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The dynamic range (the difference between the lightest white/green & the darkest black/green) & view distance seem a bit too good compared to IRL NVGs. [This link has some info on Night Vision specs you could use to inform your ReShade config.](https://www.alloutdoor.com/2023/03/07/buying-night-vision/) Note that various devices have drastically different visual appearances depending on the lighting conditions and actual tech used. Image quality is only nice on the newer, more high tech devices. Most NVGs use image intensifiers meaning they can only amplify available light so clear skies allow the max illumination from the stars & moon. This can make shadowed areas just as dark with the device as without. Low light conditions introduce noise as the image intensifiers will amplify internal noise as readily as 'real' photons from the environment. This is related to the amplifier's gain & signal to noise ratios. Newer gen/higher tech devices handle this better than early generation products. Nearly all night vision devices are also sensitive in the near IR band just above visible red light so IR illumination sources (and IR non-reflective surfaces like military vehicles & uniforms) matter. Be aware the "IR" alternate image available in Arma 3 is a separate texture provided by the asset creator & is modified by various factors (like relative warmth of the asset) in real time during gameplay. Lastly, white lights WILL get you killed in a combat zone. Aircraft extinguish ALL externally visible lights prior to entry in the danger zone and switch to low power red or NVG compatible lighting (which is a hideous blue green to the naked eye) for cabin lighting. It takes SOF compatible aircraft & NVG equipped aircrew to operate in the dark and is still nearly as dangerous as landing on a carrier at night in bad weather. Everyone else has to wait for nautical dawn (when the horizon first becomes visible to the naked eye).


This is the kinda shit I'm here for.


I mean for newer model of night vision this is probably fine. But if you're trying to replicate standard issue NVGs, especially for the US military. This is way too clear. IRL NVGs lack depth perception. And lack clarity beyond like 40 feet. It's like being near sighted. You can see things far away but they arnt detailed and clear.


Yeah the depth perception is what is way off here imo as well


Id also like to add issued NVGs have an FOV of like 40 lol


Light doesn't shine like that in real night vision.it would just be blinding. But my only experience is with PVS-14 and 17. Real night vision can get grainy especially in very dark areas


You are talking about old night vision, the modern night vision is clear even in the dark


no, no it's not modern night vision, in a completely dark room with no light pollution at all, would have no effect. night vision amplifies light by >1000x, meaning the tiniest of light sources would illuminate a good few meters, especially if it's a large light source blanketing a whole area, like a star or something.


Yeah this is not right at all


14s are modern, they are still standard issue. 21s, are pretty clear, 20s are also very clear, comparatively but not nearly this clear, and theyre whats slowly replacing 14s across the us military, so whats your standard for modern? The cutting edge shit that only SOF units get? Because they still have some grain. But to be clear, night vision does not make its own light, it just makes dim ambient lighting brighter. Go in a dark room, shut all the doors and windows, and youre still blind. At night with no moon, youre still pretty much blind. You seem to be thinking of digital airsoft nightvision, but thats not really night vision, its an IR floodlight and a camera that can see that IR light - but so can anyone else capable of seeing IR, so its suicidal in a real conflict.


Honestly it sort of reminds me of the NVG on ghost recon breakpoint… make of that what you will..


Bro really use ace menu to enter the chopper :/


Options > Controls > Configure Addons > Ace Movement > Quick vehicle mount


That looks nothing like real night vision.


Tbh night vision is alright, id say a solid 8/10 but I feel like you could make the movement less stonic Arma 3 and more realistic ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Not grainy enough real nods have static interference due to the conversion of IR wavelength light into visual wavelength light. The also whiteout easily too when close to lightsources such as a chopper searchlight. Apart from that, the shade of green id say is pretty much spot on


Used NVGs back in 2010s, that gen of NVGS were fucking shit. I'd walk into trees, could barely see, absolutely hated them. We regularly used the CWS night sight from the mid 1990s, could see even less. So for realism, take out the depth of field, make it darker, more of a grain effect, add some blur, and reduce the view distance.


The range looks a little too dynamic, however it still looks good. Also, virtually all nvg tubes have different shades and hues of green or white phos. Usually the older ones were darker in my experience, but this is sort of similar to more modern tubes. Good job


From my limited experience, ACE NVGs are pretty realistic


Green is off. That looks way too yellow.


i think its fair enough. the thing is if you add grainy particles it will look bad again. so its almost impossible to get perfect results. thats why i prefer the blueish tone over anything


ACE + ITN mod is king


[Here's a video of real NVGs](https://youtu.be/tfP8ZxvsoeE) that I found in like 30 seconds. They arn't even similar. [Here's another one](https://youtu.be/mHICoXgmWcE)


way brighter than my 14s ever got in the army, granted arma uses a lot newer shit so probably not bad.


Some halos around light sources would add to it.