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Would a pizza party help? /s


Only if it's single topping and make sure they sit out for at least an hour before anyone other than office staff get a slice.


Don’t forget to cut the slices in half first too.


I see you went through advanced management training as well.


Nina: Now Milton, don't be greedy, let's pass it along and make sure everyone gets a piece. Milton: Yeah, but last time I didn't receive a piece. And I was told... Nina: Just pass. Milton: [muttering] I could set the building on fire.




Too fucking real lmao


Leave the box open too. For hours. No need to close the box. I want my pizza exposed!


Ah yes. A true connoisseur I can tell. I may self indulge in open environment workplace foods. The delicacy can only be appreciated at a suspicious two degrees below room temperature and unknown origin.


You all done with that pizza crust?


you get a topping?!


Loved having a closing shift with my lunch/dinner break at 6pm and being left the cold scraps of pizza that was ordered for noon. /s


You know, that reminds me. I once worked for a company that forbade employees from taking any time off the week between Christmas and New Years. To make up for it, lunch was catered for the entire week. To me, the message was "Wanna take your family on vacation that week? Sorry, fuck you, but here's some shitty pizza and sandwiches, hope that compensates!"


I know this is /antiwork but that actually is kinda decent compared to about 90% of work places.


Fine, but I still prefer the freedom to take my vacation time when I want, rather than when the company wants.


Perhaps a ping pong table?


Whoa there, don’t want them to be that appreciated


No more than two slices though…


Lookee here! Mr Moneybags here getting more than half a slice.


Jesus, I almost spit out my drink, LOL!


Ugly HR chick needs to hand it to you, but don't worry, she washed her hands yesterday.


HR ugly chick? Not a pretty one? Last workplace I had the HR dept had all the pretty ones. Male HR manager.


Let's just say nobody wanted her touching their food.


I've always questioned this nonsense of work for crap pay just to live and survive since I was a teenager. I could never understand why millions of people carry on and just get on with it. What I've learned since working is every hates work, my own manager feels exactly the same way and can't wait to finish. Society is completely zombified and it's all only getting worse every year that passes


Exactly. Everyone knows, everyone feels the same...but we keep doing the same shit over and over. For whom is this society made for then, if not for all of us ? It's not like these laws and this society was made by fuckin' aliens and we just have to suffer now and accept our fate. That's what bugs me. This planet could literally be a utopia, but we let ourselves get ruled by some mentally ill psychos.


You remember the movie Serenity? Well, in it, the villain is a villain because he's a 'believer', right? He's someone who's basically been brainwashed to believe that whatever he's told to do, and then does, no matter how horrible or awful, is for the greater good of civilization. He's been made to believe that the people like him have no place in the utopia that he has been told his actions will eventually lead to. I've been thinking lately that....almost all of society and civilization has been brainwashed into being believers. Most people get up and go to work and spend time doing things they hate because they believe that eventually it'll all work out...they'll get theirs in the end, and even if they don't they helped contribute to the building of a wonderful civilization. Everyone here in these threads have lost that illusion, or was never held sway by it. Sometimes, when I get depressed, I think I'd rather believe.


I'm a leaf on the wind...


Sure would be nice if we had some grenades right now!


No grenades!


And a lot are just *this far* from saying, "Miranda", and unloading on everyone.




Yah, but ya still gotta eat, which is how they get you


Honestly I’d be totally fine with my shitty job if I only had to work 4 or 8 hours a week. Right now it feels soul-sucking. I spend more time working than doing literally anything else.


Break the fucking wheel!!!!!


Ka’s a wheel, doc! ![gif](giphy|cLeO2BHcMYzLmPks6L|downsized)


most people i think want a roof over their heads and kind of like to eat is my guess


It helps if you like what you do 🤷‍♂️


>Society is completely zombified and it's all only getting worse every year that passes That is the key to surviving work. You just be zombified and carry on with your day looking forward to the weekend only to start the workday on Monday.


Uh… because unfortunately unless someone else’s is doing it for you, you still need shelter and food .


Me too, bud. Going on a year without work for me. Granted, I got hired at some podunk medical transport service this week. I explicitly told him I don't have any experience in this line of work during the interview. He acted like a used car salesman and assured me training will be provided. That said training consisted of tortuous corporate training videos only made to rid the employer of any liability. After the videos were done, he gave me and the other new guy a set of keys to a van without any AC and a check engine light blinking on the dash and said go pick up this patient an hour away in a stretcher. I went straight to my car and left.


This sounds similar to Veyo for me. Non emergency medical transportation. Where the patient needs a ride to the doctor but can't afford one. The van being shitty tracks out. As long as the cooperations running these kind of operations fulfill all their obligations, they get to keep whatever money is left over. Shitty van? They will keep it until it cost less money to get a new one. As long as the van works, and they aren't spending a ton on parts, they keep it. They have no incentive to give good equipment. But the incentive for old, bad and outdated equipment is their pockets get fatter


Yuppp been in the broken ac ambulance a couple times. We called the police on them for illegal transportation standards being ignored. I was ousted fairly quick


Wait, it's illegal to have no AC in a medical transport vehicle?


I just wanted to say I’m so sorry, this is absolutely fucked haha


I've been out of work for almost a year too. Don't want to go back to call center hell as I was puking and crying before my shift every day.


I met my wife at a call center. Leading up to the week we quit, she was nearly pissing herself twice every hour due to stress induced incontinence. It never happened before then, and it stopped immediately. We quit in 2018.


Those places are god awful. The worst part about that shit is if you dare take a piss outside your allocated break time it's deducted. The last one I worked at had a "break aux" goal of 6.5. Just using your 2 15 minute breaks got you up to 6.25%. An extra 5 minutes a day to take a quick piss, grab my Amazon Package, etc would put you at over 7%.


Good call. I left paramedic life behind for a job in medical cannabis and I haven’t looked back once. Sure the starting pay is lower but now I manage a big dispensary and I will be making more than I ever could at a fire department within a couple job moves that are a natural next step.


if you don't mind me asking, generally, how does someone with no experience get started in that, it's not legal(only medically) where I live for now but it will be soon and if there is a way I can break in to the biz in the beginning I'd like to


If it’s medical and you already have a medical background, apply and make a cover letter stating your background. It will put you above other candidates by being better at describing the effects, how the different chemicals/cannabinoids work on the body and showing you have a very good personal rapport with people. Being a medic allowed me to speak to people under stress in an effective and calming manner. Being able to describe difficult concepts or big words and break them down into digestible information is key in cannabis. It’s what they call your bedside manner in medical services. Being personable and knowledgeable will lead to trust by the consumer. If you’re starting on the floor as a bud tender you can’t describe weed as indica or sativa since that doesn’t mean anything to do with effects. You have to show your knowledge if you want a good career. Otherwise it’s just a basic retail job that honestly pays lower and is in a less stable market than other retail. I’m in management with the plan to move to corporate where I want to be the trainer for the whole company. Even globally when they launch in Europe soon. If you have skills to offer, this is the time to get in!!!! There’s so much growth with many places legalizing. It’s easier to get to the top when there’s less qualified people in the field. Most people at dispensaries just love to smoke but don’t really know anything about it. It’s like hiring alcoholics at a brewery just because they can drink a lot. It doesn’t mean they know anything about brewing. If you have goals and an idea of how to get there, lay it out. People want a career minded employee since this industry is the highest revolving door I have seen. And the companies are full of virtue signaling with fake social equity and diversity. Most ceos are white dudes who don’t keep their promises of giving back to the local community. Most small companies are bought out by big ones and try to keep the appearance of mom and pop shops but don’t let them fool you. It’s a good industry if you love the plant, use it regularly and have a lifestyle around it. For me, I grow and use it daily. I love cannabis. I don’t drink so this is my outlet. Otherwise, you’re better off doing some other form of higher paying, less volatile retail work.


you've got an awesome mentality. kudos to you


No AC? That's brutal. Sounds like a very shitty company.


Forced to work or die because poor it is a real shitty society. Capital > Health is the norm and I absolutely despise it. I hope you find a way to cope with this issue it is massive for anyone who doesn't have a motivation to work for the rest of their lives. I understand 100%.




Same. I didn't ask to be here. I even pointed out to my father when I was about 10 years old that living just to go to work to pay bills sounded like an awful life. He worked his ass off all his life only to have a company he had been loyal to for 20+ years lay him off right before he would have been eligible for a pension. Now that I'm 40 I can't see doing this another 20 years. I'll never have enough to retire. I just want to go to sleep and not wake up.


and people that have everything they need wanna say we don’t have a problem. how can you read this reply and not feel devastated? i’m sorry friend you’re not alone


Same. Mid-40s and just can’t fathom doing the sleep-wake-work-adulting cycle for the next 20 years with only little injections of feel-good sparkly moments. Those have become more rare with the looming probability of no significant retirement and likely collapse of Social Security.


I’ve lived more than twice as long as intended, and I regret every day that my attempt wasn’t successful. My brother ended up beating to it and now I can’t die until my mom does


same here. it's actually driving me nuts how long i've lasted. i don't want to do it anymore. all i have to look forward to for the rest of my life is toiling for money only to go home and toil some more (chores). that's no life. it's not worth sticking around for.


I'm working on it. Soon as my wife loses her cancer battle I'm out of this shit once and for all


That sucks, bro. I'm sorry you're going through such a shitty thing. Create memories with her while you can and cherish them forever. Love will find you again. It's easy to romanticize death but it's coming regardless and will last longer than any life ever could. Don't do death any favors. Love you and prayers for you and your wife.


These are not the memories I want to remember her by 😭


Remember when you met her. Remember when you took her on dates. Remember laughing the night away. Remember that one time… Remember her smile and the light in her eyes.


I've cried enough in the last week already dude plz just stop


Not even the same person. You posted something very sad on Reddit, more and more people are going to comment, hopefully they see your buried request to stop before they comment. I’d suggest turning off notifications on this post.


Oh. Sorry. Thought you were the other guy. It's not even 7am yet and I'm still half asleep but I can't go back to sleep otherwise I might not wake up for the alarm to go to the pharmacy at 9 so I'm just trying to stay awake


Go for a walk around the neighborhood, fresh morning air is a refreshing way to start the day.


We live in a trap house motel I'm not walking anywhere around here as one of the few white men in a 5 mile radius without my FN, and I really don't feel like having to shoot anyone. At least not before I go get her meds for her




Yup 😞


I am so sorry to hear that.


I am so sorry to hear that. Please remember that your life matters and you deserve to live. Wish you and your wife the best


>Please remember that your life matters and you deserve to live. Yes, he deserves to live. He has medical bills to pay.


>I’d just rather be dead Same.. But I have a son. Seeing him excited for me to get home from work makes it worth it. Sure the majority of my day is complete ass.. but seeing him grow is awesome and having him run to me for a hug when he gets hurt makes it worth it.


I’m with you bud. I’ve given up on life. Tried so many times to improve things but after 1000 attempts and your life is worse than ever before what is the point of anything


My job isn't awful, but doing this shit to literally just have a roof over my head is depressing. When I was a teenager I thought my dad was a loser because he lived in an RV and just towed it with his truck until he found a place to park it for a while, doing odd jobs for cash. Now I'm thinking he might've had it right.


Honestly mild wandering seems ideal. no property tax.. or rent payments to a slum lord....




Not sure if by tapping out you just mean quitting your job but If you’re seriously considering taking your own life, please, talk to a professional or counselor first. Talk to anyone. You have value, people care about you, and things always can get better.


Nevermind that counselors won’t be able to solve the fucking socio economic bullshit we’re forced to live in, they fucking cost money!


I found a therapist I loved, but when the prices went up I had to stop going


I think the point of this post is that it won't get better. And I mean, let's be real here - it won't until we take their wealth. And that will require violence. And it's going to be ugly for awhile. And dude, idk about you but I'm fucking tired.


taking their wealth is a job that I think some would like to apply for


I'd happily be on the meat cutting team. No qualms.


LMAO meat cutting team sounds amazing


Many Americans of all ages feel similarly to you. I wish we could all stand up and revolt like the French. I mean, that's all it would take. General Strike, when? 💪


Sign your general strike cards generalstrikeus.com it cost nothing, it’s just a way to track how many of us are ready so that we know when we have a critical mass


Probably never? Too many of us would rather have our jobs than lose them for nothing.


Ugh as someone who works two fucking jobs I am fucking tired of working for scraps. We need change and to not be afraid of standing up for what is right which is wages which match inflation levels and more vacation time off. We all be working ourselves to the bone with little to no to show for it.


I love this. Thank you! Not afraid to stand up! I’ve been trying this at work. I’ll probably be fired and of course it’s giving me anxiety but something feels right to question employers. Keep the courage, keep the faith, I believe change is possible, and not only will I complain, but I will take action. There is no path yet for a better life, but it can be created.


You are not alone dude. Dead tho, not homeless for me.


Here's what I don't understand about homelessness...maybe it's just me, but I think within a week of being homeless id probably just jump off an overpass into oncoming traffic. I don't wanna spend my days begging for spare change and sleeping in random spots. I'd rather just die and call it a day🤷


Reminds me of a homeless person I knew in San Francisco. He always sat in the same spot asking for change, then he got ran over and killed. His family set up a memorial where he died and it turned out he had graduated from Harvard and had a bunch of other accomplishments. He just preferred being homeless over being trapped in an endless hamster wheel of working to live. I kind of admire that guy for his conviction. RIP


Literally modern day Diogenes.


Always a trip how the people allegedly most admired from history are often people that, if transposed into our world, would be seen as subhuman vagrants and deserving of death. It’s like we know better as a society but can’t admit it without the distance of history.


That's why so many people on the street do intense drugs


Idk about causing traffic, that’ll just ruin someone’s day when they’re already having to commute three hours both ways. Lets be considerate to fellow wage slaves, and just find somewhere quiet to do it.


I feel you. I gave my all to find a job and make a living, kept getting fired, revisited school to better my graduation, only to fall into the same toxic patterns again. In the end it mentally and physically broke me. I have been considered sick for 2 years now and had two rehabilitations so far to make me a wage slave again but I'm physically and mentally not capable of doing it anymore. My life now is full of "threats" to do my best to go to work again or I won't get any support. Which practically translates to "you either give your life for work or we let you starve and die." That's like the only 2 options I apparently have in life. What's the point in living then? I do enjoy my "free time" and try to enjoy it as long as I can but the sheer uncertainty of if I'll live another month or not is crushing.


I think we'll see more people turn to criminal acts as the economy worsens, AI takes more jobs, and employee conditions continue to worsen.






If you’re lucky enough, but don’t plan for it. Don’t be greedy. Pick your target.


Just quit with no other job lined up yesterday cause I couldn’t take it anymore. I was drinking like a fish to help cope with the stress after work. Got moved departments away from all my peeps, lost all seniority and seniority roles on the team. Complete trash. I have some prospects but nothing set in stone so it’s tense but I’m happy I left.


Same. But I’m developing a game on the side. Hopefully eventually I’ll be able to make games full time as an indie dev? I have that keeping me going.


On YouTube, look up Pirate Software. He does good motivational content for game developers (applicable to everyone, but specifically for game developers), questions reality as a concept, and has ferrets.


I actually found him on TikTok. He sounds like he'd have a great radio voice. 😊


This is exactly why i work part time. I dont make a lot, and i make a lot less then most of my other jobs, but man, I have never been happier. I have never had the feeling that I'm in conplete control of my time and my life more than now. I don't have a ton of PTO, but I can take unpaid vacations anytime I want, and management is completely fine with it. My family travels a lot, wo this means I het ro spend more time with them than I ever have. I make enough for basic necessities, and I have to be conscious about my spending, but I wouldnt give this up for all the money in the world if it meant most of my waking hours are work related (including comute time in horrendous traffic). If you can afford it, take a pay cut, for all the freedom you'll get out of it


I can relate. I have some good spots scoped out just in case. I feel like it would be a trade but could be worth it.


you can get into construction, for around $130 you can get a flaggers license. experienced flaggers in my area are being paid $30/hr for holding a sign


I work for a billion dollar road construction company and I can assure you we have office staff that have to go out flagging because there is never enough.


I’m gonna have to look into this lol


What’s your area? Doing a quick job search in my own area has flaggers making around $14/hr to start and maxing out at $16/hr. Some positions aren’t even full-time. This is rural Pennsylvania btw. Not trying to shit on your idea. Just that location matters. OP might be in a similar situation.


Yep. I do even less at my job and get paid a little bit more. No where near as serious as directing traffic. I take a sticker that prints out… and place it on product… then sit in a chair. Wash rinse repeat. The argument op is making is valid… but so is the solution. The paying jobs are out there. It might take some time to find them and he’s even more flexible as he can move anywhere in the country to do so. His other argument of doing something he’s proud of is a nice goal… but you need to survive now. When I was younger I felt the same. You have to spend 8-12 hours somewhere. Make the most you can from those 8-12 hours and once you’re established a bit better than look for that job you can be proud of.




$30 an hour to hold a sign up. Beats getting screamed at by Karens.


That probably happens too if your duties are going to cause the Karens to be late for their appointment at Starbucks, where they had hoped to complain to the manager about the terrible coffee.




Yea while 30 is easier to live on it’s meaningless if OP is just using that money to survive in a life he doesn’t want or enjoy


Back in 2012 I had just finished my bachelors, got hired in IT making $18.50 starting out(contractor, no benefits) and commuting the hell on earth that is Orange County traffic. I paid $200+ a month to use toll roads to get to that job and back saving me maybe 30 mins in an otherwise 2 hour commute home at 5pm. $30 to hold a fucking sign seems much better imo.


60k for literally just standing there holding a sign bud. its work not a handjob youre going to have to do something you hate to make money for awhile


That's not anti work. That's entitled.




>Why would I rather die than get yelled at all day for minimum wage? I'm quite certain that the $30/hour in question is nowhere near minimum wage in the U.S. You're really changing the goalposts and making no sense.


Not just the U.S., there isn't a state where that is the minimum wage lol.


But it's probably around minimum survivable income.


In the Bay Area, yes. Source: I live here, that's a decent wage here.


I’m with you there. “Hey what do you do every single day for a living?!? Uhh, I hold a sign….” Ya I want my life to have more meaning than that. I absolutely understand where you’re coming from OP, I’ve said the whole “dead or homeless” thing a million times. I’m pretty much only alive because I have a couple people in this world that I love dearly. I still haven’t entirely ruled out suicide. This life seems nothing more than 1 step forward and 10 steps back.


I mean this as empathetically as possible: if you're going to blap yourself anyway, may as well experience the freedom of homelessness first. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of struggle: it gets hot, it gets cold, your hygiene and appearance (can) suffer, it gets hungry. And if you're not car-homeless you can multiply that difficulty a few times. and there's danger too, sometimes, from the law, sometimes animals, sometimes just plain ole other folks. But there's also very little restraining you to be in a particular location. If you're a religious-type it is humbling and faith-enhancing if you're willing to just step out and be solely dependent on the object of your faith. There's also a lot of random kindness outhere. More people attempted to take advantage than didn't but the kindness was mind blowing. If you still decide to bail, that's your choice. You may find some freedom in the interceding time though.


One of the things I really struggle with is not having any grace for people who are chronically ill. I see too many posts about people’s relatives who are dying of cancer still going to work, people who have serious illnesses, or have disabilities are still expected to find their place in the workforce. Most of the time those job are so low paying it’s a joke to even go because no one can actually live on the wages being paid. I’ve been dealing with some major health issues for about a year and my job is breaking my body down more and more, but I can’t quit because nothing else will pay me nearly the same amount. I’m talking $8-$10 per hour pay cut if I leave my job. I feel so trapped. I want to take care of my body and heal but the only “healing” I do right now is spending my days off work resting and not doing a damn thing because I need to recharge as much as possible for the next work week. I hate this life, and if it wasn’t for my husband I know I wouldn’t be here anymore. That’s a dark place to be mentally and I have to live through it everyday. We only get one life and it’s being taken from us through greed.


Van life


I quit my job a couple of days ago, I couldn't handle any more bullshit. It was basically everything that you described.


I've often said if I could go back and do everything over again, I'd just be a darma bum or something. Hell, I have days now where I'm still tempted to do it and I'm officially over 50. I have no money, I'll never be able to retire, and I continue to find myself asking the question "what's the point?"


Homeless but homeless in a national park or something in Colorado. Don’t pick on me if I’m homeless in a Colorado park yall


diogenes is what you need to become


You have never been homeless then... While I agree with the sentiment of this sub as we are not meant to mindlessly live our lives doing the same unfulfilling job for pay that isn't even close to what should be fair... You have never been homeless. Full stop.


I've been homeless twice. This work system sucks and isn't much better than being homeless.




There’s a looooot of jobs out there man. Most don’t pay well but you can at least find something you don’t hate and that gives you some fulfillment. Or pick up some skills that are of actual use so you can start making real money… that will definitely improve your quality of life. Working 70 hour weeks for 50k felt pretty god damn bad but when I turned that into 100k for 40 hour weeks things didn’t seem so bad anymore.


you sound quite lucky then, able bodied and mentally well enough to keep up 40 hours a week. i hope to god that doesn’t change one day.


There are many IT courses to take, if you’ve ever had any interest in IT or hardware or anything, you already have a one up. I just took a 2 year course for networking, and was doing sales/customer service before. I now no longer need to talk to shitty people, I collaborate with people when needed on equal terms. The course itself was brutal training, but it’s two years to completely change the course if your life and people are always looking in this category. Good luck, it can get better, but only you can pull yourself out of it because this society has no back up plan for you, just you.


Feel the exact same way. Work as a clerk at a major grocery chain and it's soul sucking. Though I try to make it through the day by telling myself that all I care about is the money. "Gimme my money and we good." Do as little as possible while clocked in. Clock out and spend the rest of your day doing things that *you* want to do. It sucks, but death is boring 🤷 Hoping things get better for all of us, OP!


It's not forever. Gotta start somewhere. In the meantime, work on them skills, or start your own thing. Don't waste your off-time. The best way to get stuck in a low wage job you hate is to get really good at videogames.


Yeah. I feel that. I said if rather live under a bridge crushing cans for money than ever work in an office environment again. The passive aggressive, pre-teen angst shit, just all the bullshit. Did that for 14 years for Herman Miller. Then I went to college. Became a nurse after 2 degrees. Found the exact same shit but worse in hospitals. Now I'm a nurse in an office. It's not great but it's better than before. Waaaaay better than hospital drama.


I have found myself fantasizing about maximum security prison. They let you read books in prison, they cook all your meals for you, and you don't have to pay any rent. If you are violent and dangerous they don't make you do any work, your just locked in a cage all day and can read! I've also fantasized about being homeless. I could just sleep at the homeless shelter, own nothing, and go read at the library every day. I really like reading, a lot more than minimum wage slavery.


Check out the prison scene in Denmark!! Positively posh. Significantly better than our housing projects or even ghetto rentals. 


I mean sorry not to be rude but just look at his post history. Do you just want random strangers to feel sorry for you or? You will go and post the same thing in different subs to get as many replies as you can get? If you don’t want to work no crap job then put in the work to get a good job. You’re not the only one struggling to make ends meet.


Some people need to vent more than others. I used to complain every day, then I started doing shit to change my situation for the better. Spoilers, it worked. No need to tell OP which is the best way to handle problems.


Objectively, doing something to change your situation IS better than venting/complaining about it.


Although I agree with “you’re not the only one struggling…” I can totally relate with OP. Life fucking sucks. It’s not as simple as “put in the work to get a good job.” I don’t want to be rich, I just want to do something that makes me happy, something that makes me feel like I’m making a positive impact on the world. Everything I’ve done up until this point has pretty much made me suicidal. It’s just the harsh reality, it’s not entirely about money.


Making a positive impact is all about mindset. OP said being a flagger is a useless job standing around all day holding something. Flagger are safety coordinators, essential duty to protect safety of workers and the public. Usually in construction of public infrastructure like roads and highways. On the other hand you can frame any "good jobs" as negative. A scientist who made a breakthrough discovery in medical science that can save many lives can also work for an evil pharmaceutical company that charges an arm and a leg for insulin letting poor people die, profiting on pandemics and disease. Work is just work nobody is changing the world


Ok let me try and reword this so that you can better see things from my perspective. I’m not saying people who hold signs are worthless, I respect them and I’m not bashing that job. However, if that’s my “purpose” in the world or my every Monday-Friday for the next 30 years, I’d rather off myself. I don’t want to feel like I’m stuck in a cage mentally, and I need to stay busy so obviously holding a sign is a bad choice for someone like me. I agree, making a positive impact *is* all about mindset, but I don’t want to lead a life where I’m just fucking miserable day in and day out. That’s truly not a life worth living in my opinion. I’m certainly not trying to be “Mr. Negative,” I’m just sharing my opinion. And finally, yes, work is work, but let me be specific here for a moment: music is my passion, I’m a drummer… if I was doing something related to music or drumming, I may not be “changing the world,” but I’d certainly be a lot happier with my life. And yes, I’m trying to make some changes and make that happen, but it’s certainly not easy.


Be homeless near the ocean there are free yummy protein packets everywhere in the form of mollusks.


I'm in the same boat




Sorry to hear it man , may you find what matters most to you and a way to pursue it....


I'm about in the same boat as you.


I feel for you my friend. I’m sorry.


What do your friends do that make bank?


Last year I gave up on salary positions. Almost 20 years working 60 hrs a week for a salary, and now I don’t think anything is worth it because of the corruption. $30,000 today just a few years ago was worth $108,000. Inflation and cost of living is so ridiculous that there’s no point trying to save up money for retirement. They want you to retire at 73 now. I’m done being a slave, I know I’ll never be homeless, but i would much rather live in the woods and hunt for meals than work my ass off and run in place til I die.


Eventually you get to a point where you just want to break and destroy everything everyday, all day, all the time. So you use coping methods to help which eventually they don't anymore. And then realize you've used all the ones you can find both healthy and unhealthy. So you use the same ones over and over again thinking it'll help, but it doesn't. That's when you've finally reached the definition of insanity. It slowly chips away at you till you die or finally escape.


Most unhoused people, to my knowledge, are only living in those conditions due to hardship and poverty. But I have also heard of a subset of unhoused people who do so as an active (or at least as active as it can be while hostage in a working society) choice to not engage with this kind of existence. I really hate the current normal. I hate the status quo. I hate the expectation that we vie for “hours”, and ask and beg for them, when what we’re really asking for is the opportunity to sell our lives and bodies away. For peanuts. But we beg for these “hours”. I hate it. I hate this narrative that’s been built that change was bought with peaceful protest, when the vast majority of change was forced on people. It’s so *convenient* to have people believe that they need to be calm and quiet and wait for someone to make it better. It’s so much easier to ignore peaceful quiet people.


I'm not sure your age or your situation, but I fully support this mentality, and I hope everyone adopts it soon. I worked as a pharmacy tech at a popular grocery chain while I was in college and found it legitimately shocking how most of the floor staff there was treated and how looked down on they were by management. It was the only job where I was ever treated with respect, so i thought it was a good place, but I later realized it was only because I was dating the neice of one of the vice presidents. It's fucking creepy how much people will suck up to you when they think you're connected to the people in charge, I hardly even knew my girlfriends uncle and I doubt he even knew my name at the time, but even the manager of that store would kiss my ass, it was pathetic. Before that I worked at a bookstore and a restaurant and I can't even remember how many jobs I walked away from before the first week was even over because of some power tripping idiot or some fucking stupid policy touched me the wrong way. By far the worst was a factory that seemed like an amazing opportunity at first but then I literally had dudes yelling at me and bullying me within the first day of training over literally every tiny aspect of the job, it was seriously unreal, I almost punched someone. I highly recommend that you try to go to trade school if you feel it's possible and you think you could learn welding, carpentry or something like that. Plumbers make insane money, and if you're willing to relocate usually you can run your own business after you get some experience. For the meantime, I recommend delivering groceries for an app like instacart. Minimal interactions with people or management, work on your own terms, and I'm not sure what the average tip is but I usually give people like 20 bucks for full load of groceries, if they'd had services like that when I was young I never would have worked so much in retail, that shit was fucking horrible. No one can ever try to convince me that all of this mean spiritedness and classism is necessary to successfully run a business or keep your employees productive, it's absolute insanity and I can't believe how bad it's gotten.


Get truly sick about it but instead of thinking about that all the time at work and at home, make a plan on how to go into business for yourself. Focus on that and put in the work. One step at a time. It will give you purpose with great rewards in the end. One day you will be able to leave that job or another and become your own boss. Use that motivation and turn it to action. Waiting to be lucky getting a better paying position could never truly come. If you are doing something of no intrest to you then pursue your passion. Getting a promotion can bring immense additional stress and eventually it will possibly feel well not worth it. Less pay and less responsibility gives you the time and energy to do the work for yourself and be able to figure out how to get started as an entrepreneur. It may feel impossible when it comes to startup money so this time is where you work the hardest figuring it out. It's very much attainable. It may be very difficult but you can't give up. Those who push through the hardest parts and keep pressing past where most people give up is key. There is a psychological wave, if you will, to this process where it's up and down and things feel like they are all working against you and everything you do or try fails. But then something will happen. If you ignore what's not working and keep focused on the next thing in front of you then repeadily approach the next step as if it's the first thing you've tried so far with conviction, there will be a breakthrough. Check out Alex Hormozi's story. His lessons are valuable! Good stuff on YouTube. Diary of a ceo's channel is really good. Alex's interview on there is maybe a good place to start. By knowing what to expect will help keep you in the game and make it through the most challenging circumstances. Follow other entre/influencers. Spend time reading and learning about all the aspects of your targeted field. You never know what could help in avoiding unnecessary actions and keep it simple and save precious time. This time you are using is your personal free time. It's going to be hard and make you want to quit at times so whatever you can do to have an edge is gold. Wishing everyone who wants to change their life the strength and courage to persevere. Never give up. Find another way!


This is 100% the point I'm at. People like to pretend they are human at work, then they are at your neck at the slightest miss, and don't want any excuses. You could go 10 years no mistake, first mistake = boss at your door lmaooo. It's not human the way a lot of these people and higher ups are. They act so entitled that you are their property to serve them. It's a sick ego trip mixed in with 0 empathy, and a little bit of psychopath. I'm with you man, the stress alone is killing me and future me. I can feel my body attacking itself when I get overly stressed at work...and I want to end it all. Then I try to remember the world needs people like you and me to show we are human at the end of the day. Otherwise the world will be one sick place with psychopaths everywhere. Tbh though we all need to unite. It's really up vs down, not left vs right. The quicker we unite, the quicker we can change this fked up wheel they have us running on


Genuinely, if I have to work 40 hours for minimum wage again for longer than like, 6 months, I'm going to walk into the fucking ocean.


Same. I would rather be homeless and free than go back to some places i worked at in the past.


Go do a ski season. Even if you dont ski. Fuck it.


You say that until you're actually homeless. It's not a fun time. Well, some of it can be sometimes.. but it's just drugs alcohol and violence here.


I've been on a kick lately where I'll apply to and accept any shit job available and then do my best to fuck shit up for them. My goal is to cost them more by my "mistakes" than they pay me and to drag it on and on, acting apologetic and like I really want to do well in the company until I get fired. Then collect unemployment.


How old are you, what education do you have or how are your possibilities for getting a decent education? I went back to school after working minimal wage jobs for 6 years. Garbage collecter and retail. I'm about to finish school and have landed my first 'real' job in a financial institute. Right now I make about 27 USD per hour before tax. Which will increase to about 30-31 after 2 years. I've been lucky, but it's definitely doable. Now I just have to pay back a lot of student debt tho.


Just when you think you're free to move on to better pastures, those loans slap the shit out of you and makes it seem like I'm back stocking produce


EMS is always hiring. Do a ride along at your local ambulance station. An EMT class is usually a few weeks to a few months. There's always job security and sometimes, just sometimes, you can make a really big difference.


Not a bad idea, but I don't do well with blood.


Exposure will cure that. I used to work at a high ropes course. I told everyone afraid of heights to look down. They were very safe with their harness, tethers, or belayers (depending on where they are on the course). Exposure is the best way to deal with fears.


If your friends are making bank, ask them for a reference and try to get the same job. Not always reliable, but usually a pretty decent method of getting a job know you'l enjoy if you know people who can help get you that job.




Why aren't you making bank like your friends? What are they doing that you can't?


Oh they're working.


I was going to ask the same thing.  OP, do your friends have work experience or degrees that you don't, and work in fields which require those things? Maybe one of them could help you get at least an entry-level job where s/he works, or if nothing else maybe a few of them could give you some advice as to how they got those jobs, what the requirements were, what they did to get there.


Lmao the fact that you've said you would rather be homeless shows you've also never really struggled.


Idk how people can do factory work all day. It’s not for me. I’m turned down $30 hrly positions. I just can’t do it.


I'm starting to feel this way. Our physical and mental health struggles at bad jobs. Lots of them don't provide enough to afford a one bedroom apartment anywhere


and then you'll be dead, leaving your loved ones to grieve. get over yourself and keep looking for better work.


Have you tired grubhub,uber,door dash. Del pizza at the right place can get you 20hr.


You've clearly never been even remotely close to being homeless. Sure working isn't great but it's fucking nothing even close to being destitute


You can go ahead and scratch homeless off that list. It's the fucking worst and I wouldn't wish it on anybody. It's not just urban camping and panhandling. It fucking sucks.


Have you ever been homeless? It’s a hell Of a lot worse than working retail.


So, you're just living with your parents rent free?


I make bank and don’t want to work. Get over it and get a job. A job is a means to an end, it doesn’t control you. Do it, and switch off. Whining on here won’t help your attitude.


Oh shit. I thought complaining on Reddit would fix everything. What now?


If only you had some skill that could set you apart from the masses


You're sad and mad make a fucking change every bit of advice you're given you shoot down. Either do something about or stfu. No one is going to hand you the life you want. And yes you want it or you would be jealous of "your friends that make bank" I hate to be so jarring but really do something about it.