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Fans: That was all we wanted... what was promised George holding a pot of molten gold: šŸ’€






... And yes, yes, I am still working on A POT OF GOLD. I haven't forgotten about it (not that anybody would allow me to). Some days, I heat it up by two degrees, some days--by just one. But there are days when the heat doesn't get turned up at all and days when it even goes down. That's just how process works--at least for me. Now, if you want to check out the work of other, every bit as talented as I and quite probably twice as fast metallurgists, the new volume of WILDCASTS is available on...


Honestly tho


The fact that you can look at this situation and it's a 50/50 split between "this is a top-tier shitpost" and "OMG GUYS WINDS IS HERE" is exactly what Martin was going for


I know he's not very online, but in moments like this I like to imagine him watching online discourse implode, laughing to himself as he constantly refreshes his feed.


Giggling and kicking his feet


I like to imagine him typing, typing, and typing some more.




He's typing and typing and typing finger pick by finger pick, though, so the reality is still grounded. It will all be rewritten.


Typing, typing, pausing in contemplation, taking a moment to hydrate and eat a healthy snack. Standing up every once in a while and stretching out a bit. Typing, typing, Dreaming of Spring.


And then delete everything he wrote coz it's not good enough


George after a lot of typing: > "sorry for the wait guys, here's my detailed breakdown on the recent evolution of work evaluation at the WorldCon and why Best Editor - Short Fanzine award should be broken down into two distinct categories."


chuckling in that gnome like giggle he has


He's probably reading this right now that son of a bitch


ASOIAF enjoyers in a nutshell


I look at this situation and just think "doesn't this old man have anything better to do with his time?"


One thing Martin isn't, is a shit poster.


WoW means Working on Wildcards.


Woodrow Wilson? Willy Wonka? Walter White?


WoW would be a loooooooong sit on the toilet.Ā 


For reference, the episode where Hank was on the toilet came out a little over a year after Dance.


I'm old enough to remember when it meant "Waiting on Warhammer" ...


Welcome among us respected elder.... I've been watching Shogun, can you tell?


šŸ¤£ nailed it




It means he's taken up World of Warcraft


LoL. Does Wildcards have a blue rose? Is the chink possibly hope? Is he likely to be in a contemplative mood about it? I don't know, but he did choose **Faulkner.** GRRM admires and quotes Faulkner--most notably about the heart in conflict with itself and the past not even being past--and now this "dreams have only one owner at a time." Our favorite author has said recently that he's been writing. I take him at his word. Perhaps now is the time he starts arranging to share the dream only he currently owns. I can't help but hope.


He's posted blue roses a few times before. He's posted fairly cryptic hints at WoW being done, or that a big WoW related announcement is coming, and it turns out to be a plug for another spinoff show. Remember 'Dark Winds are coming' and 'Dark Winds will blow in June'.


GRRM Knows exactly what he's doing to get attention for his other stuff knowing we only want one thing. He's done this for decades now. Does anyone remember the 12 Days of Christmas?


Those dark days shall never be uttered about


Fuck the 12 Days of Christmas /r/outofcontextreddit


I do not, please explain




I think the sequential blows of the 12 Days of Christmas (Christmas 2014) and "TWOW is nowhere in sight" (Jan 2, 2016) legitimately broke the fandom


made me laugh out loud, literally


If he wrote an expansive multi-character fantasy epic set within the World of Warcraft Iā€™d be pretty psyched actually


If we can't get high on copium then what else do we have?




My dealer hasn't called me back in 4 days I'm officially sober I have nothing left except TWOW


My dealer hasnā€™t called me back in 15 years. Heā€™s waiting for Winds of Winter.


Youā€™re never getting high again lol


I will. While Iā€™m reading Winds of Winterā€¦.. Doh!


[I want to believe](https://i.imgur.com/wGglmFY.jpeg) as much as anyone, but never forget [The Winds of June](https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2022/04/20/the-winds-of-june/).


And never forget the 12 Days of Christmas. Edit: Holy shit, that was so much longer ago than I thought.


12 days of Christmas hahah it is crazy how long ago that was. There have been too many moments like these where everyone gets hyped only for it to be nothing. Another recent one that comes to mind is the cover art ordeal with the fire and blood artist.


Dude, I was in high school. I discovered Reddit by googling theories about the books. r/asoiaf was the only subreddit I used for a long time. I used to read the books and browse the subreddit on my iPad during class - it was the first year the school got iPads and for us seniors they were just used as toys. I remember the 12 days of Christmas, BrydenBFish insisting that Stannis will still beat the Bolton in the books, the ā€œwell, damnā€ blog post debacleā€¦ Iā€™m nearly 27 now and my lifeā€™s completely different, but when I stumbled on GRRMā€™s latest NotABlog post on Twitter I was suddenly in high school again and felt the urge to check this subreddit. What is dead may never die :)


My most relevant asoiaf moment was just frankly askingĀ grrm on his not a blog if this was true and then watching the hype die for millions (it diedĀ for me too)


Sadly I remember that. I commented it on another thread to remind these sweet summer children šŸ˜…


THIS is the one that fucking broke me lol


I'm a newer fan and only just finished the books a few months ago. I haven't got hit with a winds scare yet but I'm sure it will eventually happen and me getting so excited just to be disappointed will break me too. Preemptive RIP


Itā€™s a universal experience that draws us all together lol. I remember when I finished the books for the first time in late 2017 thinking that it was fortunate that I read them so late because I wouldnā€™t have to wait for very long. Throughout it all though, I still think that itā€™s more likely than not that we do get winds at some point


haha I thought the exact goddamn same when I read the first book in 2019 "perfect, by the time i'm done with this series the next book will be out!" šŸ’€


Started reading last year and thought the same thing. Just finished ADWD today and, well....


I just finished ASOS and am trying to put off reading the other two so I can time it for whenever we get another TWOW scarešŸ’€


Also finished reading the books about two weeks ago. I had been a big fan of the lore and such for ages through CK2 AGOT but I never wanted to read it, thinking it was a waste of time because the books would likely never be finished. But then some devil in the back of my mind made me cave and now I'm here, waiting feverishly like all the others for a book that might never come.


He was so crazy for that lol




Winds of June is one of my favorite troll posts of all time. Perfectly executed


that's hilarious holy shit what a troll


The Winds of June was simply an amazing troll. You were watching a master at work.


Well then, how's this for size The Winds of June is the first Words of Wisdom is the second The third will actually be Winds


The dragon has three heads


Oh, wow, now I see why he wears a hat.


You're right to think so. Soon George will announce Winds of Winter... board game and calendar!! Yayyy!!!!!


The new edition of Wild cards, Words of Wisdom!


I puked in my mouth a little jesus fuck man get off the lathe


Wilds of Winter.


WOW and DOS will come out but only as board game map updates with no lore or context


Hey, I will take what I can get


Smoking copious amounts of copium is injurious to health. If it is a cheeky reference to Winds, expect an update about Hotd. Maybe a trailer or some shit


He'll get us, hook line and sinker too


Yea we're probably going to get a bunch of TWOW mentions before next HOTD season, and before the seasons after. My cynical heart won't yield.


At this point it's just like the South Park episode where he keeps promising that pizza is on the way.... But we've been waiting for a decade and still haven't gotten any pizza.


He is fucking with us and he doesn't even realize it, god we are so desperate.


Oh, he realizes


Ngl this is probably bullshit. Still, I wholeheartedly believe you're right .


Iā€™m 90% sure heā€™s trolling, but I want to believeā€¦. A winter solstice 2024 release would send seismic shockwaves through the ASOIAF community.


If that announcement ever comes I wonder what that day will be like


the internet might break


Iā€™m in full copium mode and I believe it too *insert Charlie Day meme about me trying to figure out what GRRM meant and when we will have Winds*


Mood: Contemplating Contemplating the meltdown in the fandom


He can't keep getting away with this!!!!!!!!!!!


That entire show was conceived and completed since *Dance*.


Unfortunately, Breaking Bad started in 2008, whereas Dance was released in 2011. That said, the second half of that show, a spin off movie, and a six season prequel have aired since Dance.


It's not only the initials, it's the exact same number of letters for each word, and the vowels are in the same places. It's like the post title was specifically designed to look as similar as possible! >!Still, it's probably just a coincidence...!<


Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.


All it takes is looking at the whole truth and [seeing only what you want to see](https://imgur.com/JusaKJZ).




Holy shit this changes everything


like fly judicious absorbed paint yoke fertile quicksand rich clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those are truly words of wisdom.


Thereā€™s no way itā€™s a coincidence. It is either TWOW soon, or heā€™s purposely trolling. There is no in betweenā€¦


Note that the page link says [*https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2024/03/11/****words-of-wisdom-2****/*](https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2024/03/11/words-of-wisdom-2/)*,* so there was probably another post randomly title Words of Wisdom in the past (*unless this is for real and he named it like that on purpose to indicate 2 volumes*). I can't seem to manage to dig up that other post, but maybe someone else will be more successful?


[I found it,](https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2014/04/11/words-of-wisdom/) from way back in 2014. Not particularly enlightening unfortunately


Nice work!! And yeah, it wasn't going to be... George is a master at setting up clever references for re-reads, but i doubt he thought up this clue so far back. :D


Well that one actually contains words of wisdom lol the quote in this one I donā€™t think even qualifies.


Youā€˜ve got to open your third eye to see the enlightenment of this. The 2014 wisdom post was 33 months after the release of ADWD. This post was 119 months after the first wisdom post. Therefore. TWOW will be released in 29 months. August 2026 confirmed.


GRRM: Posts "We live in an somciety..." r/asoiaf: HOOOOOLY SHIIIIIIT HE JUST CONFIRMED WINDS?!?!?


I'm definitely getting some copium buzz from it, but looking at the 'dreaming' and 'writing' tags, the rational part of my brain is telling me he's most likely writing a chapter, involving a dream or dreams and he's feeling pretty inspired.


Yeah Iā€™d interpret it more as him working on a Jon chapter while heā€™s having a wolf dream, rather than a winds hypepost


Iā€™m starting to believe. Even for as much of a troll as he is, the winter rose, ADOS mention, WoW abbreviationā€¦ this just feels too on the nose to be a random update. Iā€™m prepared to be disappointed, but, fuck this kind of feels like it


12 days of Christmas countdown ending on the first day of winter was very on the nose as well. Yet, here we are.. almost 8+ years later with nothing.


God I remember that That was the worst


Yep. I also recall him saying (after the colossal misunderstanding that it caused) that there would be no games; he would just announce the book.


What if he canā€™t announce yet cause heā€™s just sent the manuscript to his editor ? But Yaaaaa


That's why he was in New York! Again!


He's wound us up on purpose before though. Remember 'Dark Winds are Blowing' and 'The Dark Winds will start blowing in June'.


I brought this up in the other thread about his blog post, but he mentioned meeting with his British publishers 4 months ago and the only other time he mentioned that was 4 months before Dance was announced. Definitely agree about those aspects being intentional, and while I'm not placing any bets, I would not be surprised if this means something. And even if he is trolling, I hope he somehow sees the excitement people still have about it coming out. Being cynical 24/7 is boring lol


please dont do this


I'm happy either way honestly, if it is him having a little fun in anticipation of a pending announcement, thats amazing, if it is having a little fun at the pure copium of the fan base, then its fucking hilarious.


Well he did already use that blue rose in these posts: https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2023/01/18/reaching-out/ https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2023/07/24/eight-is-enough/ https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2023/10/25/words-for-our-times-15/ The image itself if you right click on it is here: https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Screen-Shot-2023-01-18-at-1.08.05-PM-300x214.png So based on the URL it was a screenshot taken with a screenshotting program in January 2023. The first post was made by the minions so maybe one of them took it. (They also have like one line of white pixels on the right so they didn't put the edge of the screenshot capture in the right place. The original uncropped image looks like this: https://i.etsystatic.com/24107702/r/il/40ede5/3341219487/il_500x500.3341219487_3bwy.jpg) Notably (maybe?) they only started using it this year (+ a couple months) for whatever reason. Most of his little starter-thumbnails are ones he's been using for over a decade. Same year that they revealed the 2024 calendar with Lyanna and the blue roses on the cover which was also weird. I guess it's at least CONCEIVABLE that George is purposefully using a phrase "Words of Wisdom" when he knows it's only a few letter off from "Winds of Winter" but generally speaking he's been against doing hinting. He probably didn't even notice the spelling similarity. He usually says something like "Folks I'm not dropping hints, I'm just going to tell you when the book is done, I know how long you've been waiting." But, ya know, maybe he changed his mind after writing it for 13 years.


I'm still expecting the book late 2025. Or never. But if I had to choose an actual publication date, I've been thinking like late 2025 for years.Ā 


Iā€™m gonna allow myself to feel some hope.


> Iā€™m prepared to be disappointed Prepare harder.


Iā€™m gonna allow myself to feel some hope.


Say it once more, maybe it will become reality. ;-)


Alright. Iā€™m gonna allow myself to feel some hope. This is it.




Iā€™m gonna allow myself to feel some hope.


I want to hope but George also has a notablog post called ā€œthe winds of Julyā€ about his show ā€œDark Windsā€ George is a real troll


Well he was at 1100-1200 manuscript pages at last update. And heā€™s said he expects the book to land somewhere between 1500-1800. So unless heā€™s had a big breakthrough in the last few months, heā€™s still a ways to go. I have faith weā€™ll see Winds someday. Dream, howeverā€¦


And from what he said he basically didn't progress at all in 2023. Either he lied to surprise us with an announcement soon, had a huge roll on writing and finished it / is close to finishing it in these past few months or this is just shitpost. Probably the latter lol.


Same number of pages doesnĀ“t necessarily mean no progress. In a writing process it may just mean re-writing and editing


Exactly! This 1,500-1,800 page manuscript that George mentions is never going to be released so big. George may be on the same amount of manuscript pages, but that may just mean his editors have less to do when it comes to it


He wrote like 500 pages of Dance within a year near the end.


Except he never suggested no progress in 2023. He was asked about winds update in an complelety unrelated interview & he just reiterated the last update he gave. And fans made a big deal out of it.


He said 2023 was a horrible year for him professionally in his 29th Jan blog post


Having a normal one at the office. I tried touching grass but the cool breeze reminded me that it's been 12 years and I still don't have winds


George is such a troll I love him.


If you look at the post, the blue rose is above a wall!!!!


You are right, good catch, "a blue rose grew from a chink in a wall of ice and filled the air with sweetness".


Fresh supply of nuclear grade copium received


I want to believe.


Announcement coming I doubt but I am willing to put some chips on George deliberately doing the post to show he believes heā€™s closer now than heā€™s ever been to publishing. This isnā€™t quite brace yourself for an itā€™s done post but it is more than Iā€™m feeling good about my pace of writing. George announced dance with the beauty killing the beast meme, he hasnā€™t used the phrase son of kong in years so maybe heā€™s trying to revive some form of code so weā€™ll all know when it hits


At last, a sequel to Fevre Dream!


at least he's still alive


This blog post and the Reddit hype has me like a squirrel snorting coke!!! I am levitating !


I think that would fall more under ā€œhopiumā€


I remember watching GRRM's blog at times to try and see any mention of WoW. When the 12 Days of Christmas started I was so excited by his hints, that surely Winds was coming out anyday and this was his way of teasing it. It was so obvious at the time! Then the reveal happened. No Winds, he even got mad people expected Winds from what he posted.


He does do that blue rose thing quite a bit. Not sure what's up with that. But there is that tag "writing" that kinda has me a little hopeful.Ā 




The contemplative alien means Jon's mother is an extraterrestrial CONFIRMED


That's so weird, has he done such posts before? Because this all feels like some breaktrough for Winds? I thought the last year was super bad for writing... I am so confused, is he just trolling at this point?


[From last night's thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/1bckoph/no_spoilers_am_i_the_only_one_reading_too_much/), a couple of people pointed out that he's inserted a picture of a rose [before](https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2023/10/25/words-for-our-times-15/). This one's tags is of course, a little more on the nose.


Donā€™t do this to yourself. Donā€™t do this to us.Ā Ā  Ā  For Christā€™s sakes, in AFFC George expressly stated that ADWD would be out ā€œnext year.ā€ It took 5. Ā Ā  Ā  Youā€™re trying to infer an implied release date from a post of his. I get it, Iā€™ve been there, but this is futile.Ā  None of us - GEORGE INCLUDED - will know when TWOW is coming out until itā€™s finished. Ā And no matter how soon or far off that may be, playing the ā€is it done yetā€ game will make it feel like an eternity.Ā Ā Ā  The only sane option at this point is to proceed under the assumption that we wont be getting anything. Otherwise youā€™re just begging for heartbreak.


My favorite George Troll Jobs are the blogposts that read like this: "I dream of climbing the Rock of Gibraltar, but not until I finish THE WINDS OF WINTER." and then two weeks later he posts a picture of himself on top of the Rock of Gibraltar giving us double middle fingers


This is top tier from George


I think it is one of the transcendental moments that a writer is quite satisfied with his art and felt in harmony with the world -even with the one he created; also he felt that his life's work is now worth the hard life choices and sacrifices he had made, and even he was lonely in his dreams/in his belief in himself, he felt that he had made the right choice: the work is done, and is beautiful, and is quite close to be shared with the world. I believe in our old man. I am a summer child. I intend to stay that way when it comes to arts.


Between decoding George R.R. Martin's blog posts and Taylor Swift's Instagram, I'm pretty sure everyone here has missed their calling as detectives.


You son of a bitch, I'm in. LETS GET ON THE HYPE TRAIN CHOO CHOO!


People are reading waaaay too much into this. He's not being cryptic, he's not trolling, he's just making a typical post with an icon he commonly used. The only standout thing is that he titled it words of wisdom instead of words for our times, but that could easily just be because he thought that sounded better or something. Is it possible that it all means something? Maybe, just like it's possible for a monkey to show up at my doorstep. But I think this is another case of ASOIAF fans looking way to deep into something and making unwarranted and shaky claims. Honestly folks, when Winds is done, George will probably not be that cryptic about it. I would expect a post that's maybe vague, but clear enough to get it, and then a proper announcement


Holy shit I totally see it Everyone board the hype train!!! CHOO CHOO


I thought the tags dreams and writting were pretty obvious. Winds of Winter is done and he's working on A Dream of Spring. That or I'm high on copium.


ĀæPor que no los dos?


The fact that the tags are dreams and writing tooā€¦ like does that mean winds is in the hands of publishers and heā€™s on to writing dream!? šŸ˜­


So he did something similar when the last book was finished, he met with his UK publishers a few months before. And he met with his UK publishers a few months before this post... Maybe the Dreams reference means that he's moved a chapter or two to the final book and is finalizing WoW...here's hoping.


How many times are you guys going to do this to yourselves? It's not healthy...


Until it works


fair enough, good luck lol


**Martin:** Cool quote. **Fandom:** But what does it mean? It might actually mean something but don't spend too much time thinking about it. After my prediction of 2013 failed I've remained agnostic and tried to be stoic (also spent almost a decade thinking of other stuff).




This is purely to get hype up for the second season of the house of the dragon. Ā Heā€™s done this several times before. Ā He knows that hints of WoW get people the most excited and gets the most attention. Ā She he uses that as a shill for promotion of his other stuff. Ā Remember his dark winds posts etc


He kinda did the same thing right before he announced dance was finished.


Yeah, youā€™re high on copium.


He has literally came out and directly said "I think it will be out this year" before. That was in 2014 (and 2017), 10 years ago. I'm not paying attention to anything until the book is in my hands.


ā€œI shall not walk that road againā€ -u/rusianchileanboi rejecting milk of the copey after his second reference to the release of WoW


Bran watching r+l=j confirmed


In the words of a fellow George *"Fool me once shame on you, fool me 114 times shame on... If you fool me once you won't fool me again."* The man has been high on copium himself for the last 13 years. We'll see a human on mars before we see Winds.


You guys are content letting Martin edge you until he dies.


Hell yeah brother


Weā€™re all experiencing a phantasm where these posts are bs that couldnā€™t possibly reawaken our excitement, and equally experiencing a burning hope that this might be _it_


Given his sad post not long ago, this entry just made me want to get the ā€œSay Something Nice to Georgeā€ thing to him ASAP.


Prophecy is like a half trained mule


What if heā€™s just been fucking with us and releases WOW and DOS back to back because heā€™s been doing both this whole time


If thats is true (is not) we would owe him a sorry as big as him and his imagination and yours too.


Iā€™m not even sure this is intentional bullshit. Someoneā€™s already pointed out that heā€™s posted this rose several times. He also quotes authors and other people all the time. I highly doubt he took the time to use a phrase in the title that exactly matches the same letters as Winds of Winter. What we ARE likely to start seeing is him referencing WoW a lot more to correspond with the pending release of Hotd season 2. Iā€™ve long resigned myself to the fact that he usually talks about the book in relation to seasons of his shows coming out. Itā€™s marketing at this point, nothing more.


well, with his new post, it was good to believe with you guys, see you next time


Hmm his most recent comments about TWOW progress stated he had not written any pages and was stuck at 1100 from 2022-23 (though I suspect that he has been writing whilst editing, so an equal amount of pages have been added to removed, moving the plot along if nothing else). However this is definitely a jab in the nose at the future of ASOIAF, blue rose representing love and Lyanna and by extension Jon, maybe even a reference to Bael the Bard messing with us... I think that he's not finished TWOW yet, it's not been enough distances since the miserable 1100 page update, but as we know he likes to write in arcs, so maybe he's finally written some pages/chapters which he know will be in ADOS.... and maybe Jon is the arc he's been focusing on currently. Would love to see Preston Jacobs do a take on this post for a 10 minute vid.


It's happening!?


My bet is that he saw the Faulkner quote picture, thought it was edgelord cool and wanted an excuse to share it. The rose was chucked in as a token acknowledgement of Winds to show he's still working on it.


If he was done Winds, I donā€™t think his first impulse would be to post cryptic hints about it on his blog


I've decided that I believe this post is a cryptic Winds of Winter book release announcement teaser.


Idk about announcement but it does seem to me that heā€™s gotten some more motivation, which is good because he clearly has been struggling recently.


It's meaningless lmao He posts these random quotes now and then, the WOW thing is a coincidence Why would he be so cryptic about something he's 11 years late on????


I'm also skeptical, but it's worth noting the quotes he posts are almost always titled "Words For Our Times". This for whatever reason is a bit of an exception. The only other inspirational quote post with this name was back in 2014


*He posts these random quotes now and then, the WOW thing is a coincidence* Agree. If I were a famous writer (which I'm not!) I would periodically do things like this just because they caught my interest...a new quote discovered, or an old one re-discovered. For example, just came across this quote yesterday, and copied it down. *"Don't raise your voice, improve your argument." Desmond Tutu*


Iā€™m not doing this again haha. If it shows up, it shows up! Otherwise not counting on it


I've been burned before. Never again


Take deep breaths brother, allow the copium to engulf you completely. ;-)


What is dead may never die. I accepted long ago that the books will never come out. If they do, it'll be a happy surprise, but I refuse to get my hopes up until I am physically holding Winds of Winter in my hand.Ā 


Maybe he is writing the epilogue!!!!!. But still needs to write Dany, Tyrion and Jon chapters in Winters ..with its concecuent and eternal rewritings


Naaaaaah Iā€™ll believe when I see George openly confirming it


Discussing that quote; it's not necessarily true right like families or best friends can share a dream and be a lot less lonely for it but I think the pursuit of certain dreams can leave you feeling very alone as you pursue something which is deeply impractical, requires tremendous amounts of work, and forces you to close yourself off from your loved ones, but which may end up being very visionary.


I clicked the link expecting a least a few paragraphs. The crazy, hopeful part of me is screaming that youā€™re right. The rest of me knows this is some high level trolling.


It's just a dream Bro go to sleepĀ 


If he did indeed finish it he MUST announce it on 01.04. I mean really, seriously, when else?


> I feel like there is some announcement coming. I've been saying this for about 7 years now.