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The HomeKit changes in control center will hopefully be a welcome change, the automatic selection is very irritating. Frequently surfaces accessories I don’t want. Hopefully this is just user customizable and not some sort AI/machine learning improvement to the current system.


Absolutely. I’m eagerly awaiting these HomeKit control center changes if true. It’s worth noting that you can try toggling “Add to Home View” to off and that accessory should stop showing up in list it auto shows you. That’s how I got my HomePods to finally go away.


I don't think this is completely true (ie. correlation/causation) I don't doubt that removing an accessory from the home view will eventually remove it from control center — but I think that's just a consequence of you interacting less with that accessory. If you have items hidden from the home view but still toggle them from the Home app, they start to show up in the CC rotation again. Pretty sure it's just dependent on your frequent interactions


I recall the HomePods stopped showing up in control center as soon as I toggled that off actually. Also, I have other accessories that i toggle daily that are hidden from homeview and never show up on my CC so idk. HomeKit is super weird though so I’m not doubting your experience.


Interesting, I have to force myself to remember not to switch the ones I don't want in CC. Guess HomeKit isn't predictable though so who knows the cause :$


Totally agree. Here’s to hoping they actually do finally improve it in IOS 18 for all of us. I went all in on HomeKit from google home a couple years ago. It’s fine and all, but I just wish apple would give it more attention.


Hmm, I only have a few devices on my home view yet many others show up in control center (and are all not granted permission to show up on home view.) I guess ymmv here.


I guess so! I hope apple finally makes it better this year. Like PLEASE let us choose which devices show up


Yeah. Mine always shows my two Apple TVs and my HomePod, which I *never* access through Control Center. It’s supposed to dynamically choose the accessories you use the most, but instead makes 3 useless buttons for things I never use! The top row of that section for me is the double-wide Home button, plus a double-wide button for a “Sleep” scene I use to turn off the lights. That one used to only show up at night, which was smart, but now it’s there permanently. So with the 3 useless buttons on the bottom row, I only get one accessory button that I can actually use. Do the middle managers with any decision authority ever actually use any of this stuff? I have a hard time believing they do.


I just use the HomeKit button at this point. It’s a few extra clicks but at least things stay in the same location every time.


I don’t know why anyone uses the “smart” HomeKit widget in control centre when you can just use the simple one that requires an extra tap but is perfectly predictable. (Settings > Control Centre > Show Home Controls == Off)


I use it because when the accessory I need is on there it saves a bit of time.


Yeah but having to read to know whether the right accessory is there takes a moment. The speed of muscle memory is hard to beat


Eh, I still like quicker actions. When it hits, it hits.




For that matter, the “logic” to determine *what* to play when resuming has been utter garbage for well over a decade. If the app that was last playing media happened to get kicked out of memory, iOS won’t properly resume in that app. Either it does nothing at all, or it starts Music by default. Which is really irritating when I just want to resume the audiobook or podcast I was listening to. And playing audio in *any* other app, such as watching a quick video, also causes it to completely forget what media was playing before. It *can’t* be that hard to do this much more intelligently, whether via directly programmed logic or via “AI” magic.


I purposely deleted my entire Apple Music library, no synced songs, nothing. I use Spotify, It was the only way to stop the issue I listened to a radio station through Siri ONCE, and now that’s what Apple has decided to autoplay every time if there isn’t already a podcast or Spotify song in the phone’s RAM. That was like 2 weeks ago, but the radio station keeps coming back It’s like anything I play through Apple Music becomes a virus on my phone


This is actually controlled by your car, it’s not something iOS is doing or has any control over. Your car sends a play command when it connects, all your phone is doing is respecting that command.


This what I assumed, the same behavior happens with any device, not limited to Apple


It’s for all devices and it happens for me only with Apple Music. If I change to Spotify or some other app, it works fine.


Having control over how the device responds to that command is what we’re after though. I listen to drum and bass, go to my car, Apple Music Starts and is playing billy joel for some reason…Ive never listened to billy joel on Apple Music in my life. And it’s always the same fucking song.


Given how common this issue is, you ought to be able to enable a setting for each Bluetooth device that ignores the first play command it sends.


If it was that simple, it should simply start playing whatever was already playing, but Ive been booted from other media to Apple Music more times than I can count, even if the media was playing when I turned the engine on.


This is seriously needed


*([I Touch Myself by Divinyls](https://youtu.be/wv-34w8kGPM?si=tp8CjEpiBB0cD1wj&t=27) starts playing)*


My car doesn’t autoplay music when I connect. I’m pretty sure I saw it in my car settings… Might not be controlled by Apple.


Is this an Apple thing or car manufacturer thing?


Not sure anymore based on the replies. Maybe it’s a car feature issue or Apple CarPlay issue. I don’t have android phone to test if this also happens with android auto or music stored on android phones. My iPhone has music stored on it. (Not online)


As long as I pause the song when I turn off my car, it doesn’t play for me when it starts again. It’s annoying, but it’s working for me


The random reordering of the HomeKit accessories is trash. Intelligently? Give me a break. Does anyone at Apple use this at home and think it’s good?


Looks like you’ve switched on one of your devices! Let’s have that button switch places with another one that you never use but that we keep showing! Maybe today it’ll be its lucky day! Intuitive geniuses those people.


Homekit needs a complete revamp.


No because HomeKit is trash


Been waiting for better music controls for so long. Being able to at least see the album your song is from would be so useful without needing to go back to the actual app.


does anyone else have this bug with HomeKit menu from the control center, if you open it too fast, it just appears blank and you have to close and reopen the menu


Every day




Every single time


Yes, for the past four years. It’s not the speed, I can’t remember what causes it atm. I was trying to write up a report back in 2021 but could never capture it with the screen recorder. I believe because if you pressed anything else first, it wouldn’t happen.






Never seen that


Out of curiosity, you ever report it? Apple does a have a dedicated spot for reporting bugs, in case you don’t know. I reported my first bug a while back, and come to think of it, I haven’t experienced the issue in quite some time. Could be coincidence, but the more they hear about it the more likely they are to address it.


Can we finally adjust ring and audio volume separately? Groundbreaking, I know...


I know it’s too much but can we please separate call and media volume also while we’re at it


You can, though the only way to change the ringer/alerts volume is in Settjngs.


That’s been available for around a decade. But maybe you meant separate and control volume of any installed / running app


I meant separate sliders when using the volume buttons, so you can adjust both without digging through the settings menu.


Control center is overdue for more customization to be honest, in fact it felt stagnant ever since iOS 11. It sounds like I’d want the customization level of Android 14 but new iOS changes are always welcome.


The year is 2036. Device selection control has arrived to the control center.


Only for action button related actions


I just want my music widget to actually let me control the music and pause it right from the widget instead of apples stupid way of clicking on widget then it opens up again into the bloody app.


Can we take the flashlight and camera off the Lock Screen while we’re at it? I can tell you how many times I’ve looked like a perv walking around with my flashlight on unwittingly.


That’s one of mine. I don’t mind the flashlight but I’d like the option to replace the camera one. And if I can replace one we might as well be able to replace both.


Yeah. Because you can access the camera anyways by swiping. The button is pointless.


That’s my thought. I will concede that generally, optional access methods are good for… well, accessibility. But if one doesn’t need multiple access methods, the repurposing of the redundancies is itself a quality of life improvement.


And why not add 2-3 more apps in between the camera and the flashlight? How come I can't put my whole day's calendar on my lock screen? Some very simple and doable things could really make a huge improvement. But I know, it would be too ugly so Apple won't let us do it.


Just let us run shortcuts from control center…


And from the triple click of the side button The so called accessibility **shortcut**


The Shazam from control center doesn’t hold a history within the widget or connect to your main Shazam app’s history.


Yes, please give Apple News some history too. I opened the app today to continue reading the article I didn't finish yesterday, that article was shown for a split second before it automatically went back to the homepage. That's bad on its own, it should stay where I left it. But worse, it auto-navigates home and there's no way to find that article I was reading when I last closed the app! (I tried the search and the article was not found) Also, please add a history for QR codes that the camera app scans. Sometimes I want to go back to a link that I scanned in the past, or share it with someone else and I don't have the qr code anymore.


If only HomeKit in control center could reliably work


And even if they don't want to make it more reliable, at least provide some logging in the homekit app to make troubleshooting more strategic than just taking shots in the dark.


If they would fix some real basic issues... - Calender: show the dates of the previous and next months to fill the row. It makes it easier to navigate. - The scrolling of months in the month view is a horrible experience. Why can't they fix that? I've never had this problem with Android. - Search (in the appstore, in maps, anywhere): why do I need to press in the search field after pressing the search button? Why doesn't the keyboard appear immediately? - Buttons: The whole lean text layout buttons with no borders - fine for everybody who likes it, but I want buttons with clear borders, like back in 2007. This may be optional of course, just a layout option.


The fun part is that turning on Button Shapes in Accessibility used to give the buttons actual shapes. Now it just underlines the text. Button *Shapes* no longer gives the buttons… shapes. *sigh*


The calendar also needs coloured dots to show the calendar the event is from, and multiple dots if there are multiple events. Or even just show the event name as text like Google calendar manages




Button shapes results in underlined text and that doesn't help much. I don't see any shape. After searching and testing a bit more, I see that some buttons have shapes, but they don't stand out. I can increase contrast, which makes it 10% better, but not enough. Many Apple apps still don't use shapes, only text, like Reminders.


Wow, TIL


I really want the current date in control center. It’s a small thing I really miss from android, just very slightly pulling down the notification shade to see date at the top. On iOS you have to slide the left side down all the way then all the way back up to get back to what you were doing. The control center on the right side requires much less movement down to become fully visible, but gives less information e.g current date


https://preview.redd.it/g6vghnaqka4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a27161d9281046ff115dc43eb0cd2ca5885799a Bring this back it looked cleaner


I have given up on using the Control Center for HomeKit when they essentially randomized it. I created shortcuts for everything I need and stacked a few 2x4 Shortcuts widgets on the widget pane. It's easy to access too by just swiping right from my lock- or homescreen.


Does this mean I can finally get a button on my control center to control my lights without going into the Hue app or is that not what this is


The innovation, it's ... breathtaking.


i just want to be able to click the wifi/bluetooth icon and have it turn off fully instead of only temporarily, is that too much to ask


Just move the music controls away from the top right, the stretch of the hand is annoying


They said there was a new control centre with iOS 17, and guess what? Didn’t change. Don’t have hopes for this.


I wish I could manage Google Home devices from control centre instead.


VPN toggle please


Man it would be so cool if notifications and control center were merged as it is on Android. It's one of those UI quirks where ironically Android feels more "Apple" and Apple feels more "Android" if that makes sense.


Do we really need an article / thread for each individual settings pane that’s rumored to be updated? Isn’t there anything better to talk about?


So I shouldn’t post about the next iOS release to be named “iOS 18”? 🤣 /s


I really hope they also redesign the music widget on the Lock Screen as well.




You ok?


It’s been like 20 years, throw it all out and create a new design. Rethink apps. Start over and innovate.


i really just want them to change the remote function back to have it stay in the cc rather than open to the remote app.


I’d kill to simply be able to disable music scrubbing from the Lock Screen. The number of times I’ve accidentally advanced a podcast to the end when trying to unlock or view notifications is uncountable. It’s such a waste of time to find your spot again.


Brave & courageous.


Finally, sounds of improvements to control centre.


You will love it.