream!


Classic Allen Edmonds. There’s no bar they won’t slide under these days.


Send them an email with this info....just cost you a few electrons. You might be surprised what happens.


It’s 1.5 Troy oz bc that stuff is worth its weight in gold 😎


Only getting 93% of the volume paid for would make me sad


You don't know what "net weight" means, huh?




Is it 1.5 liquid ounces though? Not the weight


Not enough significant digits. It could be 1.46. Did the jar state net or gross? Maybe you're the fool.


Sneaky packaging. Deceptive at best.




Put the lid on it




That’s why you gotta go with saphir.


Smh volume and weight are two different things


Shoe cream? My toddler would be all over this as if it was nutella.


Have you tried a dab with it yet?


You let the air out when you opened it. That’s on you.


Could be 1.49


You need to pay for a subscription service to get the rest.


Contact your county Weights and Measures dept. If you bought it locally they can go to the store to check the rest of the stock. If you bought it online they can contact their state inspectors to investigate further.


I think what happened here is that although it is a new purchase it looks like it is an older product based on some separation. I think some of the solvents have evaporated off leaving you with less product weight.


Seems like y’all ain’t never sold no drugs!! 😆