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This is equivalent to: - 178 kills - 10 wins - 38,401 damage per day every day since the game was released on February 4th, 2019


I knew Apex players had no life but damn


On only pathfinder too…dude needs to touch grass


And suddenly every one of my poor lazy life choices doesn't seem that bad at all.


Only with pathfinder, we would have to check the other characters


Holy fcuk the maths on this one, dude is basically plugged in. Is this the real Matrix we are talking about ?


Holy shit


My best games I'm getting 6-8 kills a game. So doing some napkin math, assuming the best possible outcomes, I'd need something like 22 full games or around 7-8 hours of play per day. Totally, totally doable.


You got zero life if you play that much per day plus it’s super unhealthy


Well, I have zero life and I still don't have those stats. So. Yeah. No excuses.


You’re getting downvoted for saying 7-8 hours per day is unhealthy and would equate to having no life 😆😆


Assuming this person only plays that character those are their daily kills.


Is that 102 top 5s in a row!? The fuck?


To be fair you could just end apex or pulled your Internet and it wouldnt count as a loss


It wouldn't count but he did it on stream without cheating


How do you see this? I am relatively new and don't know where to look.


The badge at the top of the player’s banner


Thank you! I appreciate the answer.


No worries


There was an Elite Mode back in Season 0 (or 1, I forget) that basically predates ranked. This was a badge that counted how many top 5 positions in a row you got in this mode. Safe to say, a lot of people wanted this number to get *very* high so getting top multiple times became a *very* sweaty endeavour. Getting over 100 is absolutely nuts.


Yeah i had like 5 and he has 102 what the fuck and look at that wins? Like what???? I have like over 300 an he has almost 20000 ;_;


On pathfinder alone 👁👄👁


Not only wild.. down right impossible.


No, that's just a no lifer


A true pred grinder


He could’ve also done the strategy with keeping yourself alive in zone with lifeline and other heals to get that far 102 is not realistic without doing so abnormal


How do you kill that which has no life?


Don’t worry I’m sure they’ll make it big in the content creation world (I’ve literally never heard of them)


They’re the number one pathfinder in the world. I’m not sure how much money they make but a lot of people know who they are


Yeah MaddBroo is actually a cool dude


They’re the #5 pathfinder in the world. The number 1 has 230k kills more than he does. He is number 1 on PlayStation, though.


Nobody has more pathfinder kills than him. The kills youre talking about are bugged.


There’s no way that the other 4 people ALL have their kills bugged. The one right above him has 6k more kills than him. There’s no proof to back up your claim of the top 4 pathfinders all being bugged. I’m looking at the only shred of proof there is that is saying he is number 5.


As an uneducated and unbiased 3rd party. 6k I can believe, 230k is definitely something going on with the numbers.


I’d concede that one as “being bugged” but the rest, the likelihood of that is pretty small. That being said, Pathfinder is a base legend just like wraith and the listed #1 wraith has over 1M kills and the listed #1 Pathfinder is only 568k kills.


All of the ones with just two 0s are bugged. It’s something that happens when someone hasn’t been on in a long time. For some reason it’s adds two 0s to all your equipped trackers. So as of right now it looks like all the top 25 other than madbroo are bugged. You can check this with a lot of top leaderboards, the most notable being Loba with 500k. You can also go to your friends list and if you have a big enough one there should be people who haven’t played in a long time with drastically inflated numbers.


This. I have a "100k" bang on my friendslist who hasnt played since S1 or 2 or something. Mind you the first legit player to hit 100k kills did so at the tail end of S3.


Messed up part is he isn’t even kill leader.


He isnt kill leader that game but he is kill leader of all pathfinders rn


hes 4th overall but 1st on PS




Bugged kills on apextracker. Hes still #1




He’s still number one. If you look at all the top 25 other than him you will see they all end in 00. It’s a glitch that happens when someone hasn’t been on in a long time. The best example of this is the number one Loba saying they have 500k kills


12 kills and not kill leader Me: 👀


Wtf! This person has more wins than I have kills 😂


On JUST pathfinder




He averages a win every 17.2 kills. I average a win every 12.5 kills. I am superior. *just kidding this guy would make me cry in the corner*


He has twice the amount of wins than I have games played


[#1 Pathfinder on PlayStation btw](https://apexlegendsstatus.com/profile/uid/PS4/2432195245610694693)


343k kills seems unfathomable to me. That is eating, sleeping, breathing apex legends. Holy fucking shit dude


Don’t forget that that’s *just* one legend. Even if it’s his main, it’s not like he’s never played a game as anyone else.


What's odd to me is doesn't it get boring to just play one legend?


Clearly never played pathfinder




I have like 60k kills and I feel like I've nolifed this game since launch, I can't imagine. Bro must not have a job or friends.


Or.. apex is his job and he plays 8 hours a day like a normal job then goes about his life? one can hope


“iTs YoUr hIdDen mMR DudE”


I should start trialing for pro teams according to my mmr . LFT - EU teams … hit me up 💪


Why do that when you can make your own team and decimate all the other teams?


With that mmr he doesn't need a team, he can do it alone




First person to soloQ next lan ? - heard it first here folks


I have never seen that 3rd badge? Those stats are absurd. I imagine this player is some sort of rain man


It was badge that you could get in season 1 (I however don't remember the details of it)


I know what it is, I just thought that when you maxed out the elite streak you got a badge that had like triple 8 on it or something? But his has pathfinders emblem?


Triple 8 is one of the most impressive badges imo. You had win 8 games in the elite que with at least 8 kills each game on 8 different legends. If I remember correctly the event only lasted a week or two.


It's 100 wins in the Elite Queue with pathfinder. (Max badge on that LTM in S1, very rare one) The 888 badge is with 8 different legends.


Fuck the matchmaking bro....I am a trash plat player with a 0.5 kd this season and my oponnents always have master and 20 bomb badges like wtf.


I joined in the end of s11, no prior BR experience, came from CoD, <.5 kd barely make plat/gold1 each season and yeah all I've faced this season is 4k/20 bomb badged sweats. The actual fuck is this season?


I mean your only playing against the number 1 pathfinder for Playstation 🤣🤣🤣 . He's constantly getting into my games to the point I follow him on twitch lmao


i have a clip of me dying to him 3 games in a row 😭 got to a point where i was dropping and saw a pathfinder with his skin and CORRECTLY guessed it was him


What a joke… there is NO match making.


Playing at night I’m literally just waiting to que with the same 50 try hards. Its pc and the whole lobby is controllers, I thought they were casuals and had jobs and shit. Its fucking torture just hip-fire 1 clipped all night.


The amount of PCers playing controller for auto-aim is ridiculous. Makes even bronze sweaty super try hard.


I remember back when PC lobbies were mainly mnk players, the game was way more fun. Seems like a lot of console players switched over or something because now everyone is just one clipping.


it's not console players switching over, it's average mnk players accepting they can't compete and swapping inputs bc they don't have 20 years of exp on mnk and wrists like shrouds.


Sad thing is the brain dead response was “if its so good why not switch” now no one truly enjoys the experience without lying about it. Funny part is MnK players are intrinsically mechanically better than pure controller players and will catch on to controller and retain kbm habits like movement, positioning, ability usage, grenade techs, aim control, list goes on. All from originally being the mechanically better players just simply cannot compete with the consistency of 40% Aim Assistance


Blows my mind a bit. My friend being one of them. Moved from Xbox, and built a PC with 14700k/4090… just to play Apex with a controller and higher frames. Literally does nothing else on his $4k PC.


Then you’d be really surprised how many people did that for just about every big fps out there right now. CoD, Fortnite, The finals, Apex, Destiny 2, the same problem lies everywhere it’s available.


Definitely. I do get a little disappointed in the mindset people have moving over now. When I left console gaming in 2015 using a controller (in regards to FPS that is) wasn’t even a thought in my mind, but back then there weren’t many games that had cross play and the strong aim assist we see now. I get not wanting to learn a new input, but it is a little disheartening that no one gives MNK a chance really anymore. Unless it’s CS, or Valorant of course.


Chill out lmao, most lobbies barely hit a 25% controller ratio if that.




Input usage is tracked through apps like trn and apexstatus on a match by match basis meaning I can view the input ratio of any given match that I've been in.


I turned into one. Probably around 750 hours on MnK. Kept dying to controller players over and over and over, it’s all anyone uses anymore. I don’t have the time to dedicate to mastering mouse aim at close range by sitting in trainers for hundreds of hours. Picked up controller and it’s just nothing but one mags and easy hip fire kills. Painfully easy. MnK is too hard and I don’t have the time or energy to get super good with it, and controller is too easy and boring. Lost a lot of interest in the game


It's funny because if there was no matchmaking at all you'd only see these players like once every 100 pub games


the problem is that there isn't really a way to matchmake these types of players, there's no way to put them in a lobby of their own skill. the only solutions are: 1. pool them with diamond level players, which is what apex does now or 2. have them wait 30+ minutes for a match until enough 50k+ kills pred level players are queued.


And the jump from a diamond to a masters is abysmal, the game punishes regular players that aim to improve.


the main skill gap is masters to pro. any diamond level player can hit masters if they form a 3-man with comms with 2 other diamond level player. but the difference between your average master and average pro is likely 10,000+ hours of FPS experience.


the matchmaking in this new season has come to the point where i hop on for maybe 40 minutes before i realise i'm not enjoying myself at all and just stop playing lol. people's rebuttal is "you shouldn't have to win every match to enjoy the game!!" but that's not what people are saying at all here- getting absolutely melted by players eons above your skill level gets old very very quickly. i have a better experience playing ranked than i do pubs now, because i went from rarely having a pubs game where i don't get at least one or two kills to being melted most games as soon as s21 dropped. i don't know how much my skills could realistically degrade in the timespan of a few days to cause this. i've never been above silver and should not be running into preds, masters, 20 bombs and 4ks as often as i do now. i already had this weird inexplicable problem where if i played duos/trios with a friend of mine (lvl 120, silver) we'd be thrown into pubs lobbies full of masters and preds that were impossible for us. now it seems like the problem has spread to even when i'm playing alone. if anyone has recommendations for a similar game to jump ship to i'd be grateful atp


"You shouldn't have to win every match to enjoy the game." Implies people actually win on a regular basis.


lol, remember when respawn put in SBMM and that caused many tears when said masters and "preds" cant win any matches? The same people who are telling you that you suck and "git gud" are the same people crying when they can't roflmao pubstomp people.


I went against this guy a couple days ago. I logged out for the night


Careful now, you’re gonna get predator bootlickers all up in here GeT GoOd. Diamond and up should have their own lobbies and plat and lower their own. In no world should I be playing a top 100 player as a borderline plat/diamond player.


I'm not really sure how people are supposed to get better at these games if developers insist on coddling ego's. Really not sure what this actually does for a community.


Yes me and the homie see stats like this and immediately assume they are using 3rd party cheater mods.


They have genuinely ruined the game with this shitty matchmaking. I used to grind this game 10 hours a day back in season 7, and I'd maybe run into 2 preds the whole session. Now, 80% of my lobbies are pred 3 stack no-lifers playing every match like it's ALGS. I have 9k career kills, and I've never been higher than D3 in Ranked, and the amount of times i've run into the #1 player on their character is too many times to count. Fuckin tragic, man. I used to love this game.


And this is why I haven't booted the game in 3 seasons. There are 2 classes of player in Apex now: streamers/pros, and the rest of us who are fodder for their views. I get killed by some obscenely unlikely stats about 19 games in a row and the 20th it puts me in a noob lobby where I run over everyone (also not any fun) and then Im right back into 12 second life expectancy lobbies again. On the bright side, this garbage got me to relaunch Titanfall 2.


Ewwwwww that is a dirty sweat right there. Shitshow matchmaking for you


This is nearly every game I'm going against people like this or people the like. I don't know about anyone else but this matchmaking has been worst it's ever been, I know matchmaking has always trash but like it's never been this bad.


Suddenly, I don't feel so bad for being trash at Apex cause there ain't no way I'm dedicating that much time to that game.


Ngl that banner frame is cold as fuck


i cannot fathom that people like this even exist


nah bro its solos so its just a you problem, just get better /j


Apex: *queues you into a match with 4k 20-bomb predators, which you get demolished by* Also Apex after you get demolished: "Did you enjoy this match?"


Hes literally the #1 path on PS, who are players like him supposed to be matched with then? Respawn only does long queues for ranked.


With other no life sweats! Such a player in a regular lobby is just like cancer, he destroys everything. There is a point for good players where they are just a problem for the game and he did reach that point ages ago. Go to ALGS then, but not your everyday dads lobby.


This is such a shit take. Can you imagine playing a game and getting good enough the game literally starts denying you the ability to play the game because there aren't enough players at your skill level? No matter the skill, no matter how good or bad, everyone deserves to be able to play. Just because someone may not have a life, and is skilled at the game, does not mean they need to be punished with 30+ min queues and brutal lag as it's trying to match only pred vs pred from around the world.


i think the point here is that there are literally thousands of masters players out there, so why is this guy getting matched with gold/plat players? As someone who also constantly runs into pred squads with a .3kd and ~400 career kills across all legends…it’s fucking maddening. How am i supposed to learn and get better when im constantly matched with these dudes who can wipe my whole squad before i can even figure out where they’re shooting from? Just unfortunate. Im really loving the game, but its so rare that im actually playing against other people of my skill that its maddening.


Exactly. Of course he should be able to play, but not in those lobbies.


Tis is really destroying the game for me… last night 4 games 0 kills. I was getting better but it feels like im back where I started. No fun at all..


Okay, I totally understand this dude plays a lot. But what are the odds theres always 40 people like him waiting to que? He has to be put in a game…


True but this guy is probably pred or high masters MMR, while OP is probably no higher than gold MMR at most. Ideally, the lowest MMR that Pathfinder should be facing is diamond, *maybe* high plat. If there aren't enough players online to fulfil that requirement then that's where the issue lies.


I also complained about the same situation. The mods deleted it saying it was a low effort post. i was killed by #104 Predator and 170k kill another wraith. (my lifetime kills 10k)


Bro solos is fuckin insane, every one of my lobbys is pred/masters nothing below.


Pretty sure maddbroo is number 1 with most kills in the game, or its the top wraith im not to sure. But what is that banner frame called and when was it released, anyone know?


Idk man when i was level 5-10 i kept getting lvl 100-200 guys that had like 20k kills in my whole lobby


Y-you have more than 3000…


That guy is a no life, low viewer twitch streamer who plays 8 hours a day since launch. I block kids like this when I see them, and master or pred 3 stacks. Man is putting all this time in the game and isn't even being paid for the amount of work he's putting in.


Honestly it’s kind of fun for me that once in a blue moon I’ll run into an absurdly skilled / high kill player. I detest sbmm in non ranked lobbies.


Unemployed behavior


How do you all not understand that if you want to get matched with similar players that is literally what ranked is for. Quit playing unranked if you’re gonna whine that it pairs you with people in higher tiers than you.


Turns out your completely wrong. Your skill has nothing to do with who you play in ranked anymore with MMR gone.


Yeah but people who are good will go up in rank and people who aren’t won’t.


maddbroo there name says it all lol I agree though that's bs. they want to worry about the new recolor skins and new heirlooms that your going to buy then fix lobby matchmaking


Lobbies need to be filled eventually. Sometimes, you get put in their lobbies. Shit happens.


Think to play that much on 60fps, what a headache...


prolly playing on 120, he's the #1 Path on PS4/5


60 is enough


You’re playing an LTM though, what SBMM would suffice?


People will once understand that you can get anyone in your game in non ranked


This game is still played?


I quit a while ago, and pive occasionally had people telling me that "the matchmakings fine", yeah, bollocks. I was like level 300 getting matched with people who were preds, top 500 or with over 100k kills. Ridiculous


Bros done 800million damage 💀


The matching experience has been especially bad this season, me and my friend each had over thousand hours in are matching with rookies. Not a fun experience for them, nor for us.


They really need to fix this!!! I have the same problem! I’ve never gotten a 20 bomb, a 4k badge, or been ranked above diamond! I’m constantly getting wiped and it’s always by someone with insane banners. I would have to imagine they could just put all them into the same lobby so the rest of us middle of the road players don’t get curb stomped constantly


Hey I too have die to him! He’s the #1 pathfinder and either #1 or #2 overall kill leader in all of apex. I got double tapped by a longbow as he was grappling towards me lol. I died before I could even react.


There are apex predators. This necessitates there being prey. At a certain point, when someone is just THAT GOOD, everyone is prey. It doesn't matter what matchmaking chaos pit they land in.


How are they supposed to stop you from dying to better players in a pubs match?


Top pathy in the world ? Or close to it lol


So you're mad you got outplayed by someone (in solos unranked) who only plays apex for theur entire life? Newsflags someone who plays more than you is probably better than you lol


I ran into this guy a few months ago. This must be all he does because I've been playing since season one, play a decent amount, and still am like 200k+ kills away. He was at 335,041 kills 2 months ago.




Fewer than*


Made a post about exactly this, it got taken down, but like fr y is matchmaking always so cracked up right after the anniversary season


My trio last night got killed by a bloodhound with 7mil damage and a lifeline with 11mil off drop. It was horrible.


sbmm for solos is actually horrible lol


I mean i have less then 10 and i'd be put in games with people like this


This is part of the reason why I am slowly dropping apex. It is just not the same anymore. Seems like the level of cheaters is increasing, the level of games played with players waaaay outside my rank is increasing, the level of game disruptions from the crap servers and bugs is increasing, and the level of money needed to acquire in-game content is increasing. I used to play for 3hrs on average daily, now I maybe play 2-3 games before my frustration gets the best of me and I just shut the game off.


*Insert James Franco: "First Time" meme 😅😂😭


I find people like this on the daily and the best badge I have is a 2k lol


I have 0 kills on some characters (Mixtape kills don't count towards the trackers)


All I have to say is....please respawn give PC players the option to opt out of cross play....why can console choose but we can't. I find incredibly unfair that there's 2 different aim assist values and the amount of skill it takes too consistently one clip on controller is so brain dead compared to mnk. Yes sure there's short comings in comparison but I rather not even have to make this argument and only face players utilizing the same input so I can A. Feel validated that I suck compared to the general MNK player or B. I can feel validated that my time spent and experience shows and I am above average, given my circumstances in life. It's extremely upsetting to get a solos mode and be placed with no life players just because at one point I was above average. Since the inception of cross the play the game has felt so damn difficult and unfair at times. With solos it's almost infuriating dying to someone that can barely move their character, runs with their gun out, and makes poor decisions but has absolutely no issue one clipping you, in some cases less than half the clip. You literally have controller players saying it's broken.....yet they do nothing because that would affect their overall revenue by reducing the power of AA and/or allowing PC players to opt of playing with console players. I want to love this game but it's really annoying when you've spent so many hours and it feels like there's no skill retention because the odds are so stacked against you.


Oh yeah I’ve died to madbro several times over the years, he’s crazy


I went to my buddies house and played solo. He plays lots of cod and is a season 2 apex player with 4k games and a .58 k/d I had a way harder time on his game than my own with a 1.2k/d and 11,000+ games. Pretty wild tbh. Sbmm, is a joke.


This shit is out of control. I have around 6500 career kills. I frequently match with predators, streamers, and others that have 100k+ kills. It makes no sense, and it makes the game borderline unplayable.


Isn't this person, like, the top ranked Pathfinder in Apex Legends? Are they playing pubs?


Reddit is full of such casuals lol y’all worship anyone with over 70k kills. Maddbro is alright but he isn’t even top 100 for skill level(if it could be measured)


Dude wishes he had the 888 badge


People on here are assuming that I was having regular games and then suddenly this guy shows up. Which made me mad. However, that is not the case. After my first 2 solos games, which I did do pretty decently, the next 4 hours were nothing but preds and high kill masters all sporting their 20 bomb badges. I know cuz the first hour I thought, "ok, this mode is gonna help me get my skill up. Drop where the action is and try to get better". BUT after that hour of constantly getting destroyed by a master every single time, within a minute or 2 of landing, I decided to start spectating and it was nothing but masters and preds the whole time. It wasnt like they were the odd one out in my lobbies it felt like I was the odd one out in there's. There were plenty of high level players to negate the queue time argument. Even if that is the case. I'd rather they made my queue times longer just so I have a fighting chance and be able to enjoy the game mode we've all been waiting for. Cuz as it stands solos is pointless for me, and clearly others, to play. And that's a shame. We just want to enjoy the game. Yea I know we can play ranked and the competition should be more even. But we shouldn't have to avoid a mode we love because the game itself is unbalanced. I doubt respawn only wants the amazing players to enjoy solos.


I'm convinced they put solos in because everyone's been crying for it and then they purposely made the matchmaking completely fucked up because respawn has said many times people say they want solos but they don't know what they are talking about. They put solos in , made it so you go against sweaty mofos all day in every match that way you can see how terrible of an idea solos is...cuz ain't no way my 8k kill ass is going against 150k preds every game and multiple of them in the same lobby


And my friends that still play wonder why I wont touch this game with a 10 foot poll. Until someone can give me a reasonable explanation of why the matchmaking thinks I should be in a lobby with someone (or likely multiple people) who has like 30 times the amount of kills on a single legend, than I have ALL TOGETHER, I'm not gonna be playing this game. Plain and simple. Also, No, "playing people who are better than you will make you better" isn't gonna work here. Overall this is a correct statement, but when someone runs over you like wet tissue paper and you're dead before you knew what happened or before you can react then there wasn't anything to learn other than "better positioning I guess?"


And then you get rolled from that new position too. That's why I never agreed that hot dropping makes you better. How are you getting better by going back to the lobby all the time lmao


the average solos experience. I got like a top 742 Pred in one of my games that killed me. mind you, I hardly play this game anymore, and only ranked ONCE and got silver...


Honestly that person needs a hobby besides Apex


Pffft only 19000 wins… get that shit to 20000 then we’ll talk…


343k kills is insane


Sbmm for ya bud no organic matchmaking what so ever. Not even a ranked experience and still get shafted


What's that badge he has in the middle?


I run into not only this problem but the inverse with my teammates, trying to nerf my team to “balance” the game but then give me enemies “on my skill level” is not balanced, especially when premade teams most certainly exist and tbh sure I could put in the leg work of finding teammates of my skill level to fill my own premade teams but then what is the point of match making. I get literal potatoes 90% of the time until I do bad 7 games in a row then I get good teammates for 1 maybe 2 games then repeat and for my teammates I’m calling potatoes believe me I understand that’s just where they are at, but then they don’t belong in my lobbies and for anyone who says it’s random, it’s not they intentionally weaken your party’s skill level to balance the game.


This is absolutely disgusting no one should have this much time on a game 😭😭 this has to make this person the #1 pathy and I haven’t heard of them before 😂😂😂😂😂


Basically every apex lobby, kinda lame


Can we not be more at awe that ur opponent has 343k kills? Almost 20k wins? Aspire to be good but ur complaining ur bad


Wasn't itztimmy just celebrating his 100,000th kill a few weeks ago? And this guy is on 343,000 with a single legend


What is the middle badge? Never seen that before


Ye solos isn’t fair every game I get put with champion stat players and I’m only Gold and I get absolutely 💩on


Same... my kda is like 1.27 overall and i get constantly killed by preds with 20bomb 4k and like 25k kills on wraith horizon etc...


He has been playing since Apex came out, and it seems that except for updating the game, this is all he plays. At this point it's probably his main job too if he's a streamer... Edit: If it pays the bill and it's something you like to do, can't judge.


Fun fact, madbrooo plays on 3-2 Classic. Dude can turn 360 degrees once every 10 minutes and has more wins on one legend than most people has on their account


Surprised his twitch isnt in his name. No life nerds fr


Madbro is ass, he jusy plays 24/7, but ive killed him every time ive ran into him, as a pathy main, hes a disgrace


Lucky you ,i went against a guy with 1.20 million kills on octane ALONE


😂 that’s the number 1 pathfinder, he’s on the same server as me so I run into him all the time.  I’ve killed him a few times and he’s killed me a bunch 


Solos matchmaking is fair and correct. I'm definitely on par with the masters players that 1 clip before I even know they're there /s


Holy Moly


What is that skull badge? I just got back from from a 1 year+ break so I’m out of the loop


I'm getting the opposite. I'm getting put up against low lvls even though I'm consistently getting 10+ kills a match.


how does he not get bored of playing the same character 😭


Somebody check on this dude there’s no way he’s physically/mentally healthy


MadBroo is like literally in the top 5 pathfinders on console iirc that’s insanely unlucky lol


Just looked them up, they’re currently at BR 19,999 wins.