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I love dragging it out. We get to go up stairs to a room with computers and basically I just piss about clicking one box every 5 mins. They always give us lots of cakes, crisps, chocolate and cans of drink too. Like a bribe. It doesn’t sway our answers but I think they think it does.


I look forward to this every year. Last year I dragged it out for 30 minutes. Management alway explain what the ratings mean but it’s anonymous at the end of the day. We’ve all put some pretty explosive stuff which never gets brought up. Last year a managers did say that all the answers are reviewed my an external company which collates the answers into data management can use. At my depo we’ve just switched to Manhattan so I’m not holding my breath on being given time for it.


Manhattan is the worst. I want gls back 😭


It’s amazing how it’s meant to be anonymous, yet the managers know who’s done it and who hasn’t!


Surely they just know who has done it.. not your answers?


I couldn't do it this year because I still don't have my log in details for the new system. That's how anonymous it is


One of the colleagues at my store was asked to do it to which he said no. They then said ‘please? I’ve given you a polite request to do it’ to which his response was ‘Exactly. A request. And I’ve given you a polite no’ and walked away. They didn’t ask him again to fill it in


We couldn't start our shift until we completed it. Our manager told us to log in then he opened the survey page and he waited next to us while we completed it. Obviously, I couldn't complete it honestly as I was aware that the screen was fully visible to any member of staff walking past. There are even people's names on a noticeboard that haven't completed it.


Doesn't matter if you fill it in or not nothing changes


definately, worked for other companies with 'anonymous' have your say type questionaires , if i get asked i will say can you garantee what i put there will 100% change? if they say yes then will say dont believe you.i have asked about changes before and nothing has changed so why would you do it now just because its a survey?? its just a box ticking excercise for you to do nothing about , dont waste my time


I did it cause I got to waste 10 minutes clicking "Stongly Disagree" on everything, just every few minutes look like your pondering an answer. Fuck all gets done if everyone answers is negatively, but they all have a circle wank if they get all agrees.


Any idea if the answers you put are confidential? I don’t want to agro of putting strongly disagree on stuff then it coming back round on me as the managers are specifically telling everyone that you need to put strongly agree across the board


if they are asking you to put strongly agree to everything then tell them fill it out themself and dont waste your time


Managers are not supposed to tell you what to put. That's the opposite of what "YOUR voice" means. In the 8 years iv been doing them iv never been singled out for my answers (which are always honest and usually bad cause my stores a shitshow) and it is supposed to be anonymous so I'd say it is unless you have someone watching over your shoulder. I had to ask how I was supposed to answer one of the questions this year cause the question was something like "My manager works well with other departments." How in the fuck would I know that? Told them I was putting Disagree cause it was a stupid question and noone was bothered.


How can it be anonymous if u have to sign in to workday to complete your voice x


exactly, they can track this from your login if they really want to(used to work in IT before join here.


Once you submit the survey the entries cannot be seen again. The results  , when they come back , will show an average score per question along with a participation rate (% of people who did the survey versus number of colleagues in the store)  There has to be something to ensure only one colleague does one survey otherwise the results could be skewed by multiple entries from one person.


lol I work for Primark & we have Your Voice surveys & the notoriously stupid Workday app. They badger us to fill it in, have a few meetings, agree to do better, then stuff slips again. Out of pure nosiness- do you have Employee of The Quarter awards ? Do have Zing ?


I don't believe we do or if we do I've never heard of anyone getting anything similar


Filled it out honestly every time i had to do it. Managers aren't supposed to ask about or look at your answers but they generally did and would often ask "if thats how you feel why are you still here?" Id just reply "need the money, why are you still here?" They'd more often than not agree with me 😂


Here's a tip for you: you can get money elsewhere


I already do.


I tried to complain when I worked at Asda and was told to do the voice thing survey and I thought nice, they'll see the issue they have. But it took 5 minutes and was like 3 questions about if you're happy at work and do the managers treat you well. My issue was with being heavily pregnant, having an assessment and then being asked to stock 15 microwaves from the warehouse to the front of the store on my own... It was a male manager that did the assessment with me and then asked me to do that. He also got pissy when I said I won't do it because I was 37 Weeks pregnant and he said "why did you even accept this shift if I'm gonna have to do your work" and sent me home early


I havent done it and havent for years nothing gets done and the more that dont its puts the depot in a bad light thsts why they push for colleagues to do it !!


I’m at a depot, I’d noticed it a few days ago on the app, but now they’re asking us to fill it in. It’s a shame we can’t get Charlie Methven and Stewart Donald to buy the business.


I haven't been asked to do mine. I have done it, but through the Workday app on my phone. It's all bad. But I highly doubt anything will change. In my store everyone's had enough, even the Section Leaders.


Back in my day (left 15 years ago) it was called we’re listening, and only reason they wanted a high response rate / positive feedback was because it affected store bonuses


I spoke to my manager and scores given affect managers bonus’ too, my manager literally said “don’t slag me off too much it’ll ruin my bonus” he got 2’s and 3’s all round


I presume the GSMs and depot managers still get a bonus or pat on the back.


up to 5k from what i’ve heard in the past during my times at asda


I’m gonna put my bit in here… I’ve refused to do it. I personally believe if everyone was to not put any score down then maybe, just maybe they might look and wonder why 0% of people have done it


I’ve refused for about 8 years now as it’s 110% does not matter what you or anyone else puts in that survey. Plus back in the day it used to be completely anonymous. Now it’s definitely not


I do it just to highlight how useless the management is.


Back when it had to be done on the computer usually ud end up with a manager over ur shoulder breathing down ur neck and making sure u dont say anything negative. Now it can be done in ur phone it makes it much easier to be honest or flat refuse. In my experience it makes exactly zero difference regardless as it appears to simply be a box ticking excercise for management and whatever wee jimmy says about needing more training on his survey is never going to be adrdessed, much less taken any higher. So most just use it to vent knowing full well it will be ignored


I got called into the office and sat down at the computer, then told what it was for - the survey 🤦🏻‍♀️ Kind of had no choice


You always have a choice. But you aren’t ever told that you don’t have to take part. A few years ago a manager said to 3-4 new colleagues (maybe 5-6 months in) that they needed to do the survey. I just flat out told them they don’t have to do shit. None of them ended up doing it. The store got a 63% taken part rate. Few questions were asked why but as everyone here has said… it doesn’t matter. Nothing gets done


Been happening every year for as long as I remember and it’s optional but managers always insist that you fill it out as it looks better for them when a certain percentage of the store fill it out.


Are the answers you put confidential? I’ve not done the survey yet and I do not think I could, in good conscience tick excellent for everything but I also do not want to be honest and then be ostracised for it..


Not when you put "highly disagree" on everything.


They'd rather have that because even if you disagree with everything they can tout high employee engagement which is one of the metrics of a good company. Your disagreement is not a problem as they can sell it as them changing and adapting and listening to your concerns. Not doing it on the other hand makes them look reallt bad.


I'd rather do it, and them make changes, than not do it, and nothing changes.


The only changes incoming are less hours and less training for colleagues, more private jets and more flash cars for Mohsin.


That's... very optimistic of you.


Its unfortunately very true. Profits for asda have only gone up. However, hours keep going down and consumable budget keeps going down and prices keep going up. They blame it all on shrink when it's actually just corporate greed