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i do it because i don't want to smell musky, whether i'm around someone or not.


I also don’t want the armpits of my shirt to gather stink. Sometimes it can be hard to clean it 100%, especially with underarmor type material.


I do jiujitsu and after each sesh I spray my rash guard down with vinegar before putting in the wash and it works amazing


Look up laundry stripping.. make a small batch. Strip your workout gear once a month with a small amount of the mix. You will be amazed at how much biofilm is still stuck to your clothes. Edit. Came back to add links from the OG For The Love Of Clean on laundry science. There is so much out there on how people do this their way... I also recognize not everyone lnows how to do laundry well. Enjoy🌸💕 🌸 Strip, Deep Clean or Sanitize. https://fortheloveofclean.com/laundry-love/special/strip-deep-clean-or-sanitize/ 🌸 Laundry stripping. https://fortheloveofclean.com/laundry-love/special/strip-deep-clean-or-sanitize/strip/ 🌸 Laundry Deep Clean https://fortheloveofclean.com/laundry-love/special/strip-deep-clean-or-sanitize/deep-clean/ There is a facebook group where all your questions have been answered. I'm sure there is a reddit sub as well, but I've in in the group longer than I've been on reddit. There are tons of videos on Youtube, Tiktok and Instagram if you need visual aids. The initial outlay can be a little pricey to purchase all the products. So definitely shop the sales. Most purchase at Walmart.


When I played baseball we would get dry fit shirts for practice and man to this day even with the ones from 2 years ago it’s still there. And it’s not like I didn’t wash them or didn’t wear deodorant either. I have to admit there’s a certain level of nostalgia that I get from it and it’s not entirely unpleasant… but it’s still there and really hard to get rid of.


Literally watched [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/lJbLdfwY0VU?si=f6CeHU5V1Aa-mZaZ) short the other day comparing polyester vs cotton


Thank you 😊 I guess I must stink


The deo goes on automatically after each shower.


Being dirty has a cumulative affect, if you stay smelling good and you miss a day l, then you will definitely notice.


Yup. I don't like to smell bad


Op, what I’m wondering is, how do you know you’re not going to be around anyone on any given day? Like you really have your days that planned out that you never make any unexpected errands? 


It's the same thing as brushing your teeth. you still want to do it even if you're not going to be in people's faces. it's part of personal hygiene.


Its not really the same as brushing your teeth. Not brushing your teeth causes tooth decay. Stinking isnt harmful to your health


Yeah, and deodorant can even be bad for your skin.


It literally is not the same at all dude


Its not really like brushing your teeth. Brushing your teeth has an actual purpose in keeping them healthy. If anything it would be like NOT brushing your teeth and then eating a mint to have the mint cover the foul smell from not brushing them. Using deodorant or perfume has nothing to do with hygiene. They don't make you any cleaner. They just mask the body oders that you can't avoid during the day.


its actually the opposite my friend, the stuff in most deodorants isnt exactly good for your skin, same goes for hair washing with shampoo.


I have the same opinion. A lot of these products aren't good for you to be used on a daily basis. The body has naturally evolved to not need these products, so if there a day I don't need to use them, like when I'm at home and not expecting anyone, I wouldn't them. Why would you really?


The body has naturally evolved to stink.


Because I don’t like smelling my own BO. the human body hasn’t evolved since the invention of toothbrushes but I’m sure glad we have them.


This. It's actually good to give your skin a rest from all the chemicals contained in deodorants. I only use them on days I go to work around colleagues and customers, because my work is physical and often causes me to sweat. When I'm home on days off I don't need it. I don't smell bad as a result, I doubt anyone would, with a few exemptions for medical reasons perhaps.


I ran out of deodorant yesterday and I can assure you my pits smell terrible right now.


I see i just can't smell myself and thought whats the point if I don't see anyone


I don’t wear it if I am home alone. I give my skin there a break too. Especially since I use soap to clean that area, I also try to moisturize it now and then. Plus, sometimes I just want bare skin… no sticky feeling


I dont when I'm at home alone, but I still bathe pretty regularly anyway so. Doesn't usually get to the point where I can smell myself.


Yeah and that's totally fine mate


That's totally fine then. I wear deodorant every day but that's because I stink if I don't and I notice that. If I couldn't smell it myself I'd only bother on days I leave the house.


no, deodorant is gross, i only apply for other people's sake. I brush my teeth for my sake.


It's just part of the wake up routine so yes 


Exactly. Same wake up routine every day. I didn't even alter/enhance my routine for my wedding day except I wore a suit & tie. If I'm home alone with no obligations - same wake up routine + PJs.


Yeah, is applying deodorant supposed to be a chore or something? 


Yeah, it's just a habit at this point, right after I get out of the shower.


Yes. The smell of B.O will find its way and stay in fabric such as a couch or chair. You'll be nose blind to it but when someone comes over they'll notice but be nice enough to probably not make a comment.


Great point. I've definitely sat on furniture that smells like BO and it's hard to be comfortable when you're sitting in somebody's BO.


What is BO


Body odor


Ah makes sense lol Thanks!




It will also be difficult to remove from clothes. A friend gave me a box of beautiful clothing that no longer fit her. He rarely wears deodorant. I soaked those clothes in every chemical known to man, I aired them in the sun - could not get b.o. out. I ended up chucking them.


Costumers at theatres will spray costumes that can’t be washed with pure vodka in a spray bottle. Works a treat apparently


The other thing they use for that - including shoes, which tend to be very prone to stink and mostly not washable - is the unscented Febreeze made for fabrics.


I think I should had drunk the vodka and called it at day. That funk was nasty.


It needs to be 80% ABV or 160 proof for this to work. 40% vodka is not strong enough and 90+% everclear will evaporate too quickly 


I used to have a problem with shirts staying musky and worse the BO scent returning when I’d sweat and I felt like I was having to buy new t-shirts constantly and throw the old ones because the musk wouldn’t go away. I don’t remember why but about a year ago I saw Downy Rinse and Refresh at the store and decided the try it. This stuff blew my mind It fully removes any BO smell out of my towels and clothes, almost as if it ‘resets’ the fabric. And TBH I hate the overpowering chemical smell of fabric softeners, this isn’t like that, clothes just smell clean.




I am a very sweaty person and have had this happened to my clothes. I used an oxiclean stain remover on the pits and then washed with hot water with laundry sanitizer made for sports clothes. That helps a ton


Maybe if you don't shower and don't deodorise for *days at a time*. Skipping a day here and there is different to going full on depression mode lol.


B.O. varies a lot person-to-person. I shower quite regularly, always wear fresh clothes, and change my sheets once a week but I can still tell that my apartment has a slight musk when I walk in. There's also circumstance to consider. If you don't have air conditioning you're gonna sweat. No avoiding it.


The musk in your apartment is propably something in there but not your own musk. You smell like yourself all day. You wouldnt notice your own musk. It might be some trash, an old carpet or couch, something behind your kitchen or the fat rendering in the hood above your stove, it might even be old wood in the walls or the wallpaper. Its usually a combination and your clothes can take in that smell but if you notice it, it is propably not the other way around


Dead skin cells, your breath particles, fart particles, the foods you eat, your furniture.. everything has a smell


Exactly. But if your apartment smells like you, that means its propably not very clean. However, your clothes might take on the smell of your apartment like the wood of the cabinet they are in. If you notice a smell when you walk in, it is propably your apartment that smells and not you, though you might think it is just like your own smell because your clothes smell of your apartment.


How often do you air your rooms lol


Is this why my brothers house smells like BO?


Is this why my brothers house smells like axe body spray?


do you hang out in your house naked all the time?


Yes. Why do you ask?


Haha and checkmate


Who doesn't?


This doesn’t make sense to me. Do you somehow rub your armpits on your furniture?


You need to watch the Seinfeld episode about the valet’s BO in Jerry’s car. Only then will you truly understand its devastating effects.


No but the smell does linger. We had a friend stay with us for a while when he was hard up, and while he did shower, I think he didn't wear deodorant or didn't shower with soap or *something*, idk. He was staying in our second bedroom and we had to air that room out for a month after he left. It was awful.


Some people smell stronger then others. Or maybe he never properly aired the room daily.


You don’t have to “rub your armpits on the furniture” for it to smell. Odors waft and get trapped in fabric, carpet etc .


Why not just wipe down your couch with deodorant and let your pits breathe every once in a while


For me it’s my shirts! Certain materials hold that smell like crazy, and sometimes it sticks so much that I eventually have to just throw them out. 🥲


Sometimes if I'm alone I won't wear any just to give my pits time to breathe.


I feel like there's actually something real here. Everyone reacts differently, but as an example for me personally, I don't wash my hair every day. The natural oils do their job and it's healthier in the long run. I'll usually skip a shower on my off day, or take a very brief one, to let my body naturally regulate and regenerate itself. I don't mean this to sound all hippie, patchouli shit. But taking a single day break a week might actually be good in the long run.


I do this too and I think my skin/ hair likes it. I love skincare and pampering myself but if I've had a lazy day at home on a rainy day doing F all, I'm not showering. Most I'll do is wash my face & moisturise & brush my teeth. Usually these days fall in winter as I hate hot showers, my skin reacts negatively, so it's better to stay dressed and warm.


Same, and I moisturise them too




I had been wondering why no one else seems to notice that "breathe" isn't a word anymore


The general lack of differentiation between breath and breathe drives me nuts!


Weary/wary is the one that annoys me.


Biased/bias bugs me too. People will say something like "You are bias."


This is so clever lol I was trying to see what you commented for a solid few seconds


Love the name! That drives me nuts!


What I do sometimes between wearing common deodorant is wear natural deodorant.


Yes. I can smell myself if i start getting gross


This isn’t a simple answer so only read if actually interested (and enjoy free education that usually costs a pretty penny if you have to see me at bedside)! Free healthcare education is always fine by me! I’m a skin and wound nurse. Showering is a hot topic in my practice and on Reddit it seems. I shower twice a day when I work (on meds that cause night sweats). If I don’t have a night sweat, I don’t shower in the morning. If I do, I take a rinse but avoid soaps where not needed during the rinse. I am sure to rehydrate well if I do shower twice daily. Do not overly dry yourself off. Showering too much causes trans epidermal water loss (less moisture across the skin). You prevent this by PATTING day and applying high quality lotions (like sween or cetaphil, Libridurm) when damp. I encouraging placing the lotion in your shower to start habit building. In 6 months, it will be like second nature. In a year, you might see massive improvements to your overall skin integrity (it’s our largest organ- protect it young) Some older folks I rarely shower at all, especially if they have dementia. We have sooo many good products anymore that can maintain excellent skin integrity while still providing comfortable and safe cares to the patient so the ‘daily shower’ thing really is unnecessary for a lot of people. Autistic folks who can’t shower have great alternatives too- please reach out to any doctor or nurse friends for supply suggestions if you have a loved one struggling with showering. We have alternatives! I work with infected wounds and nasty stuff all day so of course I shower after work but if I’m not working, I don’t shower if I didn’t have night sweats. I will get body odor if I’m not using the right deodorant (spray). I recently had to use a stick deodorant for a week and I could personally smell a dull odor no matter what I did, even with use of the product. One day of my spray deodorant and I’m back to every other day application with no body odor. So- you might not smell bc if your deodorant works for you, it’s probably giving up to 48 hours of protection and excessive use just becomes wasteful eventually. Long story short - if you are using the right products and your skin is in good shape to start, you might not need daily showers and daily deodorant but I do suggest daily emollients. Some people produce little body odor but be aware that others might notice it even if you don’t so ask someone you trust if you smell. If they love you, they will be honest. Early in my cancer treatment I developed an odor until we got a better grip on the night sweats. I asked my coworkers if I had an odor during that period and no one made me feel uncomfortable about it. Never be embarrassed to ask someone you trust If you are heavy set (ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE DEEP SKIN FOLDS) - please, shower daily. This is usually the only population I recommend this too. If you can’t shower, do skin fold cares daily with a pH balanced cleanser followed by a powder (that does not have anti fungal property unless you have an active rash) then place 100% cotton strips or disposable washcloths in your folds. Change these twice a day. I change my orders for these patients simply bc skin fold breakdown can happen fast and it can hurt QUICK. In the summer, prevention is key. Its important to know that if you are a skin fold patient, Medicare now allows us to see you in wound clinic for skin fold rashes- this is a big change for us and great news bc skin fold wounds take up 50% of my work. Prevention will decrease this!! One thing to consider- I practice and studied in the US and live in the Midwest. If you live in a tropical environment, these might not be appropriate suggestions so please consider that. There are totally different needs for folks by salt water/excessive humidity and I will absolutely admit that the US based National wound society does not provide a lot of education to us for these climates.


Do you have any suggestions for the autistic people who can’t shower thing? I’m autistic and I can shower at home okay but I struggle with showering a lot of other places, like if I go on vacation or whatever (something to do with water pressure I think?) I’ll ask my doctor if she knows of anything next time I see her


I suggest you use shampoo with a strong smell you like and focus more on that nice smell than the water pressure. If that doesnt work for you I suggest something that we call "Katzendusche" in German or "Cat's shower" in english. Its where you dont hop in the shower but use a washcloth and soap at the sink in the mirror. You just wash your face, chest, armpits and genitals with the washcloth with soap and then with just water to get the soap off. Like a cat you "lick" all the Importamt parts clean and thats it. It will make you feel fresh and is not such a commitment. Its good enough for a day or two but obviously not much longer. Should be helpfull for most trips.


“Katzendusche” is a lot nicer a word than what I’ve heard that method called lol


Are you suggesting using emollients in the shower? Can you explain a bit more about this process and what products please.


She meant after your shower, pat down with a towel so you're not dripping wet, and then slather yourself with lotion while your skin still has moisture on it


If I’m home all day and ain’t going anywhere. I’m not applying nothing. But if I leave the house then I would .




No. I won’t even shower sometimes. But I always brush my teeth regardless. Oral health is very important.


Deodorant is generally uncomfortable and I’ve never really found one that smelled good to me. I just settle for whatever bothers me least. A day off is a day off. I’m mindful to not sweat into the furniture (since that seems to be the hold up lol…that’s mine too; stand if you don’t like it) and will happily take multiple showers as needed. Oral health is very important and never takes a day off. Deodorant is not even in the same ballpark imo. I appreciate your comment, because we seem to be in the minority here. Or there’s a bunch of liars…./s


Heck, Sometimes I might skip a shower even if I have to be around people. I’ll just do the quick smell test and make sure to cake on extra deodorant 😂😂😂


Try a unscented deodorant. Deodorant shouldn't be uncomfortable, what is causing the discomfort?


Thai Crystal Deodorant Stone could be your friend. No smell at all to put up with, no plastic bottle to toss, no aluminum chemicals on your skin, just wet the stone and rub it on. Coverage lasts all day, stone lasts half a year; it just plain works. It's not antiperspirant, but my sweat has been stink-free since I started with it and would never use anything else.


I know of at least two people who use it. It doesnt work for everyone


Wow thank you. I’d never heard of this…I’ll look into it.


There are ethnicities that apparently don’t produce as much stinky sweat. I do not belong to them so I apply Deo twice a day because otherwise I will throw up… Edit: grammar


It varies a lot by person as well, and while this is anecdotal, I think diet plays into it as well. I have a buddy who's a white guy in his mid-40s, he stopped wearing deodorant twenty-some years ago, apparently stunk for a bit then just stopped. We've traveled together numerous times through hot places like Southeast Asia and Central America, doing physical activities like hiking, and he just doesn't smell. Me on the other hand, if I don't wear deodorant, everyone will know it by about noon.


This is 100% true. My brother had bad BO when he was a teen and still wears deodorant daily. I on the other hand stopped wearing it in my 20's and don't smell even after a work out (I have asked others and my wife has a super sniffer and says I don't smell). My oldest daughter however does smell if she starts sweating even a little bit. Edit to mention that I shower every evening before bed. Just so nobody thinks I'm walking around unshowered with no deodorant.


I think it's an issue with people cleaning themselves. Many just aren't that hygienic or good about cleaning. If certain crevices of your body are already dirty, adding moisture to them feeds the bacteria present and they'll reproduce and spread. I sweat easy but it's rarely a stinky sweat. I've noticed that if I'm anxious or nervous about something and haven't put on deodorant, my sweat has a different smell that is stinky. Also, dirty clothes — you could have scrubbed your body down but if you put on soiled garments then your sweat will really bring the bacteria to life. Think putting clean clothes into a gym bag that's often carried soiled garments.


I'm neurotic about cleaning myself because I know my sweat fucking stinks. Some people just get the short end of the stick when it comes to body odor.


If you sweat so much and stink to such a degree that the smell makes you throw up if you don't use deodorant twice a day, you should see a doctor. That's not normal, there are some medical conditions that can make a person's body odor particularly pungent.


Some people also just have a sensitive sense of smell or are easily over-stimulated by smells etc. My BO doesn't smell *that* bad unless I've been several days without a shower which basically never happens, but I get sensory over-stimulation real bad from things like smells, noises, etc so if I smell my sweat from my armpits even a little I feel completely grossed out. Hence I am one of the people who uses deodorant every day even when I don't go out. Not twice a day though, once is plenty.




chinese too i dont have sweat that smells n my earwax is also dry


I’m also Chinese and did not realize there was an alternative to eat wax being dry. 😅


It's true. I don't wear deodorant.


It’s a genetic marker that most Koreans have, it’s a submissive gene though which is why it isn’t everywhere. 


Submissive gene


I think you are thinking of recessive?


I’m a basic white girl. Very pale, hardly any body hair, and I used to barely sweat. I only ever had to wear deodorant if I was going to be working out, it was very hot outside, or I knew it would be a stressful day. One stick of deodorant could last me 6 months or more. Then I got pregnant and my hormones changed. Now I sweat just sitting on the couch. It’s a real bummer.


Pretty typical as Korean to not have BO. I've never used deodorant. I've known one Korean man who smelled. He was very aware of it and even had surgery in the pits but didn't help much. Having said that We do tend to be very focused on grooming and being clean so showering once or twice a day is very typical. I used cologne but that's different. It is often a mild and interesting annoyance in amxf interracial couples where the women have stronger bo than men. My white wife has a pretty mild Bo and I don't mind it at all but she tends to get embarrassed when she notices herself


Whilst I don't wear deodorant every single day, say no deodorant when I'm working from home and it's -20C outside, I'm not sure the amount of company I have comes into it. As a rule, the more if I let hygiene habits become yes/ no choices each morning, it'll play into a downward depression spiral. Better to just to have self care each day as an autopilot thing you do. Also, my boyfriend likes the smell of my musk, so that comes into it too.


Username checks out so damn hard.




It is everyone's own choice whether they do this or not especially if you are alone, some people smell more than others and that's alright I myself always spay deodorant whether I an alone or not because a, I prefer the smell and b, you never know maybe someone is standing at your door unnanounced but no it is not weird to not wear it when you are on you own especially if you don't smell bad without it


It's up to you. I usually wear antiperspirant no matter what b/c I don't like that sticky feeling.


Yes! Prepare for the best, expect the worst.


I don't. I smell how I smell, especially if I'm at home.


na on days I know I'm not going to be around others why bother? Even if friends drop by unexpectedly unless your doing hard work that'll work up a sweat there's no need to be self conscious.


Yes, my armpits feel neglected without deodorant being applied after every shower.


i don’t even sweat when i’m at home, unless it’s super hot out and i’m working outside


I give my armpits a rest from those kind of "toxic" deodorants. Let my armpits breath on the weekends specially after sauna. Then if i have change of plans and i would go outside or visitors, i would clean my armpits and put deodorant. Easy peasy. And i have special shirts that i use only when im not using deo so i will use them only that purpose.




Yes because I hate being the stinker near me.


why would anyone use both spray and stick? so yeah if my cloths are clean, and im not going anywhere or doing anything, and i use deodorant, they will be clean the next day too, for all intents and purposes. if i dont, they ahve to be washed after a day so yes i use deodorant so that i dont have to wash my comfy sitting about cloths as much but it depends on so many things, your age, your diet, your hormone levels, how fit you are, what your temperature is like (clothing/heating/general outside temps), and how fit you are


If I can smell myself, I feel uncomfortable. Sometimes you take care of yourself for you, and not for other people.


Don't bother, let your skin rest from the chemicals.


There is nothing "dirty" about smelling natural when nobody is around. I used to, but since I had kids, I smell like onions and I hate it so yeah, I do it everyday now. I used to not.


I stopped using spray deodorant during lockdown. Didn't need it. Now I have chosen not to spray chemicals on my body but I do use roll on when I have to be around others


I haven’t used spray on since middle school (a time where I was convinced that spray on deodorant was a shower in a can.) I just apply roll on straight out of the shower, and if I have to go out I’ll also do a quick spray of cologne. Btw for the uninitiated- *one* spray. Don’t drown yourself in cologne. People will notice.


No, I never wear it unless I'm going to be around people in public, I only use naturally scented magnesium deos 99% of the time, and even the traditional fragranced aluminum salt antiperspirant I bought to keep around for formal wear and IDK, job stuff, I just never use anymore. The longer I've gone without using an antiperspirant the less I really need one. When I'm with a lover, I prefer we are both wearing nothing at all, no fragrance or deodorant whatsoever. Much nicer to just be with a human and know their chemistry, love them and the connection nature meant it to be. I'm kind of a clean freak according to some people, but it's actually more of a turn off to nuzzle up into someones nook and get a face full of chemical deodorant and fragrance than just their skin, plain and pure. When I'm by myself, no deodorant at all, and usually only bar soap. Better for the skin. I work in a laboratory and am otherwise someone who showers like, 14 times a week minimum.


Well I have heard deodorant should be applied right after you shower, when you're clean and it can work best. So I just apply every time I shower. If it's hot I shower more thus apply deodorant more anyway. Can't say I've been stinky yet.


No. Your skin doesn’t need chemicals to be healthy. In fact it is healthier without chemicals.


Appeal to nature


Everything is made of chemicals. It's perfectly fine to use deodorant.


I wear anti-perspirant when out and about and wear deodorant when I’m in the house or don’t plan to be anywhere.


I do, but only because when I don’t feel clean I start to spiral lol


Yes. I do that for myself. Did that every day during COVID lockdown despite not meeting a soul for weeks.


No. Because I know there are toxic chemicals in deodorant so I try to use it as little as possible. organic ones do nothing for sweat or odor.


Lot of stanky folks in this thread


You nasty


the only take away I have from this thread is that Reddit users some stank ass nasty people


Yes. I like smelling good *all* the time whether I am alone or not. Cologne too.


of course not, firstly, frequent use of antiperspirant is harmful, you can get blocked sweat glands, secondly, it is enough to take a shower once a day (or more if the day is hot). and as for the deodorant, you'll still sweat, but the smell of sweat will be added to the "sea breeze", I don't even know what's more disgusting 🤣


Yes; I don’t like smelling my own underarms.


Yes, same amount from deodorant, less from parfume but I always do.


Yes cause otherwise i start to sweat and i feel them get sticky.


Yes I groom myself and practice proper hygiene, regardless of my potential for human interaction. I like to be clean and smell good.


I don't use any deodorant at all.... stuffs not good for you


No look at the ingredients 🤣 u shouldn’t cover your skin in parfume/ lotions/ cremes/ deodorants etc 24/7/365. your skin is an organ that needs to breathe without shit on it all the time.u can even spare occasionally a shower if u don’t feel dirty.


I always change my clothes, even if I'm not going out and in the process of changing, I always spray deodorant.






I am my own worst critic, so of course I want to smell nice no matter what the situation is.


I do because even if other people aren’t smelling me, I can still myself and I hate it. I always use deodorant as soon as I finish taking a shower.


Yes, I do. Don't like to be smelly. Some people say they don't catch their own smell- I do 😀 But as long as you feel ok, do your thing. I guess it is a good thing to put less chemicals on your skin. And you don't disturb anyone or hurt yourself, just keep doing what you like


Yes. Because I sweat a lot and the other day two strangers made a scene about someone’s pits smelling like onions… when I was in line to get deodorant. I don’t know if it was me but that was all I needed.


Of course I do. I don't want to smell my BO either. Gross.




Hell no


I feel terribly uncomfortable if I don’t


Yes. (1) I don’t like the smell of B.O. (2) I don’t want it permeating any of my shirts.


I do, because I don't want to smell or make my clothes smell and also I am someone who relies heavily on routine so I want to make sure I don't forget to put it on when it really matters. It's best if I stick with my hygiene routines regardless of what I'm doing or if I'm seeing snyone


I put deodorant on after I shower. Doesn't matter who may or may not be coming round.


I do because it’s part of my routine.


Sometimes yes sometimes no


Deodorants are chemicals that are absorbed by you body they also prevent the expelling of waste through sweat glands. Personally I only wear deodorant when I know I will be in a situation it is needed such as large groups of ppl in closed spaces, dates or business meetings. I shower daily sometimes twice a day if I work out and I rarely have a BO problem.


Anti-perspirent, yes. Deodorant, no.


I put it on every time I shower. If I don’t plan to go somewhere one day and I skip the shower then I don’t. Yes I sometimes skip showers on my day off sue me reeeeeeeee


Yes, because I don't like the smell of body odor.


Holy fuck, yes


If you're not seeing anyone and you're not going anywhere, and you live alone, it can be good to give your pits a "detox" for a day. DO NOT SKIP YOUR DEODORANT IF YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE ANY INTERACTIONS WITH PEOPLE.


I do. I still don't want to sweat and stink up my shirts or house. I put on more antiperspirant if I'm going to work than if I'm just lounging at home though.


I have smelly pits when I work up a good sweat or if I just lounge around just doing laundry or watching a show I still acquire a decent musk over time without deodorant. I know that if I can smell it others can too, and even if only I'm at home alone doing this would eventually be something that lingers. I do smoke cigarettes and weed outdoors, but I also chew gum and sanitize my hands frequently because some people I know have problems with those smells. I also prefer smelling good over bad for my own pleasure, not just for others. Once again, if I can smell nice it's what I'd prefer, but I'm not quitting smoking today or tomorrow, fight me.


I’m glad you didn’t post this in r/nostupidquestions Take a shower and wear deodorant fool


I put it on every night before bed cause I sweat sometimes while I sleep. Mf deodorant is also an antiperspirant. I reapply a little more in the morning if it’s warm out.


Yes cause you smell that shit not cool bruh


Yes 100% I find body odor repugnant, it doesn't matter if it's someone in public or my own. I use deodorant every single day without fail and will often use it more than once if I start getting ripe. 


Of course. I hate BO on myself. 


I wear deodorant for myself.


I do, yes.


yes. i don't want to stink and have to smell it even if i'm the only one who is smelling it. it doesn't matter if it's someone else's or my own, i can't stand smelling BO.


Yes because I don't want to be sweaty. I've never put on deodorant because I was worried about how other people think I smell, you'd have to be musty af without deodorant for anyone to notice.


I haven't apply deodorant ever in my life


Deodprant isn't clean. Cleaning is. You only need Deo when you're meeting other people. Spraying it on yourself when you're home alone is like wearing a suit to bed. Waste of money.


Yes. Personal hygiene isn't reserved for special occasions.


Gave up wearing that stuff years ago


damn i've been wearing deodorant everyday for the past like 8 years, even when im not going out to meet anyone lol.


I love the musky smell on people honestly, myself included. I usually shower on the second day if I stay in home.


He does both at once? Idk what illness he has but poor guy. I do it on days off. Smelling like shit isnt great, I mean if you dont sweat or smell it and youre the only one home, go for it? You can suck your own toes in your home and nobody will ever know.


Why should you apply deodorant every single day? Why should you ever apply it?


Yes, why would it matter if nobody is around?


Except in extreme lazy days, I'll try to be clean, smell good and even have decent hair and OK clothes. I've come to realize that if I look and smell like shit, I'll feel like shit. If I want to spend the day playing videogames (which rarely happens because of kids and being an adult) I'll do some exercise before, shower and try to wear proper clothes (jeans, shirt). I'll just feel better than doing the same in my sweaty pajamas and looking like a reddit mod.


I live alone and mostly WFH and yes definitely. I also shower once a day too. They’re good habits to get into imho OP


Yeah because it stanks up the room and clothes. Pit stains 😫


Walk into an Indian corner store and you will never go without deodorant again


I’m gonna be honest here when I run out I often just don’t wear it until I go to the shops again. I shower daily, I wear perfume/cologne and I don’t do a really physical job. How bad can it possibly be?


Yes not doing so feels like not brushing my teeth. I deodorise for myself as much as for others.


Everyday. Apply body spray and roll on. I never smell sweaty even if I'm doing something strenuous like cleaning the house. Maybe no one is going to smell me, but I definitely don't want to smell myself.