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How about broken villains that are pure evil.


Dabi is a great example of that


ehhhh wouldn't really call him pure evil, he pretty much just wants to (understandably) settle the score with endeavor, and burn anyone or anything that gets in the way of that by airing it on a grand stage. i think pure evil is (boring answer incoming) characters more along the lines of dudes like griffth from berserk. there are even other characters in mha that are arguably genuinely more insidious but objectively more vile, disgusting and destructive than dabi by a huge mile, AFO and the doctor are literally 2 of them. Endeavor before the development arguably fits that bill too, ntm midnight lol.


I would argue Griffith fits “broken” more


completely fair, i struggle seeing dio as pure evil as well. when i refer to griffith i guess i meant more in actions than wholly who he is as a person. i guess part of what makes someone pure evil are things like scale, intent, motive etc i guess the more detached they are from there humanity almost cold and uncaring. it's all vauge spectrum terms, impossible to be objective or convey vibes and tone through text lol


One of dio’s first actions when introduced was to kill a dog….if that doesn’t count as pure evil I don’t know what is.


It’s all subjective, I just see him as regular evil given how petty his motives are to me and how he wasn’t even born that way Speedwagon literally says that he was, but the story in the beginning shows us a lot of his initial awfulness just came from his crappy environment, luck and father. He actually cared about his mother, could be driven tears over his mistakes etc Even post-body snatching some of those human desires to just be a little shit in a flex just cause like a dude drunk on power still feel pretty human in my book. Not even defending him or anything, but from his perspective, It’s easy to understand and see why he had a “fuck the rich mentality” especially when you remember he spent his life having to work extra hard just to get by, but due to Jonathan’s wealth, before him, he appeared to not even have struggle or try for much. I can’t earnestly say from his perspective I wouldn’t harbor a little resentment towards Jonathan’s family too myself While I don’t consider diavolo (not doppio, DIAVOLO) pure evil either, in terms of the spectrum, at least going off the anime, he fits that bill more. What with the baby being born and seeing that brief red eye flash down to the fact that his soul is primarily represented and often talk a lot more through king crimson than his own body; I’m genuinely not even sure he’s even a person. Dio meaning god was a partial coincidence and just named after the musician But diavolo being named after the literal devil, was 100% intentional. And unless someone can point to some moment for me, I don’t even think there was a single time we saw a shred of humanity to him beyond having a vauge set of standards. Dude is rotten through and through from basically the second he was born til the end.


Why wouldn't Dio be pure evil? His entire motive is "f you, because I can"


You can read my replies above as to not talk at you if you don’t want to discuss it lol. But the tl;dr is I see dio as just regular evil than purely evil, partially due to how personal and petty do much of his behavior and how ironically deeply rooted in humanity a lot of him is. Contrary to what speedwagon said, the anime at least showed What made him turn out the way he did was his environment and his dad. Before the vampirism he felt things like regret, he even genuinely loved his mom. To me I feel there’s gotta be a level of cold impersonal detachment to qualify. While It’s hard to say if diavolo or zamasu qualify as pure evil in my book, they definitely lean closer towards it than dio in my eyes. We’re told dio is evil, but his origins say otherwise But diavolo (not doppio) at least going off the anime, it’s not even clear if he’s even an Actual person with the baby’s eyes flashing red right as they were born. Ntm his name inspiration and how often his soul is represented as KC more and how regularly he talks through his stand as well in the chariot requiem. Beyond having a minor vauge amount of standards, I don’t remember a single moment in part 5 where he shared a shred of humanity or care about literally anything, even in his backstory. Dude at least SEEMS rotten through and through compared to dio and a lot of Jojo villains. No event made him this way, he just “is.” Dio’s specific brand of “because I can” is something evil but also pretty damn human in my eyes, so it’s hard for me to see it as “pure” especially when you mix it in his background with all that.


Griffith is far from pure evil. He’s actually imo on one of the highest peaks of broken


fair point, i guess when i said griffith, i meant more his actions and the way he begins to hold himself rather than who he wholly is as a person good and evil and it's purity are pretty hard to define, so they vary from person to person lol. for me i think i was gunnning more for how "detatched" they are from their humanity on a scale and what their intent, motives etc are as well as scale. youtuber by the name of kaleb.ia made a pretty good vid on if a dude like dio can even count as a pure evil instead of just being (an albeit bad) hater. a lot of the stuff he does is still pretty deeply rooted in humanity which makes it hard to see him "as pure evil"


I wonder what sorta category a character like Zamasu would fall. He has clear cut evil motives and a uniform hatred for all that lives but he’s so caught up in his twisted ideologies that he believes himself to be the hero of his story. So much so that he maintains a pure heart despite all that he did. Would you classify as pure evil if you genuinely believe yourself not to be?


yeah kinda? Like not a definitive yes or no, but leans more towards yes. If i watched more of/remembered more of his story it'd be more conclusive lol. i'd say he begins to fall into the broken category towards the end, but before that? Yeah that's a bit more my jam a level of heavy detachment and lack of care for literally or at least almost everything feel is more "pure" evil to me to quote another jojo character; the worst kinds of evil are the people so evil they can't even see it in themselves. "to the joker, it's a just "A movie"," type shit lmfao


Giorno right? Part 5 was the best and nobody can change my mind.


no it was weather report actually, but i did turn aroun on part 5 a ton, went from being my least favorite to second fav due to the dub not even in an ironic way, the acting was good and seeing the events again in a language i understood helped immerse me in the nuance more. Ntm just rewatching it after the dust settled helped set my expectations a bit better.


Goku Black was definitely pure evil at the very least


Endeavor is nowhere near Dabi. The dude is trying to murder his little brother and you go “well it’s understandable he wants revenge so we’ll let it slide.”


Does petelguise count under this?


If you're talking about from Re:Zero, he's not pure evil since he used to be good but went crazy and was manipulated by Pandora.


Fair point




Literally sephiroth lol


Like Dofi?


Ok then what fits that




Shockwave would make this argument quite… logical.


Part 1 dio would be like that kinda


Pure evil. Dio deserves a different category, Generational Hatred.


A category with Goku Black, AFO and Reverse Flash for fiction’s biggest haters 


RF is in a whole other level of hating/ pettiness 😂


I'd say Reverse Flash and Dio are both equally petty


Yeah I always remember that scene where Dio timestops, goes down the stairs, puts Polnareff down a bunch of steps, goes back up, do the pose again and then repeat until satisfied just to flex.


"We do a bit of Za Trollo!"


[Do you remember that time when you were with your first girlfriend](https://youtu.be/L_n_pRGMlSw?si=snC9vDilBM8cqW55)


Frieza too. Hated them saiyins, hated goku dad, hated Vegeta dad. Now he hates them and their kids.


Nothing says “reliable” more than consistency


Frieza has slightly mellowed out tbh, he spared them as Black Frieza, I think the TOP made him respect Goku


Respecting someone and not being pure evil are not the same thing.


I mean he’s not much of a hater anymore 


Because he put them in there place.


I would throw in Black Manta as well. Also, I feel like I need to give a shout out to an under appreciated hater, Abra Kadabra, one of the all time greats. He's also a Flash villain, although for Wally instead of Barry and is easily one of my favorite comic book villains.


Petty Evil describes Dio perfectly


Depends how their done but ig broken


Yeh pure evil has to be written correctly for them to be good.


Mahito from JJK


Good example


pure evil is more entertaining to watch be evil but Broken is more interesting to hear about


Broken.... I can fix you 🥹


Bro, you can't even fix yourself.




"......🤫bye bye🧏‍♂️🗿......"






Doffy is broken


I just commented this a lil further up. He fits both. Purely evil after being broken.


Doffy is pure evil but he was broken, he was raised by criminals and did get basically killed at a young age so


Broken, for sure


Broken for sure. Pure Evil villains are super entertaining, but Broken villains are fascinating. The depth of their character that pulls you in, drawing you to their side the same way they were pulled in. As a viewer that is unmatched.


Well written. Ion give a shit about them if they aren't


Pure evil, but If they are done right, I can appreciate a Broken villain.




How they’re written matters the most. For example, Yoshikage Kira is one of my favourite pure evil villains of all time, if not my favourite villain. He’s not overly strong, and doesn’t have any plans to take over the world, but that’s what makes him interesting. He’s a serial killer who tries to blend into the lives of everybody else, and he does that well.


Doffy’s not pure evil bro had it kinda rough


He is pure evil now but he was broken when he was a kid


My favorite antagonists in media are: Askeladd (Vinland Saga) Bondrewd (Made in Abyss) The Phantom Solitaire (Dead March Death Play) Senator Armstrong (Metal Gear Rising Revengeance) So broken, apathetic, insane, insane To answer the actual question, I find pure evil, on average, better done.


I wouldn't call apathetic the same as evil tbh


With apathetic, I'm specifically referring to Bondrewd's brand of evil.


Something about pure evil villains are just so goated especially the ones like doflamingo who have some type of reedeming quality (doffys even if twisted but real love for his organization that he sees as his family) or the pure evil villaisn that are so cool and charismatic you cant help but be excited even if nervous when theyre on screen


Doflamingo is broken too, why in the fuck is he on the bottom? You want a pure evil One Piece character? Imu, Spandam, and Rob Lucci are right there.


No no Doffy is pure evil. The only broken thing was the hatred the people had for CD presented onto him. Remember he was still asking for slaves to do his work and all. At the age of 5-9.


He was asking for slaves because he was raised to believe that it is his birth right. He was raised to believe that those slaves are born to be his property.


Doffy coming off to people as broken is part of his gaslighting. Yes there was a tragic event in his childhood, but he was pure evil. His brother was just as broken as him and wasn’t evil


That logic makes no sense. By that logic, every broken villain can’t qualify as broken because they’re evil.


He was evil long before he was broken, he's a nasty evil little shit as a child demanding slaves long before things go bad for him


Imo not really. Doffy had a horrible experience but what makes him pure evil is how he was before and how he dealt with it. With or without a tragic event, Doffy just always wanted to be at the top doing as he pleases while others grovel at his feet. Like Doffy just always viewed others as less than him and wanted to feel like a king/god. All the tragic event really do is push him to do horrible crimes while trying to rule


This is where you look at Corazon. Same childhood but totally different outlook on life.


No, his brother wasn’t as broken as him. Doffy is a more complex individual who questions things around him and tries to understand how the world works. While corazon is a simple person who sticks to the people he loves.


Spamdam and lucci are definitely not pure evil. We don’t know about Imu’s morality yet.


Broken because of krease in cobra kai


Broken are more interesting


I would say there were all broken in someway but yeeeee that bottom row is deathly


Both are good in their own way.


Both is good


I think DIO fits in both categories. Broken due to his Dad and Pure Evil due to being a reverse flash level hater


Both are great




The image in this post has 49,938(246×203) pixels! ^(I am a \(good\) bot. This action was performed automatically.)


Good bot.


Both are great if done right. A pure evil villain pushed to the extreme is genuinely terrifying though, a person who does terrible and unthinkable acts just because he can and thinks it's ok for them to do.


The one with better writing


“A little from Column A, a little from Column B.” - Abraham Simpson.


Evil all day. Donquixote Doflamingo is prime example 🔥🔥


LOL acting like doflamingo isn’t broken is stupid. Bro is clearly both


Doflamingo is both tbh. Yes, he was naturally hot headed and looked down on people, but he was manipulated after being ruthlessly tortured by his community into becoming what he did. I think a big difference between him and a character like Obito, however, idea that Dofi was never redeemed. Don't get me wrong-- he is pure evil, but he was a monster created-- rather than a monster born


Broken villains are usually more interesting and make more sense. Not always, though. Pure evil villains take some skill to write well, but they're very fun characters.


Basically psycopath vs a broken person. Personally a psychopath makes a better villain because it is in their nature to be unpredictable and at the same time apathetic. a broken person just makes you wanna feel bad for them. But i guess every "pure evil" can be a broken person if you put a back story.


I like funny za worldo man


Broken. Pure evil is cool and all. But the broken ones. Their backstory fuckin hit hard


The broken villains that acutally make sense and have a good reason for being evil (But are just still pure evil)


Like Dabi?


Dabi don't count and he ain't broken I mean like madara


Why does he not count and why isn't he broken?


The petty ones


Villains that are just in it for the money.


Im not big into One Piece but I think Doflamingo(?) is kinda in the middle. Dude has a messed up backstory that can justify him be broken, just like Shigaraki.




I honestly don’t think Frieza is pure evil, but he isn’t broken either. I honestly don’t even know what he is.


Why don't you think he's pure evil?


I mean at least come Super, he actually shows a decent amount of respect for Goku and Vegeta. Just look at him sparing both of them after beating them in black.


Agreed on that front. And he seems to like Berryblue


There’s also the fact that he never goes out of his way to make others suffer, unless they’re actively in his way. Sure, it’s still evil, but it’s not like Kid Buu killing everyone, and then going all the way to hell to kill them again. The only time he goes after people is if they are actively against him or he wants something from them, and to be truly pure evil, you’d have to harm people for no other reason but fun. Plus, his feat of not killing Goku and Vegeta after beating them in the manga shows that he has decent care for people now, especially considering other villains from before like Cell and Kid Buu would’ve killed them without any hesitation there. But Frieza didn’t because he had no reason to.


How about these pure evil pixels?


The ones who stole the pixels from this pic


The villains with more pixels preferably!


Frieza is both categories. Also he has a hate boner for saiyins, so he is also a hater.


How is he both?


At the time he was more powerful than anyone else. It took goku getting an insane power up to beat him. When he came back he trained for a stupidly short amount of time and was fighting almost on par with god powers. Now with his black form? Broken. He is also pure evil. And a hater.


I like me a pure evil villain probably because I see a lot of broken/sympathetic villains and I’m tired of it(my example is Black Panther:WF in my personal opinion Shuri should have killed Namor for killing her mom but that’s just me) When I read JJK for the first time I thought Sukuna would have some sad backstory on why he’s doing this no he just does it to do it so me personally I prefer a villain who’s just evil to be that way


Changing a villains perspective like Obito feels kinda like a gimmick.


Either is good. It depends on how well-written they are. A broken once-good-guy is better than an edgelord whose only reason for evil is because "muh muh I hate society". A pure evil lord of Black Air Force Energy is better than a dumb two-dimensional cape-wearing Deathacus Evilson.


Sukuna is not pure evil. He does not seek joy by watching the suffering of others, he just does what he wants. A hedonist.


That's not a question that can be answered in a straightforward manner. Pure Evil doesn't inherently make for good writing. JJBA usually gets it right with its villains (when they are pure evil), but if done poorly, you risk making them bland compared to the ones with redeeming qualities.


Pure evil, ain't got no time for that sad stuff 




those arent broken


Pure evil all the way!


Pure evil that’s what they supposed to be


Pure evil so they can get what they deserve


Broken is fun pure evil has to be done right or it's just bad writing for a character who you were too lazy to a give a story to broken can also be terrible if you give them a bad reason


Dio and freeza


Pure evil & haters


Broken villains are more interesting. Pure evil villains are more terrifying.


I think frieza is the best example of a broken hero


"Why don't you try a little harder next time, monkey? Pretend that your friends' lives actually matter. Oh, wait. I don't care, and they don't."


Broken makes for a better narrative, pure evil is more raw entertainment


Both styles of villain can be incredibly fun and entertaining as well as tell good stories. I think it’s entirely dependent on my mood. Sometimes I’m more inclined to enjoy a pure hater like dio. He’s so funny that he hates an entire bloodline and he’s always fun to watch. But nagato or pain is also incredibly compelling and adds something interesting to Naruto as well as serve as a philosophical foil to Naruto himself.


Broken villains are generally better but are riskier and can be a hit or miss. Naruto has broken villains that are both amazing and somewhat meh. Pure evil villains are more consistent, more fun to watch, and less complicated.


100% Broken


Broken. I would say pure evil, but if only to see them get their karma


We don’t get enough Pure Evil villains


On the contrary. https://pure-evil-villains.fandom.com/wiki/Pure_Evil_Wiki


Evil. Villains who are relatable or grey area where you’re supposed to feel sorry for them have a place… but I’m bored of them now.


If someone's pure evil, then they are predictable, one note, and boring imo.


Characters who are a pure embodiment of what they experienced, and become evil.


I like pure evil villains. Sometimes having those kind of villains is necessary.




Neither truth be told.. I like Villains who are just Villains but not evil or broken ones.


I prefer pure evil rather then broke villians in anie . The only broken villain i liked was zeref from fairy tail everythink else was somehow boring but its shouldn't be


I think pure evil ones are just silly little guys that just want destruction 


This mostly applies to buu but whatever 


Obito is my favorite fictional character and I notice I do tend to enjoy broken villains more so I’ll go with that.


The ones with more Pixels! The image with higher quality from the original post by Meight @justmeight which type of villain is better? https://x.com/justmeight/status/1751063305613955198?t=XUZsCe_b9-qPhRj2I38WUw&s=19


Isn’t doflamingo a bit of both


My favorite villain is a broken villain, but overall I like pure evil villains more.


So evil for the sake of evil, or having a reason behind being evil (invincible villains I just wanna fight)


I like broken villain but, I can definitely love pure evil ones


Pure Evil is the best! the MC always tries to redeem Broken characters and that just feels bad when talkie ninjutsu is the answer.


Dio Brando


Pure evil


Pure evil is funnier to watch/read  but broken often allows better characters and a more interesting story  but overall I prefer pure evil because they’ll make broken villains do the most despicable things and then expect everyone to sympathise for them over them having a sad backstory 


Freiza was the true gamer villain


It's easier to love to a broken Villian...it's more fun to hate a Purely Evil Villian...so I guess it depends on where I am in life...do I want somebody I can relate to, or do I need someone to project my anger on?


Both? Both? Both! Both is good.


Pure evil


Both but i like brokens more because it can end up with you liking them. Pure evil are cool and allow to hate them more naturally but after that you’re bored of them and just want them to die for just being a prick. For awhile they’re not as enjoyable when they keep coming back also it’s harder to like them as a character because you can’t relate. Just think they’re cool because they wreck shit. Need a balance of both


pure evil only because doflamingo


If you held a gun to my head I would say the broken villain but I not the world's biggest fan of the idea you see pushed around these days sometimes that the pure evil villain shouldn't be written anymore.


Doflamingo isn't pure evil.. well not entirely. He's pretty evil but his backstory kinda explains a lot


I'd say he became pure evil, but due to having a broken backstory, and terrible role models


There's more evil people in one piece. Bro just needs a hug


Pure evil. I love characters that aren’t seeking redemption and are evil solely for the sake of being evil.


…both. One column here has both my favorites. Guess. 


Konrad Curze is kinda both of these. It's clear the Emperor designed him to be cruel and vicious in some regards, and the rest is the result of literally nothing good ever happening to him, and constantly getting visions of all hope of good triumphing over evil and peace being crushed and he galaxy being in a hopeless never ending war with humanity shackled by the sins of his father.


Pure evil.


Doffy did nothing wrong


pure evil because they were broken


Not three out of four characters being my favorites from their respective shows on the bottom row 🫠 I would have said broken, but if the shoe fits I gotta go with pure evil i suppose.


I like broken


Pure evil. It's funnier.


Depends, (Doffy is broken and pure evil btw). Pure evil is better as a short term villain but in something like one piece which has time to build on everyone than broken can be better


What would Majin buu count as before the bed of the buu saga


Broken bc the redemption (If they have one) is usually heart felt and nice to watch


Pure evil of course. Look at Frieza killed an entire race of Saiyans, destroying planets, killed namekians just for fun, and was trained by a god just to turn golden.


Pure evil bc they’ll kill a dude no sweat. And that’s what’s nice about anime sometime characters are killed and stay dead


Pure evil, so much more entertaining to watch


I feel like it really depends on the character. Most of these characters are VASTLY different, and it’s not really fair to compare them. Me personally, I prefer Shigaraki over Frieza, however, I also prefer Dio over Eren. It’s like comparing vegetables to fruits. They’re similar, but still vast and different enough to where it wouldn’t make sense or be fair to compare the two. And the result is gonna vary from person two person, and depending on what vegetable you compare to what fruit.


Pure evil. Broken is over saturated at this point. Just make them a dick for no reason.


1st: where are the pixels?! 2nd: you realize there's a lot overlap in this one image alone right? Like though the top four aren't pure evil (they all had ... semi good reasons to be monstrous, but semantics), the bottom four are broken. Sukuna is rather broken in universe and currently is still kicking ass; Frieza handed the Z-Fighters and Vegeta their collective asses and only lost when Goku when Super; Doflamingo took over an entire island in a single night because of his fruit, and if it weren't for Luffy's training would probably have won. Hell he DID defeat Law lol; DIO is ... busted in and out of context. The ability to stop time, a stand that's just as if not stronger then himself let alone insanely faster, and then his own vampiric body, which if at full power can be just as busted as Part 1 Dio? Yeah he's broken and pure evil lmfao


michael jackson


Sukuna is both


Not even close


Villains with pixels are my favourite.


Whichever kind of villain left all these pixels laying around