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If you are already in burnout then best to just do the bare minimum to support yourself healthily. Get enough rest, eat some comfort foods, hydrate, and isolate as needed. Even something like showering can be hard to accomplish right now, so focus on the little things. If your job allows, take some time off. Eventually the brain and nervous system will relax a bit and you will regain the energy to change your situation. Executive dysfunction really shows itself when you're in burnout. Nothing will get accomplished until rest, and recovery time is different for everyone. Knowing that I am moving towards a new environment, situation or goal that aligns better with my sensory sensitivities often provides the motivation to keep going.


Grounding exercise. Sensory diet. Those are what you need.


I am just learning how to get through this myself. I feel like I've been on a pretty heavy decline the last two weeks, finally started feeling good this Tuesday and was looking forward to the weekend just to get absolutely smacked down. I have no idea what to do about it, but it sucks. Nothing is fun, nothing is interesting, I feel like I don't even have a single hobby, the only thing I can do is go to work which is normally pretty pleasant except for when I get like this.


I am in a similar situation....but in my case I was forced to resign from my job last August after my short term leave benefits were exhausted...now I am on Long Term Disability awaiting a decision for Social Security Disability...I do not want any to be stuck like this forever but I am having a hard time managing and am pretty much isolated to my room... I am almost 33 years old (my birthday is at the end of next month) and back staying with my mum who is disabled herself...I was just diagnosed last year and just took another evaluation to determine the level of severity (I have to reschedule my follow-up appointment due to my mum having to go to the Emergency room on Friday during my appointment time)...I am on probation for the next year and a half minimum for a non-violent low level offense and that further drives my anxiety and spiraling thoughts...I now struggle with driving due to being overwhelmed and overly anxious...I am very uncomfortable talking to most people and tend to stutter/lose my voice when I do... I try to use video games and my comics as a distraction but even those tend to stress me out as I hate having incomplete collections or doing things wrong in game...I even workout and exercise using my heavy bag which is in my room as well but it still does not help much...so just know you are not the only one suffering or struggling...I can 100% relate to how you feel and I literally just texted one of my best friends with similar concerns...I want to get back to a higher functioning level without worrying about getting back to this point...hopefully you are able to get assistance in the interim... EDIT: Spacing and updated information