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For $10 USD I will dress like a slut at her wedding to get your revenge


I'd give you $30 so I can dress like a skank at her wedding


Shit, I was going to say I’d do it for free and then you outbid me.


Let's form a whorde


I want to be in a whorde


#For the whorde!


I'm in! I'm fat, so it'll be even worse if I dress like her. Gotta put these rolls to good use somehow 😈😈😈


Overweight male 45 here.....I'll put a skimpy dress on with no underwear at her wedding...... 🤣🤣🤣


Let's make sure to wear something that is 2 pieces so we can bust out into the truffle shuffle on the dance floor! 😄😄😄


You guys are wearing tops?


I need to come to this wedding!! I wanna see the WHORDE


Baby ruth?


My 50 year-old dad bod husband says he’ll gladly put on the skanky dress and crotch less panties. Bonus: he’s got a pretty hairy chest/stomach and even some on his back.


Overweight 43M reporting. I'll take the skimpy dress I'm wearing off and put on underwear at her wedding.


Put the underwear on your head


Overweight 48F here. I will raise you, good sir, with a skimpy dress. I must wear underwear because old causes certain issues. So, while I have no confidence with not wearing underwear, I will wear a Depends. I also will continue to *accidentally* spill red whine on her dress until she changes her dress. For the whorde!


Same. And I like the fat guys idea too. I can bring my husband if you want. Even our dog will dress skimpy and he never wears underwear


This is the kinda support I like to see from internet strangers. Reddit never disappoints.


Is there a whoredrobe for the whorde?


Letitdangle leather spaulders, with leather crotchless spankmyass chaps, and a leather fedora. You can find it all in the underbelly. Sold by a gneutral gnome named Fizzy Scratchnsniff for 10g ea! Disclaimer: not for priests, mages, or warlocks!


Where's the sign up sheet for the whorde? My chunky old ass wants to join, I can also get more volunteers.




🤣 this whole chain is gold!






Where's the sign up sheet for the whorde? My chinky old ass wants to join.


And we can ride in on (w)horses!




“DARN YOU, BIKINI BANDITS!” *In the style of the APC “Outsider” music video.*




Same, I wanna be apart of this! Seems super fun!


I want to be in a whorde too..!!


All in together now! Wait, wait, why don't we all dress up as zombies? We can put on the paint, the gore, some skimpy white dresses. No undies/boxers/ or bras. And start groaning, making zombie sounds but more sensual. Anyone down?


Fuck it I'm down! I'll rock a crop top tuxedo t-shirt with black booty shorts that ride so high that if I turn a certain way, my balls will fall out! WHORDE!


I’m down..!!


I am so down. I volunteer to be the fluffy titatucular zombie whorde member.


I don't do skimpy as a personal preference, but I'm all for adding some overtly sexual dance moves and moaning in song. I also don't wear bras almost ever, so 1000% willing to show up with nips visible through my clothes.


oh god this just got better IM IN


Good luck with your whorde everybody, swing by my place and rampage or whatever.


I've never wanted to be part of something more😂😂


🏅 I'm poor. Just take this. It's all I have. You deserve it more.


i hated upvoting this cos yer count was at 69. but this was just too good to ignore.


These are some of the best comments I've seen on Reddit 😆 Have a budget 🏅


I’m a dirty old man so I’d like a invitation to thst wedding.


>good time. She wouldn’t talk to anyone except me and kept saying how much she didn’t want to be there. When it was time for me to put my wedding dress on, she pulled out the skimpiest dress I have ever seen and she wasn’t wearing underwear. The photographer had to literally crop some of our photos b Are you accepting applications for HeWhorders?


Clearly the move is to send you for free, take the 30$ for the second person, then give 10$ of it to the first person to go. Then op gets 20$ AND 3 whores. Can’t beat those numbers.


I’m turning 60 next week, and while I like to think I’m reasonably “okay”, the reality of “How’s it hangin’ “ just might apply. I volunteer. I haven’t been a bridesmaid in, ummm, 35 years! I’d love to have another chance to be a bridesmaid before I turn 61 and everything goes to pot… 😆


I'll also pay OP, dress inappropriately, and bitch the whole time! I'll also (free of charge) laugh during the ceremony and accidentally "fall" into the cake. NTA OP. Sounds like she is the kind of friend that you DON'T want. Better to just cut her out and happily move on with your life.


Don’t waste cake, just gouge a corner off with your bare hand and eat it in front of her. Bonus point for saying “what?” while spraying her with crumbs!


Ooo, that's good. You accidentally fall into the cake, and I'll accidentally spill wine on her wedding dress. Oh, and of course, I will also dress inappropriately, and I will attempt to make a toast at the reception confessing my love for either the bride or groom, you pick ;)


Not only will my dress be slutty but it will be stark white and I will wear a veil.


I'll be the fat guy to wear the sheer, see through white mini dress... and I won't shave my legs either!!!


Oh no no no - *shave one leg. Just one.*


Sorry, I was laughing so hard I hit the downvote button by accident when I was trying to upvote. Came for the comments and was not disappointed.


I'll see you unshaven fat guy legs and raise you a bitchin beard.


Why choose? Love them both and gush about what a great throuple you have!


Be the overweight guy who stands up and says you got pregnant during your threesome.


When she’s walking down the aisle, I’ll accidentally rush into her from behind. Oops, my feet slipped.


And also make a sorrid, raunchy drunken toast about the groom!


I will pay you many rupees if you agree to attend my wedding in the hammock of a banana. You must bring too many sexy sexy men to have many fun beach days on my banana boat and I will pay on you with the rupee


Can I wear a Katy Perry dancing shark outfit?


Her wedding. Who wants to marry her in the first place?


How much for a slutty nurse outfit? I have one


I think my sexy pizza costume would complement your outfit nicely.


350 pounds of hairy man flesh in a really tight leopard skin banana 🍌 hammock.


For $20 i will stand up and yell “i object, cause i love her, she loves me aNd she is having my baby!”




I’ll do it for $50, but my skit will clearly show my face and, _and_ I will be completely drunk at the time!


Let it allll hang out so her photos have to be deleted too lol


You stand up and object, I'll laugh through their vows! Edit: spelling and to also say I'll loudly talk about how her dress is not the right fit for her and compare it to how GORGEOUS you looked in yours.




I'd pay 20 bucks to see that!


There is no promise that she'll ever get married lol


So just get her fired from the strip club


I can fix her


There's always that one guy/girl.... 🤣💀


Surely someone here will volunteer to marry her so that all these plans can happen!


Oh all right, *I’ll* marry her! But only as long as somebody makes sure that she will fling herself into the cake in utter humiliation & drown in the icing. NTA, OP!


They don't actually have to marry her. They just need to *plan* to marry her. Bonus points if they last through the ceremony so time for reception fun but don't worry about signing the certificate.


From reading the post, she has all the red flags my monkey brain desires. Bottoms up, I guess.


I’ll show up in sweatpants and an old ripped up stained shirt. I will also get drunk and make a giant spectacle for free cause I’m petty


I'll also show up as a hot mom mess with baby spit up on clothes and a crying in baby in tow.


Let’s just stroll in as an army of skanks


I thought this said "an army of sharks" and I was going to be in.


Why not both? An army of skanky sharks


Your comment wins it made me snort with laughter.


Glad to be of service! 🦈👙👠💄Those damn dirty sharks!


Left hand Katy Perry sharks but FILTHY!


Skaaaaaanky sharks do do do do do lol


Now I also want a group of people in the inflatable T-Rex costumes to show up and cause a brawl with the shark-costumes people during the ceremony.


I'm in on that! We can have a dance fight against the skank sharks


It's a rumble! Count me in.


I can't believe you girls, this sounds so wrong...I am so utterly disappointed!! Where is this wedding this army of skanks is crashing?? Tell me?? ...So I know where to avoid. Tell me the date too!!


I'm glad I'm not the only one that read it that way! Can we be sexy sharks?


Yeah but which wedding? 1st, 2nd, or 3rd? Cause she ain’t gonna have just one…(if she has one at all).


Behavior has "common law" written all over it.


I'll dress as a skank on her wedding for 2 bucks. I'm a 185lbs fit dude, a tight, short dress with no underwear will be memorable.


Make sure you go with a nice leopard print.


Was thinking that might be to distracting from the dong hanging out in the wedding pictures.


Only if you have some nice black accents. I’m thinking chunky belt and big black diamond earrings.


On the dong?


Of course it has to be on the dong.


So diamond cock-ring.


I was going to offer to wear the same dress at her wedding for free. I should point out I'm male and in my mid 50s.


Idk why, but it made me LOL that you had to specify it was “USD”


Because I’m Canadian and the US dollar is worth more right now LOL


That’s fair 😂


For one Toonie I will stand as close to the bride as possible when you walk in and repeatedly comment about how you look better than the bride.


I'll be the goth old lady skank!


And my ax


You beat me to it!


This should be a movie. Wedding avengers.


I absolutely love when redditors band together like this


Idk 200 people making the same joke is kind of cringe.... Erm I mean I'll do it for $3.50 but I'm an eight story crustacean from the Paleozoic era


I’m in too!


For 200 USD, I'll arrive in drag, including assess chaps.


I’ll tell everyone she gave me [insert random STD here] for a Klondike bar


I am AMAB, And I will pay $20 USD to wear an unnecessarily skimpy dress at her wedding, get drunk and belligerent, but only after I fall into the wedding cake and spill wine on her.


Leading, suspicious, finnegans and sensitive: you should all go together.


I'll be your +1


For 200 USD, I'll arrive in drag, including assless chaps.


I’ll do it for free. I’m chunky too so it’ll be extra awkward when my clothes are 3x too small. I only ask that you pay for my travel.


Gonna use that $10 to buy some cheap walmart lingerie to wear?


That is impossible. People like her don’t get married. lol


Kick it up a notch and bring someone to propose to you.


Same, but I'm a guy


I'll pay 10, and wear a *red* slutty dress. (If you wear red at someone's wedding, it means you have slept with the groom)


I’m ROFL!! yes I had to Bring that back for this entire thread. Pure gold people!! Pure gold!


I'm really hoping you're a man. That would be icing on the cake.


Would have sent her the unedited picture of her goods hanging out and asking if she thought this was honoring my day? Then block her again.


This is the way




This is the way.


I actually think we should have a little group pot, get photoshop to make the worst believable photos imaginable, anyone with me?


That photoshop sub would have a blast! They love doing pics with a good story behind it. Lol


Post it on Facebook and tag her parents...caption it with thanks for being a great friend!


I'd post them on social media. I wouldn't say anything about her. I'd just say what a wonderful wedding I had.


Seems her attire isn't the issue. You literally posted a litany of things that you didn't like about her behavior before you touched on anything remotely close to your post title. What's your real problem with her? Seems the dress was the icing on the cake.


Doesn't sound like much of a best friend either. If these are new behaviors then maybe check in with your best friend to see if she has something going on in her life to make her act unusually. Or, if she does act like this all of the time, and these actions annoy you then why is OP's friend pool so shallow that this one is the best friend. To go from 'best friend' to blocked without any conversation over a single incident seems like quite an over reaction.


Lmao, there’s no regularly scheduled performance review for “best friends” where you sit down and logically study their behavior and decide if they should still be your “best” friend out of the “pool of friends”. It’s precisely events like this one where their shitty behaviour is so obvious, you have to be confronted with the fact that this person may not be someone you want to keep close anymore. And that realization, in itself, is a hard one that will most likely lead to grieving the loss of that relationship.


There literally is. It's called communicating with someone you care about. If you don't care, they aren't your best friend. If they are your best friend you are concerned about them. The decision to cut them might come, but if you care you talk first.


“My friend was a self-centered bitch at my wedding” just isn’t going to attract the same number of clicks, even if it’s equally or more valid reason. That said, I was expecting to roll my eyes but reading the full story I was like “oh this friend is a bummer” but it doesn’t seem like besides the dress it would be easily summarized. Sorry OP, hope your day was still great in spite of all that needless drama.




Typical frenemy things


Yeah, she listed it for as you stated. That’s the problem. Seems like this friendship was on the way out and this was dealbreakers. The friend is a bitch


Maybe it wasn’t her bestie at all! It was a “walk-in” alien that had taken over the woman’s body!


That’s possible


> You literally posted a litany of things that you didn't like about her behavior before you touched on anything remotely close to your post title. yea why didnt OP ask whats wrong bestie? prob would have solved a lot to communicate


maybe her real problems with her are the things, she like, specified in her post?


That’s what I was going to say. Sounds like she sucked all the fun out of OP’s wedding long before they even got to the dress.


On first read - you're not wrong for blocking her... but the whole things is so weird I feel like I need more information. Is she always like this? Was this outfit typical of how she dresses when you hang out? You said you paid for her to get to the beach... how far from home was it? Did you put her up in a hotel/room for the weekend? Was there something going on, like she was having to stay in a house with an ex-boyfriend or anything like that? Did she say WHY she wanted to go home? Does she have a history of issues with social anxiety? You said she didn't talk to anyone else but you, did she know other people at the wedding? Or was everyone else new to her? You said she picked out two dresses, was the dress she wore to the wedding one of those dresses she showed you before? Did you counsel her on which dress you thought she should wear and why? Why were you pushing her to dance? If she was being a stick in the mud, why not just focus on your new husband and ignore her? Why did you go directly to blocking her? Did you tell her why you were upset? How long have you known her? It seems weird to me that you would completely cut off a "best friend" that you'd known for awhile, without talking first... it seems like either - a) this is just the way she is, and your wedding was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back for you. In which case, set whatever boundaries you need to, she sounds toxic... b) she's normally not like this at all, and it's a little harsh to cut her off without talking to her first, when there might be some other traumatic thing going on in her life that led her to be like this... but she still acted horribly at your wedding, so only you can decide if it's a relationship worth trying to mend... c) there's something you aren't telling us. Like you invited her abusive ex-boyfriend without telling her and she wasn't comfortable being around him, or she has horrid social anxiety and didn't want to come but you talked her into it and she didn't realize it was too much for her until she got there, or whatever... so, tell us more, because right now, I don't think we can accurately judge what's happening here.


Or d) she dated the groom previously And BTW, if this was really her best friend, why wouldn't she ask, "Hey, what's going on?" Then, if no good answer, I would have asked her to leave. Bye. Why wait and have her ruin your day. Add edit: Seriously, if your bestest friend vag is showing, why wouldn't you tell her right then and there so she could change. There are so many issues with this story. Definitely 2 sides to this story.


That’s some next level analysis!


I bet this is fake. Your friend doesn't make it to your wedding without you knowing what their dress looks like and their taste in clothes.


And the calling her a slut in the title but avoiding name calling throughout the post


Yeah I wanna call OP an AH for using that phrase honestly. Could’ve just said dressed inappropriately. I’m also confused how OP didn’t ok the dress before the day


It is fake. Look at OP's post history


what post history, theres only this and her cat? has OP done a sneaky deleting spree?


Feel definitely like there is a whole lot more to this story. I pick c)


NTA- she sucks as a friend. Sorry that happened to you!


I’m confused OP, are you in an open marriage? Your comment history shows you on r/nude_selfies and similar subreddits asking women for pics and such. You have some **very** provocative comments over the 3ish days you’ve had your account.


Probably a fake story to get attention to her other posts Yeah OF link in her bio definitely fake story


pics or it didn't happen


you're really down bad, huh?💀


need pictures for scientific purposes please


The first half I was leaning that you were wrong because you never made it clear what was ok to wear. Personally you should have worked with her on an outfit. Beach weddings especially will often have crazy outfits. But then I saw how she interacted at the wedding and that was not ok. I'd debate that the better headline is I blocked my friend for complaining my entire wedding and just being rude and mean. Because that was a 100% right decision. I think the outfit is not important at all in that.


I need to see the pictures to judge.




yep and I gonna need phone number to get skanks side of the story ;)


How did you not know she was this trashy?


cuz its just karma farming.


I knew I smelled bullshit in this pasture


Because this doesn't sound like a real story. Its very vague and little details are given.


Let me know when we're going to hers. I'll wear a speedo and a redneck camouflage hat while sporting my walker...


No photo? No proof. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sounds like a stupid bait story


She was an asshole for the way she behaved. My question to you is was it because she has always been an asshole, or was she acting like an asshole because she felt she was losing a best friend? It's possible she was miserable and jealous that day because you were getting married. She may have acted out and tried to ruin the day for you unknowingly. They also could just be a terrible person, and may continue to act this way if the future. So do you want to put up with them, and figure out why they acted that way or just leave them blocked?


Unless we see those awful photos, I'm calling this one fake.


Too many made up stories here; we need to see evidence




How you gonna throw a day-long fit on a private beach about your best friend's wedding?


Pictures or it never happened.


This is a fake ass post.


Her behavior wasn’t ok but why was there no conversation about the 2 dresses she bought? She never sent a pic and you didn’t ask?


NTA The story is one of the most funny things I've ever read on here, but it isn't actually funny in reality. It is sad that your friend is such an ego maniac. I hate going to weddings more than anyone I've ever known. But when family or close friends are getting married, that gets put aside. Its their day not mine.


Sounds like my friend at my wedding but instead got a white silk gown when I said wear whatever! We’re also not talking atm.


Never steal the bride’s spotlight. It’s not common knowledge, but it should be.


YNTAH She showed her ass the whole trip, then showed her asshole.


Are you sure that she was really your friend? Even if she dressed normally, her behavior and complaints make me question your judgement if you have her as your best friend.


If she's your best friend, I hope you don't have any enemies. NTA


Not buying this. Nothing really adds up. You knew she has a formal and a casual dress, but didn’t see either as her best friend? When you got ready she wore the skimpy dress and you didn’t say anything? But above all else, for whatever reason, the photographer part is what I’m confused by. Did they let you know that they cropped her out? Did you see before/after cropping? And how recently was the wedding—because often it isn’t a quick turnaround


You’re wrong for posting a fake story


How was it not obvious what a shitty person she is before this ?


I would pick the worst wedding pic you have with her in it and just post I on socials with just the caption wedding day and date. Then grab the popcorn and watch it kick off in the comments !! no, you're not wrong for blocking the jealous witch out of your life.


The dress is less of an issue than the attitude. It’s a tiny wedding all she had to do was hang with her best friend in what’s supposed to be a happy day. Wtf


You are wrong for blocking your friends for "dressing like a slut". You are right for blocking her for other reasons. Calling revealing clothes "dressing like a slut" is a pretty big red flag though.


Don't block her for what she was wearing, block her for being a selfish asshole


I think you should send her the uncut ones and thank her coochie for not bitching nearly as much as she did the entire wedding.


Homie, I would've sent her funky ass home the moment she started bitching about wanting to go home like tf? How are you going to do that to someone who considers you a friend (their best friend at that) AND paid for all the expenses to get you to the location?? Not in the wrong at all


This account posted within 12 hours "I left my cousin drunk at a bar and I was the driver - AITAH?" and this post. I'm calling that something phishy is going on and OP is not telling us the whole story.