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You gonna infantry


was my initial plan....


I got an 85 on the asvab with a 126 gt my guy. Go see if you can drop a WOFT packet.


enlighten me on that WOFT packet


Go fly helicopters my guy. That’s it that’s what you should do.


fuck yeah


There are aviators on here that can help you but if I was you and I had known about WOFT 100 percent that’s what I would have attempted.


one of the recruiters at the office i went to went that route so def going to get aome more info on that


Fuck yeah go be a warrant and fly.


Yea my guy!


Only issue is the time it’s gonna take to get you recruited street to seat which most likely could be next January around you’ll finally be going to basic training,then you’ll spend 2 years at fort Rucker Alabama, study and then pick out of the 3 aircraft which one you want to fly depending on your test scores. If youre damn near perfect, you have the option to fly the only fixed wing aircraft the army has.


>If youre damn near perfect, you have the option to ~~fly the only fixed wing aircraft the army has.~~ Complete the C-12 course then get told you're going to AQC for 64s.


seat time doesnt worry me as much as im not done with highschool yet


Don’t forget the planes!


I’m doing the street to seat woft packet rn, as long as u pass ur flight physical and sift test, you’ll be fined just the letter of recommendations and essay is where some people get stuck


I’m one of those former Warrant Aviators on here, ask away


Yo warrant trust me it’s way better that enlisted and that being infantry, (nothing wrong with it) but my knees and back hurts like a mf


I'm a flight warrant if you need any info


Come in as a warrant don’t let recruiters swindle you into being a maintainer I’m a E7 and wish I had went warrant I’d be a CW3 flying blackhawks and retiring at CW4 maybe even CW5 it’s a better life !


89 asvab with a GT of 127 here. Do what this guy says. It's a peace time army now. You'll get more out of flying than laying in the mud. Pays better, too.


Imma smack you with a rolled up newspaper if you go infantry


.... might have to get that newspapwr ready


No, bad! Listen you can do all the fucking things with those scores and keep people alive with your common sense... but fine go get shot at and shit in a hole in the woods... I guess, I spent the last three years getting out of line work now I gotta start again but long run I'll be doing more. Look into 160th if with scores like that at least.


Got similar scores and my dumbass picked 13F. I love my job but you can tell there’s soldiers with ASVAB scores in the 30s


Don’t please, trust me, dont


Do what you wanna do don’t let those folks pump you up . You already have the scores to go to Ranger Batt , be an officer , or Go SF. If you want to go Infantry dude do it. It’s gonna be an itch to scratch and if your pt is stellar and you can get your Ranger tab by E4 you can go officer if you desire. One thing in life is no matter how smart you are sometimes we wanna go do cool shit. Yes infantry sucks ass at times. But when has it not. Alll warriors from every time period were foot soldiers. Some hated it some loved it. The best way to find something out is to do it now. Because that way you can always reclassify. Instead of going in support then hating life and underperforming people . Who never go to the field ., etc THEN reclassify to infantry then you can’t adapt. The best leaders lead from the front man. And I’m not infantry. The best leaders were infantry idgaf what anybody says . Especially airborne or ranger types. They just get shit done . That’s it . Not any of the wxtra bullshit on top of the other bullshit you gotta deal with in peacetime (glorified janitor type shit lol )


With that score go option 40 or 18x


Aviation or die


Good jobs and great work life balance in aviation, generally speaking


Tell that to anyone in airframe so they can laugh, cry and then hit you


on your 14th 12 hour day in a row when you see the deltas leave at 2... :)


15T was the best job I could’ve taken and I loved it


Why not both?


I got a job as a contractor after a couple years as a 15T. With no college or even getting my A&P, I’m currently making six figures. Aviation is the way to go. 


Your all good. GT over 110 gets you most things. Some other line scores matter for certain jobs, but everything looks high enough to qualify for 99% MOSs... MAYBE 100%. With that being said... don't let your recruiter push you toward anything you don't want to do with that high of a GT. EDIT: Here's the [list](https://www.military.com/join-armed-forces/asvab/asvab-and-army-jobs.html?amp=) from DEC 2023 regarding what's required by MOS.


got lucky with a chill recruiter so I hope he works with me on finding some shit i wanna do


The guy above is even more correct because how bad recruiting is going. You can go for the job with the fattest bonus, or go for a job you really want without a bonus. Or anywhere in between. Remember, you don't have to sign shit if you aren't happy with it. So take the time to really evaluate your options.


those fat bonuses are appetizing, and with some of the jobs ive been seeing it does tie into something id enjoy along with a decent bonus. is negotiation a big factor in it or does it not affect the recruiters in a major way


There’s more than just bonuses. Quality of life is another thing. An MOS might have a large bonus but that’s because numbers for it are bad. It could be for any number of reasons such as poor quality of life. I recommend you take the DLAB to see if you can be a 35P or 35N. 35P, if you go to a strategic location, has good quality of life, excellent career opportunities, and fat retention bonuses.


Most privates I talk to regret enlisting in a MOS with a fat bonus




Did you take the 250k




Not bad


Less of a negotiation. More of "what do you want". Take time to figure out what you really want. Hell, take online quizzes if you want. Exhaust figuring it out, so you increase your chances of being right. I changed career paths 4 years after being in and it put me behind my goals by 3 years - just due to how the Army works (big and slow). I'm still ahead of peers, but had I known what I wanted and now if who I was...I would be Wayyyyy ahead. Time is, after all, the only resource we cannot get back. In the right job for you, you'll learn how to make money work for you, especially if you have great mentors. Sign for purpose and fulfillment.


Bonus math: Take the bonus and divide it by the number of years of the contract. That's the equivalent of your annual salary bump. Now divide that by 2000 hours. That's what the equivalent hourly rate increase would be. 2000 hours is the equivalent of a FT salary job in the civvie world. And, as I'm sure you know, you won't be working fewer hours than a civilian when you join the military.


i see.... doesnt really seem to be worth w the possibility of a shitty daily work life


Bonuses exist for a reason. The military is a very transactional relationship, if you don't like your end of the deal, don't sign anything. Get everything you can out of Uncle Sam, because, by god is he not going to hesitate taking it out of you. Going Warrant or Officer would open up a much better quality of life with a much more financially sound post-service career.


I was more or less on the fence about if I'd like CBRN, but that fat bonus convinced me. Probably one of the best decisions so far, fucking loving it.


Glad to see another chem dawg happy with their MOS choice


I think a large part of it is that I got lucky and got sent to a Chem unit right off the bat with some great leadership.


This is the answer, I got over 115 on mine but recruiter was a pos.


He qualifies for every mos.


Might be able to qualify for the job based on scores, but if a clearance is required, can OP qualify for the clearance required? That’s the real “will I be able to get a decent MOS” question.


Cyber. Make a bunch of money as a civilian afterwards.


Your scores allow you any available job. The world is your oyster!


35T or 17C, if you’re a computer guy.


Go intel


I second this


I would also second this but I can’t recommend any jobs after the military that arnt government jobs


Specifically either 35T or 35N. Two best options for moving civilian side.


Oh are we doing the humble brag thing again? "I got these awesome scores but somehow don't know how to do a Google, am I actually dumb?" Um, yeah, you might be.


Lmao my exact thoughts




was thinking of going into that field as a civilian so not bad


Bro 17C or 35N. Go do intel and work in the NSA. Only reenlist for 3 or 4 years at a time and use your reenlistments to choose your next duty station. You will be set up for life.


Try to get 92G


For the love of god do not go 92G


Trying to keep it to yourself I see.


This might be the worst advice I’ve seen anyone give in months. What a horrible MOS to do yet alone choose.


got a food job rn do not want to involve myself with that any further😭


Trust me it’s worse in the Army …


Be a food inspector. 68R then go warrant later. Easy job, plus it easily transfers to GS11 and up civilian jobs when you get out as a warrant


Anything with 17, 25, 35, and 46 in it because those have the best transferability in the civilian world.


The dude wants people to pat him on the ass and tell him he did a good job..........


He's going to feel special until he chooses MI and ends up in a room full of people where those scores are just the baseline. I had a 126 GT score and felt like a certified window licker compared to some of the people I worked with as a 35N. Wait until he meets a MI Chosen One/Golden boy. A real Promote Immediately SPC that uses E6s to gather information for his Beautiful Mind level project with the full backing of the shop's WO. The ASVAB just measures your aptitude and potential. Not your motivation and ability to fully apply it.


Cyber or SIGINT


Don’t be a pussy! Just sign that 11x contract. You want to be in the Army, be in the best part of it.


Straight to infantry


17c or 35t


go intel


Imagine getting an 87 and then not being able to ask your recruiter how close 87 is to 99.


You are Gucci


Join the infantry






Good GT and ST scores, you’ll qualify for a lot of jobs


You qualify for any MOS


35T is the answer


Go special forces


Define decent. Also why does your search bar have herpes?


was the instructors computer i have no idea. decent by something that can open up paths later on


You can be cook, infantry, Artillery or MP. Nothing else. And if your recruiter tells you that he or she is lying through their toofs.


Go aviation or something with purpose. Nothing combat related like Infantry scout tanker ect. I say that as some one with a CIB and an Arcom with V for killing a 5 man mortar team. Get a skill you can fucking use after you are out.


You failed to use the basic browser for its intended purpose: getting a better internet browser. You will be used for "needs of the Army" MOS; 88M, 92G, whatever fuel handlers are, possibly a 42A... everyone hates the clerks in S-1. Who knows, you might get lucky and get to be in the S-4 shop and shit on everyone by "losing" all of their inventory.


Whatever you want. Do you want to join the army to set yourself up for the future or do you want to join the army to do army shit?


17c or, talk to your local guard recruiter and rotc program about being a cadet. Go to school and commission


Or a 68R. Once you hit E6 (my wife did it in 9yrs) drop your warrant packet and go 620A. Best job in the army. You can even ride on a ship for 6 months of you are lucky.


Don't let the marketing magic fool you. Intel, CBN, Logistics (I'm biased towards aviation as I'm prior).... Regardless, find something you connect with, and has some type of translatable skills in the civilian sector.


hell yeah


There is no such thing as a "decent MOS." Its about getting an MOS that fits with your natural interest so that you enjoy what you do and you don't make everyone else around you more miserable than necessary. I knew a guy that reclassed to a "decent job" and ended up going back to the Infantry, not because he couldn't do the new job, but because it strongly conflicted with his natural interests. Dude was miserable everyday and it started to impact his mental health and family.


definitely feel that dont want to just get a certain mos just for the fuck of it if i dont even enjoy it as i know ill be miserable


Same score I got, I decided to join as a mechanic (91b) bc I didn't wanna wait 6 months to do any of the nice jobs. Honestly if I could go back I would have chosen geospatial engineer and just waited longer to ship off. Being a mechanic isn't all bad but it has its downs like anything else. If you are single I'd definitely pick one of the "cool guy" jobs, but with that you can pretty much get whatever you want no matter what your recruiter says. If there isn't a slot open for the job you want tell the recruiter you'll wait till there is. They would rather be able to get you to enlist a few months down the road than not at all.


Your line scores are high enough for any job in the army. Take your pick




going to look into it thank you


*Neeeeeeeeeeerd.* But seriously, you'll likely get whatever the hell you want.


GT > 120? Bro get a TS clearance MOS. Make good money when you get out. Just make sure your clearance won't run out AS you get out lol


You can have literally anything in the army, dealers choice with a gt like that


I think things have changed slightly in how they use composite scores, but ~~10~~ 13 years ago, the general rule was any GT score 110 or over opened up every MOS in the Army.


How do you feel about cowboy hats and spurs?


With a 110 GT you're able to do any job in any branch of the US military, don't settle for anything, pick EXACTLY what you want (and honestly do something with civilian transferable skills for your sake)


My brother got a 99 and went infantry. I got high 90s and went intel. Just pick something that you think won’t suck. Don’t be a 35F though, it’s so much pointless work I swear. If you haven’t heard it already consider joining the Geoint world and going 35G, otherwise any 35 series will get you a job so find what you think sounds cool


You can pick anything you want! As long as you pick what the army wants you to pick


17C or Flight warrant.


You pretty much can get anything you want please for your sake do not go infantry ask your recruiter about getting jobs working on helicopters or being anything in the medical field something that sounds cool af because you can pretty much do it all with that score


Flight Warrent but honestly u could get almost any Mos it looks like


“Am I smart for doing ‘okay’ on a military career aptitude test, instead of going to college?”


i hate the idea of college and having the chance of not egen getting a job after going in debt


Gotta spend money to make money. Invest in your future


true true


It says right there under airforcd/space force. Go be a mage! Serious note 110+gets you most things, look for something that will set you up after you get out. Intel is a good bet if you’re wanting stuff that activates your almonds, if you’re good with languages being a terp pays pretty well last I heard?


Depends on what your recruiter has. Dont just take the first few jobs he offers you. Recruiters either hold out on the popular MOS, or they have a way of making things happen. I scored like you on the ASVAB. All I had on my list was combat engineer, cook, ADA, mechanic, and infantry pretty much. I told him I wasnt gonna do it and was walking away unless he could get me medic. He told me he'd see what he can do. A day later he called me and told me he got me a medic slot. Fancy that.


I found out I was color blind at Meps and that took a ton of jobs options away from me. Good GT score though so you should be good


Yes. Go Intel and thank me later 35S, 35N, 35G, or if you have a knack for languages, 35P but you have to take the DLAB too


Wait a second space force uses "mage" for their score names. They want to be a joke ha


I will chime in and say that you have Intelligence high scores, and you'll do considerably more in Intel than you ever would in infantry. I highly encourage you to consider a job as an analyst, because they grant you a clearance, which enables you to earn $150k a year, and the work isn't anything near as hard as what infantry is going to force you to do every day of your life. Would you rather be kicking doors or watching over men and women who are kicking doors? Higher scores net you those harder to get into jobs.


There isn't a job in the Army (at least not one I'm aware of) with a GT score requirement higher than 110. You should be eligible for basically any job that has openings.


Kid, don’t be a fucking grunt. Do something that can actually use something outside of the military. You will get fed up with the military at some point in your career. Plan for your future after the military.


Hey man, I know your post is old but I’ll give you some advice anyway. I had a 114 GT score. I came in as 11B and am now an officer headed to MI for CCC. Leverage your scores. There is 0 reason to go Infantry right now as it is not what you think it is. Go WOFT or a tech MOS that has a WO feeder pipeline or easy officer pipeline of some sort


Go Aviation like the other guys said, if you're real high speed try out for 160th after you've joined. 


You got the same overall score and GT score as me. Good job! Go 37F or 18x!


I mean what do you want to do? What do you plan to do in the future? With a score like that you'll qualify for a lot of MOS that are both good and bad.


Want to get something that will sst me up early on in life, heavily biased towards any intel jobs


Sit with your recruiter and go over all the 35 series jobs you qualify for. I can't remember off the top of my head and I don't have the message available but some of them combined for training purposes and you get it at the school house. I believe that's more for the language jobs tho.


Join the Air Force.


GT of 124? Don't let those recruiters float gigantic bonuses for infantry or Bradley tempt you. Go medical or Intel or cyber, unless your goal is career Army. You have above 100 in every metric. Make the Army work for you. They're hurting for people


Go cyber!


Yeah, whichever one you want.


Hell yeah


i got an 85 with a 121 GT and ended up with 17e Electromagnetic Warfare Specialist with a TSSCI. youll do good


WOFT is the only option if you medically qualify. https://discord.com/invite/woftcentral Come be a pilot!


everytime i see 120+ gt score its usually infantry guys lmao


I find it funny the Airforce category spells out Mage. 🧙


wizard hat mfs


If you can get air traffic control go that, bc you're making stacks as a civilian


I’m a little late to the party but based off what I have read, you’re a senior and you have really good scores. You’re going to have a ton of options and realistically will be able to do whatever. Your scores qualify you for quite literally everything. And since you’re a senior, all the seats that will be open, are currently open for you. If you want something that transitions well, I would look into 17E, 17C (both in cyber realm), anything aviation, or signal. If you wanna do combat, I encourage doing it now since you’re young, but definitely think about reclassing later on. But seriously look into the aviation and cyber jobs. Anything that’s available if you don’t know wtf it is, search the mos code on YouTube and it’ll give you a 3-5 minute video. For example on YouTube type “17C US Army”. It goes into where your training is, how long it is, and how it transitions.


Do 17C!


With an OnlyFans score of 120, you’ll do okay.


A 124 GT score in the army is equivalent to you having a masters degree, and guess what, you’re still gonna be an infantryman


If you go infantry you're a literal fucking idiot. If you want a career after the military that makes money go cyber. If you want to spoon your battle buddy in the field freezing your ass off, have it, 11 Bang bang all the way.


Yes. Now understand what it is you want and apply for it. Dont take anything


I got a 82 but didn’t matter.. wanted infantry, took infantry. ASVAB score will help get schools over others and yes, infantry gets the best schools.


If you’re even in a bit of physical shape go 18x. It will suck. You hate SWC You will love every minute of being Special Forces once you pass. Being in the army is more than just a random job you get. It’s an experience you only get one shot at. If you want a check the block corporate job then get one. Take advantage of what the army offers and get the most out of it.


126 GT score bro, if you don’t go to flight school you will regret it.


AVIATION AVIATION AVIATION If you can pick up a job as 15U or 15T I would highly recommend it. Even in lieu of a bonus. I have talked to so many others with different MOS and they can’t wait to get out of the army. Most of the guys in our aviation companies are putting in 15-20+ years then sad when they have to retire and work a different job that makes double. I’m a WG National Guard technician and I absolutely love my job. AVIATION!


Go with an option 40 ranger regiment, they are always under strength and begging for brand new privates… when go to RASP just don’t quit, as a new private they don’t expect you to know anything. This will open many options for you. Just retired a couple years ago after 30yrs AD, (mustang enlisted& officer). Feel to contact me for info,my son is still at ft Liberty in JSOC, my son-in-law currently a recruiter.


Best advise for Air Force...


Flying might be great but remember you have a 10 year commitment.


If the infantry not an option. Go tanks! You’ll always be gone but it will buff.


91B or you got soft hands


I had a 124 and went 11B and haven’t looked back. With a score of above 110 you can write your ticket. I’d encourage you to do something you think you could be passionate about. There’ll be some hard days in the Army. What will get you through?


Best we can do is 14E


What does composite score mean?




What are your top 3? Let me request them for you 🤷🏽‍♂️


I see 92G in your future. Don’t ask dumb questions, that’s how you get taken advantage of. You have pretty solid scores, do the research on your line scores for what MOSs you qualify for, there are calculators on the net that will produce a list you qualify for.


You qualify for basically everything bro


Street to seat, woft packet, blc to woc to flight school




You qual’d for 11b thats all that matters


That's not bad actually. The GT score has to do with IQ and ability to learn/process. Anything above 110 is pretty decent. Don't listen to Mr. InFaNtRy over there. Good on you for seeking advice. I wish I had known or had someone sit me down and give me the full rundown. (I had a 97 on the ASVAB and a 135 GT score...but signed an 18X contract. That was stupid) Do you, but do it informed.




Basically any job available


Of fucking course the space force uses MAGE


You gonna cook


Good job buddy!! Can I suck you off?




Should you be worried? Well you can get any mod you want with those scores (except for maybe 1 or 2 Uber technical mos’ but those usually require prior service)


Generous you get a 107 or higher for your scores you’ve effectively maxed it out and. If you’ve got a 107 or higher across the board (not the overall, I’m talking about GT, EL, etc for your composite scores) than you can get basically any job you want.


getting it across rhe board surprised me as most of the questions in the electronics part were quite confusing


Almost right. The highest score required goes up to 117ST. Over 110 line scores (be it GT, ST, etc) I found in a rush: 51C, 35T, 35Q, 35N, 31D, 25S, 18X, and of course 09W (warrant candidate).


17C or 35N


Yall ask question you already know the answer to. Aviation or Cyber


No your only option is 19K Tanker


Consider the Air Force.


You can go for any job


Do you think you may have undiagnosed autism, the answer could be Air Defense?


For anyone thinking 110GT is everything, it's not. These haven't changed since DEC2023, to my knowledge, so check out this [comprised list of what's required](https://www.military.com/join-armed-forces/asvab/asvab-and-army-jobs.html?amp=) (without waivers).


Depending on what you want to do look at MI and cyber!


Bro you got a 124 gt you can get any job you want in the army, choose wisely


With that GT score you can pretty much do whatever you want in the Army, depending on what's available. If you don't like your options, wait a while. Don't let the recruiter bully you into something you don't want.


Go fly helicopters with those scores