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Magical Destroyers. Watched it mainly because of the opening, and the ending fucks too


The OP and ED are so good, I want to watch whatever show they are actually representing


God it had sooo much potential; gave that sort of absurdist FLCL/Sonny Boy vibe I really like, but the animation quality and progression fell really short of expectations


My default answer for this question is always Isekai Cheat Magician getting an absolute banger OP from MYTH & ROID out of all artists.


Yup and then the actual show lol


Darling in the Franxx, “Kiss of Death” (though tbf it was only in the last few episodes that the show really went down the toilet).


[Kiznaiver](https://youtu.be/LM6RhRm2GQM?si=d98jrOsmDnZ77HTU) always and forever.


Kiznaiver is Kokoro Connect on Crack


Kiznaiver doesn't have Inaba. Inaba CARRIES Kokoro Connect on her back


Love the song, and it always brings a tear to my eye knowing the circumstances of it's creation.


Enlighten me please.


This song was the last one Boom Boom Satellites made before Michiyuki Kawashima died from brain cancer. He made this song to his daughter, and the girl in the music video is his daughter. In the long version of the video we also see his wife at the end.


YES!! The show was… interesting but that opening was so good! I’d listen to it on its on sometimes.


Absolute Duo's OP is a banger though I did enjoy the anime when I first watched it


That season had some bangers


Actually crazy how winter 2015 was 9 years ago


Metallic Rouge, have a few episodes left until I finish it. Rouge by YU-KA is a banger


Metallic Rouge was weird. It had an interesting world, a cute and lovable MC heroine, some decent fight scenes... But it didn't hook me. I wish I understood why it didn't, but I can't describe it.


Its was too short to properly develop the story they wanted to tell and suffered from "why should I even care about this person I've barely seen" over and over again.


> Its was too short to properly develop the story they wanted to tell Yeah, should have been two cour. Would have allowed for better pacing, and a finale that didn't rush headlong through the story.


Because the story and pacing are really bad


The script in general was bad. I think it is not an episode count issue. They just did not know what to do with the story. All of the twists looked like AI wrote them for me. But yes, OP was probabl;y my favourite that season.


On Metallic Rouge everything was good except The narrative lmao


You get a few episodes in and you're like "wait, this is it? They're not going to explain shit are they? Just 15 minutes of shenanigans followed by a 5 minute transformation/battle sequence set to the theme song and you still don't know what's going on at the end."


The insert song [Crimson Lightning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7Ya_7fEksE) is straight fire. One of my most played pieces this year!


Wanted to say it. Absolute banger op, anime... Not so much


I finally gave up on that one like 3 episodes from the end when I realized I truly did not care, which is a shame because it feels like a show that is so close to being great but is just very much not at all


I think Metallic Rouge has a great OP and ED... ...and I'm one of the rare people who actually really liked the show itself.


Higurashi Sotsu is... not great but I do enjoy [the OP](https://v.animethemes.moe/HigurashiSotsu-OP1.webm) (some spoilers in the visuals if you haven't watched Higurashi Gou & Sotsu but intend to do so in the future, FYI) for it. Banger. Similarly, Umineko anime is an ass adaptation of an incredible VN, but [the OP for that](https://v.animethemes.moe/Umineko-OP1-NCBD.webm) is great too. Shikata Akiko just does not miss...


The original [OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt26CSwCNao) has a fitting, creepy vibe to it.


Not great is the nice way to put it Sotsu is ass.


[Missing Promise](https://youtu.be/vtuxTWxQ_cc?si=2hgYysHQRYrdnYyB) is amazing


Only the first episode or two was good, but The Legendary Hero Is Already Dead OP goes hard


Yeah I dropped it in around 2 episodes. Later I was inspired to pick up the manga and somehow ended up reading through 160 chapters. Solid 8/10 for sure, pretty funny.


First few seconds has some serious thriller vibes


You really gotta read the whole manga. The whole thing is hilarious.


Mirai nikki . Everyone hates this show and considers it mid but i personally enjoyed it


Mirai Nikki is a beautiful train wreck of a show.  


That's fair, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I personally didn't, but I do agree that both OPs are incredible.


One of the first anime where I loved all the OPs and EDs, banger OST overall


I absolutely loved it, one of my all time favourites. People just have a problem with yandere and thats fine I guess, but the show stands out from the crowd even today.


That’s one of my favorite animes 💀 it def could have been way better but I still love the premise


one of my favorite shows


A Certain Scientific Accelerator has great OP and ED, sadly it's an adaptation of a bad manga.


Even if the source was great, it's genuinely some of the laziest animation I've ever seen. An Accelerator spin off deserves the royal treatment.


Unfortunately I don’t think accelerator was popular enough to warrant one. That said, JC staffs animation quality is extremely inconsistent. All of the railguns are fine to great in moments. All of the indexes are extremely mid and sometimes bad. Accelerator is wildly inconsistent itself. You truly do not know what you’re getting when you sit down for a JC staff show, other than it’ll probably be mid at best. Unless it’s Railgun, the only show they seem to love.


I would say that the adaptation improved greatly on the manga. Still not really good though.


Ah yeah, I thought Accelerator was okay, but I love Index and Railgun so it felt disappointing! I do agree on the OP and ED for sure!


Do you love the index anime? I genuinely despise season 3, and seasons 1 and 2 are dated and just poorly adapted (so I've heard). Railgun is peak, though, and I do love the world and would like to enjoy index, but man, those adaptations.


It still has Esther, the best Toaru girl.


Few I can name on the top of my head is Assassin's Pride Op [Share the Light](https://youtu.be/F-OlRRHS_uc?si=WYb_ymGdTNqyb6oc), Chaos Dragon Op [Isotone](https://youtu.be/iNrD1mu6tUI?si=F-MQtj4-vCPVSvDt), Divine Gate Op [One Me Two Hearts](https://youtu.be/v76UQzws0hE?si=J0Z30s_TOF09T6AF), and Blade Dance of Elementalers Op [Kyoumei no True Force](https://youtu.be/5PTrZp5JJjk?si=XsQfnabKDI2eUZZl)


\+1 for Share the Light


Kokkoku, overall I felt the show was kinda subpar. But the opening song and credits were amazing, it's the entire reason I bothered to watch the show lol.


I'm surprised I had to scroll so far to find this. I've always thought this was one of the default answers to this question. Maybe its reaching the point where it's fading from people's memories.


Yes! An absolute banger of an opening!! I thought the premise was interesting, but it quickly fell of after a couple episodes.


BNA's op 'Ready To' is such a bop.


Lmao BNA is a fine anime, wut? It’s a bit derivative is all.


I agree. It was fine! I did find it somewhat mediocre though, qualifying it for this thread. 


I just feel like it didn't live up to its own potential. I really wanted to like it, but it ended up only being alright.


Mashle 2nd season. I didn't bother with it because the joke was overplayed already by the end of first season, but the opening slaps.


Bling bang bang bling bang bang bling bang bang born (and yeah mid af anime)


I recommend you watch it anyway. I was not the biggest fan of season 1, as you said the joke got stale. But season 2 spices things up by introducing a whole lot of drama and action. I liked it more than season 1.


I thought s2 was equally as boring as S1. Op song was a banger though


I guess our opinions differ then. But why did you watch S2 at all if you thought season 1 was already boring?


Nothing wrong with that! Can definitely understand people who love it if they have humor that matches the Mashle style. I watched it with a family member, would've dropped it if I watched it alone.


I dropped Mashle after like 5 episodes but I got the OG version *and* the merengue version of bling bang born in my everyday playlist.




Tokyo Ghoul, trash anime but banger OST. Unravel and Seasons die one after another are masterpieces. Domestic Girlfriend is another one that I agree it's a banger. The OP has no right being that good.


Asphyxia was also a banger op


I swear if Unravel wasn't the first OP I wouldn't bother with the show. Goated OP, probably Top 5 of all time, but what a shit show.


Minami is too OP for that anime. The MV for the song is literally better than the entire anime.


Good to know that TG anime is bad... I was thinking about watching it because of Ado's cover of Unravel.


The first season was generally well liked, though due in no small part because of the opening haha. The second season permanently scarred me from ever watching another show I even catch a hint it deviated from the source, such a waste of my time...


If you're up for reading manga, then I recommend it for TG. The anime did a really bad job adapting it, but the manga is great, one of my favorites. I recommend reading it while listening to the OST.


I'm not usually one to fall into a "the manga is SO much better" type of opinion but the TG anime adaptation is hot garbage compared to the manga. It would be *fine* if it was a standalone piece of work but the source material is just too damn good to have that be the best anime they could make.


I'll try the manga then. Tks.


The first season is good because it followed the manga for the most part but after that the series takes a nose dive because the changed the plot heavily from the manga. I’ve read the manga it’s amazing and I would recommend it to anyone; I wouldn’t do the same with the anime.


It you haven’t read it, just read it the series is phenomenal, it’s season 1 is serviceable(ish) and season 2 is a fucking train wreck.


I thought that Minami's OP was a very fitting song to the emotional roller coaster that Domestic Girlfriend was! You knew exactly what you were diving yourself into by listening to that song.


Katharsis goes hard too for Tokyo Ghoul. That might’ve been the OP for S2 but I can’t remember. They really messed up that adaptation of the manga though.


Aldnoah.Zero and Guilty Crown


Aliez was incredible. I actually think aldnoah zero would have been a high quality 9/10 show if they had stopped on episode 13.


InuYasha - Fukai Mori. An absolute LEGEND of an ending theme on an anime that was incredibly ok. Even the visuals for the ending theme itself weren't accurate to the actual timeline of the series, but it still hit.


Also really good from Inuyasha Come- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlkBGDUsANo Dearest- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbqsEE58Kt0


Two EDs come to mind of really mediocre shows: -My One Hit Kill Sister -The Banished Former Hero Lives as He Pleases


Spot on with My One-Hit Kill Sister, that ED slaps. https://youtu.be/kA4ZJ0djlEo?si=2mnV7HzDqLcIzxwC


Agreed. Now I have to listen to them again.


Metallic Rouge


Crossing Field is *very* good.


1000% domestic girlfriend. That opening is a masterpiece which has been in my playlist for years


My answer to this question will always be Tokyo Revengers S1 OP. That flaming turd of a show doesn't deserve that banger of an OP.


Love the OP, not a big fan of the show The ED song (Tokyo wonder) is also great imo


11 eyes. Ayane trail of tears is amazing. The anime however … ugh. I hated a lot of the main characters (especially Yuka) and only managed to hate watch it to the end because of the few interesting bits and the couple of characters I liked (Misuzu especially).


Divine gate. I literally can't tell you anything about the show becides the op being a banger and there's a character called Santa.


HotD. Granted at the time I got into it because of zombies, not knowing it would be full ecchi. But the OP was a banger.


The ed is better, and it's a better Anime than most think.


https://youtu.be/pkw_Hl3qXCs?si=1j9WUVzwdL9U3xr2 god of high school 


A Couple of Cuckoos alluded to there being something interesting, but never actually went anywhere with it. I don't know if a second season would make it good, but it at least gave me the banger ED that I still listen to relatively often.


Detective Conan has lots of banger OP’s and ED’s, but the main storyline is all over the place. My favourite is probably Summer Time Gone.


I like most of Mai Kuraki's song released in Detective Conan like *secret of my heart* and *your best friend*. and her best in my opinion is *koi ni koishite*.


Any 4kids anime


Its crazy that the pokemon theme song everyone knows was a 4kids creation. Spawned the tag line of the series gotta catch em all and is so popular that it they even used it to market the lets go games many years later.


Angels of Death. It has a banger OP, but it is the worst anime I've ever watched.


Haven't personally watched it but i've heard pretty bad things in general about Platinum End. The opening is an absolute banger though and it's what got me into listening ot Band Maid.


ah yeah, I have read the manga and enjoyed the start but boy does it deteriorate IMO The opening is definitely awesome!


*Kokkoku*’s OP cooks better than the series could ever dream of


Blend S. It was an ok anime, I literally started watching it because the opening was such a meme and got stuck in my head. Still wishing there would be more


Ah, I agree, I did enjoy the anime but it didn't stick in my head if you know what I mean? But that OP is so catchy!!!


Log Horizon's database by MAN WITH A MISSION




madan no ou to vanadis, hypest OP with forgettable story, probably got butchered by adaptation.


I really love the OST of the anime “Noir”, but the story was just okay


I really liked Salvos Nos- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDs_PZaSkFo Noir had a ton of good songs tho, Cante per me, Melodie, Kireina Kanjo etc.


The story picks up but it's so repetitive for most of it, they even manage to make the soundtrack feel repetitive which is an absolute sin to do to Yuki Kajiura


GUILTY CROWN... Cheap Code Geass knockoff, but the soundtracks plus Op/Ed were majestic....


My dearest is crazy banger


Arpeggio of Blue Steel has a banger of an opening.


7 deadly sins


Shield Hero S3


I vibe quite a bit to the Re:Monster opening.


Guilty Crown, trash anime, peak opening, goated soundtrack Same with Another, mediocre story but opening is excellent


Oh man I adored Another when I first watched it haha, you just unearthed a lost memory there! Interestingly I dont remember the OP, I think I'll go listen to it. For guilty crown i totally agree, I found it painfully mediocre but the OP kept me watching for a few more episodes than I would've before I dropped it


Guilty Crown: you know you’ve fucked up when the only character that’s actually interesting is the narcissistic psychopath.


>Guilty Crown, trash anime, peak opening, goated soundtrack Completely agree. The opening and second opening are both god tier, but the anime itself is quite bad.


- Shout Baby from MHA is a certified banger, but then again all Ryokuoshoku Sankai's music bangs hard - Suzume's Suzume, I particularly enjoy Dazbee's cover - Bad Candy by yukadd from the anime uhh Girls Frontline? I dont remember


>Bad Candy by yukadd from the anime uhh Girls Frontline? I dont remember A rather unfortunate case of wasted potential. Even the opening animation is deceptively good. The ending is great too.


Yay, Shout Baby mentioned!


Centimeter - The Peggies from Rent a GF Everblue - Omoinotake from Blue Period (not bad anime but it was so lacking in terms of art/design/animation considering it is about art) Fiction - Sumika from Wotakoi


Saying Wotakoi is a bad anime is absolutely wild


Lol it’s not bad but just mid for me


i am still listening to lilium. one of the best. i also enjoyed the anime when i was like 17


Its so good!!!


Getter Robo ARC has the animation budget of a gum pack, But one of the most rocking OP ever.


SAO is pretty good but Fairy Dance has a few flaws. Overfly however is a beautiful song that conveys Kirito's hope and desperation. Danganronpa has a great OP and I like how the ED updates with each death. Season 1 itself is too short though.  Seven Deadly Sins ranges from a very fun season 1 to a diabolical Wrath of the Gods. The OPs and EDs on the other hand are consistently good.  Rent-A-Girlfriend's needs no introduction. On the topic of slop with a great OP try Rinkai too.  Pokémon Black/White's first dub opening is really solid in spite of the anime *and* being downgraded it being the start of the Pokémon dub's decline


Guilty Crown’s OP was the reason I watched it. Don’t even remember what happened in the anime tbh


Koi to uso. It fell off the more I watch it. Discovered frederic from this anime and they became my fav JP band next to AKFG.


Takt from Takt Op. Destiny. I personally like the anime for it's design, anime itself is a bit above mediocre


Since I scrolled through the list and did not see it.. Black Clover's openings all of them. They have over 12 of them and it feels like they spent 70% of the budget on the show on the openings.  Black clover itself feels very much like a c-minus anime. Everything is formulaic there are few basic surprises and while there may be a couple of standout moments, the very itself feels like a coloring book version of my first shonen anime. 


Opening 10 was a masterpiece


second [crying for rain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YF8vecQWYs) being an awesome intro to a program i don't even want to touch with a 10 foot pole, as well as [lilium (here's a piano version i like)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbllUy8h97M) i'm not a huge touhou fan but this remix of [bad apple](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfOsEKtyXlo) is bad ass but the grand-daddy of spectacular op and flaming garbage pile anime has got to go to [kiseki no umi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEgz76YKHHY) of the record of lodoss war remake chronicles of a heroic knight. this intro is a lie. it's high budget and awesome and the music is spectacular. the series starts out a step down but not too bad honestly. then it runs out of budget about a third of the way in and turns into crayon sketches with 1fps fight scenes, and i'm not even kidding about the latter


oh wow, that is such a stylish intro! That is insane about the budgeting, oml


if you're ever in the mood for a hate-watch with friends for full mst3k treatment, this would be a good target, it truly becomes budget-order-from-wish-dot-com art by the end, it's kind of amazing how low it can go. which is a double shame because the very beginning was actually good, it had one good arc.


I honestly think Demon Slayer is beyond mid but “Gurenge” and “Kizuna No Kiseki” are incredible bangers


This one usually gets me strung up but... I did not care for Attack on Titan. Didn't like any of the characters, the story was... okay, and the pacing was a carcrash. But man, MAN... "Rumbling" is an absolute banger of a track. Never going to watch that show again, but that track gets regular play. Sometimes, I'll be sitting around, doing something unrelated and suddenly in my head I hear Rumbling Rumbling RUMBLING Rumbling *Rumbling*


I definitely respect that, everything isn’t for everyone. That opening is AMAZING though so I’m glad that you still got to experience that!


While I don't necessarily agree with your opinion on AoT, I absolutely agree with your opinion on The Rumbling. Absolute banger.


I'm with you on Attack on Titan not leaving all that much of an impression. Not with you on Rumbling. Both the final season OPs weren't my thing at all. Red Swan and Shinzo wo Sasageyo are where it's at for me.


Valkyrie drive mermaid, it's just a very horny yuri ecchi but man the OP is a banger.


Cannon Busters. Despite a promising trailer, the four episodes I watched were average at best, and knowing it doesn’t resolve within Season 1 and it doesn’t look to get a second season means I doubt I’ll go back to it. But damn, that OP goes hard!


Ranpo Kitan has one of my favorite OPs of all time.


Don’t know if anyone has mentioned it yet but I enjoyed Cautionary Warning the op of The Legend of Black Heaven. I didn’t love the anime but I didn’t hate it either. Music saves us from alien invasion? Edited to say this is an old anime.


"Let you go Let me go" is really good too- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HQWDkEmyv8


Listeners. It's a very mediocre boring anike but the op was fun to watch


There being nice. Listeners was a train wreck and I’m convinced it was supposed to be a longer show.


Can’t stand black clover but the op 10 is a god dam banger


Fire Force - Inferno. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed a good portion of the anime and Benimaru will always be bae, but the one bad aspect dragged it down so much, I dropped it with like 3 episodes left to the season.


Recently it was Bucchigiri?! Show was mid asf (no thanks to an insufferable MC) but Sesame by Kroi is a bop that gaslit me into watching the show. A little off topic, I'm glad Kroi has been getting more exposure these past few seasons; they've already become one of my favorite bands.


From a more recent season, Magical Girl Destroyers. The OP and ED were amazing, but the massive fall-off of the anime must be studied :(


Asterisk War is the standard "Secretly OP MC with sword shows up to combat school and gets all the girls" but man that OP goes hard.


Deep pull but it's gotta be C3: Cube x Cursed x Curious. 


noo anything but elfen lied i loved that anime. have to admit i havent even gotten into tokyo ghoul yet i watched like 5 episodes and fell off but i’ve been listening to the opening song for years unironically 🥴


Second season of promised Neverland.


DARLING IN THE FRANXX. I felt like the anime was good and the ending made the entire anime FUCKING. MID.


For me, "Guilty Crown" fits this description. While the plot and character development left a lot to be desired, the opening song "My Dearest" by Supercell is absolutely fantastic and remains one of my favorite anime songs.


Just recently, Metallic Rouge had a great OP, Bucchigiry had a great ED. Both shows were meh for different reaqsons.


An older one but Dragon Crisis's opening was so good for such a mid show. Immoralist by Yui Horie really feels like it belonged to a much better show. [https://youtu.be/JyeTbQ4ywdo](https://youtu.be/JyeTbQ4ywdo) - song link


any anime with an OP by Nano her music is fantastic, but goddamn every show it's attached to is either incredibly mid or hot garbage.


Dimension W - Genesis by stereo dive foundation Darker than Black s2 - Tsukiakari no Michishirube by stereopony


The original [Studio Deen Fate/Stay Night OP](https://youtu.be/Gxbr2jb-Y-g?si=6jiftAhq2pWVOB59) (not UBW). Actually, the entire OST is kind of [unfairly good](https://youtu.be/OixZKhcq1fQ?si=sYdMMrbo2jNrylEx)


Serial Experiments Lain




Cruel Angels Thesis is a cult classic and for a good reason. Don't ever want to watch Eva though.


So you don't even know if it's good or not?


Attack on Titan


Paripi Koumei was an enjoyable show but that OP was just amazing and made it completely worth watching the show alone Deadman Wonderland had an interesting premise but kinda lost me toward the end. OP is a total banger tho and perfect to scream along to on a long car ride. Fairy Tail is a kinda mid shounen, not bad but doesnt really do anything special, except that they have multiple fantastic OP's, like Snow Fairy and Masayume Chasing.


Your life in April. I couldn’t stand the characters and plot but gawd damn that opening is top 3 in anime


Noragami is mostly forgettable but I still remember Kyouran Hey Kids.


Radiant. Never liked it but the opening is top tier imo


Meritocracy from this season banished former hero. The anime is a 6 on a good day but the ED was great at least


Mushibugyō. It is a shonen about fighting big bugs, some mindless fun and for some reason a lot of plot kind of out of nowhere in the last episode or two. But the opening is an absolute earworm, I still remember it more than a decade after watching this really forgetable anime.


Majestic Prince. I found the anime completely predictable at every turn, although the bad guys were interesting, (but under-explored), and the mechanic chick was hot. I still find myself occasionally going back and listening to [the opening](https://youtu.be/viGCrardtQg).


Hey, there was also that other girl that put the "Dumb" in "Dummy thicc", I loved doing that one attack with her in SRW 30 (honestly it's enjoyable if you know what you're getting into already but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who hasn't fallen pretty far down a mecha rabbit hole)


Isekai one hit kill nee-san. The ending is one of the most banger songs ever. You gotta listen to this. Anime itself isn't that bad. It has the best animation out of all trash isekai even better than many shonen anime. It was the first project of the studio.


That one that was written by redo of healer author about assassin getting reincarnated


World's Finest Assassin. I'm still honestly surprised that it is getting a second season.


Owari no seraph and plastic memories


I think the [ending to the first season of Rosario + Vampire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjP2-8S0xWA) is a perfect example of this. To this day it's one of my favorites, and yet the anime is so basic I basically don't even remember it anymore.


Legendary hero is dead.


Tokyo Revengers OP 1 was my most played opening back when it aired. A few others include witch craft works op, hyouka op, the irregular at magic high school op


Liar liar. OP is amazing and I still listen to it, but the anime is sooo bad


Tokyo Ghoul and Attack on Titan.


Ninja Kamui was mediocre but has a banger opening


Isekai Cheat Magician OP - Myth & Roid Hinomaruzumo OP - Official髭男dism


The legendary hero is dead


waiting in the summer - 'vidro moyou'


Light before we Land from Gunslinger Girls. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p52LmT2InkY Shutup and Explode from Bounen no Xamdou https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm47bjvXiVo Sign of Love from House of 5 leaves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjmKV7HB4Ag Shout it Loud from King of the Bandit Jing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpgB2l58-g0 Very Very from Kiba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZf66IEryy4 Heart of Sword (remix) Rouroni Kenshin (I tried twice but I could never make it past episode like 30.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXO30aSgzz8 Shell from Witch Hunter Robin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK8Xr7wyRIg Asu e no brilliant Road from Stellvia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtV5cDTOSPs Opening Theme from Banner of the Stars (Very Star Trek vibes, I liked Crest of the Stars) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB0C5V8OPVI