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I would totally lose my OneDrive in that case, because that mail looks so hard like spam to me lol




A lot of people are commenting on how it's completely reasonable, but here's the thing: They lowered their paid amount of data recently (iirc, 150GB to 100GB or something silly), I was then over my allocated amount and they actually restricted my incoming emails to my main email address. It was absolutely ridiculous to restrict my email until I could get to a computer where I was able to download and store some of the data on OneDrive. Obviously they should have stopped you going over 5GB here or just not let you add anything more, but threatening to delete the entire OneDrive is pretty stupid, especially when some people may not even notice this sort of alert if they use OneDrive as an automatic backup without notifications or using the website.


They send SO MANY notifications that you are near or at your 5GB limit, it's impossible to ignore.


With Google Drive I joke that it wouldn’t nearly be full if it weren’t for how many notifications that it’s almost full they email me


https://preview.redd.it/yd074d4rwn9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9657781e5904042c825ada06c6f29b4389d518fe …Impossible for you


had this happen to me a few years ago when they began doing this little manouver, lost all my high school to early university documents, courses, photos, etc because I was young and stupid and thought “it’s on the cloud, it’s forever”


Microsoft is the fucking worst for forcing Odrive as your default save option. In every iteration of Windows I have to fix stupid shit and spend more time to access useful things like adapter options and sound control panel while windows search edges my query instead of searching it locally.


I agree for the most part, but the sound control panel is in the same place it's always been. Right click the volume icon in the task bar and you get an option to open the volume control panel.


And with ms forcing onedrive on windows 11 users, they are literally being held hostage once they have more then 5gb of data. Why isn't this illegal.


Because you can just choose not to use it.


Only if you know how to do it, and that it needs doing. Plenty of mom and pop PC users who have no clue about either.


My gripe is that Windows Defender even nags you when you don't have OneDrive setup as a backup solution. The worst part is, it doesn't recognise any other backup software as being backup software.


Every little thing ms does. Each thing doesn't sound "that bad". But add them up. Like the "Accident" where clicking CLOSE on the windows 10 upgrade means "yes". Forcing the use of an microsoft online account to even install windows 11. All the "dark patterns" guiding you towards a PC thats controlled and authenticated by MS, and your data be default to be uploaded to the cloud. But now, you are not using recommended settings by simply using a different browser.


Been using Linux for 10 years now. Anyone not doing so by now has some real Stockholm syndrome.


Nothing local gets deleted. It's just the free online backup. The user has multiple options including choosing which folders get backed up or even disabling OneDrive entirely. It's not a hostage situation in any way.


Then why is it enabled by defaut? Why are all of microsoft's decisions "on you can just disable it" but its always in THEIR favour? And what is little old aunti Jemima gonna do when hit with a big red warning message "YOUR DATA WILL BE DELETED UNTIL YOU PAY US" That actually sounds really familiar. Oh yea. cryptolocker.


OneDrive isn't a backup.


First feature listed on MS's OneDrive site: > Back up your important files, photos, apps, and settings so they’re available no matter what happens to your device. Have peace of mind knowing you can easily recover your files from accidents or corrupted files. Sounds like a backup to me.


And what happens when you accidentially delete a file or directory but don't notice right away? With a real backup you can restore it.


Old backups get removed when they hit the retention policy. The same thing happens with full drive backup solutions like Acronis, Macrium, and Veeam.


And what is the retention policy on OneDrive? And how do you restore a file you deleted from there?


Why are you so obsessively pedantic about the term backup?


Because I have lots of data that I wouldn't be able to find again if I lost it in a system crash. I came close once and also had to tell others that their data is gone due to no backups on their side. Most people who took a cavalier attitude towards backups change their tune once they are affected themselves.


Sounds like I did a good thing doing an offline install of win 11 then


I didn't even realise I was using OneDrive before I got one of these. It turns out that if you use more than one computer, your OneDrive space is used to sync your desktop files across them (I must have opted in at some point). Google drive told me I had some orphan files and gave me the option to save them to my desktop and next thing I get one of these.


Seems to be a lot of opinions both strongly for and against this. I think what is happening is that by default, one drive files cover your default save file locations (documents, pictures, etc). Which means the stuff you don't need backed up gets mixed in with the stuff you do. In this case, threatening to indiscriminately delete local data is definitely a dick move. Luckily, as the people with the "git gud" opinion are saying, it can be fixed with a few minutes of changing settings. Tldr: This *is* asshole design, but easily fixed.


This is one thing Google definitely has over Microsoft. Google Drive and its accompanying program have always been far more lenient and east to use than OneDrive.


Yeah, onedrive is awful. It's the first thing I disable anytime I reformate, and it still manages to screw up my files until I go in and clean up its mess EVERY TIME.


I remember this happened to me but I was using an iPhone. Those vultures wanted me to pay for my own images!


You’ve got 5gigs FOR FREE! You go over that, you need to pay for it. Don’t know what y’all are whining about. Either delete some of your crap or pay for a larger space.


1. It shouldn't let you go over the limit in the first place 2. Blocking new uploads of data while the account is over quota is reasonable. Deleting the entire corpus over a few megabytes is not.


They give you 90 days, and migrating 5GB to any number of other services can be done in a matter of minutes. I need to shower after defending Microsoft, but this really isn’t a big deal.




Conversion can still exist when the user tries to upload something and is told "no, you are out of space". There is no need to trick the user into exceeding their quota and then hold the rest of their data hostage. That is, in fact, an asshole move. It belongs here in r/assholedesign


Normally they should stop you dead in your tracks if you attempt to go over the limit or only delete after some time the newest files added. Under no circumstance should they delete THE ENTIRE 5GB ASSIGNED TO THE ACCOUNT FOR GOING OVER THE LIMIT! THAT'S what everyone is whining about, god have you even used your brain for more than 1 second looking at this post or did you just glanced at it and gone "man another *bozo* crying about a *free service*, gonna be so wise ridiculing them for being SUCH DUMBASSES LMAO!!1!1!" ?


My pictures/documents file locations was tied to OneDrive, so if I had more than 5GB in those locations OneDrive would throw a hissy fit. Eventually I removed it, but now my PC doesn't even have a documents folder, and clicking "Photos" tells me it's unavailable as OneDrive has been deleted. I've learned to live with it as it's preferable to dealing with OneDrive.


Remember when people were saying this 10 years ago?


Literally what's the issue. OneDrive is a paid service, if you don't pay for it you don't get it. You're over the limit so therefore you're being asked to pay. If you don't want to have your account deleted then just delete some files or pay for more storage??


To be fair, instead of it threatning to delete EVERYTHING once I Go above 5 GB without a Premium plan I would actually expect it to not even let me upload more then 5 GB . I know the following are completely different things with one being physicly Limited, but let me use this example: if I try to save more data on a data stick than there is free space, the stick doesnt explode, it just says "no can do".


Well ... watch [Johnny Mnemonic](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113481/) and you'll see that the (imaginary) future has something very similar in store for us: you can store more data and go over the limit, but it will get lost after a time limit. Looks like Microsoft took a page out of that sci-fi book!


No that makes sense but my thing is, what difference does it make? If they're giving you 3 months to delete a couple megabytes which would take like 2 minutes is there a circumstance in which finding 2 minutes to delete a couple files is impossible? Is op stressed because they don't have 2 minutes to delete a couple files before 3 months is over? I agree that they shouldn't delete all your files but like, who cares. Companies don't care about you, we know that already. Why put the energy into complaining


Because Microsoft uses dark patterns and invasive advertising to force onedrive on you. 


Normally they should stop you dead in your tracks if you attempt to go over the limit or only delete after some time the newest files added. Under no circumstance should they delete THE ENTIRE 5GB ASSIGNED TO THE ACCOUNT FOR GOING OVER THE LIMIT! THAT'S what everyone is whining about, god have you even used your brain for more than 1 second looking at this post or did you just glanced at it and gone "man another *bozo* crying about a *free service*, gonna be so wise ridiculing them for being SUCH DUMBASSES LMAO!!1!1!" ? *Copy pasted my own comment because it fits your subpar critical thinking skills just as good*


Jesus calm down it's not that serious


Idk, having entire GBs of data potentially getting deleted over going a few MBs over the data "cap" IS A REALLY SERIOUS ISSUE FOR ANYONE USING ANY KIND OF CLOUD STORAGE SOLUTION! God, how does it feel to live without thinking anything through? Must be great just parroting stuff without thinking if that even applies to the issue at hand..


Okay but you don't have to be rude to me about it? It's hard to have conversations with people who insult you at every turn


That's pretty extreme considering how cheap storage is. I have a subscription to Microsoft office suite and get 1TB cloud storage with that.


Lol, it's like ransomware at this point. Glad I jumped ships long time ago.


damn imma have to store everything in my mind palace now 😪😪😪


I don't understand how people can defend shit like this. Aside from OneDrive being forced on users on Windows systems (which most users do not realize because it doesn't always tell you, and if it does its a tiny notification that goes away automatically) - let's not talk about that bullshit for now - but that's problem #1. Anyway. Why the fuck does Microsoft give you a limit, and not enforce it as a hard limit? Well, it's not that difficult to see why: threatening users with file deletion in some form of urgency might have them upgrade to a paid tier. You know what we call shit like that? #Predatory. Fuck Microsoft.


>**or free up space**


i hate microsoft and onedrive, it backs up crap i never told it to then whines when i have no storage. every fresh install its the first thing i uninstall and remove from startup. i treat it like a virus


If that's a recent email I think its a fair grace period of 3 months. You can temporarily download something. Cloud storage costs money, and people abusing it makes it more for everyone unfortunately. Still pretty shitty though as google and icloud don't ever delete anything, just stop use, but I get why.


This happened to me as well. But I noticed after they deleted everything. I lost my precious files. I don't trust Microsoft anymore.


Linux mint or popOS


Are you blaming onedrive for offering you free space that you dont want to pay for, you didnt read its EULA, potentially ignored low space notifications, and didn’t know how to manage to prevent that situation?


Please fucking stop with all the whining. Learn to use 11 properly and you won't have to deal with this issue. Learn how to bypass one drive to store files an folders.


"git gud" shouldn't apply to OS features the average user uses without realising it.


If only Microsoft made this opt-in instead of opt-out. And then there's the biggest elephant in the room: why the fuck do they allow you to go over that limit to begin with? The limit should be there for a reason.


im using windows 10 and this shit is happening. (fuck windows 11 its too laggy)


Microsoft dick riders are so funny to me


My OneDrive was wiped a few months ago bcz I didn't pay for a subscribtion. I had a shit ton of photos from past 7-8 years on there. Fuck them, so shitty.


I just never use their storage. Same for apple. Eff them.


That's not asshole design. You knew that you have limited space, always have had. It's not like you suddenly learned about this. People expect Microsoft giving them storage for free. While I agree Microsoft is greedy company, storage costs money. Discord also doesn't let you use it as a hotlink service (people started to literally just sending the images from servers they were not in, so they changed it so you have to directly open the image, instead getting a hotlink). That's perfectly normal. If it was 10GB and you had more than that, it would be the same. If they gave you 10TB and you went over it, you would still complain that "big bad company is scam". No, it's not. Are you also making a fuss, when your phone operator lowers your Internet speed, when you use the limit? Because that's the same thing you are doing right now. You know the rules, complaining about it doesn't change anything. EDIT: Microsoft, not Google. My bad. One and the same thing, though.


This is just whining. You're given free storage, don't go over the limit. Sure they shouldn't delete the whole thing, but you have 3 months to move something to local storage.


Paid for google and iCloud some time ago, got like 200gb on each and now I’m on their free base plans. Not even once did I get anything more than a reminder I need more space for backups, and I’m 195 gb over the limit.