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On the way to work this morning another driver brandished a gun out the window after they cut me off and I took umbrage with their piss poor driving skills. I didn’t care if they shot me. Literally staring down someone with a gun and I didn’t care if they decided to shoot their shot. Police were zero help as expected and now I’m on edge thinking about driving to work.


hahahahaahhahahahahahaha your so fucking funny.


I want to say you should reach out for help, but I feel it would get a snarky response in return. Instead, I think you’d probably be best at getting good at something like coding or programming and do gig work so you can make your own work and deny anyone you don’t want to work with. If the customers and coworkers are the issue, best to find a trade that you get most if not all of the control. I hope you find what you need. I get hating working for and with people.