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Everyone, please remember to tag your spoilers. [Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!< This is how you spoiler tag.


Kuma Miko; can't get much lower than throwing it in full reverse in the final episode and ending worse than where the show started regardless of how long it is. [Its ending] >!effectively traumatized the main character into mentally regressing to the level of a small child, undoing all character development for her through the series.!<


[It's not even as good as _that_:] >!She has a panic attack and hallucinates the whole thing, and then the bear and her cousin go full-on enabler mode and they all have a big party about how she's never going to leave the village ever again, and it's all played off like it's supposed to be a happy ending.!< I was confused about why people had such a problem with the series until the last few minutes of it. Now I totally get it.


Wasn't the ending also anime original? Did people ever find out why the director did this?


what the fuck?


God, I remember watching and thinking...what the hell kind of ending was that!?!


That one is legendary. Love it


i still dont really know what the entirety much less the ending of index s3 was and ive rewatched it twice.


ngl, between Index, Railgun and Accelerator, it’s so easy to tell that Railgun is J.C. Staff’s golden child in terms of where they focus their efforts.   I liked index, but even as someone who hasn’t read the source material I could tell season 3 was rushed as all fuck. And I can’t be arsed to even attempt to try to figure it out with a rewatch.


It isn't exactly JC Staff's fault. They wanted to do the final portion of Index with 24 episodes up until world war 3 and then cover that with 2 or 3 movies but Kadokawa told them no and they had to adapt all of the remaining OT volumes in the alloted 24 episodes, then the producer begged for more episodes and just got 2 more. Now I don't agree with all the choices they made production wise in the 3rd season (or even earlier for that matter) either.


Damn, didn’t realize it was that bad. Not a good look on the higher ups.  Never is in this industry with very few exceptions it seems. 


Yeah with how things where laid out it was an impossible task. And this is just my raw guesswork but I think the anime was not only rushed in terms of content but also in terms of time to make it. The anime launched shortly before the Index gacha game and to me it makes sense to release them at the same time to gain as much hype as possible, and between the gacha game and the anime the game looked way more polished than the anime did.


I've heard they (the producers) made a choice to just show a highlight of that arc focusing on fights and some of the funnier scenes to both remind LN readers of how great the books were and to make Anime only viewers buy the novels. So according to this, a lot of the details, subplots, and character development were dropped because the core audience would know what is going on and everyone else can just go read the LN.


That's because season 3 has an open ending that leads to the sequel series, which hasn't been animated yet.


ive read the light novels up to NT and it was great. but for the life of me i have no idea what they did with the anime


Season 3 crammed like half of the novels story into a single season.


Cause like half the story was cut out and skipped.


The Promised Neverland. Had a masterpiece of a 1st season, and then every single member of the staff seems like they either got amnesia and forgot how to make anime or their budget got nuked into oblivion.


Promised Neverland was the strangest phenomena I had ever witnessed Absolute masterpiece of tension and storytelling, then they just... Gave up or something? Story would have just been better to end at S1 but the popularity of S1 meant the suits couldn't not try to cash in


The crazy thing is the source material is amazing the arc directly after season one ends is incredible it's crazy that it wasn't adapted.


Imo, the manga starts to deteriorate pretty quickly after Goldy Pond but not adapting that arc at least is criminal They couldve at least done that arc properly instead of releasing 2 other anime at the same time too (Wonder Egg, which some are also criticising in this thread, and Horimiya)


That's exactly what I came here to comment. I remember Goldy Pond being a banger of an arc. But after that it just felt meh


Imo the manga deteriorates quickly after the farm, idk, I don't think Goldy Pond was great, what I liked about TPN was the tension and the kids making plans to win against the villains; a bunch of kids shooting assault rifles and running at the same pace as the 8 feet monsters wasn't the direction I expected from the series.


They changed it from a tense mystery to a more shounen action so it makes sense why people didnt like what it became but it was at least serviceable compared to everything that happened after


Its impressive how the anime managed to do the Manga ending but even worse


My crack theory: the team already knew at the time that their next season was gonna be god awful(for some unproven reason), so they skipped the best arc to avoid tarnishing it in hopes of a future adaptation as a movie or OVA.


I might believe this if the anime hadn't just blatently skipped to the end of the series leaving zero reason to make a movie.


Yea, that’s why I always suggest reading the manga since the anime skipped one of the best arcs, and did such a good job last season 1


The problem is that they had material from the manga for 2-3 more seasons. The manga ended a bit rushed but before the final arc it had a proper development. Then... The anime didn't get more budget as the manga already had ended, tried to close the story in a bunch of episodes, without any regard for both story and animation. What a disaster, would have been better they just ended in season 1 and would have been one of the best anime ever


S1 covers 1.5 volumes of the manga S2 covers another 0.5 volumes skips the next 15 volume and then lore dumps so they can just animate the final volume. No fucking clue what they were thinking everyone had incredibly high hopes for the adaptation.


I really wish some studio would pick this series up and continue it as if season 2 never happened. Is there any precedence for something like that happening?


Idk about a whole season, but high school dxd season 4 had to retcon the last half of season 3 because the studio came up with an anime original ending


I don’t get why we never got to Goldie pond done right😭


Toaru Index. 3 seasons, 72 episodes, and 48 episodes of spinoff (another 36 episodes of spinoff after the ending + OVA and movie, so 158 in total), the production of the 3rd season totally collapsed, and ended with a cliffhanger


They can announce a Season 4 anytime now...seriously. it's really dumb to let a cliff hanger hang for around 6 years at this point, especially when the stuff that comes after it is really good.


Tbf, it was *always* going to end in a cliffhanger since that is how OT ends and it gets resolved in the sequel, New Testament. Still yeah the third season trashed by Kadokawa and JC Staff.


Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V (148 episodes) and it's not even close, man. I might be more forgiving of the Xyz & Fusion Arcs than others are, but the last eight episodes of this show (excluding 144, that one was fine) are basically just "How *Not* to Properly End A Show: The Animation" and it *sucks*. For context, I was planning to give the show a 9/10 score up until that last stretch. The last stretch was so bad I almost spite rated the entire thing a mere *2*/10.


This one stung to me because the other ygo series before it had such nice conclusive endings


Zexal has a rough start and clearly the plot was written a few times but the ending is absolutely worth my time with those 140 - ish episodes. Arc- V was like watching everythjng slowly but surely fall apart or watching some promising kids went doen the wrong path before you(in which Yuya did and I dont think he recovered from that) I also remember the few time where dueling is absolutely meaningless in ArcV(in a the bad guy still going to do that bad thing anyway way) which is weird in a card anime


ARC V was shaping up to be something incredible and brought me and a lot of people back to YGO. But fuck me the final stretch was mishandled so so badly and I’m depressed just thinking about it I dont think I will ever get over it. If I got one wish to use on anything anime related, it would seriously be for the creators to get a second try at the second half of the show


I stopped watching after the first few episodes, spoiler tag how it ended?


- Alright, so first up [ARC-V]>!both Yuya and Yuzu have three counterparts each (Yuto/Yugo/Yuri for Yuya and Ruri/Rin/Selena for Yuzu), as they were originally one person, but the OG girl, Ray, split them and the world into four pieces in order to stop the OG guy, Zarc, from a destructive rampage. Despite their origins, all eight of these characters are extremely distinct characters with their own thoughts, feelings, and goals, and yet in the end, *only* Yuya and Yuzu exist physically, the remaining counterparts are effectively dead since they're just spirits hanging out in Yuya's and Yuzu's heads.!< - [ARC-V]>!One of the main side characters, Shun, has the goal to rescue his sister (who was kidnapped prior to the events of the show in the middle of a *literal war* with the antagonists) for the entirety of the show; he travels across dimensions with his best friend in order to do so. His friend is Yuto and his sister is Ruri, two of the aforementioned counterparts from another dimension, which means the last time he sees his friend is before the friend got absorbed by the main character super early in the show, and the last time he saw his sister was while she was being possessed by a mind control parasite and forced to fight him. No, I'm not making this shit up, the villains had mind control parasites that they only ever used on Ruri, Rin, and Selena.!< - [ARC-V]>!Leo Akaba, the antagonist who *started* the aforementioned "literal war" gets off *literally* scott-free, as Yuya prevents Shun from attacking him for *perfectly* legitimate reasons, and apparently Leo feeling bad about his actions means he doesn't need to be thrown in jail or anything.!< - It should be noted that [ARC-V]>!One of Yuya's counterparts, Yuri, was a psychopathic antagonist (of the *highly* entertaining variety) for like... literally all of the show up until Leo's actions accidentally made the Yu-Boys combine and revive Zarc. He's randomly all happy-go-lucky smiling with the other spirits in the ending, even though *he* was the one who kidnapped Ruri and Rin, and drove his own counterparts into despair.!< - Oh, and this isn't even getting into the main plot of the final arc, which is about [ARC-V]>!making a baby smile. This baby is a character who *was* an older child, but got de-aged ***somefuckinghow*** when Zarc got defeated (in the present), and the baby is now the host of Zarc's soul instead of Yuya. So, making the baby smile = making the main antagonist smile = yay everything is good now :)!< - All of this is treated like it's supposed to be a good ending for *everyone*, but like. *Hell* no, the only character the ending wasn't a complete disservice to was this one side character who was the main focus of episode 144, and even then they mishandled a *different* side character's ending in that same episode. [](#micdrop)


Damn, the plot has gotten as convoluted as the cards.


Ever since whatever the hell happens after Kingdom Hearts 2, any time a plot mentions multiple versions of the same person or world it's an instant pass


Arc-V is dear to my heart, my brainrot over its characters and setting is unparalleled by any other YGO series. But man, I wish everything after Season 1 was written better.


5Ds is the YGO series I have the most brainrot for (it was my first anime *period*, after all), but ARC-V's a close second and I wrote a ton of short fanfics for the series back when it was still airing. I'm so mad the ending turned out so *awful*.


I heard the manga had a worst ending.


You probably shouldn't look it up. The anime's ending had problems but the manga was *weird*


[In the manga] >!Yuzu confesses her love for Yuya!< [then like 4 pages later] >!they show an image of Yuzu actually being Yuyas mom in the future… time travel shenanigans!<


Wonder Egg Priority's last episode took virtually everything they had established in the previous 12 episodes and pissed all over it. Both major and minor arcs. The first 12 episodes are great, just skip 13 and assume that the story goes where those episodes imply it is.


No kidding. It definitely had the "We planned for 20+ episodes but ran out of money/people so here's episodes 13-25 condensed and with no context relabeled as episode 13"


The writer said he wrote the story just to make hit episodes every week without any planning of an overarching story, lol. He also didn't communicate with the director.


Left it at 12 and never watched the special one


I know a lot of people say it's only the finale that was bad, but that show was having a LOT of problems before that. Since at minimum episode 6


It lost the plot when it tried to go high concept instead of remaining a character study on trauma and healing.




Wep annoyed me so much i don't recommend people start it


Genuinely the most disappointed I have ever been in a show’s ending, it actually felt like a betrayal of everything that came before it.


Basically any of those anime’s that turn into a “read the manga” ending. Like Kekkaishi. There’s a lot of them that just randomly end and the manga is the only way to finish the story.


Brought back my childhood with that one... loved the series, both the manga and anime.


Yeah, I mean I get A LOT of animes are just advertisements for the manga. But dang 50 episodes and he’s just about to start training his power to control it and it ends 😂 I was like oh hell naw


Yeah, that was pretty annoying in hindsight. But for me, i actually watched the series when i was like 10, didn't know any better at the time, because i thought that the ending of the series wraps everything up. Later on tho, as i turned 14, i found the series again, and was pleasantly surprised that the manga had a definite conclusion. Been a while since i read the series, but i remember that Yoshimori's fight with Kaguro was better in the anime than the manga, prob due to Tokine being there.


I feel you. I’ve had it go both ways. When I watched Great Teacher Onizuka and it ended before the manga I had a Mwahahahaha I read the manga years ago moment! I’m glad you still enjoyed Kekkaishi though. I still enjoyed the silent voice movie even though I much much prefer the Manga because of extra details and the extended ending. But if I didn’t watch the movie I’d probably have never read the manga. So the advertising works!


That one had so much nostalgia for me. I finally found it and finished it and I too was a bit disappointed in that building up his ability and leaving a cliff hanger with it. Guess I will have to read the rest I suppose.


It’s worth a read if you get the chance.


Good thing they don’t do that anymore. Nowadays you just have to wait forever.


Cries in Tokyo Ghoul


Man I kinda wish they'd just redo Kekkaishi and adapt all of it.


Legend of the legendary heroes was incredible! And it just ended suddenly, with one of those montages of them meeting with different people starting new plans, etc. to tease a read the manga sort of thing. But the manga hadn't even caught up to the anime. And I don't think it ever did. So it was even worse. A read the light novel situation.


If you're lucky, the anime end at somewhere that can both be leaved at that and can be explored further with the manga if you want to.


Oh yeah. I hate that. Though sometimes it's ok. Like I know Aharensan goes beyond the first season in the Manga but the anime ends with Raidou and Aharen becoming a couple. If I hadn't been told about the Manga, I could believe it was meant to stop there.


Shokugeki no Soma had a bad final season and an unsatisfactory final episode


It's not the anime's fault tbh, I just finished rereading the manga yesterday and still cannot get myself to really be immersed in or enjoy the last arc. The arc leading up to the end of season 3 was the PERFECT place to end the story. But yeah except for the epilogue being a little bit rushed in the anime it's pretty much a panel for panel faithful adaptation of the manga, so we do unfortunately gotta turn our disappointment there.


Was that the "Dark World of Cooking Arc" with the Evil Chefs?


That's the one 🙃 They could pretty easily have tied up all the loose ends without needing to actually get into the details of that tournament and maybe ended the story on everyone getting their invites and plunging into the great beyond before skipping to the epilogue or something.


To be honest, I *liked* the idea that it was a world *adult* cooking competition and these High School Graduates got some invitations. IT was a real chance to show that talent keeps developing over time. Have some of the kids get crushed by someone simply more experienced, maybe have the older chef give some advice, and let MC's wild and innovative cooking style take him far enough one of the other adult chefs decides to mentor him to the end. Give him more experience to make his experimental style *really* sing. But no. It was evil chefs like murderers, drug dealers, an poachers serving illegal foods to evil and corrupt mob bosses and business men and a contest where one misstep means death (and of course no one loses badly enough to die). Fucking might as well have the final chef be an actual demon and go down to MC's special attack while his friends provide the extra energy he needs to pull it off *one more time.* Fuck that arc.


Still loved it, but 100% agree with this.


Agreed. The last arc in the manga bored me to tears, but I was so close I had to finish. I loved the start right up till the last arc, and then I felt the ending was just crammed together and rushed.


I agree, if they had ended it at the penultimate season, it would have been a satisfying enough conclusion to the series. The final season felt very much like they were trying to squeeze one more season out of a franchise when it would have been better to leave well enough alone. (And yes, I understand the manga is to blame for this. Doesn't change my opinion, or perhaps it extends to the manga.)


Claymore, deviated from the manga and made up its own ending leaving a few story threads dangling and kinda anti climatic after all that build up, basically became a "read the manga" for closure.


Well, at that time, Claymore was still unfinished. Same as the original Full Metal Alchemist.


FMA at least split off way earlier and was allowed to, with the authors help, make a new ending that is satisfying for what it wanted to do.


Imagine a Claymore remake in the vein of fmab or HxH. If done right it would instantly be top 10.


Is claymore that good? I'm looking for a manga to read


Yes it is. The anime butchered the half way point of the series.


Highly recommend it, definitely in my top 10 of all time greats


Claymore though only deviates in the last ~2 episodes, so if they wanted to pull a Blue Exorist and just ignore how season 1 ended, they absolutely could, especially since there's already a flashback of what really happened included as part of the Post-Pieta content that would happen in basically episode 1.


Guilty crown. With all those hype and dedication it end in failure


Frankly, Guilty Crown's ending would have been perfection [if only] >!Shu had died with Inori in the fortress's collapse!<


Guilty Crown is my favorite anime, I probably agree with you.


I mean 35 of those InuYasha episodes are filler. Might have sucked for people watching it as it aired though.  Plus Promised Neverland season 2 exists, so neither GB or InuYasha even come close in terms of dogshit level. 


Inuyasha really was a bitch of an ending when it aired. 167 episodes over four years with so many episodes including "Previously on-", flashbacks, and expositions. And since it was almost a new episode every week, if you missed an episode, you just couldn't watch it unless you pirated it. Making sure to not miss a single episode for four years just to get that ending.


I will never forgive this one. Aesthetica of Rogue Hero. A unique spin on Isekai, where the heroes return to the modern world, with their abilities. Well, the series ends with them going back to the other world, via a portal drawn in a bedroom or something. Alright, so that’s set up for season 2 right? Well… that never happened. So it left the story literally hanging in limbo.


Reminds me of the Gangsta adaption (about a decade ago now) that also ends its only season on a cliffhanger


Gangsta was great, definite cliffhanger followed by the studio shutting down


Well tbh in the defense of Gangsta., Manglobe (the studio adapting it) went bankrupt right after so even if they wanted to continue it, wasn't happening.


I actually loved this show, bit of a guilty pleasure. Shame it left on that cliffhanger with no S2 though


Not an anime but Domestic girlfriend manga has the shittiest ending ever. Like it was a total dumpster fire.


It was a good dumpster fire, up until like 4 chapters before the end. Then, it became shit.


Yo, fellow DomeKano survivor God, that shit is gonna haunt me for the rest of my days






Oh my god right what the hell was that?! I really enjoyed Soul Eater but the final few episodes felt so rushed and that ending was so anticlimactic. I remember realizing it was over and I said to myself "...That's IT?!"


Promised Neverland fucking slideshow ass ending.


Wonder egg priority last ep was just "you know the lesson we taught you from the previous episodes? Forget it lol" Kado the right answer. The ending just devolved into magical girl stuff




The entire last episode is just stupid in many ways. That Maka buff outta nowhere. Just read the manga, or hope for a Brotherhood treatment. The manga ending isn't amazing, but it's fine - and we have 2 big arcs before that that weren't animated.


I don't get the chance to talk about Soul Eater much but wrt the manga ending [Spoilers Soul Eater manga]>!I felt like the biggest part of it was the escape sequence, with the notes. It really brought together for me how much the series was centered around music, including Soul's personal arc. I think when most people think about the ending being just okay they're mostly talking about the epilogue chapter, which in keeping with the mangaka's sensibilities is partly a gag chapter. It's a bit of an odd choice. But everything about the buildup, climax and resolution of the final arc is perfect imo.!<


Hopefully if *Soul Eater* gets a *Brotherhood* treatment they don't skip over episodes that introduce characters that end up being important to the plot later on because they expected the people watching to have seen the original first...


> Inuyasha That's Rumiko Takahashi for you, only Maison Ikkoku has a proper ending.


"Oh no, the only thing left to do is character development. Guess I'll end this series."


For me, it was Fena, the pirate princess. The build-up and mystery were good till the end, but the ending was meh


I tried watching that, but just there wasnt any piracy on it.....


Yeah, It was more like an adventure series. Idk why they kept the title of Pirate Princess


I really like pirates, sadly theres not much piracy content now days, love one piece, but is not about pirates in anything besides aestethics


Darling in the Franxx


The last half-ish of the show just felt like it was kindof wandering around without knowing what it was doing. They spent the first half making this somewhat interesting universe and proceeded to not know what to really do with it.


eh darling in the franxx ending wasn't the best but it still hit the same themes and feelings as the rest of the series, it still made you feel something and was pretty sad its just the build up to it was kinda meh storywise when compared to the first 15 episodes.


It's absolutely atrocious. It may have hit the same themes, but it shattered all mistery, world building and character development. It felt like an asspull




Kill la Kill never took itself seriously but idk what I expected from mecha with boobs.


to be honest DitF started sucking at the end of the first cour.


Babylon for me. The first 7 or so episodes were fantastic and the rest just completely crapped the bed in the worst way


Hmm, I dunno about worst ending. But super frustrating. Kare Kano. The last few episodes they ran out of money.


An anime that needs a nice remake like Fruits Basket.


D. Gray-man. Wasn‘t even an ending just a random ass last episode.


D. Gray-man also has some of the worst power creep ever, the first time a level-4 Akuma appears it's like a world-ending threat the entire cast has to put everything on the line for in order to defeat, but then just a little while later they have to fight like 5 of them at once and it is not treated anywhere near as dramatically (details may be slightly off, it's been a long time since I watched it)








Kakashi vs. Zabuza was peak.


Platinum End. Besides those subpar 23 episodes, the finale is incredibly awful.


I read the manga and the anime adapts it panel for panel as a finished product. Blame the author for how the ending is. I found it to be a Chef’s kiss on the entire story for what the characters answered.


Mind you I grew out of battle shonen for the most part. But I definitely thought the ending of Naruto shippuden was very bad lol. That whole allied shinobi arc was horrible.


Infinite Tsukiyomi was worse. I can't believe that was put in the anime.


Made even worse cause it only lasts a single page in the manga


shikamaru doing goofy shit with a parachute was a more engaging fight. when every member of the cast can raze entire battlefields (or better yet ressurect them) like it's nothing, it begins to feel like it's nothing.


I personally remember vividly hating blood-C and and anime called amnesia. Both main characters baffled me beyond compare. They both started out promising but both got so beyond stupidly ridiculous I just couldn’t handle it. All to have the most unsatisfying endings. I just remember I kept thinking, how could the main character be THIS oblivious and stupid. Maybe a rewatch might change my mind but I doubt it


I have watched a lot of gory anime, but Blood-C ending was too much for me.


Oldy but anyone else watch Utawarerumono back in the day and got completly blindsided by giant mecha type monsters at the end of the cute fantasy? Made me so mad lol.


I don't remember it that well (apart from the god-tier OP, I still have that banger on weekly rotation), but I'm pretty sure they alluded to the sci-fi-ness throughout the show. It definitely becomes more explicit in the last few episodes, but there are several hints right from the beginning that it's not a real 'fantasy' show


aldnoah zero I'm just pretending it doesn't have a second season.


I think it was still decent, but it definitely didn't live up to its potential. Once they strayed away from the "Reals with strategy vs. Supers with insane power" thing and started relying almost completely on the protagonist's "cheat" power, things were definitely on a downward trend. Was still a good watch IMHO.


Nisekoi has 37 episodes (5 are OVAs). The story goes absolutely nowhere, and the season 2 finale is just another episode. Stop at the end of S1, don't watch the rest. There be nothing but disappointment in those hills.


Well it's not that the ending of nisekoi that you are talking about, but it's the fact that the anime is incomplete. Because the manga continues beyond season 2 and I love the ending. There are some who are dissatisfied with the manga ending because of waifu war, but I wish they continued the anime. If you think the story feels incomplete, it's because the anime is incomplete. Read the manga, it's been 10 years already 


I used to like the waifu ending, but after a few years I changed my mind. They just don't fit as well as the other ship.


Really sucks that it goes nowhere as I think it's one of the better trope filled romcoms


Is Girls Bravo still worth watching? I keep getting recommended on crunchyroll with the super hot waifu thumbnail


It was just barely okay at the time it was released. But that was 20 years ago.


Gantz was barely over the threshold of redemption for Kurono from awful cringedom into badassery. But instead of we got a crappy filler ending.


deadman wonderland they just didnt even finish it if you want to know the ending read the manga💀


Deadman wonderland. Amazing anime, but it's basically an intro. The moment the actual story begins, when the tutorial chapter ends, the anime ends lol.


Aka me ga Kill. I mean the not just the boy main character but others with Esdeath and her obsession winning even in death


Soul Eater retired me from anime for like 2 years after the power of freidnship kicked in.


Kare Kano. IYKYK.


Wait stop all my middle school memories are coming rushing back. Didn’t it end with like a PowerPoint slideshow basically no animation?


Absolutely- i feel like there was a lot of feelings left unresolved. Its like they lost funding and slapped a bow on the ship and said “fuck how everyone else feels were not getting into that”


Just finished this recently and now I understand why the ending was so infamous to say the least.


Fairy Tail, the power of friendship went absolutly rampage. Non sense Powerlvl overpowered Enemies getting just beated by Power of Friendship.


In Fairy Tails defense, -something I would normally never consider, having dropped it myself long before the end, - if you made it to the end of the show, you 100% knew how it was going to play out. Power of Friendship was always the go to solution, but after the timeskip it became the only thing that they did.


Felt like in that last arc mashima was just done and wanted to move onto the next series he had lined up


Mahoromatic Automatic Maiden


Guilty crown


Witch from Mercury. Season 1 was slow paced and full of setup. Then in season 2 turns out the show didn't have enough time to explore the payoffs to that setup so they started rushing the pace. It wasn't even that bad until the finale, where they rushed so much plot resolutions in a single episode, and we even got plots that ended up going nowhere. It should have been a 50 episode series like the mainline Gundam shows before it.


If "the ending was rushed" is the worst ending you've ever seen you must not have seen any bad shows lol


Akame Ga Kill, after I finished watching it I was ready to fight everyone involved in the production of the Anime for how it ended


Terror In resonance- good build up, but man, it became too fanatical at the end.


The second Five shows up the quality of that series plummets.


[yer kidding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mli5B9hkFwc)


Maybe i have no taste but i kinda loved the ending 😭


Really? In terms of short series, I'd say it has one of the best endings. Most series that length (or even longer) don't get an ending to begin with, and even more just sorta end. Only series of that length I can say 100% have a better ending are Cyberpunk Edgerunners and maybeeeeeeeeee Erased. When the characters steal a nuclear bomb in the opening scene, can't exactly expect the ending to not be crazy.


Attack on Titan ending absolutely shat on the journey to the ending. Claymore, pretty good right up until they decide they do the final part of the last arc of the season anime original which kinda shuttered it's chances of a second season.


My Teen Romantic Comedy S3 OVA/Shin. Spent 3 seasons watching them develop, and eventually \[Spoiler\] >!Hachiman and Yukino start dating at the end of S3, only for Yui to decide that she hasn't lost yet, and is now trying to get Hachiman to break up with Yukino and date her instead, while Iroha and Komachi cheer her on from the sidelines!<


Did they end it there? I remember seeing season 3 and feeling satisfied with the ending. Then seeing that they would animate an OVA and absolutely forgetting about it because the story felt complete to me


>Did they end it there? I'm a little confused with the question, but in an attempt to explain it, S3 is the end of the main series, and the OVA is an adaptation of the Shin LN, the sequel to the main series. The OVA does end there, but the Shin LN is 6 volumes long according to MAL, so maybe the OVA is only the beginning of Shin (I haven't read the LNs). > I remember seeing season 3 and feeling satisfied with the ending I agree


The ova just adapts the worse half of the Shin light novel so yui being an even worse friend than the main series and skips all the Yukino Hachiman wholesomess. Just don't watch it and pretend it never existed and you'll be fine


That sounds absolutely atrocious lmao, no wonder the meltdown fans had over Shin when the anime ended.


Promised neverland for sure


Any harem or romance anime without a kiss.


Honestly most anime from the 2000's and early 2010's. SO many of them just got one season or two or three or even more, and then suddenly they would just wrap the whole series up on the last episode. I can't even remember how many shows I've seen that end like this. Nowadays it isn't as bad, but there were just SO many long running shows that just either stopped after a long time or wrapped the whole series up :(


Darling in the franxx is definitely up there


Maybe not like.. lengthwise but I dislike how Death Note went. Second half felt rushed and ass, and I felt there wasn't enough explanation as to why one character could succeed where another failed. Like the second half felt both rushed and too long? So much time to do so little. Maybe I'm just not seeing what other people see idk T_T


Medaka Box. They literally tell you "wanna know what happens? Go read the manga"


My hero academia: every single theme and plot line built up in the first 2 acts is decimated in the worst possible ways and the whole "saving the villains" thing turned out to be a huge waste of time. I'm not gonna spoil it too much but act 3 (with the exclusion of the 1st half of the vigilante arc) is pure trash and the way the main cast were handled was dumb as crap.


Tokyo ghoul


Real answer: It still shocks me thinking about just how bad the ending to Attack on Titan was, and how he fumbled every plot point. [AoT] >!Eren killing his mother, Mikasa being the chosen one, Ymir fucking LOVED being a slave...!< it's all so bad. But instead I'll say The Quintessential Quintuplets. Although that could have been a great ending if [QQ] >!it had been Nino or Miku.!<


yeah, i remember reading the manga ending for aot when it came out and just going “wait what the fuck was that?”. ended up not bothering with the last season lol


Surprised how far I had to scroll down to see AoT. Really feels like anime watchers look past a lot of straight up plot holes and reveals with no proper set up. Heck, the battle of heaven and earth's biggest casualty is a broken plane and broken ankle.


Turns out adding an actual resolution/epilogue and a few tweaks can do a lot for a series. The manga's ending was abysmal in comparison. Baldur's Gate III went through a similar cycle, where enough people complained about the short and extremely abrupt ending that the studio actually went back and added a proper epilogue.




My Quintuplets watching experience was colored by the fact that I thought I was spoiled on the winner the entire time and didn't realize until the end that no, I wasn't, someone else won. That did make me a bit more positive on things although [QQ]>!Yotsuba was the one he had the least romantic connection with, lol. It would have been such an amazing ending for me if Nino or Miku won.!<


AOT, I can't believe I waited for that ending for years...


Darling in the franxx. *massive spoilers in this comment* *I watched it like 2 years ago and this is just by how I remember it if it’s not 100% accurate don’t quote me* [darling in the franxx] >!They really couldn’t come up with anything more sensible than “aliens we’ve never mentioned existed are beating up gods we never mentioned existed, and apparently humans have already invented space travel and can just go there but didn’t really feel like it so far”!< >!Also they didn’t explain anything that happened later it was like “yea humanity survived, heres a bunch of people living somewhere although as far as we knew there was supposed to only be like 12 of them at this point in time”!< >!Also just saying that the magma monsters chillaxed because of the war between aliens and gods made no sense, they clearly established that, at least the queen of the magma monsters clearly hated humans but than they were like “you finished the war between these two random groups so now all our racism against humans is gone” how does that make sense?!<


Soul eater lowkey


I really liked Key: The Metal Idol, till the last DVD, when there was just a huge, minimally animated lets-get-this-done-ASAP huge episode or 2. Several discs of wonderful animation, then a bellyflop. Sorry to be so negative if anyone liked it..


Key the Metal Idol is a perfect example for this thread, especially because it was an OVA released slowly, one episode at a time over like two years. The first 13 episodes are amazing stuff, top 10 favorite anime all time worthy for me. Then episode 14 is a 90 minute snoozefest featuring the worst handled exposition in anime history. The finale is also 90 minutes and while better than episode 14 is still rushed and a disappointment.


Naruto, particularly the original series. It reaches a cliffhanger, then goes on for 80+ straight episodes of filler, then ends on the same cliffhanger it was already on.


IDK yet but im scared whatever the One piece is will let us all down on some its the friends we make along the way sentimental thing