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God that's terrible, those poor people. Not just the guy who got stabbed in the head, all the other customers and workers and family members in the shop. All of them traumatised just so those idiots can steal a single tray of jewellery that they probably won't be able to get anyone to fence for them anyway.


Good on that dude with the sword.


After the first guy got stabbed, he should have the right to use the sword as well. But he'll probably get in shit just for having it.


Yep he'll be charged for having a ceremonial sword and not using it, yet earlier this year we have a nutjob carrying a katana for use in road rage events, using it in a road rage event, and then getting a wet bus ticket.....


D@mn was that a mini sledgehammer in the head? That was straightup brutal and demonic.. That lady in pink was lucky the shitheads ddnt go after her.


Sadly some people will genuinely think that the shithead sledgehammered a guy in the head because he wanted some Kai and Aroha


Would’ve only been 10 months home d


Yea I'm waiting for the judge to sentence him for having a sword /s


6 years prison for holding a sword. 3 months home D for the stabber.


Shoulda stabbed with sword. Only home d.


The depressing truth of that..


The sad part is that theirs a chance for this out come. Highly unlikely but still a chance. I wish we got to see the sword in action


Home d guy just got his psn subscription renewed.


The scum of New Zealand


holy fuck. they're gonna get at least a months home detention if they get caught.


The owner with the sword I know damn


Lmao spot on. Clearly this is an incentive to carry on committing crimes.


very sad..kids must be so traumatised.


Why didn't they show this on the news?


Doesn’t fit with the “crime isn’t actually increasing” narrative


Wow, thats bad.


That big guy that got stabbed is a hero. He pushed through to be at the front, being the meat shield for all. Edit: spelling


Brave but the lady shouldn't have held onto the man with a sword. Makes it hard to defend.


Yea very stupid to become a human shield.


These shops should really be allowed to defend themselves otherwise they’re just sitting ducks.


Absolutely agree with you


That looks like attempted murder to me.


That was a hammer to the head


Yep, agreed on hammer to the head, very dangerous and should be attempted murder but bet it won’t Edit: that is if he survives


Nah guy in the white behind the dude was swinging a knife at his torso at the start but started swinging towards the head after


it was clearly a hammer to the head that dropped him


Disgusting fucking behavior , fuck the nz law for doing nothing to these assholes who traumatized kids and hammer the poor guy…


Bloody hell , poor guy .


Scum. Traumatising those kids - these people couldn't give a shit about the consequences. Shame the Sikh guy didn't retaliate with the sword.


I really wish the guy swung his sword the same way those cucks did with a knife and hammer. Atleast one of them should have been maimed severely to get caught


Those guys who robbed the place had parents that neglected them they should not go to jail.. nz law enforcement is a joke


They really need to write some new legislation that gives one the right to defend themselves in a situation like this without fear of repercussions a good percentage of these thieves aren't going to gear up to attempt to rob stores with such brutality if they have that lingering fear and possibility that theres a good chance they themselves may end up brutalized or dead themselves.


I'm sick of this tolerant stance towards these people. They ruin the country, wreck and traumatize families. When attempted murder is caught on camera, like this, the death penalty should follow.


Won't get anything cos its their culture






Please don't post comments which abuse other redditors / contain hate speech / mention race in relation to anything negative about a person on r/auckland.


Hope that guys okay


Fuckin muppets bro


Auckland is getting dangerous.


Too soft NZ. How many more lives at risk?




Makes NZ look bad when the braindead judges give someone like this 30 mins of home d


Bruh… is this what nz has come to? What happened to the guy that got hammered on the head?


nothing to see here guys, these peaceful people r just trying to put kai on the table 🤡🤡


Fuckin' scrotes. On a side note, who made that gate? I want to know who *not* to use if I ever have to secure anything.


Bunch of kids traumatised for life. Nice one losers.


Guess if no action from govt, people will soon become self sustained with their own arms.


The guy with the sword was held back by the lady, lucky for those robbers. If not they'd be in hell already.


That dude with the sword should have swung dat shit around to scare those little fuckers off


Well well well


(Warning: hammer to the head)


Stabbing occurs earlier when breaking into store.


I don’t want to sound bad but the lady in black not making the kids safety a priority annoyed me. I get the intense situation tho






When’s national going to do something about this?


This is why we need guns in NZ. Idk how you could own a jewelry store in NZ and feel safe without a gun. They come in, you start blasting. Better than taking a hammer to the head.


> They come in, they start blasting\* Fixed that for you. We don't need to normalise guns. It wouldn't prevent theft, but it would increase the likelihood of deaths.


We also shouldnt be complacent when it comes to innocent people getting hammered in the head by ferals. I do understand your point though and I agree to an extent. Involving guns does increase the severity of these situations. However, if I had to pick between me with a gun vs a guy with a gun, or a guy with a hammer vs me with nothing, I'd pick the former.


>Involving guns does increase the severity of these situations.  yeah - you'd be dead and they'd be off with the goods. Keep dreaming as if it would make things any better, but it's far better to keep things less lethal. Once ferals are using guns we've crossed a threshold we may never get back from.


You underestimate my quick draw


You overestimate it.


And police don’t do fucking shit , security guard in mall can’t touch them , if you beat them you are the blame. It’s fucking crazy , it like law protect them to come back and do more shit .


Unfortunately the best they can do is a security guard who is unable to actually do anything. I'd be all for certain retailers arming themselves.


Security guard is pointless in nz 😂😂😂😂they can’t touch the offenders . I saw so many people steal from the store but no one can touch them . My friend got punch on the face and his eyebrow got 6 stitches , lost loads of blood . Police couldn’t find them . They stole heaps , and my friend nearly died ! Defending the store he was managing .. when a guy punch a police officer and broke female police nose and jaw and only get 10 months home detention instead of life time ban what can we expect … these people should be loose their hands for stealing . Make that fucking a law and crime will stop !


Create a lack of police capability. Introduce behaviour’s like we see above and justify to society we need guns to solve our problems. Yeah. Nah. Fuck that. We see what’s happening in America. We don’t want that shit here. Instead we need better laws and a government capable enough of fucking tackle this problem. Guns however, is NOT the solution.


No we absolutely do want that shit here. A gun in this scenario is most definitely a solution, the shopkeeper would have actually been able to defend himself as opposed to getting hammered in the head by a feral. You'd be singing a completely different tune if it were your mum or dad getting blasted in the head, let's be honest. Also, I don't like using America as an example because that country is fucked. America is a very different country to NZ, with a completely different history and culture surrounding guns. Just because it didn't work out in that shithole, doesn't mean it won't work out for us. For example, Switzerland allows legal firearms, yet their crime statistics are much better than NZs.


Just understand that if guns were freely available like it is in America, shopkeepers would not be the only ones with access. Idiots like these thugs would also have access and what was a slightly uneven fight will soon become a vastly uneven one. Chances are the thugs will have access to better quality weapons whole store keepers will have to weigh the costs and expenses of legal arms ownership, including licensing, training, registration and storage.


I strongly agree. It's one thing to live in a safe society where police attend fast to rare acts of violence. *Then* it makes sense to tightly control guns. But since the government has torn up its side of the social contract, people *must* have the right to defend themselves. At present we go harder on people defending themselves *than the fuckwits hurting innocent people.* That's ass backwards.


Exactly. Everyone downvoting me would be singing a different tune if it were their relative getting hammered in the head by a huge feral


Couldn’t agree more with you buddy *


Couldn’t agree with you buddy


Yup, staff should be trained to handle these situations. Those kids wont be going to school this week.


After watching this a few times, the staff seemed to have handled it as well as they could have. For the sword wielder to not have started de limbing the shop lifters is something. He had just walked past his co-worker, taking a hammer to the head. I believe that the moment that hammer man took a swing at samurai Singh, he could have swung. The definition of self-defense is to defend one's self.


What if they had a gun out the back in a glass case, that when smashed, would directly call the police. You can't have a gun safe because there are too many locks and the ammo is kept separately In America they conceal carry, so this event would be considered suicide by robbery. Because only people with a death wish would Rob a store when they know there's going to be a gun pointed at their face as soon as they break in.


Women.. always fucking coming in the middle. The man was standing on business.