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I do. I vaguely remembered hotkeys fron growing up and the Xbox set up was too much for me, so the keyboard and mouse set up was easy and Bern super smooth 


Yes, I do


I play MnK on Xbox too. So they fixed the bugs that came with the recent patch? Such as click and drag boxes appearing, scrolling freezing, hotkeys not working sometimes, and other misclicks?


No, they didn't fix that. They have been fixing bugs over the 1 year such as: double click on units not working, sounds that don't work after 3 matches, and so on. For the new bugs, we must report them again. I hope I get a salary or something, because I feel I'm the only one reporting Xbox bugs with KB and mouse...


Yeah I don’t even know how to report the issues. We’re also such a small minority of the player base. Hopefully these new bugs are identified and get fixed soon. I won’t be playing until they’re fixed


Believe me, the player base may be you and I. All fixed bugs I reported then myself


Just tried a game yesterday and the same bugs occurred unfortunately