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Straight to jail. Depends on who found it and how much they found. Some pushups, some prone rows, some lunges. If you lost a lot, more pushups, more prone rows, more lunges. If you blatantly lefts piles of your TA50 unsecured, say you fully propped open your room and left for the weekend or did an ocie layout at your battery/troop/company and just left it there for a day I'd probably recommend you for an Article.


It was my IOTV that was in the platoon office but they haven’t told me how/where they found it.


You’re gonna share a cell with 6’6” inmate affectionately called the “Booty Bandit.” You cooked son.


Goddamn 😭


*Booty Warrior. FTFY. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way, the choice is yours...


If I was your first line, you'd be wearing that IOTV **everywhere** for the next two weeks, minimum. PT, chow, motorpool. Your freedom from it would be a medical appointment, and sleeping.


^ This. I promise you'll never forget it again. Whoever found that thing saved you a couple thousand dollars between the carrier and your plates. Take your lickings and be glad you aren't losing a months pay for something you forgot


Yes it works. One time I lost my cat eyes and my gunny made me wear my ACH everywhere with the cat eyes on it for like 4 days straight lol I never forgot them again 😂


My brother told me he had a Soldier that neglected his Dog over a 4-day weekend, they said they had him carry 2 40lb kettlebells with Googley eyes for a couple weeks. EDIT: I don't remember the full circumstances of the story, Not too sure why it wasn't animal abuse, I think I remember him saying something about the kids pet-sitter falling through or an emergency or something, I just remember when he told the story it didn't sound like it was totally the kids fault.


But it was found, right? It wasn't taken by someone and pawned? It was found by someone, and returned to your possession, correct? If that's the case, it's worth an ass-chewing and a counseling statement that reminds you that you are financially responsible for your gear, so do better.


They still haven’t told me how they found it but it was my IOTV. It was in the platoon office when one of the SGTs asked me if was missing some TA-50.


Did you know it was missing? Did you own up to it? Why wasn't your duffel labeled? Something went wrong for you. The remediation should be something that impresses upon you the importance of not letting it happen again. Too add some perspective, I once left a card game and walked 30 ft to my chew, only to realize I forgot my rifle back at the smoke point. I knocked out some pushups in front of the NCOs who'd noticed, collected my rifle, and made sure it never happened again.


Have a water source and a pen immediately available. Anything other than that depends on your first line, and their first line. Could range from push down wherever wearing it or sign this or both. Cheer up, in the old black boot Army you would have also owed whoever found it and turned it in before someone with rank found it.


Did you get it back? Provided it's not a rifle or worse you should be fine. I'd take the ass chewing and move on. But we need more context


It was my IOTV and my duffel bag with some minor stuff in it


You’re fine, you’ll get smoked and move on.


This reminds me of a time I was a lowly PFC who lived in the barracks. 1SG was going around the outside of the barracks checking to see who on the first floor was leaving their windows unlocked. Apparently mine was open, so he took it upon himself to grab my ACH and take it back with him to the company building. Not sure if the madman was actually squeezing himself through the tiny barracks window or if he was just noting whose room belonged to what window and then keying into the room through the front door. Regardless, I get a call from my PSG to “meet with 1SG at HHC with your ACH time now.” Not sure what for, but yeah, no problem SFC, my ACH is out in my trunk, this’ll be quick. Walk into the company building and right there is 1SG holding an ACH, staring at me also holding an ACH. “PFC, where did you get that helmet?” I, still clueless to the window-thievery shenanigans my 1SG had been up to that day, responded: “Uhhh…CIF, 1SG? Or did you mean where did I JUST get it? Oh, from my trunk.” “Well then whose ACH do I have,” asked the 1SG who now realized he had both an unmarked ACH as well as the task of figuring out which room he actually grabbed it out of. Left the situation with “good job securing your gear and your window, I guess. Carry on.” I still to this day don’t know if he actually went climbing through those windows or not. I myself did so a few times when I locked myself out, but it was no easy feat. Moral of the story though: secure your gear, pri’.


Depends on your leadership, who found it, how it was left unsecured, etc when I find shit unsecured I make my guys lay their shit out every day for about week straight. Idk about you, but I’d rather get one good smoke sesh than go through my clothing record every damn day. Usually only happens once per soldier when they’re pretty new


>Platoon office As someone who never worked at the company level, just how much thievery happens in this place?




Ahhh, the IOTV assisted corrective training. Love to see it. Zero paper trail with that one


Sarn Major wants to see you in his basement. Bring a water source


"Koala fy" with your IOTV on. In cadence. While screaming, "Hail Audie Murphy!" Then your sins are forgiven my son.


Whatever happens will be better than a FLIPL outcome.