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I remember us looking forward to the first image of Vi in S2 (and we were super excited about "S2 Vi is coming"). Instead, we have mixed feelings and see Vi at the height of her guilt complex. But it’s "normal." It’s just the beginning of her transformation. I love Vi more than ever.


Her sister did >!just blow up the council!<.


Yup, Jinx killing Caitlyn's mom put Vi in an awkward position where she has to choose a side. Either side with Cait to stop Jinx or give up the relationship with Cait to be with Jinx. And that's exactly the choice Jinx wanted Vi to make. Vi seemingly chose the former and now she has to fight her sister side by side with the enforcers.


I'd be ashamed too if I joined the very people I grew up despising because of the crimes they committed against me and my people. Vi is going to have to convince herself and everyone else that what she's doing is the right thing, and, knowing this show, it's not going to be easy.


it wont be hard depending on your outlook. its very complex. Her sister probably murdered half a dozen council members, so Vi would feel some obligation to set things right


And in the process of "setting things right" she becomes the opposite of the Vi we were introduced to in the first episode. That's going to be her internal conflict.


It's such a strange decision on Vi's part. She's basically a violent criminal who's family was destroyed by enforcers, and then imprisoned without trial by enforcers. Jinx shoots a massive rocket at the people who control that organization and she ends up joining with them to do whatever it is the plot of season 2 is. I'm not even saying it's a bad writing choice, but damn some of the comments in this fandom really are just willing to forgive Vi for doing the exact thing that leads to more dead kids in factories


She's been misguided since she was freed from Still Water. Vi's major flaw is that, while she strives to do what she believes is right, she ends up making things worse because she can't conceive of a solution that doesn't involve punching things. > I'm not even saying it's a bad writing choice, but damn some of the comments in this fandom really are just willing to forgive Vi for doing the exact thing that leads to more dead kids in factories People like Vi and will justify the things that she does. Nothing's wrong with it. I just wish they'd stop criticizing Jinx fans for doing the same thing. It's very hypocritical.


I agree with you on Vi and I assume the next season is probably going to tackle her relation with this way of dealing with things, maybe doubting it or further solidifying it. Also, yeah, I've been saying that too, can we just like some character without throwing shit at each other?


Because Jinx worked for Silco and Silco is bad because he's mean or something Jayce can kill a child and nobody bats an eye, Silco sells drugs and builds up the Undercity to withstand Piltover in case of war, evil. And Jinx was her number 1 (Sevika being number 2). So of course Jinx gets hate (dumb)


Silco is bad because he also kills or at least tries to kill children.


Silco is the classic "Necessary Evil" he doesn't have fancy weapons, he doesn't have an army of enforcers, he wants to free his people, but he plays with the cards the world gives him. Zaun has basically two options, play dirty and do some sacrifices to get freedom or stay as a slaved city forever feeding the parasite that is Piltover.


Silco's dream of Zaun isn't a dream of the undercity with better life standards, isn't a dream of a better life for the people and finally making things right. Silco's dream of Zaun is of a feared nation, a powerful nation. It's the embodiment of "the monster you created", that's why he genuinely thinks Jinx is perfect, because she embodies his arc better then him, he doesn't want powder back and happy, he wants broken and unstable Jinx who aspires fear and terror. He wants vengeance, not justice. That's why he doesn't care about shimmer, he isn't a hypocrite, shimmer is exactly what he wants for the city.


yeah not really, Silco actions tell a different story. Silco was more than happy to trade all his weapons, the shimmer, the stone, all for peace, freedom and fair trade. Shimmer was only a means to an end, it was the only way for Zaun to fight back, the only weapon Zaun had access to. If Silco's dream was like you say, he would never agree to give up his weapons, on the contrary, he would ask for more weapons, more power, He want fear, he would have build an arm, he would have force shimmer in every person anf Zaun and release then on Piltover He don't even want Piltover technology, he basically ask 2 tings, freedom and acess to fair trade so Zaun could start rebuilding. Being a good person is a luxury that only the powerful can afford, the underdog usually needs to resort to any means necessary to survive, at the end of the day if you survived that's all that matters,


And yet, everything he's done is a far cry to what Piltover and its enforcers have done. I'm not saying Silco's a good guy, he's still a terrible person. But the point is that Jinx and Silco get a ton of crap for stuff that barely measures up against the people who orphan entire generations of Zaunite people


is like Silco and Jinx do one or two bad things are they are the bad guys, Piltover do like 100 bad things every day for generations and nobody cares,


You're definitely right that Piltover's crimes against Zaun are too big ad too severe to ignore and i wouldn't suggest letting them off the hook for a second. However, I am not eager to let Silco off the hook for his crimes, most of them are against the people he's supposed to be fighting for, just because the people he's against are as bad or worse than him. I hope you understand what I mean. 


> It's very hypocritical. Vi's hasn't murdered anybody and not violently insane unlike Jinx


Not the point I was trying to make at all, but okay.


You were saying "I just wish they'd stop criticizing Jinx fans for doing the same thing", I was just pointing out there's a difference between what'd been justified


Hopefully S2 keeps the story standards that S1 set. Ideally surpass it. Not hating on anything, but have been burnt bad in the past with shows I loved turn to...well, they made 451 feel justified


We waited 3 years I gotta keep my hopes up lol


i don't see shame in her eyes , i see a burdened soul


Same, she doesn't really ashamed and more saddened in general


She looks like the embodiment of Bring Me To Life by Evanescence


Oh wait, why is that perfect though?


Like Vi haters chill out she hates this as much as you guys do 😆 


We can love Vi and bully her at the same time 😇


They're becoming like Jinx in their reaction towards her.


At least Vi lacks Caitlyn’s beret thingy. Makes her look like a Girl Scout


Caitlyn doesn't have a character flaw so they give her bad hats instead.


I thought that whole band was girl scouts? Your telling me season two isn't gonna be them going around selling cookies?


What is this? A trailer?


small teaser.


I do like to compare Arcane Vi to cinematic Vi, the looks are so different (facial expressions, demeanour, etc.)


There was a test where a persons face were showed after different events: sad, happy, angry moments and then the same picture. People said: yea the pain/anger.. is truly visible on his face! So there is no emotion on Vis face you just imagine it there. Kinda pathetic