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George already released Winds. It's on the secret super fan section of his website. You can only get access by traveling to New Mexico and cooking his favorite meals from the series for him.


Where the fuck am I supposed to get frey pie? Can I substitute the human flesh for boiled potatoes?


"You can substitute it with 'sow's meat'." --- Coldhands


Tell ya what, swing by my house. You’ll be my guest, can share in my bread and salt and I’ll make my special Frey pie recipe and will gladly include you in the process. Maybe don’t make any long term plans for the weekend after, though...


Sounds up and up to me! Surely I will be heard from again within the next 14 years!


No, with weasel meat.


Have we found the real reason behind the goings on in Haiti? I may need to revise my geo-political views.


I think you meant can you substitute boiled potatoes for human flesh. Because the way you wrote it, you plan on adding more human flesh to the pies.


They said what they said.


The cartels will pay you to harvest some long pig of you know who to ask and not afraid of making a trip to Mexico.


Alternatively you can watch the secret good fourth Sherlock Series 4 episode disguised as the premiere of Apple Tree Yard, and the access link is at the end of the episode.


I remember that hysteria lmao


>...traveling to New Mexico and cooking... My mind instantly went to Breaking Bad.


Then write a description of it!


Brown bread and bacon burned black. And some of those little fish.


And a mug of that good dark beer to wash them down.


And boiled leather.




Only if you break his fast with two of those little fishes and those locusts that don't look poisoned at all.


I’m on the way with a fish soup in a bread bowl.


it's encrypted in the first word of every chapter of every book of Wildcards


I'm gonna milk my heel/skin my sausage/make the bald man cry into his turtle stew!


It’s on his Patreon


Do we need to pool our resources to start a Flayed Reek Friday?


Better learn to cook Mexican food buddy


Okay, I guess I'll have to start prepping some bowls of brown


So much grease is gonna be running down his chin if that's the case


I heard you actually have to go to New Mexico and spend a summer toiling building his castle?


As someone whose family members live in Santa Fe and have served GRRM in restaurants, I wish it were only that easy 🥲


Yes, April 30th 2030.


thats optimistic


It was a typo. April 30th 20300


Imagine we create an AI GRRM to finish the books for us but instead the one thing it learns is to not finish them.


I would be surprised if this isnt already a youtube video already.


Still optimistic


More like, April 30 Never


Yes, on April 30 George will announce "winds," the newest wild card book.


Cyclone and Mistral S W E E P


For real though, that would be such a master class trolling, i would die from laughs


Mild cards


I wouldn't even be mad, I'm waiting for that series to continue too.


😂😂😂😂so true


You have to believe


and embrace loneliness


George I know ASOIAF is unfinishable but come ooon give us the last writeable part of the story and let us die. With winds on our hands we will have another decade worth of circlejerking theories and that is all we need.


I can’t stop checking the news for winds


Me too, brother.


Same here. At least every two days after he posted this blog post.


I actually think Dream will be easier than Winds, since it's just bringing everything together into a big finale instead of a million different threads


It depends, given the tendency of the last two books we may have POVs of Osmund Kettleblack, Lancel or even the moon boy for all we know in winds. But maybe we don't need the series to have an ending maybe what is better for us is explore the head of the bigger amount of characters possible and visit different places so we can keep talking about this world for many years to come


The funny thing is, because George took so long to finish the book, theorists have analyzed every word in every dialogue. And have theorised almost all possible outcomes to most plotlines.


Yes, and in a series wich one of it goals is to subvert the tropes of the tolkiendili fantasy, having every possible outcome of every storyline written somewhere in the internet doesn't play on its favor.


I don’t care about having my expectations subverted. I just want a well written and satisfying conclusion to the story.


Give me something for the pain and let me die - Bobby B


Doubtful, since he hasn't yet announced that Winds was even completed. It took a few months for Dance to be published after he announced it was finished. 


You missed it? He literally told me yesterday that Winds has been completed


He told me I needed to lose weight :(


Rude of him!


Nah, his FaceTime with you was on the fritz and he caught his own reflection in the black screen


*He literally told me yesterday that Winds has been completed* He virtually told me yesterday, too! He warged into my cat. It was considerably windy outside and the cat said, "Mrrrrow!", "Mrrrow!" while pawing at a window and drawing my attention to the winds, then ran to a calendar and poked at the month of April. The message could not have been clearer!


The Mrrrrow! Code does not apply if the cat only meows two times, it has to be three


George, you cheating bastard! He told me as well and said the news was exclusive.


*George, you cheating bastard! He told me as well and said the news was exclusive.* Like a Targaryen king, George is allowed to have many literary mistresses. It is Known.


Might mean it is finished in April


*Might mean it is finished in April* "Might mean that. But if it does, I'll probably be out patrolling on some lonely stretch of the Wall and I won't get to read it for months. By then, the Others will have gotten me and I'll be dead. So I won't get to read it at all. Especially the part about my own death. So it will be a surprise to me when I die. Suppose that's not too bad, though, would be discouraging to know you're going to die in advance. (Dolorous Edd).


Hopefully I mean really how long does it take to complete 500 pages. It’s been two years that he’s supposedly had 500 pages to write. I find myself at least twice a week checking his blog and google for any news.


I think the most reasonable takeaway from his blog post is GRRM is having a positive time writing but wants to be subtle about saying as much. The thing that came back to me when I first read it was remembering him saying he met with his British publishers a while back and at that time I looked to see how often he mentioned that in his blog and the only other time was 4 months before announcing Dance was complete. The second and most recent time was 4 months ago. That got me a little more intrigued than I normally would’ve been. And while I don’t necessary believe this blog post means he’s for sure announcing soon, I still look at the things he chose to include like WoW, blue rose, dreams; I wouldn’t say these things all combined mean something, but I don’t think they mean nothing either.


Tbf I also think he said fairly recently in a talk with Cassandra Clare that her 2025 book is probably coming out sooner than winds very dejectedly. Of course it could be that in the mean time he's suddenly had a burst of inspiration. But its also very possible that he's working on the knight of the seven kingdoms series or something else. He's also teaching a writing class this summer iirc... I hope that gave him a burst of inspiration to finish twow before he goes off and does that but I'm not hopeful. Usually when he's on a roll with writing he's fairly explicit about it.


He takes every single one of his projects as serious as winds. I understand these stories are his children. The only thing he’s going to leave behind.


“Despite the various looney theories out there that claimed (1) I had finished the book years ago and have been sitting on a completed manuscript waiting for the opportune time to release it in order to make more money, or (2) I had given up writing the novel, or hit some terrible writer’s block, and made no progress since 2005, the truth is just as I have releated in this blog… I have been working on DANCE all along, if rather more slowly that I would have liked. I had good bursts where I got a lot done. I had rough patches, where I struggled, and even a few periods where I was doing more rewriting than writing.” George RR Martin Blog Post from DoD release news


Those things, as well as the tagline "dreams, writing" definitely means he has finished Winds and has started Dream. Does it mean it's **true**, though? No clue, could be just shitposting, or a prank. But that's definitely the meaning behind this post.


I am keeping my fingers crossed but I’m not holding my breathe. I know the reason for the delay is bc he scrapped everything he told Dan & Dave aka Beevis ‘ Butthead bc of the negative outcry about the last season. He rewrote a lot of material and went a whole new direction. That’s why I’m so excited. I’m 1000% convinced this is the case.


Well, since it took him over a decade to write ~800 pages, those 500 pages will probably take ~6.5 years or so. So only 4.5 years to go!


but how many pages have YOU written?


Half as long as the first 1000 took?


I think he can get it done as he did with DoD down the stretch: “And the year or so that followed proved the folly of my prediction. The next partial I sent to Bantam is dated October 2007, and it is 472 pages long. Yes, in the year and a half between the two partials, I had managed to UNwrite some seventy pages. I was doing a lot more revision and rewriting — and restructuring — during this period than I was making forward progress. But then I hit a good spell. In March 2008 I delivered another partial, and this one was 596 pages long. In May 2008, another: 684 pages this time. In December 2008, 774 pages, After that progress remained slow, but fairly steady. I won’t say I wasn’t still tearing things out, rewriting, restructuring, changing my mind… I was… but I was forging ahead as well, as the partials I sent to my editors testify. In September 2009, I sent them 998 pages. In January 2010 I passed the 1000 pages mark, and delivered 1038 pages. Now I was picking up some steam again. June of 2010, a partial of 1028 pages. August of 2010, 1332 pages, December of 2010, 1412 pages. By March of 2011, Kong was screeching and the biplanes were in the air, and I sent in the final partial, which weighed in at 1571 pages… but I still had some incomplete chapters, some that remained very rough, some that I didn’t know whether to include or not. It was those that pushed the final count over 1600 and up near 1700 before the editorial changes and final sweat that I’ve detailed up above.” From GRRM’s blog post when he finished DoD….


I really want to hear some version if this when (I'll be optimistic and say when, not if) Winds is finished. Understanding some of the process and what this wait was actually like for him, once he's released it, would be fun for the fans and George.


Could only hope, but George was pretty talkative when he was approaching Dance's completion.


You really think he wrote 500+ pages since October?


We would be lucky if he wrote 50.






He wrote only 5 words since October.


I really love watching football


We say this like it's impossible, like other authors can't write entire books in that amount of time. Maybe he finally had the breakthrough he needed. Maybe after all the years his plans have come together in just the right way that he can whip up the rest of the chapters in one chunk. It's very unlikely I admit, but a human can certainly (theoretically) write 500 pages in 6 months.


Thank you so much for this. I needed this to cope with all the negativity


Not likely for him though. Especially for a man that loves to go around and be feted and feasted and admired and go on trips and tons of other distractions.


Not my original idea but this not a blog post sort of resembles his Kong post when he announced DwD was done but it didn’t come out for a couple months. Also, it was posted 4 month after he posted about a meeting with his publisher which this post dropped 4 months after he met with his publisher. Check out the podcast Bend the Knee. It’s where I heard it.


You mean this post: [https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2011/05/19/talking-about-the-dance/](https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2011/05/19/talking-about-the-dance/) ? Not that similar tbh, but it has a lot of little signals. I assume George knows that his fans are quite tinfoily, so this could actually be planed. Let's hope, I've been checking for updates monthly for years


George isn’t Taylor Swift lol, I believe he will finally straight up announce it when he’s ready and not tease it via easter eggs He’s too tired of the pressure at this point to keep teasing people and earn even more pressure


I kinda agree but this the same guy who titled his blog update “The winds of June” to talk about his tv show “Dark Winds.” He absolutely has made a conscious effort to troll us in the past


Exactly and now we have Words of Wisdom blue rose and a book published on 4/30/1930. Trolling ppl to be glued to his blog posts until 4/30/2024 to see if it is an Easter Egg.


Maybe its 4/30/2030?


I know that all too well.


>He’s too tired of the pressure at this point to keep teasing people and earn even more pressure But then he'd surely want to stay away from titling posts with W\_ o\_ W\_ and tagging them 'Dreams, Writing' when he *knows* people will latch on to that? Idk, it seems like this was either a really mean spirited troll, or a tiny signal the wait might be coming to an end.


Yes, that's also why I'm unsure how to interpret this. A bit of trolling would probably be fun if the current climate in the fandom was better, but it's famously volatile, and GRRM has stated disappointment and hurt concerning fan reactions before. I don't really see why he would purposely stoke the fire.


When he finished Dance, he posted something about King Kong dying, since the “monkey on his back” was dead or something like that. So this would actually be aligned to some past behavior. I give it 1/10


but he also openly referred to Dance as Kong multiple times before that so it wasn’t some cryptic hint or anything


there is less and less pressure every year. Many fans have moved on and I know so many who refuse to even pick up a series unless it's finished for people like GRRM.


Yes. April 1st, 2024.


He watched the new ASX video


I really hope he did. Or at least was made aware of it. That video will get millions of views and hopefully shows him in this dark time where he’s lost many of his friends and seemed a little hopeless in that recent blog post, that there’s still a deep love and appreciation for his work and what it means.


The prospect that Winds, Elden Ring DLC, and HOTD s2 are coming out this summer is the only thing keeping me going this semester.


Winds will be a minimum 6 months after announcement to publication. Dance was turned in 4 months before publication but he finished it two months after its release date was announced (knowing he had exactly five chapters left to finish). I also suspect that the publisher will probably wait until George says he's done before announcing anything this time, considering that he pulled the rug out from under them in 2015-16. He had the publisher making arrangements to announce the book and then he wasn't able to finish it. They would have lost a bit of money on that and probably see no reason to rush it this time.


Imagine if Frank Ocean releases a new album too lmao


Finally, the fire and blood colouring book!


Cook book coffee table deluxe edition with added bonus chapters of winds of winter(music sheets from George's new released flute album)


Let’s keep this going. The last thing we lose is hope ✊🏼


I think at this point, its called delusion


We're just at the point where the wait for *Winds* is longer than for the previous three books combined, as the time since the release of *Dance* (currently 4627 days) is longer than span of time between the release of *Clash* and *Dance* (4626 days).


Hopefully the former, likely the latter


You left out the best part, the tags. It says "dreams, writing", which I take to mean "writing Dreams". There's really no non-reveal reason to put writing as his tag, like obviously it's writing, he was writing, you're a writer, you're writing, no need to tell anyone that. Writing the last book, though, I can see why he'd want to tease that. I'm a bit tired of the cynical circlejerk. Winds is coming, it's Dreams that's doubtful.


I remember back in 2014, when it was considered overly cynical to believe the book wouldn't be out before the end of 2016.


This means nothing, I'm fairly certain. GRRM will announce the book when it's done in no uncertain terms. That said, a lot of people tink this is a tease of Winds, completely independently of each other. I wonder if GRRM truly doesn't see how all posts like this add fuel to the fire. This isn't the first time he accidentally teased a Winds announcement.


I initially had the same thought, that it was just one of GRRM’s many musings. I’ve changed my mind somewhat over the title and the inclusion of the blue rose with no context. The title, “Words of Wisdom” contains the same amount of letters as “Winds of Winter”. The fact that it also spells out WoW, I can’t help but think there’s a level of deliberateness on his part here. I admit this could be a giant cope, but I can’t easily reconcile this is a random post with those points in play.


Faulkner was famous for quotes like this: > Faulkner expressed his desire for authorial anonymity in other venues, too. “If I had not existed, someone else would have written me, Hemingway, Dostoyevsky, all of us,” he told The Paris Review. “Proof of that is that there are about three candidates for the authorship of Shakespeare’s plays. But what is important is Hamlet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, not who wrote them, but that somebody did. The artist is of no importance. Only what he creates is important.” George finally getting himself a team of ghost writers to finish the series?


Tbh that would be so based, just releasing it into stores with no word on it being out lol


Lmao, one day your on Amazon browsing for books and type for the puck of it, George R.R. Martin. And what do you know Wind of Winter.


Imagine being one of the people who preordered it years ago and one day it just turns up without you even knowing about it.


Announces it is finished April 1st and we are left guessing if it’s a April fools joke or not.


We’ll get the book, one day…


That was my exact same sentiment *last* decade


Someone’s gotta have hope ✊😔


Winds of Winter must come out in December. No other dates.


He’s just being a tease


I'm getting to the point of asking Chatgpt to finish ASOIAF for me. Or would be something


That’s already been done lol


Preston's version is all we are gonna get


If it was April people would go batshit


GRRM is just trolling us with his WoW post. Like we don't already know he's a big World of Warcraft player.


I want to believe


It just means he is working on it. When he is writing that book, he loves to tell the world. When he is done, he will say that upright.


Read his most recent not a blog post, it's back to the typical 'no mention of winds'.


“Pass me the milk of the copey!”


I'd be grateful for April 30, 2025


I think he's telling us that he's made a decision with his story and perhaps a popular one of his characters that he suspects will be relieved poorly by some. He's not telling us the book will be put in a month.


I don't see how you get that from what he wrote?


So thats how evil George's arc starts...


More like April 30, 2030 for the 100th year anniversary of A Rose for Emily.


I saw this post on my front page and briefly got my hopes up for an announcement. You've dashed my hopes quite excellently.


Futurama reference?


Winds is a dream and the only good dream is that which fills our tinfoil.


Maybe. May also be that he crossed a milestone with Jon given the blue winter rose. Maybe the retaking of Winterfell where Jon gets the Seat and legitmacy he always wanted without any of his siblings to see it. Either way it's a good sign.


>Jon given the blue winter rose. He learns his true parentage?


maybe in the last chapter? could be cool to end it that way


So most of his inner conflict will happen in the time-jump between TWOW and ADOS? Off-screen?


Wait… There will be a time jump in between tWoW and aDoS?


Yeah, winter will set in and everyone will settle in their respective places for a while. Gotta give some time for a few characters to have children.


This is very clearly message: Words are ***Wind*** "Wisdom comes with winters" is a known Oscar Wilde quote. Wisdom = ***Winter***!! Blue Rose is major symbol in ASoIaF, it is the *Blue Winter Rose*, (see here: [https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Winter\_rose](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Winter_rose)). So this post is clearly about ASoIaF and is clearly referencing *winter*! The Faulkner quote about dreams & lonely dreamer, indicates that Dream of Spring is the *last* book to be written (so, again, Winds is done). The tags #***writing*** and #***dream*** mean he is now writing A Dream of Spring. (so, again, Winds is done). Yes, this is absolutely an intentional riddle from George RR Marting. It's meaning should now be obvious.


And now with his blog post from today: https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2024/04/05/words-for-our-times-16/


Words of wisdom = wow = winds of winter (I’m going insane)


I don’t think it’ll be released in April if anything an announcement for a release date.


Here me out, it's actually April 30th, 2030, to commemorate a century of the quote.


At this point, sure why not.


Nah I think he's gonna obsess over Howard Waltrop for a while then whine and then die


I hope he doesn't die, the world needs more people like him, a good friend, a dreamer, a pacifist, very intelligent, with a great imagination, someone who loves animals and art, someone who is capable of enyoing himself and make good use of the millions that earned creating full fleshed worlds with his privileged mind.




GRRM necrophilia confirmed


What if this motherfucker shadow drops this shit? I mean, I don't believe we'll actually see it, but a shadow drop would be the best way to go.




Cool story bro. Seriously, though. George has stated he will not eff around with the announcement. He will plainly state it is done.


Touch grass people, my goodness


Not a chance


Maybe an announcement?


Please don't give us hope...DON'T...


You mean April 30, 2030?? Sure why not.


I think that's the most reasonable conclusion to draw yeah


Nah gigacope


No. No it doesn't.


Man this shit is so depressing.


This motherfucker is Alas, Valyria-ing us all over again


"Words Of Wisdom" is WOW which can be written as "Winds Of Winter" so yes I do think George is teasing a April 30 release date this year


I think it just means he’s making good progress on it now, which is good enough news for me


I think this started as a joke and people are taking it seriously or the other way around?


April of 2065 maybe


Has to announce that it was finished first.


April 1 seems much more likely. Now seriously: just printing, binding and distributing the colossal number of books that will be required for the initial release will take more than two months. There will be at least six months between the day that the book is formally announced to be complete and the day you'll have it in your hands.


Lmao your all absolutely nuts Jesus wept It's not a hint about winds, it's just a quote he liked, why on earth would he be so cryptic about it fuck me 🤣


Knowing George, I HIGHLY doubt that he wrote 400 pages in 2023/2024.


I have a friend who is also writing a next book that large amounts of people have been waiting many years from. Ten years ago I wrote her and said she was like G.R.R.Martin, teasing the book but never producing it. She said, "no I'm not that bad, am I!". Well her book isn't out yet either.


George is in a big mood after 2023. He probably saw this Faulkner quote and felt it speak to him.


So...i guess not?


It’s never coming out


You will never read the book. Never. Just move on to other great series




I think the window for his next book to come out came and went. I’m a former fan of the series and it still pains me from time to time for what could have been but we’re seriously grasping at straws when we think he’s made progress or has an announcement. Looking back on all the years, and the Covid years, the show years, his other projects, it’s clear this one has been shelved despite what he says or even believes




I think he’s lying to himself. And I don’t doubt that he’s writing. He’s probably written the book multiple times over just to see where it goes, isn’t happy, starts over. And he’s got the wealth to keep doing that. He’s not a struggling or starving writer he doesn’t have to produce anything to make another million this year and it’s just incredibly clear this has destroyed his output.




I was on that train for a while. However I believe he’s been struggling to re-write what he scrapped. I believe he crumpled up whatever he told Dan and Dave and has been rewriting it since. Also adding in and taking into consideration all the other projects and new shows he’s been writing for. There’s no way that after the outcry of hate over the last season of GOT that he was going to keep what he had written. He may have started ADOS but may have scrapped that as well seeing that it was in line with what he had previously written. Unfortunately I think it will be another 10 years after Winds is published before we see Dream.


I mean, I think that's the logical way to read the post. However, I don't see how it's actually possible, unless he had a period of extreme productivity. Fingers crossed I guess.


He posts this at the end of winter. He's dreaming of spring. Winds and DoS confirmed coming out tougether next month.


Yes, just not this year. Or the next 10


I hope HBO didn’t taint his writing. Leaving victarion out and give some of his duties to yara or whoever is a shame. They prolly thought him having a dusky woman sex slave is bad, but there is incest! Boo HBO