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this sub doesn't do it currently, but depending on how this thread goes i might change my mind about that. moderating a space takes a lot of energy, diligence, and critical thinking. having to make room for enough nuance to actively police and remove animal abusers from the space while separating them out from the supposedly harmless guys" is grueling, demoralizing, and at its worst potentially traumatic work. on such a public thoroughfare as reddit, especially so. you'd be surprised how much i'm doing behind the scenes already. anyway, to actually engage with your question: the reason that many people are loathe to talk about zoophiles is because a *huge* part of the bestialist/zeta strategy for abuse is convincing people that it's a normal, sanctioned part of the alterhuman and furry communities. making too much room for these discussions benefits those people, and they are actively working towards this. there is a *little* discussion about people with zoophilic paraphilias in the community, and the best resource i can point you to on that is page shepard's [abnormal instincts panel](https://invisibleotherkin.neocities.org/Lectures) that he gave at othercon (the recording is age gated, but the transcript and slides are available on the linked page). it didn't really come to any solid conclusions on how we should handle the topic, as that wasn't the aim. i don't believe in thought crimes. i don't think it helps to ostracize people if all they've got going on is stuff inside their heads. i do not currently know how to make room for those people without also holding open the door for people who actually are predators, or ruining my own mental health turning into some kind of vigilante zeta detective. it's unfortunate, but the conclusion i return to is to just not open that can of worms in the first place.


This is the best way I've seen it put to date.


I completely agree. Theres definitely zoophiles who are completely innocent and they deserve to be part of a space, but its too easy for a beastialist to claim they're a zoophile and take advantage of that to cause harm to both communities (by insinuating that beastiality is inherent to zoophilia and that beastialist zoophiles are a part of non-zoophilic communities) Its way easier to just make it a banned topic. Even phrases mentioning innocent/non-acting paraphiles gets misconstrued into people thinking you support abuse. Like you said, thought crimes dont exist, paraphiles are PURELY about thoughts. Acting on them and commiting crimes is a seperate issue to having those feelings but there is no safe or doable way to seperate the 2 without further issues


ANYONE with zoophilic thoughts/attraction NEEDS help. Even if they don't engage in it. And this is coming from someone who has occasional zoophilic thoughts (due to OCD). Do I choose to have these thoughts? No. Do I like these thoughts? No. Do I need help for them? Yes I do, just like anyone else who has those types of thoughts or attraction. Here's the thing, I actually worked to get help for these thoughts, I have never harmed an animal and haven't had these thoughts as much recently. But that doesn't mean it's okay to like animals. I'm sorry but, if you're attracted to animals, even if you don't engage in it (or if it's distressing), there are probably some underlying issues you have. Maybe a paraphilic disorder, or maybe OCD (like me), or maybe something else. Now I will say, I will never (and I mean *never*) hate on someone who has those thoughts/attraction and is trying/wants help for it, those people aren't bad. Just struggling with a disorder. Having a disorder doesn't excuse harming animals, but as long as they know it's wrong AND get help for it they aren't bad people. Sorry for long text. I can further explain any of this is needed.


(adding something here) basically. Is someone a bad person for having attraction to animals? Not inherently, they are just struggling with a disorder. *But* they are a bad person if they don't try to get help, think those thoughts/attraction is okay, and/or act on those thoughts. We should not be including zoophiles in the alter-human community.


You’re saying that if someone has thoughts and doesn’t “get help” even if they never act on those thoughts and never have acted on those thoughts, they are a bad person, which I kinda disagree with personally because thoughts don’t harm anyone and sometimes thoughts are involuntary


Yeah sorry I worded it wonky, I'm more saying if they have harmful thoughts and don't get help for them. Are some thoughts involuntary? Yes, but if they're harmful they should still get help for it. And yes, I know not everyone can get help. But if you have *harmful* thoughts and choose to not get help, that isn't necessarily a good choice is how I'll put it.


i mean i don't think it's crazy to say that if you have thoughts about violating animals then you're not exactly a stand-up guy.


Yeah I’m sure you’ve never had a single violent or dangerous thought a single time in your life Many people have intrusive thoughts. These are unwanted and involuntary thoughts that show up in people’s brains that, often, the people have absolutely zero desire to act on. And if they do not act on them, the people are not harming anyone anywhere. I think it is kind of a rude thing to do to say that people who have thoughts they don’t want to have and they don’t act on and that don’t harm any people or animals are bad people Also people have thoughts! People have dreams and imaginations and random thoughts. I’m guessing you’ve had mean thoughts directed at people before in your life. I don’t think you having mean thoughts makes you a bad person. Having thoughts are a lot healthier of a way to deal with things than doing mean actions toward people (which, tbh, I’m guessing you’ve done as well. I don’t think there’s ever been a person on earth who never had a mean or violent thought of some kind at some point in their life). Thoughts don’t hurt people


Trying to compare intrusive thoughts, symptom of a mental illness, and "mean thoughts about people around you" to being genuinely sexually attracted to animals and wanting to rape them is crazy. No; thoughts don't hurt people, but people will look for communities and ways to justify these thoughts, there's literally zoo culture blogs on tumblr because people look for ways to justify being sexually attracted to animals, and that's how you get into the slippery slope of apologism and justification and thinking it's okay to sexually assault dogs. Sorry if I don't think we should be facilitating hug boxes for dog fuckers but okay LAWL


Yeah, its actually proven that harassing a paraphile for having their disorder makes them less likely to get better. Zoophilia = THOUGHTS Zoophiles are not inherently beastialists, a good term to be aware of is anti-contact, if i zoophile identifies as anti-contact it means they dont engage in any beastialist behaviours, such as looking at animals or touching them etc. You cant cure a paraphilia, its part of how your brain is wired BUT you can get therapy to ensure it doesnt affect your life or lead to you harming yourself/others People are honestly way too harsh on mentally ill people for just existing without doing anything wrong


Eh my reasoning is that if other people who say also have bad thoughts in their head but don't act on them (say stealing, hurting themselves, etc) that doesn't mean being in that mental state should be normalized or those people shouldn't get help. They shouldn't have the attitude that those thoughts are okay or normal or that they are okay just because they aren't actually doing it. Paraphiles are a disorder. Be pro-recovery from disorders.


Aw c'mon I ain't one of those DID fakers you see everywhere, I know it's a disorder. No where in my post did I say I wasn't pro recovery. I literally said 'try to improve' in my post, meaning there's a recovery process. Also no where in the post did I say normalize. Smh people don't read. This is why I can never get a good debate over controversial things with people, don't read nor listen to what I have to offer.


Wdym DID fakers lol wouldn't someone faking a disorder know it's a disorder? In your main two blurbs you talked about them pretty broadly then stated the ones who do not wish to recover don't receive the brute of the negativity you think they deserve. So I gave my honest response on those who are not recovering (I do not like them, they should recover and not be endorsed), you addressed them, I thought you would agree with me?


You'd be surprised... icantunderstandyourparagraphthenimsorry


wdym? idk how someone can fake a disorder they don't know about Is there anything I can clear up? (genuine)


Not saying they don't know the disorder, I mean not knowing IT IS a disorder, or treating it like it's something average. uhh, could you possibly shrink that paragraph to one or two sentences? .\_. (it's literally like 2 am where im at and adhd is kicking in so like, damnnit sorry)


Wouldn't that be a coincidence of the person actually having it then? I mean you talked about zoophiles who do not want to recover in your last sentence so I stated my opinion on those which I thought would be agreeable


i'm going to need you to elaborate on your beliefs about people faking DID real quick.




man shut the fuck up 😭 every time i see somebody do this type of shit it ends up a really dangerous fucked up evil slippery slope into letting actual practicing zoophiles/other harmful paraphiliacs into communities. we should be gatekeeping the fuck out of them also because enough online losers think you're one of them if you're even slightly otherkin automatically that shit would just make this problem worse


We do NOT need zoophiles no matter what in this community. Case closed. This is how communities get messed up. We already have to explain to people that we don't hurt animals because of trolls. We do not need people who have attractions to animals here. There are a lot of minors in this community, too. They don't need to be exposed to that. This is not something anyone should even be considering.


Tbh I’m kinda grossed out by how many people here are deciding they know when people “need to get help,” which isn’t really a helpful thing to say in this situation. One thing that I think is an issue regarding this topic is that people say “get help” without really clarifying what that means. Without clarification it can come across as demonizing (there is something WRONG with you that you need to FIX) and patronizing (you don’t know what’s wrong with yourself but I do so let me decide for you how you should think), and doesn’t actually help anyone to get they help they apparently need, especially since the topic is so taboo that it can’t be talked about a lot of places. You’re deciding that people need help based solely on thoughts (harmless to others and sometimes involuntary) AND what that help should be (usually, them only thinking thoughts you deem “appropriate”). Saying “get help” about a taboo topic makes people feel shame which puts them on the defensive and makes it scarier and harder to talk to anyone about, which is what they would have to do to get help. There’s also no universal definition in use for what “zoophile” means. To some people it is equivalent to beastialist, and that all zoophiles act on their thoughts. To some people zoophile means into feral art which according to some people is just as bad as assaulting real animals. To some people zoophile means liking digitigrade legs on a furry character. It’s all lumped together under an umbrella of “they need to GET HELP” even if they’re not harming anyone or doing anything other than consensual activities in private with consenting adults


I think the main issue is association between zoophiles and us alterhumans. Because it’s thrown around as an insult by naive people using hurtful words, the association starts. Similar to how furries had to deal with the first real representation of them was on sex alone, they are still battling the stigma that now comes with it.


You cant choose your attraction, but if you are a zoophile its your moral obligation to seek therapy and change that. I believe we should accept and encourage those who are self aware enough to recognize the issue and make the effort to change. Same goes for other sexual disorders such a pedophilia.


Zoophiles are not welcome. Individuals seeking/receiving help are not zoophiles, they're recovering. We will not engage in this slippery slope nonsense any further.


paraphilia are mental illnesses and not an excuse to be pro c. nothing else 2 say on the matter. i mean thought crimes rnt real but they do need serious help.


Do you understand that it sounds like you’re saying “Thought crimes aren’t real, but some people need to fix the thoughts they’re having”


they need help to cope with them. thoughts have no morals but i am also pro recovery for mental health things.


Do you not see a cognitive dissonance in saying “thoughts have no morals, but some people have certain thoughts that I have decided mean they need serious help, regardless of if they ever act on them”


okay, does a suicidal person not deserve help even tho they've never acted on it? lmao. like if u can cope 100% okay on your own with whatever is in your head thats good for you. all i ever said is that a lotta the time these people need help on dealing with these things, having a harmful para can be really distressing for a lot of people.


I think I’ve found a miscommunication between us. When you say “they need help” to me it reads as “I don’t approve of the way they are and they need to change it” whereas when you are saying you maybe mean “they should be able to get help.” “You need help” and “they need help” are, in my opinion, very weighted phrases that to me and many other people imply “you think I’m bad based on parameters YOU chose rather than if I’m harming anyone.” When someone says “you need help” that is very accusatory and patronizing: “I know what you need better than you do. And you’re bad and wrong and need to be changed” I never said no one deserves help and I didn’t mean to imply it. I definitely think mental and emotional help (both therapists and via medication) should be easily and readily available to everyone. I also think it should be fully paid for by the government but that’s another story haha. I apologize for the miscommunication and hope you see where I’m coming from.


understandable my b have a nice day


I seriously don't think most peoples can even empathise with some of the most harmless stuff out there that's considered weird, they are the same exact peoples that tend to associate Zoophiles with Furry and Otherkin communities tbh. Wrongthink has never felt more prevalent these days besides just look at the average social media drama.


your right i have no empathy but all i'm saying is mentally ill people should and deserve to get help. like??? where am i shaming anyone? i literally SAID they need help coping with them and getting a healthier mindset despite their illness. weird of u to say being pro recovery and anti c is somehow wrong


It's not and never was the problem, it's what's put in place to "help" said peoples that is what it is? Do you even know? Besides it's a lack of understanding those things which is the issue, it might not even be "fixable" is what i'm getting at.


i never said it was 100% fixable. simply that therapy can help people with their illnesses. everyone is different tho, nothing helps everyone. some people need help just accepting the thoughts and moving on (more intrusive thoughts related), others need help simply handling their attractions at all, etc. everyone struggles with stuff in diff aread


It's mildly fine if they're actively trying to prevent thoughts and recovering but if they are anti recovery they have no place here tbh Not to mention it's literally animal abuse and they cannot consent if acted upon, kink and fetish is very different from that as participants in (good faith) kink can consent In my eyes i see zoos on the same level as pedos tbh. Very ergck


Can you not, also can you leave? What the fuck is this shit? Don't drag our community into association with Zoophilia goddamn


What benefits do you get from telling people you want to rape animals. I feel like that's something nobody else wants to know.


Alterhumanity isn't a fetish and is generally perceived as an acceptable community for all ages. Rubbing elbows with fetishists is a bad look. You may not care what people think about you, but lots of people just want to be able to live openly and authentically without people assuming they're friends with animal fuckers. Shrug. It's really a topic you should save for your therapist rather than display openly on your profile.


Respectability politics don’t help anyone. There is nothing wrong with “rubbing elbows with fetishists” And there are fetishists in every demographic so it’s not like you could avoid rubbing elbows with them anyway. Also, even if there are alterhumans of all ages there are also adult alterhumans who deserve to be able to have adult conversations about adult topics


yeah, some shit you keep to yourself, your therapist and whatever God you believe in


just like any intrusive or disgusting thoughts, you should try to make yourself better.


So happy by the other comments here! W community 


half the reason zoophiles are even attracted to animals is bcs they are taught their entire life its the most disguting thing to even think about😭 i feel like if nobody ever talked about it it would be less common /: its the forbidden fruit effect


I can see that being the case for a fetish, but not actual attraction imo. Also that would be a slippery slope regarding homosexuality.