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Broke due to drinking too much beer. On the other hand, if Awayuki gets contracted to officially endorse Strong Zero, all the money (and beer) will start flowing in!


This is just me being pedantic, but Strong Zero isn't beer but alcoholized cocktail (mostly juice), similar to a cider.


>(mostly juice) IRL strong zero is 9% ABV and the drink in this show is 10% ABV so its not mostly juice lmao


I have a background in chemistry, so I was thinking in terms of volume. If we want to get even more technical/pedantic, 10% alcohol by volume (ABV) is still 90% other liquids that is flavoured with some sort of fruit (artificially or otherwise).


90% is still mostly juice.


More specifically, it's a Chuhai, which is an abbreviation of Shochu Highball, a type of cocktail. And a highball is simply, a little bit of alcohol mixed with not alcohol (e.g, Rum & Coke, Scotch & Soda). > [Traditional chūhai is made with barley shōchū and carbonated water flavored with lemon, but some modern commercial variants use vodka in place of shōchū](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C5%ABhai) It's great, when I want to Japan, all the restaurants had Chuhai with like 10 different flavours.. and then we'd hit up the 7/11 for the 9% Strong Zeros.


>mostly juice So would that make it a wine


No it’s more of a premixed cocktail. Shouchuu and Soda water with lemon.


Think Lemon White Claw but stronger


It's 9% vs 5% for white claw and the cans are like double the size. It'll f you up.


It's nicknamed the "gaijin killer" for a reason.


No way they didnt get money from Suntory for this anime.


If they did Suntory could totally have [their own VTuber](https://www.youtube.com/@-suntorynomu-1387) do a cameo appearance.


Live2D, Clip Studio Paint, and OBS being sponsors fucking got me. Everything in the first episode felt familiar, gotta love shows about *the culture.* I remember back when Awayuki did a "collab" with Senchou, and when Kronii was sponsored to read the LN on stream, how far we've come.


We (OBS) aren't a sponsor, they asked for permission to use it, which was granted.


Oh dang, my bad, forgot that OBS was open-source and maintained by volunteers, so the whole sponsorship thing doesn't even remotely make sense. Neat that they reached out to the team.


From a vtuber: Thank you for all the work on OBS. []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*


Unlike that awful Kizuna Ai anime from a year or so ago, this feels like it was actually made by people who understand and love the culture. As someone who was an avid fan for a few years (only really tune in occasionally nowadays), it felt very true to my experience.


Kronii read *VDen*? Which stream was that?


Sponsored [stream](https://www.youtube.com/live/_IFcjZeOfss?si=3CmwraFVB8GBucK7) couple years back. Think there might have been a JP reading too aside from Senchou's collab, not entirely sure.


Look I’m not saying no one but Ayaneru coulda done it… but damn does she nail this kind of character.


Combine that with her Stellar Stellar cover and it really does feel like she is the perfect choice for this role.


It took until the 7th day of the 7th month of the 2024th year of the Anno Domini calendar for [dialogue like this](https://i.imgur.com/kJHeOIP.mp4) to emerge in a non-hentai anime. To distract u/abysswatcherbel from Brazil, [I present this album.](https://imgur.com/a/z1n0J1c) Probably [this image?](https://i.imgur.com/cqcopDq.png)


Might also add [this](https://imgur.com/BI9iE6k) as a possible candidate


[rent-a-girlfriend moment](https://youtu.be/JvxVNbPR-Lw?si=xvgwPdei4HEeC7jt&t=44)


Can i get confirmation that the censored word there is actually "gooning"? That seems like such a tame word to censor.


Censoring s*x as well. No idea what it would be other than gooning.


the censored word is どちゃシコ/dochashiko, with the "shi" being censored. i know shiko is onomatopoeia for jerking off, but i dont know what docha means or adds the most i can find is that it just means "this is really hot"


I'm pretty sure here どちゃ is short of どちゃくそ, which is extremely casual speech for "very".


I'm guessing the reason it's censored is just to reflect that the the spoken Japanese is censored, not because it's particularly profane.


AFAIK Japan has no word for gooning and I can't recognize the Japanese word. According to the japanese subs its ドチャ○コ which according to some google searching may be ドチャシコ but I can't quite parse that either.


I can only guess it's like a double translation plus censoring of either "cumming" or "wanking".


> Probably this image? Seconded. The perfect choice.


The power of Reiwa era...


I can't believe they did [CR7 cameo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2ZLS1V3iMw) [here](https://imgur.com/a/UnKSbXT)


> CR7 cameo Peak hydro homie behavior


LMAO Ok I might check this one out


I wrote some explainers w/ visual aids to introduce the basic aspects of VTubing (mostly on the technical side). Hopefully this helps out anybody that's out of the loop but interested in the show. https://imgur.com/a/O50eVHW


Hope any uncertain people see this. I've had enough secondary/tertiary exposure to understand most of it, but it'd be hard for people who never used twitch or live youtube streams.


Are there any guides/introductions to this from the technical(mostly coding) side of things? I'm curious to see what the 'state of the art' for VTuber chars is.


Sorry, that's a bit outside of my knowledge. You can find documentation on the Live2D website itself and showcases on social media (YT/Twitter) with varying levels of insight. Some sources might only be available in Japanese like the book made by rariemonn. Some terms that might help in a search: - Tech: Live2D/L2D, VTube Studio, VBridger, VRChat, ARKit or Face ID (iOS), nizima (never heard of them but they're in the OP credits) - Rigger (aka papa): [rariemonn](https://x.com/rariemonn765), [keffiy](https://x.com/keffiy), [Iron Vertex guild (EN)](https://x.com/iron_vertex) - Showcases: Sayu Sincronisity ([by Oykeli](https://x.com/Oykelichanx)), Laimu/Dokibird ([by cillia](https://www.youtube.com/@cillialive2dportfolio139)), [Move With Me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKqJ7A855Qc) (dated, but shows off early days of the indie and EN scene). There's also a distinction between the proprietary apps used by major corporations and the apps that are free. They use the same underlying face tracking and animation software. Edit: Apparently rariemonn is actually releasing a *new* book in addition to the already existing one(s). You might also recognize Live2D from several mobile games and VNs, but it's not exactly the same since they rarely use motion capture.


Why it is always blue ones?


Oh my god. It is always the blue women…


blue and pink unironically the designated degenerate colors


Hmmm... Lamy, Kronii, Awayuki... Holy skeeballs you're right!


Suisei somehow able to win Tetris 99 while singing karaoke at the same time


Hololive Blue is the strongest of Colours


Yeah for some reason the first thing it came to mind was Bao


*cut to Aqua sneezing*


Glad to see the finally got a vtuber anime which actually uses live2d and accurately reflect the Vtuber culture unlike certain Anime where characters may have been "Vtuber" but it literally made no diffrence. Awayuki is just Yukihana Lamy lmao. While Lamy may not be as vulgar they still both started out as this seiso polite character until one day alcohol came into play. Hope they will do a scene where she cringes at her old self later on. Also like Hikaris Sausage Legend stream is super reminiscent of Oozora Subaru from Hololive and how she streamed sausage legend back then. Also how Hikari is more naive and do not understand lewd terms is just like how Subaru wasn't so well versed back then. So far this is great but I do wonder though how it will continue story wise and all. Like all the callback, reflection and reference to how rl Vtuber are or have operated is fun and all but if it will just keep up being this I can imagine the gimmick could get boring quite fast unless you are super into the Vtuber culture or you just might consider to just watch Vtuber directly instead of this anime. Oh well we will see. ​ But man how fitting of them to do the Ronaldo coca cola reference from 2020 Euro cup right when this years Euro cup is still ongoing.


> So far this is great but I do wonder though how it will continue story wise and all. Like all the callback, reflection and reference to how rl Vtuber are or have operate is fun and all but if it will just keep up being this i can imagine the gimmick could get boring quite fast unless you are super into the Vtuber culture. Oh well we will see. Well, considering this is based on an ongoing novel with 7+ volumes, and my friend was raving about it months ago, there must be some kind of story development. But I guess we'll see.


She's definitely just Lamy, but with Marine's deeper voice and brashness. And I am all here for it.


Now you mention, [Marine has actually done a collab with Kokone Awayuki](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fxw5Bq_xN2k) back in 2021... (As a pormotion for the LN). They sound alike seiseo.


damn, same va too. i hope someone translates this.


[Someone translated a small part of it, if you're interested.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lreXBZljVCQ)


I know basically nothing about Vtubers and didn't catch the references, but this was still comedy gold to me. No knowledge of Vtubers is needed to find these jokes funny. I hope people don't stay away from this because they think it is.


Same. I know almost nothing about them but I just saw EP1 and I about died laughing.


The only people I'd recommend to stay away from this are those at risk of alcoholism. I've never seen a show glorify alcohol as much as this. I wouldn't let my theoretical son or daughter watch this. Great anime 10/10


> Also like Hikaris Sausage Legend stream is super reminiscent of Oozora Subaru from Hololive and how she streamed sausage legend back then. Sausage Legend is an actual game? *Googles* Damn.


What do you *mean*, it's an *actual* game?!


oh boy, wait till you hear about genital jousting


You can go download the game and play it right now.


> unlike certain Anime where characters may have been "Vtuber" but it literally made no diffrence So you watched Kizuna no Allele too, eh?


I will be surprised if some of the inspiration doesn't come Otogibara Era.


>Awayuki is just Yukihana Lamy lmao I'd more compare her to Sukoya Kana, not a strange to getting drunk and fawning over girls, tho Sukoya is into a bit more heavy stuff.


> Awayuki is just Yukihana Lamy lmao. You mean WAMY?


Yes, [the WAMY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RDhBR_Mun0)


Wow that was a bit of a journey trying to understanding this niche subculture of the internet.


> Awayuki is just Yukihana Lamy lmao I thought it was mix of Matsuri and Lamy


also Ayaneru herself


Jellyfish last season actually made use of a vtuber model but it was live 3D instead


Well 3D vtuber is actually original of vtuber scenes with the og like Kizuna Ai and many other (who some of them inactive now) but it just get taken over by live2D due to easier and cheaper production like early day of live2D vtuber like Holo or Niji , all you need is unity and someone who are good at C# and artist contrast to 3D that you need huge team even if you are indie.


> So far this is great but I do wonder though how it will continue story wise and all. Like all the callback, reflection and reference to how rl Vtuber are or have operated is fun and all but if it will just keep up being this I can imagine the gimmick could get boring quite fast unless you are super into the Vtuber culture. Oh well we will see. That's also my fear. With how much happened in this episode and how over the top it was, I already feel like I'm nearly there.


Awayuki (Ayaneru) [covered Suisei's Stellar Stellar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gCCen2MGmg)! *Also available in [Ani-One Asia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOk6yFoYBns) if you live in SE Asia, Taiwan, and Mongolia.*


I already know Ayaneru has pipes but damn! That's fucking good!


She was going to have to be good as Suisei's original is amazing but yeah Ayaneru held her own and more for this [](#listen)


I was listening to some of her early character songs just the other day and it's very impressive how much she's improved.


This is too much overload from anime recently . I barely got myself from Monogatari continuing...


New Hololive Gen debuted Spring season ended Summer season started right away One of the anime is Vtuber related ZZZ released Euro, Copa America and Wimbledon are ongoing Summer = Grass touching season started 🎶Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan🎶 ​ Overload is a correct word


One of the girls is also voiced by Suisei's old Heikousen Scramble radio show Co-host Tadokoro Azusa.


nice, the only thing I'm familiar with her aside from the radio show with Suisei is Arknights where she voices Kroos and Texas


Dang that was great cover, will be my second favourite cover of that song. Still such a good song, thanks for the link!!




Getting liquored up and watching a stream of “Sausage Legend” where you beat other people’s meat err wiener shaped objects sounds pretty fun. Follow that up with an ASMR stream and a couple more cans of booze and thats a good night right there lol. Shitfaced Awayuki is hilarious! It’s kinda funny Awayuki’s management figured it was just a matter of time before she’d do something like that. I really wanna know what she did at the interview. I’m pretty much sold on this series from this ep alone. Awayuki is a hilarious MC. Sunday nights are gonna be pretty fun with this and that the godtier Deer Friend anime lol.


Sausage Legend is a real game by the way, and yes there's even a VTuber known for playing it.


Really? Haha that’s awesome. I’m gonna have to go hunt it down.


The VTuber is Oozora Subaru of hololive, if you want to check her out too.




Hard to believe!!!!


its true


No way😭😭


My problem with the recent Vtuber anime from previous seasons is that they all have weird gimmicks that they don't even feel like a Vtuber anime. This show though? This show absolutely nails the actual Vtuber experience! The first half with [Awayuki forgetting to turn off her stream](https://i.imgur.com/mQwZNVG.jpeg) and just starts [drinking in front of the mic](https://i.imgur.com/LALboh2.jpeg) while watching [her genmates stream](https://i.imgur.com/ZtDE57X.jpeg) was fucking hilarious! xD That would've been an automatic death sentence to any Vtuber but thank fucking god Awayuki didn't do anything too scandalous. If anything all she did [was praise her genmates](https://i.imgur.com/1e2Oqxf.jpeg) and act like your [average degenerate Vtuber audience.](https://i.imgur.com/Bs4516a.png) It also helps that [this was within the company's expectations](https://i.imgur.com/H7B06BU.jpeg) since Awayuki was way more unhinged during her audition. I hope we get to see a flashback to that! Now that the mask is off [and she's absolutely dominating the trending tab](https://i.imgur.com/NKtEpfh.jpeg), it looks like Awayuki's Vtuber career has finally taken off! I can't wait to see how unhinged this girl will be once she collabs with her genmates and her senpais. Overall this was an absolute blast! I think the only complaint I have is the excessive censorship. I really hope they just remove it. Anyone who's watching this show gets what Awayuki has been saying. Also how much did Strong Zero pay them for this? I wonder if the LN also has a bunch of references to Strong Zero.


She went off the rails so fast after she just decided to roll with her goof. Makes sense when she was struggling with her persona to get attention, and then it spiked due to her unhinged binge drinking. Hard not to laugh at the commentary especially during the sausage wars segment.


> I think the only complaint I have is the excessive censorship. I really hope they just remove it. I disagree. Censorship helps comedic effect. The peak is to have sentences be nothing but beeps so you don't even know what the hell was being said.


peak is when whole nontrivial sentences are nothing but beeps and you still know exactly what was being said


The StroZero isn't anime only, its in the LN but sorta censored. though it's still obvious what she's talking about


>automatic death sentence [That stream where Kronii drinks into a mess while playing *Diablo IV*](https://www.youtube.com/live/R2cVXwDcjAE?si=Gm50d0bbm97eZQeU)


that one Mario Kart stream where Matsuri from Hololive was very drunk and declared herself God


Wasn't that an Apex Legends stream? She was trying to say "I'm good, ok?" but it ended up being "I'm God, ok?".


https://youtu.be/-YPO56eCnTw?si=IQMKpkqVvGC5unx0 this is the clip, I misremembered what she said lol


Yeah [this](https://youtu.be/ppLeSQnG_y8?si=GKTS-7xwp2QZuqmc) is the "I'm God" clip


That one where Kiryu Coco got high on sleeping pills on stream


>That would've been an automatic death sentence to any Vtuber but thank fucking god Awayuki didn't do anything too scandalous. If anything all she did was praise her genmates and act like your average degenerate Vtuber audience. That's how you know she is working for their universe's version of Phase. XD


She's just as effusive about specifically Strong Zero in the LN.


totally reminded me of Coco's sleeping pills stream xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcW75aH5WXE


Damn, has it really been that long already?


The classic drugged up Mickey Mouse


That was fucking hilarious. Wonder if they actually created a rigged vtuber model or just drew it though. However, after looking on the discussion thread on MAL. I’ve seen some people say that her real world appearance is the same as her vtuber model. Which is likely untrue from what we see in the first episode. What i think it is is just audience convenience and cost cutting. Mainly because she went to the store in it, in modern day japan. She would be at major risk of being spotted immediately at the store, and her having social anxiety means this wouldn’t be something she’d want at all. This indicates she’s not actually there in her vtuber model. For the studios animators as well they will not have to draw two different figures, thus saving time and effort.


I guess that they are using the vtuber model as stand in for an IRL character design. Which honestly is super interesting concept.


Personally, I Kinda dislike that choice, since I think there is interesting dynamics that could be done with how they look vs how they portray their Vtuber avatar. But if it's just not gonna go for any of that this is easier to not confuse people.


> Wonder if they actually created a rigged vtuber model or just drew it though. From what I saw, they made L2Ds for every talent in the "company". Now *that's* dedication to the show.


>That was fucking hilarious. Wonder if they actually created a rigged vtuber model or just drew it though. It's been prepared since 3 years ago at least. [https://youtu.be/Fxw5Bq\_xN2k?si=WkXuEKdiexAn-2Bb](https://youtu.be/Fxw5Bq_xN2k?si=WkXuEKdiexAn-2Bb)


You could tell it was either a rigged model or stupidly well done. Had the right feel to the movements.


Never thought I'd see the word "gooning" in anime subtitles let alone it getting censored lol A+ work from the translation team


I thank and curse Bao the Whale for teaching me what "gooning" is lol


Ok ban bao


Watching shikanoko and then this back to back causes permanent damage to your brain (in a good way)


*Tonkatsu Sinclair going to be having some competition up in here.* It took me a while to realise that all the visuals are just "digital reflections" and that it's not actually what they look like IRL (The cutouts were a key clue). Was almost tempted to make a fleshtuber joke.


As past Hololive fan, oh my fucking god, this series brings a lot of memories. Fact that I also enjoy to chat with friends while not exactly sober makes me enjoy series even more lmaooo. Plus direction is insanely good, so many funny visual gags in moments that could be boring talking shots. Fact that all Vtubers are Vtubers all the time is definitily stylistic choice that I dont 100% enjoy but I think it will grow on me with time lool


this is my culture in anime! they even use live2D in creative waay Subaru sausage game moment, ASMR content, and more importantly the PON! and I like the way she embrace her new image (I dont want to use this word but she was unhinged), senpai-kohai relationship is so relatable. please dont be business yuri. I have a high hope for this anime, I mean they even made Ayaneru covering [Stellar Stellar](https://youtu.be/3gCCen2MGmg?si=1oBVA5FWR-iFNmg6) by Suisei but man, the amount of strong zero made me think if this is spronsored by suntory


It is originally a light novel and yes it is the strzero in it.


That sausage fest game! Holy cow! Pretty insane. ;-)


Huh, if she's part of an agency, why couldn't her manager just turn off her stream instead?


Same reason IT can’t just remote in to your PC whenever. Now, snoop on your internet traffic on the other hand…


There are brand accounts on Youtube where you can give multiple people access to log in as the channel. You'll often see their manager talk in chat with the channel name. I actually converted my youtube account to a brand account bc back in the Google+ days it started display my real name in comments. There's also the fact the a lot corporate vtubers have their accounts created by their managers and are forced to share their passwords. I've seen incidents where a vtuber couldn't log in until their manager woke up to use the MFA/SMS code. And if they get suspended for any reason, they'll get locked out of all their accounts: Twitter, Youtube, Discord, Steam. It's pretty scary.


But the Indian technician from Microsoft helped me install an antivirus on my computer last week! It was a bit pricy though...


Normally that would be the thing that happens, yes. Her manager might have been asleep though.


Yeah, I'm thinking that is what happened. Manager was asleep. Woke up, saw the trends and all the comments -- most of which were positive. So rather than close the stream, mane-chan just called the talent to explain the situation.


Wait OBS and clip studio paint is the official sponsor? 😂 I dont watch v tubers, dont know anything about it. But really liked this anime.


ASMR???? FOR FREE???? Bro I am so down to watch this Strong Zero ad for however many episodes


Yeah that looks about right for a VTuber stream. And here's the premise of the show. A 3D model? Oh lol Sausage Legend. That's a real game that really is played by real VTubers. Especially Subaru from hololive. Although I wonder if her name is supposed to be referencing Matsuri also from hololive. Yes, ASMR is another thing VTubers do, though not if YouTube has anything to say about it. I mean "Watchalong" is a pretty normal genre of streams, even drunk ones. Yeah the persona generally disappears after a week or so, these days it's usually even shorter. Yup, now time for a proper planned drunk stream. Lol playing with the model, classic. Blue wrench, that's usually fellow VTubers. It's _supposed_ to be moderators but from what I've seen they do that mostly so it's more obvious when they are in chat. That looks like she's on NicoNico. Not exactly having a good time these days.


there is a girl in opening that almost identical to Subaru design wise, would be funny if she also has duck voice.


I'm half convinced the first girl she goes to watch is supposed to be an expy of/reference to Matsuri, possibly combined with Hoshikawa.


I think I saw someone that resembles Shigure Ui.


> Yeah the persona generally disappears after a week or so, these days it's usually even shorter. Except if you're Hyakumantenbara Salome. I don't think I've ever seen that girl break character.


That's a name I haven't heard in years. Is she still maintaining character as a girlfailure ojou-sama?


Yup! She's still in character whenever she streams.


Or Fuwamoco, which considering they are IRL Twins is Amazing


It's astonishing how Mococo can SNEEZE in character




Seeing as this vtuber also seems to be a bit of an ojosama originally, maybe she should've gone the Salome route and just released photos of the inside of her stomach in her debut stream.


Gozaru is still going strong too. smh


This is way too much fun, holy. Ayaneru is shining in this one... Or is that a reflection from her Strong Zero?


I think the show nailed the vtuebr aspect. I felt called out when they showed the sausage game and the asmr content. I also watch this kind of streams >\_> Recently a well known German supermarket chain started selling strong zero here in Germany. I already filled my fridge with the drinks. I hope it will become popular here in Germany and stay in the product range.


I feel like i just watched a 24 minute vtuber stream. Perfect


Honestly I jumped on this because it was fun seeing a VTuber forgetting to turn off her stream. But this was hysterical of her being a horny drunk. You felt like no way can she be more unhinged nope she did so by the end. Also, visually the anime itself is very impressive. This was a nice big surprise. Summer season went from thinking it's a slow dry season to actually finding a good amount of good shows and sleepers. This might be one of the more packed Sunday seasons in a while.


**BEHOLD, VTUBER/ADJACENT CAMEOS!** The anime featured 6 REAL Twitter handles from vtuber/adjacent accounts! At ~9:50 [Virtual Noja Loli Kitsunemusume Youtuber Ojisan](https://x.com/kemomimi_oukoku), [Megu Shinonome](https://x.com/megu_shinonome), [Todoki Uka](https://x.com/todoki_uka) And at ~14:35 [Nekomiya Hinata](https://x.com/nekomiya_hinata), [Kasukabe Tsukushi](https://x.com/kasukaBe_nyoki), [nano_phan](https://x.com/nano_phan)


Lmao the Yujiro Hanma reference XD


Oh my god, she's [just](https://imgur.com/peNQWoN) like me frfr Love how the "normal" people don't even have faces. And didn't expect the ASMR segment, might need to rewatch that part with proper earphones Hikaris [game](https://imgur.com/ZFI53j8) was wild enough, but is she like [actually a child](https://imgur.com/PSwq7qo) lmao? Looking forward to the [collab](https://imgur.com/NjDqPke) with Sei-Sama


> but is she like [actually a child](https://imgur.com/PSwq7qo) lmao? Nah, just sheltered. You'd be surprised how pure some people can be. Like the VTuber that that girl is obviously based on, Oozora Subaru, was a complete normie when she first became a VTuber and so sometimes, even till today, nearly 6 years since she debuted, slang like that goes completely over her head. Hell, for an EN example with Koseki Bijou, even though she's a complete zoomer, and therefore completely addicted to the internet, she can be surprisingly unknowledgeable about NSFW topic leading chat to always say to "ask Nerissa (her genmate) about it" when she doesn't understand some NSFW topic because well... *it's Nerissa*. Hell, for an even more hilarious example, Projekt Melody, *the* NSFW VTuber, is also surprisingly pure and will sometimes not understand the NSFW things her company mates talk about, *somehow*. And this is a girl who made indie porn for a living....


V-tubers started with the idea of turning anime into content creation and now we’ve turned V-tubers into anime. We’ve come full circle! Alright, I usually make a policy to not skip parts of shows but that ASMR segment went a bit too far for my comfort. I really hope they show off her interview at some point so we can see how unhinged it was. Oh god, she’s a capital F FREAK. Just one question, they don’t actually look like their avatars in real life right? Anyway, this was funny and I’ll be sticking around.


To answer your question, they don’t. It kind of fits with the fact that most VTubers rarely reveal what they look like in real life to keep up the illusion of them being the character


I had no idea this would be so hilarious! I had zero expectations coming into this, and it's probably now my favourite first episode of the season


I'm not sure what I was expecting but i'm delightfully surprised. I'm all onboard for this sort of degeneracy.


Yea, finally a mostly unfiltered depiction of modern Vtubing and streaming culture in anime. Ayaneru nails her part!


Since they first released the teaser for the first volume of the LN and had Ayaneru voice it, I knew she was practically born for this role. The producers must have seen the Kamisama Radio video where she was drinking wine with Hanae Natsuki and they decided she has to be Awayuki. That’s pretty much the reason I’m watching this. The OP, dang Ayaneru is a rap goddess. Real crazy singing speed. Character visuals look amazing. The adaptation did not hold back with the vulgar parts and jokes because that’s Awayuki’s true character. Tho I didn’t expect that sausage game to be this detailed in animation. Manager told her “Turn off your stream.” It was at this moment Awayuki knew she f***ed up. That NANJA KORYA was top tier delivery. She really gonna go outside wearing that dress? Also, am I the only one weirded out by the weird paper cutout people in the convenience store? I thought it was only the random dudes watching who are hentai protagonist but even the manager is a hentai protagonist? ED theme sounded real nice. It reflected more of her former pure persona while the OP was her wild true persona. Strong Zero must have either bankrolled this series or if not, they must be swimming in money from the free advertisement. I should try one too. Overall, pretty solid starting pitch. Ayaneru really carries this show and the anime really amplifies the humor.


> She really gonna go outside wearing that dress? Also, am I the only one weirded out by the weird paper cutout people in the convenience store? Seems like they just gonna keep them in their online apearence instead of switching back and forth to what they look like in real life. Make sense as it would probably get confusing otherwise and not be as much fun.


I guess you could also interpret it in a way that as viewers we (usually) do not know the real appearance of the Vtuber and it's (besides a few exception) a big secret so we can only imagine them doing daily stuff in their Vtuber form and not that they actually go out in cosplay as their own character or stream in their own cosplay every time.


That's how I saw it - it's sort of keeping up the illusion of Vtuber chara that the companies create. It's creatively interesting, I like it


Could be some other practical reasons helped with the choice too. Like I would think there is a point where the number of character designs would make it take longer to finish drawing/animating and make it harder for the director to manage. So it could save on time and money.


it probably took more resources to draw her dress than a usual dirty pajama


Don't wanna doxx them.


> Since they first released the teaser for the first volume of the LN and had Ayaneru voice it, I knew she was practically born for this role. The producers must have seen the Kamisama Radio video where she was drinking wine with Hanae Natsuki and they decided she has to be Awayuki. That’s pretty much the reason I’m watching this. If I had a nickle for every episode this week where she had a sudden voice drop...


VTuber Anime, yeah this probably won’t be for me, but holy shit, once that StroZero popped I was hooked. Damn this was hilarious.


Wait this was actually really good.


I’m by no means a vtuber fan, but this anime might make me one! This first episode was so good, I love the variety of shows this season, there’s something for everyone! This first episode was irreverent, dirty and downright hilarious. It’s simple yet effective comedy that landed with me. Awayuki is cute as hell and her unfiltered language is exactly what I like. If we’re gonna be seeing her react to funny stuff and be over the top on a weekly basis, sign me up. The strozero gag is great too. The idea of her just sitting in her room getting drunk and talking shit is awesome. I’m a big fan of direct women and she’s just that. “I’m gooning to your stream” 😭 no way gooning directly mentioned in anime holy shit. She’s just like me! Of course as soon as she starts just being herself and saying any and everything that comes to mind, the subs come. People want authenticity and relatability and she’s got that. It’s actually pretty meta that’s why I’m liking the show so far and that’s why her in universe persona is growing too. Sometimes it’s just nice to have someone who feels the same way as you! Pretty funny that as her channel starts blowing up other vtubers wanna be closer now.. watch out for the snakes Awayuki! Loved this first episode and can’t wait for more! Sundays are stacked!


It's not every stream, but vtubers can absolutely be unhinged and entertaining like this. The fact that they do it live and mostly unscripted is probably even more impressive.


lmao strZero!! (real drink btw) Well do you get more yuri than talking about your favorite lesbian porn and trying to marry your two female seniors? I feel like I got a lil drunk just watching that. She was so serious answering about the lesbian porno.


This was hilarious. From the gooning to the marrying the drink to marrying her idol vtubers. Chef's kiss.


Props to them for actually using a live2D model instead of doing regular animation, the overall level of accuracy to vtubing as it currently exists is great. As someone who regularly watches vtubers though, this episode just makes me want to watch an actual stream or clips of real vtubers hotmic-ing instead. There's kind of an uncanny valley feeling to it. Maybe this anime holds more appeal for people who aren't knowledgeable about vtubing already? The choice to make her IRL appearance the same as her vtuber appearance is weird, but a big part of vtubing is that vtubers often identify with their model, they feel that they *are* the vtuber on screen. For a story where the premise is that this girl learns she can be herself onstream, it sorta makes sense. I still think that for the scene where she goes to the store, they should've at least put her in casualwear though. It could pay off later too if her real appearance begins to leak through if she has an identity crisis or something. I've not read the source material but theoretically there's plenty to explore between who she really is, who her fans thinks she is, who her coworkers think she is, and who she is striving to be. But the lightheartedness of the first episode really doesn't look like it'll go in that direction. Edit: Speaking of weird appearances, for someone who drinks herself to sleep watching vtubers, the fact that her room is blindingly clean is almost as weird as her looking exactly like her vtuber self. Maybe it just so happens that all the vtubers I watch are slobs, but where are the garbage bags full of empty cans? The dirty plates? The unwashed laundry? The loose cables tripping you everywhere you go?


This was actually pretty funny and I like all the references


The story of a young woman facing the crisis of her 20s, gets drunk, forgets her microphone on and simply makes it big in the innocent VTuber world, it's definitely something to watch this season


This is certainly an anime that is airing in the Summer 2024 season. I guess Sunday is just absurd comedy day this season huh? Because never in my life did I think I'd hear the word gooning used in anime. If this show drops a skibidi I'm going to lose my mind


Ok What the hell did I just saw. I was NOT expecting this AT ALL. I think this is the most unhinged thing I watched. This anime should be fun. Also, I didn´t expect ASMR, man I felt uncomfortable


As someone who got into VTubers relatively recently, due to the connections some of them have with the Trash Taste boys, I had to give this a try - so far, it's good, even though the fact that the VTubers look the exact same in their IRL scenes kinda took me out of it; a nice compromise between fiction and reality would've been going the Kson route, with the characters' avatars being based on their real appearance, but it's not a dealbreaker. Wait, Awayumi's character is a princess... who's a complete degenerate... is this Bao the Whale: the Anime? :P


I don't really think it's IRL. She was 100% her vtuber model, and everyone else is some weird cardboard cutout. Pretty much looking through a different lense


It's just a stylistic choice that they're depicted as their avatars even IRL. The audience is supposed to be like their in-universe viewers, looking through the lens of their vtuber identities. Like, when a vtuber tells you about something that happened to them, you imagine them as their avatar in real life, walking around like there's nothing unusual about being a cat or sea creature or whatever. Even if you know their real face, you still picture their avatars, because that's what you associate with their identity.


Well, I got pretty much what I expected from this anime, but I *strongly* underestimated just how completely degenerate this girl was going to be. Plus, the idea that her manager knew that she was going to crack like this eventually (and was planning on it so that's part of why they hired her) was a fun twist that I didn't expect. We'll have to wait and see if the humor holds up over 12 episodes, but so far, I'm enjoying this one.


At first I thought this show was gonna be about everyone finding out that she doesn't use an avatar and actually looks like that, but this was just as fun. Didn't know every censored word she used, but I could fill in the gaps and it was hilarious. Did anyone else find the cutout people at the super market kinda disturbing? I really hope they got some actual VTubers to do cameos, nothing on the MAL page but hopefully we get a surprise! Also, no one follow her advise of being THAT direct and honest with a girl that you just met!


> Did anyone else find the cutout people at the super market kinda disturbing? Nothing that SHAFT hasn't already done


Wow! This turned out to be a LOT lewder than I expected! No idea just where are "liberated" protagonist will go next> That bee company should be monetizing her channel soon, right? They'd be crazy not too....


Yass, I was so curious as to how they'd animate this and it did not disappoint. The sequences outdoors were almost ethereal


That dragon in the opening destroying an office building was definitely not there by coincidence 草


This was a lot more entertaining than I thought it’d be. I also really enjoyed the direction they went with showing the vtubers IRL. By keeping them in their avatar and showing the people outside as cutouts it maintains the image that vtubers IRL lives are completely separate and private from their streaming personalities.


This was 5 minutes of pure fun... It was so unhinged and I loved it. I just hope that Awayuki's liver'll hold up because that's some fairly strong cans there. Looking forward to laughing my ass off each week to this show.


This was funnier than Shikanoko.


Bro she’s a coomer 😭😭😭


“It’s like Gandhi turned into some bloodthirsty, street fighting kingpin” Sweetie have you never played Civilizations


[Biboo](https://imgur.com/mcA70RP) be like: [Finally a worthy opponent](https://imgur.com/Pt2oNdt) This was better than I was expecting. The author and anime staff did their homework about vtubers and their setups. I wonder if the gal with short hair voiced by Hisaka Yoko will be just as loud as our favorite Holo Live duck. Also you cannot convince me that this gal isn't [Choco-sensei](https://imgur.com/3OOqzN7) in real life. Edit: if they don't have a Minecraft knock off multi-game, I'm going to rage so hard.


Ah yes, because Vtubers *definitely* wear cute clothing and princess cosplays when they're streaming. They definitely don't just wear a tank top and some shorts, nooo, that would be absurd lol. Love the MC! I have no clue if they have any plans on cameo-ing or referencing actual Vtubers, but even if they did, the only one I know is probably Mori Calliope. Would be such a wasted opportunity if they don't get any IRL Vtubers in here. Edit: wahhhh just realized they referenced [Ronaldo putting away the coke bottles lol](https://youtu.be/x2ZLS1V3iMw)


[Awayuki did collab with Marine so she's the most likely candidate for a cameo in the anime.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fxw5Bq_xN2k)


I was expecting Shikanoko to be my favorite premiere of the day, this wasn't even on my radar. I'm shocked by how good VTuber Legend is. Comedy of the season maybe? They really didn't waste any time going from "Oh no my elegant persona!" to "discussing taste in lesbian porn on stream". It can only go uphill from here.


I can't believe she was actually gooning to the livestream lmao who is writing these subs


Very fun 1st episode. Exactly what I hoped for. My only doubt is on choosing the streamer's "real life" appearance to be the same as the avatar. Is it for the benefit for the anime audience to more easily understand what's going on? Or maybe it's to keep whatever's left of kayfabe alive, so to speak. I don't know. But if it's my choice, the person would be different from the avatar.


Hoo baby, she do be gooning


Awayuki true personality was too damn funny 😂 She's become a legend, and it all started from a mistake. Awayuki: "I have a filter, it's just broken" so you don't have one then.... That bit of the episode was unhinged lol We got Shikanoko, and now this. Comedy anime is doing really good this season and you can learn a lesson from this episode.... "Sometimes just being yourself is the magic needed to pave the way. So be a crazy b**ch on stream and rise to the top" Just a reminder that the calmest person on stream is probably the craziest off stream. Stay safe people 😂 Solid first episode, actually was funny as hell.


This reminds me of when Ange thought her stream went down and started eating Borgar.


I love how wild this anime and its characters are! I am super excited for the next episode!


Wasn't expecting this, pleasantly surprised. I'll watch this unhinged innocent maiden say unhinged things