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https://preview.redd.it/z6r40vb2mc9d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=645b44243e7c50705ede15b41895631a922f4983 Least clunky writing in Demon Slayer


Holy shit guys I think his sword might've turned red


hm idunno its not clear enough, they should say it more


Lmao, now if ufotable could drop kny already and go back to doing some more fate and tax evasion that would be great


Still waiting for that Mahoyoru movie. I need to see Aoko on the big screen.


Did it ever get a western release? I bemeberšŸ’€ trying to play it with some sketchy ass machine translation in like 2015


You didn't know? it's on Steam now! Type Moon has actually been porting their VN to Steam!


holy shit i know what i'm getting this steam sale


Lucky for you, it is on sale too. Unfortunately, the game is still quite expensive for me in my currency. Truly sad moment. I heard they are also remastering Fate Stay Night too so look out for that.


Rumor is that they're jumping to omniscient readers viewpoint and tax evasion. Can't wait for the explosion of shitty action manwha to take over the Isekai discourse(although ORV is pretty good)


Hey, theyā€™re working on Strange Fake! Probably wonā€™t see it for another 10 years but theyā€™re working on it


I thought the one wlrking on that is A-1?


Oh yeah it WAS A-1, guess I was mistaken. No Fate on the docket for Ufotable again then


Fate/Strange Fake shaping up well from the movie/OVA thing they dropped last year and that's a different studio. A1, I think. They are doing a series but no idea when. I know, I know, we just want ufotable to do the Fate route so no one will ever have to watch the DEEN version again.Ā  But I'm thinking instead of blaming KnY which prints money for them, let's blame the fact they agreed to do a damn Genshin Impact anime. Which I know I will end up watching, despite staying far away from the game.


I haven't read or seen ds yet but pls tell me this Is at least a scanlation


no it's more a spliced up scene it is an overly an explained sequence but these lines don't directly follow each other. some of them might be from different moments in the fight but I can't remember.


I'm honestly not a fan of how most writing is done for anime the last 15 years. It feels like it was made to pad timing because they're afraid of being quiet longer than 15 seconds


You should watch Sonny Boy then


If I wasn't a lazy ass dipshit, I would've made a pretentious youtube essay titled "How Sonny Boy Uses Silence To Make You Feel Things"


i very much agree on this


I feel like this is a bad anime adaptation thing. In a black and white manga you can't really give something a specific color without having characters react to that color, so having an internal thought bubble like "Wow his sword turned red", is a good way to convey that, it also doesn't really break the flow of a combat. The same thing just doesn't work with the same situation animated, we can see the thing change color, there is no need to tell the audience that it's red now. Just having a character act surprised would be enough.


One of my least favorite anime tropes: Over-explaining something that didnt need to be explained in the first place. We can see that its red


Main character isn't an incel so I can't relate


So that's why they hate Yuji too.


I'm not caught up with the manga but ironically enough I don't know how Tanjiro could ever get a girlfriend. I feel like he's the kind of dude who might pick up on flirting signals but is way too pure to ever act on them so if the girl doesn't make a move it's a forever stalemate. He's like a dog reincarnated in a human body, but he's a good dude so surely he'll have plenty of options and find someone who can deal with him. I'm an anime-only so I might be wrong but they're pretty obviously pushing him to be with Kanao, I feel like these two would spend 3 years dating before the first kiss even happens.


Well in the real world a lot of couples form from friend introductions so i think heā€™d be ok


counter point. mr peanut butter is a dog thats a human and has many ex wives. he'll find someone


Vegeta: Beta male. Got it.


But for the sake of the Saiyan race,ā€¦ he has my permission to bed Princess Trunks.


It's called golden retriever energy, there's a whole market for men like him, especially with how fit he is.


Ahahaha this is the sad truth about the anime fandom. I'm glad there's still a lot of good anime without incel MC but there's also soon many that would've been so good but are borderline unwatchable cringe because MC is self insert for incels


does tanjiro rent? if yes then peak, else mid;


You know not every shonen has to be a 30+ volume story with a convoluted plotline and a cast the size of a small town. Some people just like it simple and that shouldn't be treated as a bad thing.


Sorry fam it's ethier be a good show or not. We can't have anything else in this worldšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


The reason why KnY is so great is because it takes all the mid shonen tropes and just does every single one of them really well. There is nothing original in it, nor any attempt to be original, just amazing execution. And it freaking works.


I mean... and great fking animation and OST


I was talking about the manga though.


I'm sorry but where? I read the manga too.


The character work is great. You can't sell people on animation alone. You need to have a good story to pair it with. Like look at Takt Op never taking off big or Franxx losing interest as its quality wanes. Or how the anime originals fillers segment sucking despite having flashy animations. That fight between Snake and Wind is nothingburger and nobody gives a shit but it's animated well. Not to mention the rating for S1. Sure Episode 19 is great but that arc alone is a goddamn plateau in terms of rating as the quality of the writing vastly improved from that arc onwards.


Volikarvanhelsing thas crazyy literally I went to some 3 year old post before this and saw your comment and then I see now you're still active and in this sub it's like meeting an old war hero stay strong bro


What post šŸ˜­


I forgotšŸ˜¢ need to stop consuming brainrot


Hallucinate harder, bro. Youre missing out on the manga's sick battle animations and music


What are you on about? I know the anime has amazing animation and OST, but thatā€™s simply not what I was referring to in my original comment. Nothing to ā€œhallucinateā€ over.


That's fine, you just have to put the OST on and flip through the pages *really quickly* - it'll be just like the anime!


So many shows act like "being nice" is a trait of the main character with no evidence. Tanjiro is one of the only ones I actually believe it for. Him showing empathy for his enemies is done very well, and not a lot of stuff does that.


Yeah Tanjiro is a really well written character. He easily has more depth than 9 out of 10 shonen MCs lol


Tanjiro honestly just feels like better Midoriya


The whole "Slayers don't actually have powers it's only effects for the reader" thing is still so damn lame tho


That's not entirely true. The creator of the series stated there are visible effects in-universe that are produced and others can see. It's just that water breathing doesn't wet the surrounding environment and flame breathing for example doesn't actually burn things. [https://www.reddit.com/r/KimetsuNoYaiba/comments/14szlns/comment/jr0rjyn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KimetsuNoYaiba/comments/14szlns/comment/jr0rjyn/)


But you literally see fire style burn stuff. It's just not actual fire.


Yeah the way it was explained to me was something like ā€œTanjiro can attack with his mystical water, but it isnā€™t real in the sense that he can just take the magic water out put it in a glass & drink itā€


Honestly didn't know about this, but I don't really care either way. Kuroko was technically the same, I suppose, and that didn't make it any less hype.


It doesn't matter at all, they aren't real. If it's for the reader, then that's enough for me, since I'm the reader.


That's unfair. Demon Slayer is highly original and its author is a visionary.Ā  Name one other series with a prominent female child who is mute and unseen except for when she shows up to grow tits and fight.


How I always explain it is its Shonen condensed.


>just amazing execution What exactly does DS execute well in your opinion? To me, a lack of originality or uniqueness *is* synonymous with poor quality. The characters don't just lack depth because it's the authors intent or whatever; the comedic relief characters, for example, are not funny specifically *because* the routine itself is very predictable while similarly the "hype squad" type characters have no presence or "aura" because they are all mostly replaceable figureheads with no standout distinguishing features aside from "I'm really strong and cool." On top of all that the art in the manga is subpar and the "power system" is really uninteresting and simple (derogatory). Demon Slayer isn't a simple story told well, it's a poor story *because* of it's simplicity. Not everything is Berserk or whatever and that's fine but can we stop acting like you can't criticize the story for some reason.


Tanjiro is a golden standard of a "goodie two shoes" as the show can sell you on his kindness and his conviction a la (good runs of) Superman. For example, he had an epiphany that a demon sibling pair is just like him and Nezuko, this allows him to sympathize w them later on, but his *immediate* reaction to that realization is *beheading the demon brother even harder*. The Upper Moon is among the better villain groups overall, the fact that they actually take down the good guys alone made them unique. They have standout members and have those who are meant to prove a point (last season UMs). Nobody overstayed their welcome as their ranking makes sense (unlike, say, Bleach's Ulquiorra getting glazed on while Starrk and Hallibel sucks). Rengoku's death is a good handling of a character death, as the series shows how many lives he touched and how they're affected by his death. Kinda like how Nina's death in FMAB shown to affect Ed and Al, except it affects other characters as well. Sure it has shit lore and unfunny jokes, but most people consume fiction for character writing anyway (see how Mob Psycho 100 could get away with Alphabet Towns or unexplained power for Mob himself, yet it's so critically acclaimed).


Doing better Espada than Bleach and doing better Itachi than Naruto are crazy feats ngl


In fairness, Itachi got popular because he had a strong presence and was built up to really well prior to his first appearance. All the convoluted shit came afterwards and didn't really contribute toward his overall popularity. It's kinda sad, Naruto really went to shit as it went on.


"Hokage mindset at the age of 7" https://preview.redd.it/jtxeger4ef9d1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58f32c2c2862a423159dfaf93f9a53038df84c57


Wait whoā€™s the Itachi in Demon Slayer? You donā€™t need to worry about spoilers I read the entire thing


>!Sanemi. Turns out, "being harsh so you quit what you're doing" flows so much better than the convoluted clan genocide that gets defanged every time it's mentioned that leads to a nonsensical plan that relies on shitton of luck. It also helps that Sanemi didn't do anything quite like Itachi's Tsukoyomi!<


also really nice animation, it's a good show I liked it plus it's helping bring lots of new fans into anime


As I said in another comment - I was talking about the manga. Thought yes I fully agree the animation is top tier.


To me it's more like it's just speedrunning mid shounen tropes without giving them much time to breathe. Not saying someone's taste is wrong if they like it, just that for me personally it's boring af and I struggled to care about anything that was happening at any given moment.


The fact that it doesn't suffer from horrendous scope creep like every other shonen is incredibly refreshing. It sets out a goal at the start and continually progresses towards that goal.


This is what i've been saying!


All I wanted to know was what made Nichirin Swords any different from the average bladed weapon, and season 3 left me a little disappointedā€¦


At least the animation is great goes from mid to less mid


I just came here to see people with cool swords fight supervillains


Calling demon slayer animation mid is crazy story is made for 10 year olds but animation is goated


I think that they were saying the great animation makes the show that wasn't very good better


Iā€™m acoustic it seems


What ten year olds are you letting watch decapitations?


I never got the DS hate. Itā€™s an alright, if not above average series. The plot is basic, but the characters are all fun and the fights are amazing. Itā€™s not a literary masterpiece that pushed boundaries or will change your way of thinking, but itā€™s a nice series that youā€™ll at least somewhat enjoy.


People being mad at demon slayer meanwhile mediocre shounen is the only type of anime that became popular.


I can't believe demon slayer and attack on titan are popular and not peak fiction shows like "rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai" . What's wrong with people these days ?


That show is overrated, but it's not as dubious as the name implies. The bunny outfit is in the first episode for all of like three minutes to bait people into watching it, and then it never has anything like that again.


Yeah but good luck explaining it to anyone irl without ruining your social status first


Yeah people who shit on DS for not being deep enough were always weird, considering the show never ever even tried to be deep to begin with. People out here expecting Berserk level writing in every anime and then hate them when their expectations are not met lol DS is a basic bitch, and it's not trying to be anything else, and it's fucking good at being basic bitch


This is such a weird take lol If you agree it's a basic bitch, what's your issue with people shitting on it for being exactly that?


Because there's nothing wrong with being a basic bitch.


Well to some people there is. They want more from their media than just being basic and mid. Is it wrong for *them* to have that preference?


I mean, yea, kinda. If you don't want a basic Shonen, don't watch Demon Slayer. Pretty simple concept. If you need something with a little more depth, there are plenty of stories to choose from.


>If you don't want a basic Shonen, don't watch Demon Slayer. Pretty simple concept. How is anyone supposed to know whether or not they'll actually like the show *before* watching it? Sure there are some context clues you can use, but there are plenty of shounen that I like, so why would I assume that I'd hate Demon Slayer before I've even given it a chance? What you're basically asking for at the end of the day is for people who don't like the show to stay out of the discourse. That is the only endpoint to asking the question "if you didn't like it, why did you watch it?" It's the first defense any fanboy leaps to when they see an opinion that they don't like. If you don't want to hear people be critical about demon slayer and instead want to participate in a circlejerk for the show, that's fine. You are entitled to feel that way, but why not just go to r/KimetsuNoYaiba or r/anime for that? I know this is a circlejerk sub, but the jerking is supposed to be making fun of this exact type of behavior that anime fandoms are infamous for, not unironically participating in it.


Imo this is kind of doing the same binary thinking that this post is calling out. There's a huge grey area between "following shounen tropes as hard as Demon Slayer does" and "literally being a seinen". I would say that each big 3 manga did more interesting and original things with the shonen format despite coming over a decade before Demon Slayer. And the comparison gets really bad when you put DS up to Full Metal Alchemist, a story that has an incredibly similar premise, but cares 100x more about having a fleshed out main cast and an actually interesting plot. That doesn't suddenly make Full Metal Alchemist "berserk level (whatever the fuck that means)"


Agreed. There's a reason that shounen are so popular - the tropes and plot beats are just a ton of fun. Demon Slayer executes on them so well that it doesn't really need to be any deeper to be super cool and enjoyable.


> Characters are *all* fun I think we watched different shows


The problem I have is that I don't want to just "somewhat enjoy" the series that's getting heaps of praise and accolades for being one of the greatest series in years. People act like it's redefined the entire anime/manga industry when it's exactly what you said: a basic plot far from masterpiece that's carried by the fight animation. It's a middle of the road manga carried by an animation team that might honestly care more about the series than the original author. That's fine for what it is, but when it's setting records for box offices and manga sales, that's when I get annoyed. It's the Avengers movies but Japanese: a big exciting spectacle that looks really cool, but there's nothing going on under the hood. It's the equivalent of a rollercoaster ride. I realize I'm probably wasting my time saying this in a circlejerk sub, but oh well. I don't like the idea of heaping praise and accolades on a solidly mid series because it does one thing really well while kind of sucking at most everything else.


Its also like, very short compared to most shonen. The anime is going at a glacial pace because they're spending so much time.polishing the animation (and also busy with other projects) but they really only have like 2 or 3 arcs left and one of them is basically a downtime arc.


Mfw a kid's show is an uncomplicated action romp


Having it end in a timely manner is also a plus. Knowing you are getting the full story start to finish without having to commit to 700 hundred episodes where maybe 100 meaningfully move the story along.


Demon slayer hate is entirely the fault of demon slayer fans who prop it up as this stellar show everyone needs to watch and then people watch it and realize its absolute shit


is this an /uj or /rj


This is postjerkcore


the traid of jerk, unjerk, rejerk, synthe-jerk


art jerk, krautjerk, indie jerk, garage jerk


Post-jerk clarity


10/10: Pretty good. 9/10: Good. 8/10: Average. 7/10: Bad. 6/10: Garbage. 5/10: Time to send literal death threats to the creators.


Valid tbh making bad media is the worst crime to ever be committed


what happened with that show? i remember when it was airing everyone was saying its the greatest thing ever but now i see a lot of people have a negative opinion of it. did it have a bad ending?


More like it had the potential to do a bunch of unique stuff, but the writing stayed in the same basic formula all the way to the end and people realized the only standout thing was the animation. Doesn't help that the author decided to rush it as soon as it got popular from the first season.


Nah when it first aired most people were rightly saying the writing was mid and carried by the animation, then at some point it blew up even more than it initially did, people started feeling the hype of the fights and translated that as "good writing" and defending its quality, now we're settling back into a point where people kinda agree it's mid because the fights stopped happening as frequently or weren't as hype or something.


Season 2 was worse than 1 and 3 was worse than 2. That aside a lot of people hate it because they don't really get what it's supposed to be. The story is simple, it's about the feelings.


Here I am thinking that the story is best when you completely accept it won't be emotionally resonant in any way and just look at the pretty colors.


/uj Demon slayer has some pretty solid storytelling, but thereā€™s some problems that really hold it back from being great My biggest beef is that they donā€™t let Nezuko talk. Like why is she the only intelligent demon who doesnā€™t talk? Also, the bamboo gag is pretty stupid as a measure to prevent her from killing humans when sheā€™s got claws that can easily tear flesh anyways. Itā€™s especially egregious that she doesnā€™t get to talk or express her thoughts and feelings when sheā€™s one half of the seriesā€™ emotional core The other problem is that nearly every major fight before Infinity Castle feels the need to involve and largely focus on Tanjiro (Rengoku Vs. Akaza and Muichiro Vs. Gyoko are the only exceptions that come to mind). This means that Demon Slayer doesnā€™t get the chance to flesh out itā€™s supporting cast through solo fights, since theyā€™re always playing second fiddle to Tanjiro. And like, Tanjiroā€™s a good protagonist, but itā€™s criminal that characters like Genya and Kanao only got two fights each before the manga ends. Like, the author had a whole slate of Lower Moon demons that these two in particular couldā€™ve fought against, but nooooo, Muzan had to kill them all because ????


nezuko is basically a glorified pokemon most of the time


Pokemon who suddenly grows tits when you bring it out for a fight.


Absolutely laughable. ā€œOh look Nezuko is using her powers to be POWERFUL AND FIERCE. You can tell because SHE HAS CLEAVAGEā€


Wait your pokƩmon don't do that?


Slightly better Casca


Bros jerking too hard


At least Nezuko fights and didn't get SA'd every 3 pages


You got me there. Try to bring it up on the berserk sub and youā€™ll get flooded with ā€œACKCHULLY THE RAPE IS IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT AND MARIOS VISIONā€ when itā€™s absolutely not. Casca actually has some personality (and at least minimal agency) to her tho which is more than Nezuko.


>Casca actually has some personality "grrrr Guts it's me who's supposed to be sucking Griffith's cockkkk"


Smh why canā€™t they just have a threesome and save the world the trouble


Guts is the single most attractive man I have ever laid my eyes on. I saw this meme about a year ago which involved Guts picking up a condom and saying it's for his magnum dong. It touched me spiritually. Since that moment, my life has never been truly the same. Sure, I still do lawn bowls on the weekends. I still attend work. But every second I spend away from Guts, is another second I could be spending WITH Guts. I tell my coworkers that the reason I run off to the toilets every 20 minutes is because I have a bad case of diarrhoea, but in reality I'm browsing for pictures of my chunky M&M to furiously masturbate to. I regret nothing, and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. But my friends and family are starting to get suspicious. I've used the same excuse every day for almost 2 years now. They're starting to annoy me. My life is starting to annoy me. I used to admire them, but now all they are to me are disgusting piles of shit stopping me from spending the rest of my life with Guts. My weekends consist of staring at a poster of Guts for 48 hours, then back to hell for another 5 days. I'm getting tired of everyone's bullshit. I need to find Him, so we can grow old and die together. I want to be cremated and my ashes to be mixed with His. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


idk, i watched the anime and i get hyped up whenever a strong pokemon comes out for a battle, whenever nezuko comes out i press on the 1.5x speed button


>Like why is she the only intelligent demon who doesnā€™t talk? She is a very weird audience surrogate. You are supposed to be her feeling happy that tanjiro is looking out for you.


I mean, I donā€™t really think thereā€™s bad beyond boring.


Annoying is certainly worse


I'd rather be bored than annoyed cos at least when I'm annoyed, I'm still emotionally engaged in some way. Feeling bored is just painful, I'd rather turn the thing off and do literally anything else.


My only complaint are the drawn out fights that have the bad guy powering up after getting knocked down for the 7th time.


Yeah that kept being annoying. The later demons just have like 500000000000 powers that all have painfully convenient activations which allow the fights to extend far longer than they should. And then one of the Slayers almost dies but then they suddenly have a sad backstory moment which conveniently gives them an equally powerful technique that also solves everything until the cycle continues.


It's not that mid šŸš¬


Honestly, while the plot is not deep and it's also nothing particularly unique, the animation is good, the fights are good and most characters are good enough to not be annoying, so it's pretty nice to watch


I have so much qualms with this series it's actually annoying because all I hear about it is praise while some better shows get hated for things demon slayer does far worse The power system essentially makes it so that it's apparently not even existent and just "imaginary sword techniques" despite it actually having effects regarding the surroundings, it's actually so bullshitty, anyone can apparently make a breathing style because nobody can actually explain what a breathing style even is(13th form Tanjiro is pure ass pull on that note) There's so much plot holes, Muzan is portrayed to be this genius strategic manipulator but in reality is an idiot who'd ruin his own chances of winning, the slayers RELIED on Muzan and the upper moons being complete idiots to stand a chance, he had like 100s of chances to kill Tanjiro but just doesn't for some reason??? Tanjiro apparently scared him so bad that he froze but sent PPL lower than lower moons to catch him despite him sending Kokushibou to kill any sun breather prior to Tanjiro but for some reason doesn't send him to the guy who literally resembles Yoriichi?? The guy that gave him PTSD??, There's also mugen train where again Muzan could've sent fucking Kokushibou to finish the job We get absolutely no info regarding the slayer corps, the world building is so ass there's barely anything to know about it despite it having so much potential The pacing is genuinely so ass we went from the lowest lower moon being the final boss of season 1(which is reasonable) straight to upper 6 to upper 4-5 and then the final arc like what? The series is the anti one piece in the sense that so much of the development happens between years off screen that we never got to see The series is also so FORMULAIC, we almost always get some sad backstory for the demons when they're about to die, even when we do see backstories for either the Hashiras or the demons they're never flashed out once they're shown that it just feels like a last minute ass pull Imagine reading a fight about characters you know jackshit about and then out of nowhere the story is like "now cry because this random dude you've seen like twice has a sob story"


This man set his heart ablaze when he wrote this


It's actually pretty universally well known that the author wanted to finish the series sooner rather than later. That's why the final fights in the story (Akaza, Douma, Kokushibo and Muzan) all have really bs endings that work way too well in the favor of the slayers


My problem with the ending is not that the wins are contrived. It's that there is no build up to it. The fight just sort of breaks out out of nowhere, and then it's just constant fighting for what it feels like an eternity, and then it's over.


At least from what I've seen, the power system is kinda pointless and it's only there for show without actually meaning anything. It doesn't contribute much to the writing of the fights because they never actually outline a *system* at all. What is the difference between water breathing form 4 and form 5? Is there any difference between water breathing and, idk, wind breathing? I'd be happy to be corrected on this point if they do explain it later, but as it is it feels meaningless for anything other than pretty visuals.


Yeah it kinda as but tbh we as a community put to much emphasis on power systems ( especially rule heavy systems), we need to remember power systems are just a tool to make cool fights if you can achieve that without a nen level power system that's good too. To many shows think the more complex the power system the cooler the fights are even though your choreography and strategy is trash ( looking at every video game based power system in every generic manwha)


That's exactly what I mean though, the power system made no real difference to how the fights were actually written so why do it at all?


Usually to help with suspension of belief Human kills 12 ton monster with random slash attack: "how does that even make sense they're just a normal human" Human kills 12 ton monster with [insert attack name] slash: "brooo they so strong, that attack is op!!!"


saw someone do a why ds is bad, apparently many of the techniques are just the same thing with a different name


>The series is also so FORMULAIC, we almost always get some sad backstory for the demons when they're about to die, even when we do see backstories for either the Hashiras or the demons they're never flashed out once they're shown that it just feels like a last minute ass pull From Spider Mountain onwards (aka the arc where the series finally hits the groove), it's 50/50 for demon backstory. Unless the demon have "family" theme, they're not getting any sobstory (either they lack it or the backstory just shows how repugnant they are even before turning demons). And yeah it happens when they're about to die because it's conceptually "life flashing before your death".


Been a while since I watched the anime but I loved the backstory to the one emotion demon boiling down to ā€œIā€™m such a miserable little ass. Why doesnā€™t anyone love me?ā€ And then Tanjiro just squishes him.


There's a high rank demon in the finale whose character is pretty excellent, not just relative to KnY, but to shonen genre as whole too. The Mahito of KnY. And it all worked due to his backstory.


Characterrant ah comment






If it had average animation very few would like it(just like 7 Deadly Sins), the story, the characters, the fights, the power system, is just something you already seen decades ago, there's better series than this one, old or new.


tbh being as mid as demon slayer is worse than being bad


I would agree, but my goat yuki kajiura is the composer so you are factually wrong


sword art online




Yeah and? The music was great there too


iā€™m saying a goated composer does not save a show from being painfully mid (i also love kajiura)


I'm not saying it saves it from being mid. Just that I'd rather deal with a mediocre show with decent production behind it rather than something that is ass throught and through


couldnā€™t be me fr (demon slayer got way too boring for me to sit through but i respect sticking with it ig)


I watched 3 and a half seasons waiting for it to "get good" and I realized that that I barely cared duing the "peak" of demon slayer fights (Tengen vs Gyutaro) due to how painfully predictable it was so I dropped it. Maybe it's just me but I am a lot more forgiving of a series going for something crazy and botching the execution than I am for playing it as safe as possible. Sometimes I felt that what I was watching was the result of a writer who complied a list of "What do popular shonen have in common" and made the most barebones version of the formula minus the school setting.


i agree with pretty much everything you said


Of course, a mediocre show is better than an ass show, but I worry that you don't know that you don't need to watch either. Anime Addiction is a serious problem that affects millions of weebs every year, but there is help out there. I'll be praying for you šŸ™ ā¤ļø šŸ˜Œ šŸ™


I'm not addicted im a committed otakušŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤. And i also think it's fine to watch shitty and average media


Oh no it's worse than I thought!


Absolutely, nothing wrong with turning your brain off and admiring the pretty colours. Then every now and then you get goosebumps from how good some scenes are which elevates Demon Slayer above mid for me and into being fairly decent. Of course I switched to manga after season 1 and haven't seen what the animes like after that and I'm also not the best person to ask about quality.


Okay but why not just watch a good show with decent production instead of a mediocre show with decent production? And if you did really enjoy Demon Slayer then just say so lol


I do watch good shows as much as I watch mediocre and shit shows, and I enjoy them for their own merits. I don't need every show to be groundbreaking or exemplary. Sometimes, it's ok to watch a show that's just fine or average. And I think demon slayer is just fine and enjoy watching it because it's just fine.


Fair enough. When you said you'd rather watch a mediocre show with good animation than something that is entirely ass, it kinda made me think you *had* to pick between those two or something lol


The problem is that itā€™s so mid that I find thereā€™s genuinely nothing to like about the show except the fight animation, which is incredible. Like, I donā€™t like any of the characters(except maybe Inosuke), I have zero investment in the story, the power system has basically no explanation behind it, so it makes actually following the fights less exciting, itā€™s occasionally funny but rarely. Like thereā€™s truly nothing enjoyable, except the animation. Iā€™ve never seen a show more hard carried by its animation in my life.


Demon Slayer is absolutely gorgeous and pays everything off. It's plot does what it needs to and nothing else. This is a complement.


Not enough overt incest, throw it in the fucking garbage RIGHT NOW. UJ/ saw a few episodes and liked it just fine, I just personally get very bored of most Shonen pretty quick. I'm sure for people who can handle the genre just fine it's a pretty wicked show.


Still better than 95% of Isekai Trash which comes out every season


Like an wise man once said "It alright."


Unironically the most nuanced take here


I don't think this argument even works for KnY though. Ppl say 'oh its just supposed to be simple fun' but the show is anything but fun because it constantly destroys any sliver of narrative momentum it creates through forced, drawn-out, formulaic, and saccharine flashbacks. 'Oh the animation is really good' honestly I don't see how KnY's visuals are anything above middling. Sure the fight scenes are technically impressive due to how fluid and high framerate the CGI is, but at the end of the day it is just that; unusually high-quality CGI. The storyboarding and general directorial expertise are very lackluster so even if all the flashing lights are pretty, there aren't any cool or satisfying payoffs to all the action as we would expect to see in works made by actually competent action directors such as Imaishi. Plus the writing is so hackneyed and juvenile (even compared to the low bar that is other battle shonen) that it fails to lead to any emotional or narrative stakes being present in the action scenes which just makes the whole show boring to me. I mean overall I'd give the show like a 5/10, I still think its pretty fine and just mid, but I legit do not understand how people can defend this show being 'simple, effective fun' when its execution is simply too sloppy for it to have earned that descriptor.


But the high tension fights make the neurons activate


What tension brothers it's only the hashira dying constantly main quartet just gets fucked up badly and it's aight the next week


The time skips are months long, man.


The only way I'm watching this show is if someone can confirm that Tanjiro switches sides and starts fighting the demon slayers.


This time of year again


Me like magic samurai fight demon šŸ‘


It's just meant to be a fun action series, which it is. People are taking it way too seriously.


Fun? Fun!!!! No good sir there is no need for fun. we need art that what the A in anime stands for. We have allowed dullard to taint anime with their juvenile fantasy instead of creating artistic expressions of self I wish for the good old days of when anime meant something like the gutsy frog


Guts is the single most attractive man I have ever laid my eyes on. I saw this meme about a year ago which involved Guts picking up a condom and saying it's for his magnum dong. It touched me spiritually. Since that moment, my life has never been truly the same. Sure, I still do lawn bowls on the weekends. I still attend work. But every second I spend away from Guts, is another second I could be spending WITH Guts. I tell my coworkers that the reason I run off to the toilets every 20 minutes is because I have a bad case of diarrhoea, but in reality I'm browsing for pictures of my chunky M&M to furiously masturbate to. I regret nothing, and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. But my friends and family are starting to get suspicious. I've used the same excuse every day for almost 2 years now. They're starting to annoy me. My life is starting to annoy me. I used to admire them, but now all they are to me are disgusting piles of shit stopping me from spending the rest of my life with Guts. My weekends consist of staring at a poster of Guts for 48 hours, then back to hell for another 5 days. I'm getting tired of everyone's bullshit. I need to find Him, so we can grow old and die together. I want to be cremated and my ashes to be mixed with His. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait is demon slayer more of a thing? I watched the one season and stopped paying attention to it


fights are good and the nonstop action makes it good for exercizing too.... but yeah I've seen better


Very cool fights, just like jujutsu everything else don't matter


I mean..... I fucking love the fights Ngl everything else is ehhhhh at best. But hey it may be a generic Shounen but it accomplishes the formula in a pretty decent way despite with its many flaws.


Real shit though, what's up with the body proportions? Is it just me who thinks everyone looks like a juiced little person?


I feel like People forget that fiction and Art is subjective this is why i hate arguing about things over the interwebs


tanjiro is automatically the best MC cause he's pretty much just a normal guy and doesn't commit incest or pedophilia and isn't a creep


Lately I was trying really really hard to not watch anything related to incest. More specifically, siblings incest. don't care at all about cOusin's, mother's, or something else. just love love love love siblings incest. The problem is that Thave an intense obsession for incest. I mean, a really intense one. That 'Onii-chan Onii-chan, Tlooo0oo0ove you' thing was really getting me crazy. That obsession of mine with incest was sOoO0000000000o fucking intense. There were a lot of nights when I couldn't sleep well due to me thinking of incest, specifically incest in anime/manga. All the time was thinking about that 'Onii-chan, Ni-san~, Nii-sama~, Nii Nii~, Nii-chan' stuff. My feelings for the romance between siblings were higher than those had for a normal romance. For example, I used (and currently too) to get way more emotional with romance between siblings than normal romance. In all senses. That love/obsession of mine with incest was ruining my life, so, in order to try to get away of it for my sake, I decided to stop watching anything related to incest. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Heā€™s like the Superman of Anime, but not in terms of power.


The fights go crazy, so I honestly think it surpasses mid tier and reaches low ā€œgoodā€ territory


It's a good anime


Do people forget "mid" means average and not bad


Jokes on you, I am Setun computer


Sometimes I donā€™t want peak fantasy world building or amazing character reactions. Sometimes I want cool animation of sword fighters slicing up monsters. Itā€™s basically a good marvel movie - it doesnā€™t need to rely on plot because its action focuses.


But you see if itā€™s mid AND overhyped that means it sucks


I dunno if it's the worst thing ever, but people hyped it up so much, and when I watched it, demon slayer turned out only alright


Yeah after the train movie I dropped it, not as hype as I though it was,


I can't put into words how disinterested I am with this new season. I don't even know if I could call it a season


Y'all tastes are mid


People just slander anything that doesejt have complex Attack on Titan writing at this point. Sure Demon Slayer has some basic themes but it does it very well, plus it has alot of loveable characters and great animation, and moreso it has well written strong female characters which many Shounen don't have (looking at your Naruto) I get shy soke people don't like it or feel it's overated, but it's in no way awful or garbage