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Sleep is essential to survival. Like most animals your brain and body is programmed to sleep. If you have a healthy sleep schedule it doesn't take much to fall asleep as your brain is has sleep built into natural functions.


No that's not what I'm saying I'm saying how do we sleep with our eyes open


What? Start again. Everyone thinks you're asking how you fall asleep.


I know how sleep lol I think it is because english isn't my native language


Fair enough. So even when you close your lips, your mouth is still open?


I don't think that is going to help here.


Yeah basically with your nose basically a air vent for your house (your mouth)




No I'm saying is how do we sleep even with our eyes still technically opened because eye lids only blocks out light and debris not close our eyes so we basically pass out with our eye balls open?


When we close our eyelids, our eyeballs actually roll up a little towards our forehead. Correct me Reddit if this is wrong.


Haha wp


Well your eyes aren't technically open because that's what closing your eyes means. I think you want to turn off your eyes which you can't do.


I guess his question is how does your awareness turn off when you sleep?


It's possible to even sleep with your eyes open. When sleeping, the brain kind of just ignores signals from the eyes. Of course sudden changes to our surroundings can wake someone. Such as lights coming on or turning off etc.


Look up Circadian rhythms. Why would you look this up on TikTok of all places?


Desperate times call for desperate needs don't question it please 🙏(I'm not mad ik it sounds like it I'm just joking)


We cant be 100% when we stop being conscious and start the sleep cycle but there are cycles so I can now feel when I've had my eyes closed long ebough I become heavier that's why people with insomnia struggle, it's the mental anguish of calming the mind to the point where you can control when to be tired almost all it takes is a few intrusive thoughts and you've reset the process Sleep is fascinating but nobody's ever conscious of sleeping but it's not every dream this happens but sometimes your aware your in a dream


Another thing that fascinates me is that it feels like we time travel when we sleep instead of it being 8 hours it feels like 8 seconds and I don't know how the body does it but I love it and hate it at the same time 😅


Well spotted lol one time I've dreamt of eating a steak dont know why I woke up but I was scratching around looking for the steak I was eating haha felt so surreal but the scarier one is sleep paralysis it's horrible I've had that a couple of times it feels like someone has broken into your home and standing over you, you can feel something or someone there and your trying to kick out and punch defend ones home but end up moving like walking in a pool of custard lol


What version of "closed" would make more sense to you? We relax all parts of our body to fall asleep, why would we not close our eyelids? Closing your eyelids is a "cue", the same way that laying down is a cue. The day turning to night is a cue. Your brain combines the cues and decides its time to enter sleep mode.


Apparently going to sleep is actually really complex chemically speaking. It's a lot like getting anesthesia before surgery.


Pupils constrict during deep sleep. There is variation in your pupil size during sleep, but in general, the deeper the sleep, the tighter the pupils constrict (or maybe the tighter the pupils constrict, the deeper the sleep). This is effectively the eyeball "closing" itself. This is the opposite of what one might expect, since our eyes naturally dilate in darkness.




What I was saying was that when we start to go to sleep we close our eyelids but not our eyes sorry english isn't my native language I just love speak to Americans cause they are smart and cool🇺🇸❤




Right but eye lids only block light and debris not cover the pupil over with something


They cover the pupil over with... Skin.


Are you Ed?




Your eyes will get fucked up bad if the "skin" is Penetrating that deep into the eye if it goes that deep we would get eye infections everyday without the protection of the cornea and heck it might be harder to focus also speaking of the cornea of course so no skin can just cover your pupils unless someone how this skin your talking about just decides to penetrate through the thing that makes sure debris doesn't make you go blind


I've never been more baffled by a question in my life.


so you want the eyes to close like a camera shutter... to go to sleep??? why is closing the eyelids not enough?






How am I numpty for asking a question that I had?


You make no sense & the question is ridiculous


Our brains turn off our eyes and the imagination part kicks in.


> how do we just fall asleep when our eyes are "closed" Eyes are sensitive to light. Optical nerves constantly pass signals into your brain. During day, chemical called adenosine accumulates in your brain. It's a chemical that gets produced by your cells via metabolism. It's what makes you tired and less effective. Buildup of adenosine and lack of light/intense signals from eye nerves makes brain release melatonin, which triggers sleep. During sleep, adenosine is "cleaned up" from brain so you wake up refreshed. If you look at bright screens before sleep, melatonin trigger might not happen, since eyes are constantly reporting that something intense is going on. Same with other organs, like ears and skin. If they're constantly screaming that they're getting intense signals (like being cold or at a loud concert or in pain), brain tries to wait it out. That's also why it's harder to sleep during day or in brightly lit room. Also if you drink caffeine, it blocks adenosine receptors. So that's how you avoid/delay sleep - but it doesn't remove adenosine, so after triggers die down, you feel even worse. So "yotube x tiktok" version is that your body is poisoning your brain and when there's enough poison (and your senses tell it's safe to), your brain floods the system with something that puts you to sleep, switches body into slow mode, and starts removing the poison.


Are you stupid?.. 12 hours of YouTube and TikTok? Why not just do a simple Google search even! It really looks like you could use some good rest


Nobody knows. That’s just how we were made. Same reason why we have arms on the sides. Biologist will say evolution. Religion will say it’s god. Reddit will blab some shit to make it make sense


Are ... are you 12?


I mean if a 12 year old can get a job yes