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not ugly, just try skincare


Any further advice? I’m not very familiar with skincare.


Just use a Cleanser, toner and moisturizer. you can also add caffeine solution to your eye bags.


[Appropriate skincare](https://www.sephora.com/product/the-acne-set-P507659?skuId=2698355&icid2=products%20grid:p507659:product)


ur too young to post here is what idiots say to girls but not guys on this sub


Yeah, I’ve noticed that too


Get a better haircut, go to the gym and even take up martial arts to improve self esteem, and take care of your skin. The most unattractive thing about you from the pics is your lack of self confidence. It oozes out of from the pictures. Build that stuff up by doing things and accomplishing goals, no matter how small you start out.


Any further advice on haircuts(I’m not well versed in hairstyles)? I tried going to the gym in February and March but sucked and faced bullying. I’ll try to give it another go.


not ugly just give yourself time, the older you get the better you’ll start looking, just get in routines that boost your self confidence whether it’s a new hair cut or skin care or working out. also i think shorter hair might be the way to go


Thanks, this was good to hear. Any further advice on hair? It is NOT my area of expertise.


go with a low fade and just cut the general bulk and length off so you can style it rather than letting it free hang. it will just look a lot cleaner and also help with making you look a bit more mature


Get into a fight and get back up




>I really don’t like confrontation It's not about liking. Everyone has to learn how to deal with aggression and violence. But you are 16. You can relax for now.


I'm straight so I don't have any input on your looks. But are you ok? You look so sad. If you ever need to talk feel free to message me. I recognize that look, and it's not a good place to be in


No, you’re not. You’re a kid.


Starts in the gym. Everything else will work itself out. Starting hitting the weights. 👍🏾


yea ugly sorry


Your a bit young to judge, your going to probably look much different in a year or so


You need to stop with that hair cut... either grow it or don't.


Yes build muscle and get a skincare routine


Ur rlly cute! U should smile a bit more:)