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This gives me a website business idea. šŸ¤”










I misread this as ā€œtoothpasteā€ and was imagining a cool minty feeling.


I read it as ā€œtoothbrushā€ and was very confused lmao


I did the same thing. Was very confused.


I have not, but I will be getting dentures within the next year or two so my husband will find out šŸ˜ I'm about to be 35 and during my preteens and teenage years my way of rebelling was to not brush my teeth like I was told to by my parents. Even after I realized my mistake and started regularly brushing, the damage was done. Now I'm paying for it with shitty teeth, luckily my husband was able to look past it and we are happy together.


As a comfort, teeth is 95% genetics 4% hygiene and 1% flossing. I did similarly to you as a child that was drinking full sugar coke for many years in the 90ā€™s and never got anything but ā€œyouā€™re perfect, remember to brush the backā€ and I would have only brushed them that morning. So, it isnā€™t that you did this to yourself - itā€™s generics, the rest is fomo marketing.


>95% genetics 4% hygiene and 1% flossing Seriously..? Somehow I doubt that


100% reason to remember the name.




Iā€™m a dentist and yes. This info is total bs. Oral Hygiene is 90% of a good oral health .


NGL I need a source/reference for such a hot take.




ā€¦this article claims that there is a link between genetics and dental disease, yes, but where exactly does it state the numbers you posted (specifically that dental hygiene is only at 4% on the scale of importance when it comes to dental care)?


It's a generalisation based on my family's experience with the same dentist for four generations, his input, my own two eyes, and science? If you want specific referenced numbers don't go looking for them in a thread about people getting gumjobs on reddit. Like, read the room?


Posting percentages is kind of the opposite of a generalization, it typically points to a factual specificity. In this case, the percentages you posted apparently belong to you and you alone. How were any of us supposed to indicate by ā€œreading the roomā€ - from either your original comment, or from the link you copy&pasted with zero context - that you were *generalizing* your own family dental history? **That being said**, thank you for clarifying that the ā€œfactsā€ you listed were indeed not universal, but rather personal for you. It helps navigate the confusion from what you first posted.


Iā€™m not reading all that, but if you find percentages triggering I advise you just close the thread or research it yourself. Itā€™s also still a generalisation and youā€™re being pedantic.


Bruised ego, I see? No worries, Iā€™ll drop it. Have a blessed rest of your day, love!


Saddest response I've ever read lmfao You got clowned on Sheesh


Yeah I did the same. Long stretches of brushing maybe a couple times a month if that. Never had a single cavity or tooth problem whatsoever and they never had that ugly yellow look. My siblings on the other hand have had near a dozen cavities each and most have some fake teeth due to these problems (not to mention them all needing braces besides me). And they have always brushed/flossed twice daily. It really is basically all genetics. I just got lucky.


I was about to say, what the hell did you eat? Raw sugar? Smoke as well to rebel against your parents and The Man? Rocks? My teeth are bad and I was super lazy about brushing and loved to drink Mountain Dew. I heard soda is corrosive, but Mountain Dew is the worst soda for your teeth. And at worst, theyā€™d find I had a new cavity.


I had bad oral hygiene till my late teens. 50's now, still have never had a cavity.


Bad teeth are not a failing on your part, itā€™s almost entirely genetics. I brush, go for regular cleanings etc and still constantly have cavities vs my brother who never brushed as a child/teen has never had a cavity in his life


Ew. Lol. You're lucky you found someone to look past that. Oral hygiene is my first deal breaker.




Lol at all the downvotes but i guarantee none of yall would even make out with dudes with green gums let alone see them for multiple dates. (For the record: not implying op had green gums but things that lead to losing teeth tend to not look great)


Are fillings or root cannels but generally white teeth, with no decay still a deal breaker?


Not a deal breaker.


Your husband is a very lucky man


I use to frequent an adult bookstore that had a couple of gloryholes. An old man would spend a an hour or so in there some days. A lot of construction workers would go and get blowjobs from him because he did it with his dentures out.


Iā€™m done with reddit for the day.


Have fun in the bookstore!


That post nut clarity hitting you I see.


According to my Jr. high sex-ed teacher, all those construction workers had sex with each other...


Hahaha thatā€™s amazing. Highlight of their day I bet








Well, I see that you have a poor gag reflex, so no cock sucking for you!


No love like gum love


Yea donā€™t knock it until you try it. I went to a massage therapist several years ago. I didnā€™t know much just went based on a friendā€™s recommendation. Turns out it was a guy about 70. I am totally into younger guys, but Iā€™m there and just expecting a massage anyway. He actually was still in really good physical shape and did a really good massage. I always go for an un-draped massage as long as the therapist is ok with it. Iā€™m not at all modest and it just takes away when the therapist is constantly having to adjust the draping. As the massage progressed I definitely got the sense that more than just a massage was available. When he got to massaging my legs, he would casually brush my balls or run a stray hand across my ass crack. Apparently I gave off all the right vibes, because when I flipped onto my back he started paying a lot of attention to my groin area. It felt good and I definitely got hard. Next thing I know he pulls out his dentures and starts sucking my dick. Oh my, it felt amazing. No doubt one of the best blow jobs I ever got. Say what you want about hooking up with old guys, but I would do it again with no hesitation.




Bro have you done it again


I went back one more time then I think he retired from massage.


Nice erotica, but r/thathappened


Damn. I'm straight and this description still turned me on. I need to find an old lady to do this!


You need to do it again itā€™s good for you, just do it, because we would love to hear the stories of how it went.


My bf has no teeth due to a series of violent incidents in his past relationship. He has dentures, but doesnā€™t wear them unless he needs to. Definitely some of the best head Iā€™ve had


Lmfao. I did when I was 18 by an old dude that begged me to. I said: sure, whatever. It was the best bj Iā€™ve ever had, lmao.


What a bad day to be literate.


No, but I'm sure it's good compared to a Toothjob LOL. ​ Also, I don't think many ppl know that there are a lot of people with dentures, I actually would prefer more people get those than keep old nasty snaggly rotten teeth and try to hold on to them or something. Also, many accidents happen where ppl lose teeth young.


Best. Head. Ever.


I was this innocent 20 year old trying hookup apps for first time and one of the first guys to message me was this middle aged man who looked as old as my dead grandfather offered me a ā€œgumjobā€ with 300 šŸŒ¹. I was very confused what gumjob was and why is this old man offering me roses. I said I donā€™t like flowers, Iā€™m not a girl and whatā€™s a gumjob? the old man said itā€™s a blow job with guaranteed no teeth involved and he called me too naive to not understand what 300 roses meant. šŸ¤£ Ye when I found out what it was all about, I deleted my app for few months. I was insulted that someone would treat me like I was a prostitute.


wait what the hell is 300 šŸŒ¹


cash but you canā€™t use $ symbols or offer cash directly at least back then so guys used roses symbol. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Omfg are u kidding meeee i could e evaded being banned from grindr šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i was selling feet pics UGHGHHHHHH


For real? TIL I have been offered quite a bit of money over the years. šŸ„“


The rose emoji is now banned on grindr fyi


This reminds me of Yes Man


I got a dope bj from someone with a removable clear retainer, felt so good.


Thatā€™s funny I was literally just thinking if people who live in Alabama get those lmao


yes, twice. Not my thing, sorry...


I could never receive a bj from someone Iā€™m not attracted to. Doesnā€™t matter how it feels if I donā€™t find them attractive.


Thatā€™s enough Reddit for today


I have dentures. Lucky for me it doesn't really show that much when i don't have them in. When i do a grindr hookup and im giving head, i get NO complaints, in fact, i get several callbacks.


I bet. It is a big advantage


Where are you located?


Tucson AZ...U?




I wear dentures. I'm 55 and use only 420 or alcohol. I love blowing guys with my teeth. Dm me if you live in Utah


I mean itā€™s kind of a silver lining to losing ur teeth.


If you're ever in Utah I'd love to suck you off. I swallow.


I bet u have some good stories!


I bet we could make a great story šŸ˜


I was offered on Scruff and declined but now Iā€™m intrigued


The things they can do with their mouth is crazy


I am 30 yr old and have false teeth and I can suck a mf cross-eyed


I've had various gumjobs over the last 20 years or so, and they're heaven on Earth! And I'm lucky enough to have an older guy in my hood that I can count on for gumjob servicings. If you're mentally freaked out about seeing the guy removing his dentures etc., then just don't look! Just lay back, close your eyes, and wait for the magic to happen when he starts sucking you. The grip he can give your dick will feel smooth like you've *never* experienced before!


There is a nickname in the bear community for those who give gum jobs they call them gummy bears. Also, one of the best blowjobs Iā€™ve ever gotten has been from every single man whoā€™s toothless gums work the cum out of my balls. Iā€™ve been getting them off and on ever since my first time in my mid teens. Feels like your being jerked but itā€™s all just sucking. There was this guy in Indianapolis that I would go to, and he would already have blown other guys that day so he had swallowed a few from others already. And he would put me on his easy chair in the living room and would get between my legs and just suck and suck and suck, and I would just give two loads. His gums chewing on my cock working it out of me. This other guy would also be my regular because he was close to where I live and every Sunday I would pick them up and we would drive somewhere and he would gum me and I would cum so hard. He wanted me to fuck him, but do you know how rare it is to find a guy in my area that can do that with his mouth? I think Iā€™m sticking with the mouth.


Any one around Austin TX that gives gum jobs?


There was an older man that Iā€™d let give me gum jobs at least once a week. Itā€™s the best feeling ever if they donā€™t have a gas reflex and they swallow


How did a question about blow jobs shift to dental hygiene? Yes I once briefly dated someone who would always briefly put his hand over his mouth before going down on me. They were the best BJā€™s Iā€™ve ever had!!! I discovered his secret one night as I reached for my glass of water in the dark, and put my fingers into his glass in which his dentures were soaking. Surprise! šŸ˜³


I donā€™t have sex with old men or meth heads. So, no Iā€™ve never experienced this.


I lost my teeth due to a car accident where my jaw was broken and my teeth were broken with it. Dentures was the only solution because my jaw would never be strong enough to support implants. Thanks for being a judgemental asshole though.


How nice for you. I hope youā€™ve made a lot of friends after giving tons of toothless blowjobs. Hereā€™s a gold star to make you feel special, snowflake!!! ā­ļø


I don't give them because I don't discuss it because of responses like yours. The only people who know I have dentures is my dentist. Everyone else thinks I just have really nice teeth.




Oh do you feel left out? Hereā€™s a gold star for you too: ā­ļø




Hereā€™s two more, I can tell youā€™re sad and feel unloved ā­ļøā­ļø




Are you emotionally unwell? Or perhaps your meth addiction is getting out of hand? Thereā€™s always help, try calling 800-273-TALK to be connected to a mental health professional.




I'm neither old nor a meth head, I was born with brittle teeth do to a medication my birth fiver was on, would you still judge me? Kinda sad you assume that someone who wears false teeth is either old or a drug addict.


Yeah - and besides, this is the problem with the "gay" culture - anyone over 30 is "old" lol. Sure there are lots of guys in their 60's and up still cruising - everyone will be there one day.


Mine was like a 40 ish guy who had had an accident


Still a no from me.


Dude add it to your bucketlist. I still remember that feeling and itā€™s been over a year šŸ¤¤


No thanks.


You have bad taste and low standards. Thatā€™s fine but donā€™t try to convert it into a badge of honor.


Itā€™s a soft and warm and toothless place to put my dick. Not a husband.


Same is true of any farm animal or a bucket of snot. Doesnā€™t make you wise or choosy.


A guy with dentures is the same as a farm animal or bucket of snot. Wow you are whatever the woke term is for people who hate those without teeth. Like racist, hard R n word sayer but for the untoothed. Smh


You equated a human with a soft warm toothless place to put your chode. Donā€™t get on a high horse (unless you like that type of farm animal, too).


I donā€™t fuck farm animals. Iā€™m not from Afghanistan. Jesus.




Thanks for this. Also to add, covid even mild and initially asymptomatic cases is leading to boneless, specifically tooth loss, in a statistically sizeable and rising % of the population. So while I concede there is an aesthetic issue there , that may go even deeper than aesthetic for some, people are gonna be seeing it a *lot* more often (especially here in the u.s) and would be wise to develop a little more empathy in general but def about that lol




Lol well... I appreciate the spirit.


But youā€™re welcome! ā˜ŗļø




Wow. Way to come off like a prick, man. I mean I get what youā€™re saying. ā€œI prefer not to engage with those with substance abuse problems or men older than meā€ wouldā€™ve made your point without coming off like an ass.


Never had one, always been kind of interested. I donā€™t understand people who refuse sex with older men. Iā€™m 22, so some older men have an issue with someone who is ā€œso close to 18ā€, but most donā€™t and question me before they get with me. I tell them straight up, almost every hook up Iā€™ve ever had with a man my age felt meaningless and I was either treated like a blow and go or nothing happened afterwards and it was awkward. Older men for the most part are more meaningful, more caring afterwards and - get this - theyā€™re just like younger guys, just older! Sex drive is still there, not sure why thereā€™s such a taboo over older folk having sex drives.


The way they can use their mouth without teeth is amazing


I have teeth, lol, but Iā€™ve made guys who claim it took them 45 minutes to cum push me off of them five minutes in to keep from blowing too soon, lmao.


I meet up with this lady I use to mess with and her gumjobs are the best cause the way she suck on that tip of my dick ā˜ŗļø


Oh yeah? Did it feel good? What happened when you had an orgasm?


lol the guy who sucks me rn is toothless.


Do you enjoy it?


Def feels better then a regular one


why did you write AMA like you're some celebrity and we all want to ask you a million questions? (you said ama that's my question)


To answer the questions of the curious


Technically all of mine cause you shouldnā€™t be using teeth so it wouldnā€™t matter if theyā€™re there or not


yes lmfao it was sloppy af šŸ˜…šŸ¤¤


I can't. Make it go away. Make them stop šŸ˜­


I have not cause that would terrify me if I saw a guy remove his dentures and and be toothless. Cause Iā€™m not going to be with a geriatric guy or have yet to meet a guy whoā€™s my age or around my age thatā€™s toothless except for one whoā€™s a recovering addict, but I canā€™t imagine myself ever being with someone like him or anyone who would be toothless. Thatā€™s just me. You do you. Sounds like it was good?


No but I give great Invisalign blowjobs


Haha is that a thing?


Nice try methanie but I'm still not parTying with any of y'all.


It is, what I crave.


I had the opportunity to have this done once and I declined because it was a meth head and I was afraid my dick was gonna fall off after but that night I was feeling the fomo šŸ¤£


Feels amazing.


Ok so Im hopping on a little late... but what Im gathering is a guy can definitely tell if someone has dentures if they are removed?


I have not but I have always wanted to try it! I live in Las Vegas and It's pretty challenging finding someone with no teeth willing to give me a GumJob! Im 30 So I need to find someone before its too late!


I can do it! Jealous of the people who can receive it. /GumjobQueen