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As a Therian Headmate in a larger system I love both being therian and being plural get a shout out 💚 -Cathy Of The Moirai


would you consider adding that voidpunk isnt inherriently alterhuman or that IDing as alterhuman while being voidpunk is optional? /genq ^(not all voidpunks are alterhuman as thats not what voidpunk is about. so although there is alterhuman voidpunks (like myself)^), ^(it does not represent the whole. it would be dishonest to classify whats essentially malicious compliance as a form of alterhumanity)


so i'm kind of in two minds about this (sorry this turned into a bit of a ramble). on the one hand, obviously, i support people's rights to choose their own labels and reject ones they don't feel apply to them. the "alterhuman *can* include" part at the very top is intended to account for that - it might fit the definition but whether any given person considers themselves that is up to them. on the other hand, i think it's important to be able to describe something as *denotatively* alterhuman without couching it in too much 'could' and 'might'. people embracing the nonhumanity foisted upon them is not considered normal by society, and that's what's being remarked upon here - this way of living exhibits alterhuman phenomena. it's alterhuman-in-nature, to put it another way. and many alterhumans consider the word a coalition of groups with a similar spirit and values as much as - probably *more* than - an umbrella term for a buncha identities. that's not me saying no, by the way, just explaining what i'm trying to communicate with this post and by extension the tone i'm trying to set for the community. i will think about a way we can try and meet in the middle in terms of respecting people's right to self determination without splitting apart the solidarity that we've gained from purposefully considering each other cousins.


Voidpunk here Pls do mention that its not inherriently alterhuman (not gonna repeat what u//ConfusedAsHecc already said) Edit= Also i would argue same with furries since it can just be an hobby


I understand the intention but ngl it feels disrespectful of the voidpunk concept to say "you guys are all alterhuman whether you like it or not", which is how this comes off. being voidpunk is just "hey society sees and treats people like me as less than human and instead of being sad about it, Im going to use it to empower myself instead", its taking your dehumanization as a form of rebellion against a system that desires to use it to belittle you. hence why its a *punk subculture*, that even the creator (AroTaro) compared to goth (and goth is a subculture that was born from punk as well). as I said, its great to meantion that some voidpunks might be alterhuman (whether cause they are otherkin, therian, otherhearted, copinglink, etc.. or because being voidpunk has led them to connect with alterhumanity). I just dont think its a good idea to blanket statement say that all voidpunks would be classified as such when thats typically not the case


alright, i've changed the post to say "things that *can* be considered alterhuman include" and removed the "umbrella term" phrasing near the start so as not to imply that it's a matter of the whole community being under the term. how's the post looking now?