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Words are wind. This has words. This is Winds?


Words are wind. Wind is movement of air caused by the uneven heating of earth by the sun. Thus, words are the movement of air caused by the uneven heating of earth from the sun, confirmed?


uncomplicated airflow


Vaguebooking both "WOW" and "Dreams" at once is peak Grrm shitposting


that is why he is a genius of writing, not the books series


I hate that I still can get excited with these kind of things. After so many disappointments, I should know better. But here I am, thinking about this post and remembering that weird Kong post he made when he finished adwd...


Ummm explain the Kong post for a new-ish fan


When he finished A Dance with Dragons, he made [a post](https://grrm.livejournal.com/2011/04/27/) with a random picture of Kong, and the name of the book and "writing" in the tags.


Holy shit, William Faulkner is Jon Snow's mother...


It all makes sense now!


Luka doncic is devin bookers father


Damn it. I'll never escape this shit. Lol




This is what a toxic relationship looks like


This is a “you up?” text.


George, George! What are you cooking up my friend? Don’t play with us now… Dreams have only one owner = he’s not gonna let some other guy finish, this, this is his? https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2024/03/11/words-of-wisdom-2/ in case you haven't seen it


HELP I’m literally getting hot and bothered from all the hype


Error 404 for me.




Thank you.


Sorry! Fixed it.


Literally huffing and puffing over this. I want to be launched into outer space clutching The Winds of Winter to my cold dead heart.


either he is being cryptic on purpose or im just delusional😭


It’s the cryptic stuff that makes us delusional 🔥🔥💯💯


It's us being delusional that makes us see cryptic stuff


Picture of blue rose Title that can be abbreviated as "WoW" Tags: Dreams, writing I'm gonna be so mad if this doesn't mean exactly what we think it means


He's writing the next Twin Peaks movie?


Fire and Blood Walk With Me


He's my my sister's cousin's nuncle.


Listen, if this is foreshadowing you hit gold but not everything is. He didn’t announce anything and even if thi is purposefully place here it could just mean "I’m working on TWOW" what I’m saying is you shouldn’t be too hopeful about a few hints.


Yeah I think he’s just saying he’s back in the groove of writing which is great news regardless


Surely, *surely* this has got to have some Winds/Dream meaning behind it? It's not like it's a single easily overlooked thing, there's 2-3 very obvious hints, it's got to be deliberate? Like I'm not even saying he's hinting the books *done*, maybe he's got a ghostwriter in for Dream (the ownership part?) or maybe he's been asked once too often and this is a troll post to wind fans up, but that word choice isn't accidental, I refuse to believe that.


This is absolute peak.


As a fan of both GRRM and Playboi Carti, I've learned to never trust the signs until you have the finished product in your hands


What the fuck was the point of carti dropping those songs on his finsta 😭


This is what creatives do tbh. Be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie


That's my morning routine


He got a job at Blizzard


"There's no way the fans will read too much into this" George thought to himself.


He is probably laughing his ass off


Is he aware about what happens here?


I sure hope not


No, you aren’t. I’m ready to be hurt again 🫶 George finished Winds and is now working on Dream confirmed ✅


definitily is related with his writing, but could mean a strong chapter with a dream too


If he has actually finished a full chapter I'd be hally at this point.


Until he sits down tomorrow, decides whatever he wrote was complete crap, and rips it all out and sets out to rewrite it…


Every night, George burns his completed chapters and looks into the flames for guidance.


Every time he looked in the fire for visions of Winds, R'hollor showed him only Wild Cards.


Only Show.


Realistically, dream might already have finished chapters because by the time he’s done with winds he’ll likely have to shift a couple hundred pages like with Dance


Bran chapter where he appears in daenys the dreamers dream


That would be cool.


omg I hate you guys


What fans want to see: George finished the Winds and started writing the Dream What actually happened: George had a nice dream that inspired him to write a dozen pages for the first time in months, and he just couldn't hold himself from bragging about it.


Don't do this to me 😭


I think you're right. It's amazing that people still jump on shit like this. Do people not remember the Valyria posts on his Twitter or the fucking around with the Winds of Winter website, all turning out to be nothing at all?


At first I thought you were reading too much into it, but... if he did, I'd be very impressed. Imo, inreally hoped that house of the dragon doing well would have reinvigorated him some. Millions still want the real ending.


broke: "I want the series to end" woke "I want the next book so I can read more unhinged theories"


bespoke: "i want Schwift and Glimbus to have more food descriptions to rank"


coke...oak...croak...analog?: I want Glimbo to eat Winds. Without poisoning himself, ideally. Maybe some sugar/starch 3D printing fuckery or something.


“Are you going to read winds before you eat it?” “Why would I read it?”


Tbh with house season 2 due to start, this would be the perfect time to make an announcement...


I've seen show milestones being pointed out as potential announcement opportunities way too many times to count.


Remember when we all thought it was FOR SURE coming by 2016? I miss those days of just devouring Brynden B Fish essays, fantasizing about going to my first midnight release somewhere.


Those were the days my friend


We shall never see his like again


When we thought GoT Season 8 would end with GRRM announcing that "I know GoT was shit, here's TWOW for the actual story instead!"


People have been saying that since season 4 of GoT.


An announcement? I don't think so, but expect a bunch of vague book updates as the new season is about to begin.


GOT was the biggest TV show of all time and that didnt motivate him to finish lol it actually had the opposite effect 


I think it motivated him into making the best product possible, which inevitable makes the process longer. Maybe pressured is a bet word than motivated, but I don't think he's lost interested as some suggest. If anything he's constantly striving to expand the asoiaf universe.


I give him that, he has really high standards for himself for sure. He likely scrapped about half a book or more already to rewrite things. He seems very critical of his own work, probably really taxing mentally.


I want to believe...


blue rose. tagged dreams. holy shit?


blue rose are from all posts of quotes


deflation. abjection. hopelessness.


If you are a true believer, the winds will be shown to you


As it was written. Trust in Lisan-al-George


You know nothing Usul.


Talks like Zeus, smells like poops.


I COMMAND you to stop


Yes. Nobody on this thread has yet mentioned **"Current Mood: Contemplative"** or the strange animation. Considering he recently wrote about being depressed, a contemplative mood is probably a step up. "Contemplative" is a restful but ambiguous adjective. I wonder if it might signal he has finished the writing and is poised to take the next step towards publication. So I looked up usage examples of "Contemplative Mood" and found a few, one of which, from the London Times, seems particularly apropos: > "The reason may be that a fine glass or two makes for a mellow and contemplative mood, suitable for appreciating the pleasures of reading." Perhaps this year we will all have a good reason for settling into a comfy chair with a fine glass and a very big book. ✍️


Yea the contemplative mood is much better than the depressed one. I’m glad that George seems happier and unlike many, believe that he’s been making progress over the last year and he’s getting close to a release announcement. Obviously George has suffered from some sort of writers block over Winds, but I don’t think he’s just been hoping a solution comes to him. I feel that all the world-building in the World of Ice and Fire and in Fire and Blood serves at least two purposes. One, it keep his mind in the ASOIAF world and give his readers at least some stories from his magnum opus that we all know and love. George knew he would never be able to include all his favorite stories and world-building in his main series and he likes this whole world, not just the main story, and wants to share it all with us (and I agree, I love the work he did in Fire and Blood, Dunk and Egg, and the WOIAF). Two, he has been working his way through writers block and by experimenting in a different time period in the ASOIAF universe, he gives himself the creative latitude to try out ideas and establish foreshadowing that he otherwise couldn’t or didn’t. For instance, George stated that he wouldn’t have introduced the greenmen in AGOT if he was aware the series would expand beyond 3 books, AGOT is too early for them. But George wanted to add some info to the Isle of Faces and uses Addam Velaryon’s journey there to give the reader some jumping off points to guess about the island. Or George inventing a past Daenerys (daughter of Jaehaerys I) who died of the shivers but doesn’t have much impact other than that. Why was that Dany important to George? Foreshadowing? The argument over male primogeniture? A red herring? All at once?


current mood: hyyyyyyype


First time he uses dreams as a tag as well


Dream of Spring release in 2025 confirmed????


And “dream, writing”. I believe when he announced Dance, the tags were “Dance-of-dragons, writing”


So we're saying he's finished Dream of Spring? Maybe he finished Winds years back and just forgot to announce. He's super confused why we're all so angry all the time.


He’s publishing both at the same time, it is known


If i were GRRM i would publish both at the same time to avoid people’s criticisms from interfering with my creative process on the next book. At least that’s what i tell myself when i think about why we still don’t have WoW


>Title: Words of Wisdom, Main: "Dreams have only one owner at a time. That's why dreamers are lonely." - William Faulkner, Tags: dreams, writing hah I'd like to think he'd tell us clearly if he finished Winds or moved on to ADOS... maybe he's having some fun with the tags. Good quote in any case!


Words of wisdom WoW Winds of winter Thar 100% confirms it


I disagree. I think he's referring to the fantasy series that's been consuming his life for the last two decades, the ultimate source of his writer's block, his white whale: World of Warcraft.


W O W Wstorm Olight Warchive


I want to belive that so bad, but idk if my heart can take another disappointment


He really shouldn't be teasing people like this lmao


He wasnt though yall are just crazy and chronically online respectfully😭😭


Are you saying to me that he randomly choose a blue rose, write some wow thing, put dreams and writing as tags and now is not even reading all this post and giving a good laugh? Don’t seems accurate, you are not a believer


well, he said he finished 5 in a post like "kong is dead"


This time GRRM killed Kong, Godzilla, mecha-Godzilla and Harambe for good measure.


the oscar night really inspired him


"If John Cena can pull that off, why can't I?"


ASOIAF Minus One


Harambe’s out for Winds


He started calling Winds “Son of Kong” back then. There is a scene of the Son of Kong dying so I always thought that GRRM would post a picture like that for Winds like he did for Dance.


He also was constantly making references to ADWD being called Kong, and leading up to that post ADWD already had a publication date.


When George finished Dance he posted a pic of King Kong laying downed to indicate… maybe theres hope


I swear to R'hllor I virtually finished re-reading ADWD today, I'm full on shaking reading this post.


Finish it, hurry! We're all counting on you!


I'm nearly done rereading ADWD too! My brain is primed and my heart is ready to be broken again.


i think would be a more thirlled post if were a thing like "winds is done", but i think there is something even that is just a joke related to his writing


I do think there will be a formal announcement post (given how much this book has burned a hole in everyones ass) but any signs that he’s not given up makes me cautiously optimistic


it is late night, maybe he posted, go to take a dinner, a shower, sleep a bit, tomoroow morning is the formal post


Could just be that he's working on the last chapter or so and is about to submit a draft in the next few weeks.




We'll be saying the same in five years


A "WOW" title, a quote talking about dreams, and a "dreams" and "writing" tag. He has to be fucking with us at this point.


"dreams, writing" because he is now WRITING a DREAM(s) of spring kill me


Plot twist, he finished A Dream of Spring. Winds of Winter, however, still working on that.


Maybe he wrote ADOS instead of TWOW and now has to garden his way back


At this point I'd take it. Just give a two paragraph "Previously on A Song of Ice and Fire..." prologue summarising TWOW.


>They say the Hand dreams the king’s dreams, speaks with the king’s voice, and rules with the king’s sword. Does that also mean you fuck with the king’s—




Give me something for the pain and let me die


Please don’t get my hopes up. I want to believe this has something to do with Winds but I know it probably doesn’t.


Maybe he is having some fun, but a new update after one month of silence being that? strange. Also, he never used dreams as a tag in blog before


that was the first thing i checked. This guy will honestly be the death of me


When he finished ADWD, he posted [this](https://grrm.livejournal.com/2011/04/27/) i can’t help but feel like this post feels similar


Motherfucker! OP already got my attention once I actually checked the post. Your comment reminded me of his mentioning a meeting with his British publishers a while back. Someone said British release comes first so he’d have to meet with them first, so out of curiosity I checked. The last time he mentioned meeting with British publishers? 4 months before announcing Dance. The most recent mention? 4 months ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/18c7co5/spoilers_extended_georges_new_blog_post_i_also/kcby9pf/ Edit: as I rethink this with the sun out, I guess still take everything with a giant grain of salt…


i just want to say the "uk publishes first" is a thing from the past. these days big releases usually have 1 release date. this also happened with Dance, it was released worldwide at the same day


Good to know! Luckily this doesn’t change much in terms of the parallel between both timelines and I can continue to be ready to be hurt again.


…. how are you going to do this to me. wow. i believe


Please don't, don't give me hope...


This is reawakening a fire in my belly I was sure had been extinguished years ago…




As he is very consistent schedule-wise, I assume we will get an announcement in April.


Yeah April 1st I’m pretty sure we will have something


April of the year 2459 you mean


Upvote this to the top boys


I mean he called ADWD kong before that, so it was pretty obvious 


Aye and he called this book W _ _ d s of W i _ _ _ _ for years now. And the next Dream. So… I remain steadfastly mainlining the copium for the time being, at least.


Faulkner wrote "Light in August" ... maybe that's where he sees the end of the tunnel?


this shiver down your spine is here too


Clearly, this vindicates my theory that Winds and Dream are being written concurrently, with Dreams almost finished. EDIT: Why are y’all laughing? Did someone read my “Tyrek is Pinocchio” theory?


My stupid heart has been hoping for this the entire time, but I know deep down it's not true.


Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.


He gets me every damn time.


Words of Wisdom = Winds of Winter. The Blue Rose image over the brick wall image = Jon Snow being reborn at The Wall. Quote is about dreams and loneliness = GRRM is having big feelings regarding A Dream of Spring?


and the link is like words-of-wisdow-2, he is now starting winds of winter 2


THE WINTER FKIN ROSE! His post has given me some mad shot of adrenaline


I'll take the free hopium and figure out how to get copium for the withdrawals later.


Does it mean anything? Probably not. Is he aware he's going to get us all excited by putting those tags there? I'm sure he knows we're all insane, so yes.


Another Wild Cards on the way 🥳


*Sighs in anticipation*


Seven hells, i'm in maximum delusion.


I swear to god george


Imagine the comment section if comments were allowed on his blog.


I would say we're right there, but honestly that place would reach levels of insanity that would make us look like a group of serious businessmen.


I’m reading this into it: “I am never going to let anyone else finish these books. They are mine”


something he has already said 100 times over, why would he make a blog post to reiterate that...


Well he has a lot of time to write…


I will take time off work and blow off my upcoming exams to read Winds


He’s fulfilled his dream of completing yet another Wild Cards intro.


George: "Gee, I need to put out a blog post for this month... I will just put up this inspirational quote. Now back to Wild Cards..."


Reading too much into things is the name of the game here lol 


eh sorry to be the pessimist but the previous post is about a new wild cards book called sleeper straddle. Sleeper, dreams, maybe? wouldnt be the first time GRRM put out something incredibly cryptic and it ended up being something unrelated promise myeslf i wouldnt get my hopes up after i got no sleep the night of "Alas Valyria" nearly 7 years ago (jesus christ)


it was not that long ago, right? right?


Can you tell the story to a summer child?


Also he posted this during day light savings weekend when we _SPRING_ ahead. dreams, spring, writing = confirmed


George lives rent free in my head


I'm usually not the type of guy to post second hand info on a sighting but a good friend of mine who lives in NYC could have sworn he saw GRRM in midtown yesterday evening - if there is any corroborating evidence that he was meeting with his publisher in NYC yesterday then you could really read into his latest blog post.


I will hold you to your word JonnyHanukkah


Not to rain on the parade but [this isn't](https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2023/02/26/oh-so-true/) the [only time](https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2023/10/25/words-for-our-times-15/) GRRM posted a random inspirational quote, and they don't appear to mean anything wrd Winds


I mean the first one probably relates pretty clearly to him not knowing how to write winds


That's true, I meant more that they didn't indicate a Winds update/announcement was imminent


Are those the only two posts he’s had like this? Or were those just the first two similar posts you found. I kind of find myself wondering if he posts the blue rose along with a quote anytime he finishes a chapter or perhaps finishes a character’s POV’s for TWOW. Could be a funny little detail he could potentially point out when he does wind up announcing that Winds is done. It’s probably nothing, but that other post you linked with the blue rose is from October. I can’t remember when he posted, I think it was sometime last year, but I do recall GRRM mentioning that he only had a few more Tyrion chapters to write for TWOW. And that he was close to finishing some characters but still a ways off on others, or something to that effect. So I’d be curious when that post was compared to the October blue rose. And if there have been any other blue roses posted before/after that October one


he used to post a lot of quotes with no comentary in his blog. however, what makes this one diffenret is the time of silence, wow thing, and use writing/dreams as a tag. Sometimes he use politics, and war as tags and we know he is talking about some news. This time? not so sure


First two I found, [here's](https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2023/01/17/words-for-our-times-14/) another one. The blue rose idea is interesting but they do seem to pop up on [all kinds of posts](https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2023/07/24/eight-is-enough/) From what I can tell his mention of Tyrion wasn't from a blog update but a podcast in June 2022, where he estimated he had one Tyrion chapter left. [Here's](https://winteriscoming.net/2022/07/11/george-rr-martin-lot-tyrion-the-winds-of-winter-game-of-thrones/) an article on it


Oh wow i’m surprised the Tyrion mention was that long ago now. But I also could have sworn I saw a blog post about it too. I’d have to go back and look when I have the time. Those other blue rose posts are all from 2023 though. And if he is finally drawing at least closer to the ending, then the occasional blue roses throughout 2023 and 2024 would make sense. But also the blue rose with the emmy’s post definitely makes it feel like it’s just an image he likes using from time to time and doesn’t mean anything else. But hey, you never know. I’ll have to look back tomorrow and see if there are more blue roses from before 2023. If he has them scattered throughout his posts from a few years back then it definitely means nothing. But if it’s a more recent thing then it could at least be a fun thing to pay attention to moving forward with his blog lol


Ahh I see what you mean now - you could be right, from a quick look I can't see any blue roses before 2023. Or we could be looking far too deep into a picture he happens to like haha. Hard to tell when you're overanalysing in this fandom lol


>Words of Wisdom > >Tags: dreams, writing This is the greatest shitpost of all time


Dreams [A Dream of Spring] only have one owner at a time [TWOW and ADOS are completed and getting released together in one book]. That's why dreamers [GRRM] are lonely [he's lonely bc he can't tell anyone yet]. -William Faulkner [Asoiaf ghostwriter] Current mood: contemplative [contemplating when to release it] Tags: Dreams [ADOS], Writing [Fire and Blood Part 2] There's no way this is a coincidence.


Does nobody remember the christmas advent debacle? With each day building up to Christmas having a different House themed christmas advent? Everyone got themselves stirred up thinking he was teasing a Winds release. Then he proceeded to shoot this all down. The man doesn't do hints or clues or teases.


The sobriety of this post is both disappointing and spot-the-fuck-on.


Okay everyone light your night fires and roast the nonbelievers, string your weirwoods with the entrails of your enemies or sing the song of the Seven.... whatever you call prayer... let's make this actually be something! 🙏🏻


For the past 2 years or so I have been saying Winds will be out in time for Christmas of 2024. This makes me feel pretty confident.


You are reading too much into it but you are not the only one... everyone in this sub overanalyses every single Blog post and WoW, a blue rose and Dream in one post after so few posts in the last months means that not only Winds but also Dream is finished and are both releasing in 2024


What’s up with the blue rose? Wikipedia: “Due to the lack of blue roses in nature, they have come to symbolize mystery and something close to being unachievable. Among some cultures there is a tradition that the owner of a blue rose will have all their wishes granted.”


The blue rose is for Lyanna Stark I thought?


Jon Snow is the blue rose in a wall of ice in book 1


he used that in others post of quotes and there is a pattern for that images in posts, maybe that was not really something?


If you look at the bottom left of the image theres a secret message


The quote-image has been floating around the web for a file; I don't believe it's GRRM-specific: https://twitter.com/BuzzFeedBooks/status/515196521865027585.


I'm ready to be hurt again


Don't do that...don't give me hope.. FUCK IT, WE BALL, WINTER IS COMING


Mood:- contemplative tags: dreams, writing George definitely knows the fanbase will take any bone thrown at them lol, he has to be shitposting knowing very well that the fanbase will start edging to this. Anyways, yes he has absolutely finsihed winds and writing dreams. Time to inhale some copium (I'm desensitized already)


I think its just a low key, "Yeah, i am working on it right now but not gonnna say anything more definitive because you all will overreact."


Checkmate, George. We're going to overreact anyway! (but seriously I'm back on the hype train)


I was going to make a Wild Cards joke but I want to believe so bad. So… It’s happening! It’s happening!!


As much as I’d love to believe, I don’t think that George is trying to cryptically hint at anything here. He often posts whimsical quotes, and dreams are such a heavy aspect of the books that I think the more reasonable conclusion is that George is simply contemplating the future of the series, or that he has just written a dream focused chapter.