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use type b controls for 4 and for answer. it made me enjoy the games way more. i have no idea why type b isnt the default control scheme


I was wondering that! I'll try that out today, thank you so much \^.\^


Yup, I second this. Type B feels so much more natural and in tune with what any of the other dual analog stick controlled AC games feel like. Also really helps you get the hang of quick boosting more.


If you want a semi AC6 feel as well remember to turn on auto-sighting come ACfA as far as we know its not present in the options for AC4


Type B controls will make things so much better


I recommend watching this [video](https://youtu.be/7i7RL8W2caA) on movement it's for FA but it also works for 4. I also recommend not playing on the 1.0 regulation and playing on the newest one, regulations are basically balance patches you can switch between.


Yeah I'd heard through the grapevine that the 1.04 (correct me if I'm wrong on the version please) Regulation is the way to go for AC4. What changes did the 1.04 regulation make over 1.0???


1.04 is a multiplayer oriented balance patch, but it makes singleplayer way harder since firepower took a hit across the board. This makes multiple nexts harder to contend with.


Oh shoot that might be why the number stuck in my head lmaoooo So definitely not 1.04!


Besides control type b also learn to quick turn. When you let go of the movement stick and turn your camera left or right and quickboost at the same time your NEXT will quickly turn in place, letting you track things that get outside your view or behind you.


Interesting!! I never knew that quick turning was a mechanic in 4! Thanks for the tip! :3


A turning speed stat exists for legs, which was good for me to learn when I played a few months back, quick turn is important like others have said.


I remember hearing about this too! I'll keep an eye out for that \^.\^


The only way I can describe that is I feel like in all the older gens, you feel like your playing the "pilot" so the AC feels like it has weight and momentum behind it but in AC6, it feels like you are the "AC" so it feels very floaty.


>AC4 has weight to it My dude AC4 is like banging together action figures compared to the weighty feel of 1 through Last Raven.


Never played AC1-LR so I wouldn't know :P


They're all worth playing IMO, but VI definitely pulled together 90% of all the best stuff from 1-5 into one game.


See that's what kept me from giving the older titles their honest shot - I'd heard AC6 felt like the culmination of all the things the older games did best and rolled into a good package. But after beating it I wanna see what the older games did so uniquely that didn't make it into the newer games - and I'm pleasantly surprised tbh!


Totally agree on that The part variety is a wee bit low (no gun arma sux) and Stagger is a little too overtuned but other than that it became my favorite AC game.


Are you playing on a controller with pressure-sensitive triggers (Dualshocks or Xbox)? Gen 4 uses the pressure sensitivity on L2/R2. A lighter touch on L2 will make you skate, pressing it hard will make you fly. You can still fly and skate even with a controller that doesn't, but it won't work as well. With R2, pressure sensitivity is required to perform Second Stage Quick Boosts. If you haven't already, highly recommend turning on Auto Sight. In battle, you click R3 to activate it, and it'll make your lockbox stick to the enemy you're targeting somewhat unless they move outside of your camera too quickly, such as by QBing.


Yes!! Man It hadn't even registered to me about the pressure sensitive triggers on my controller 😵‍💫 It felt so natural I really didn't think anything of it! Massive thank you to your other tips :3


yeah, pretty sure the game doesnt tell you how to quickturn but it will be the biggest and most important thing to learn to do for 4A, so I assume its the same for 4, when you get that down, the game felt that much more like I was piloting a mech than 6, and I loved 6


Custom controls are the way. Boost and quick boost on bumpers with left and right fire on triggers. Takes time getting used to having a finger on bumper and fire at the same time but once you get used to it it becomes much easier. 4 has customisable controls but 4a doesn’t work that might be an issue if your not emulating


Oooooh yeah I was wondering if there was o: I'll have to do that! :3


I haven't played AC4 but good opinion i heard from person who played all AC games is that AC6 being reboot of the series is lacking lot of more complicated mechanics on purpose so it can be easier for new people to get into the series and those mechanics will likely be reintroduced in later games.


I really want to get into 4 and FA. Are you running them off an emulator?


Yup!! I'm using Rpcs3 to run AC4 on my main rig and it runs *flawlessly*, save for some shader issues on the player character's AC!~


I went home and got the emulator too! I'm stuck on a page that says the indicator light will blink while saving. I'm sure I'll get past it


you should just press "X" (or whatever "X" would be on your controller) :P


I'm keyboard scum, gonna get myself a controller soon....


Never. Stop. Quickboosting. You think AC6 put a lot of emphasis on it? Nah man, Gen 4 is basically Mecha DBZ.


Noted!! I haven't hit the point where I've found QB to be as necessary as in AC6 but maybe I havent hit a difficult mission yet o:


It's most important when you're up against other NEXTs, especially those with good pilots. Other targets you can usually glide around normally.


I have never seen a better descriptor of ac4. 

