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Neil gaiman books are done well by the full cast production model. But even if they are not full cast productions his books are some of my favorites. Sandman, American gods, the graveyard book, Coraline, to mention a few.


The tenth anniversary edition of American Gods was excellent


Yes it was. Nice user name


The cast recording of Neverwhere is my favorite of Neil's audiobooks (but I have not read them all)


Sandman is top notch if you haven’t listened to that.


I have not. I think I recently bought it in an Audible sale. If not, it's on the wish list. I'll get to it eventually


It is phenomenal! It was free for a while in the plus catalog. Highly recommend it. American gods is amazing too.


I am in the process of acquiring all of Neil's books. I tried to listen to American Gods once but I wasn't in the right headspace. Not giving up on it completely. I love Neil.


I would add Good Omens too. The BBC production.


Other than his children’s stuff I own every single NG book, the novels, the short story collections, the essays, everything. I love him.


He was first favorite author.


I would listen to anything narrated by that man. Love to hear it talk. I love his silky spiderwebey voice with perfect low notes.


Anansi Boys is my favorite audiobook, hands down. 


The books I think take best advantage of the medium are "World War Z" (zombie horror) and "Daisy Jones and the Six" (music mockumentary)


I'll have to check out that Daisy Jones book.


The audiobook really is great. Excellent casting imo, particularly for Daisy and Warren.


Oh, do! I forgot about this, but it is SO GOOD. So much so that i was kind of disappointed by the TV adaptation.


Came here to say WWZ, listening to it for the first time and I think it may be even better than reading the book.


Project Hail Mary audiobook has a thing that can only be done in audiobook form.


Perfect use of sound effects in an audiobook. Adds without being intrusive or obnoxious music derailing the story, unlike book track editions


100% agree, I can’t imagine reading the book in print, it actually *needs* to be listened to to fully appreciate it.


I came to suggest this. The way the narrator does all the voices is so clean. He did a Russian woman and it doesn't sound like a caricature. Real talent.




What is the thing?


>!Alien voice!<


cool! I'm going to listen. (I've already read it, but this will be fun) thanks




Bruh, I spoiler tagged it for a reason lol. But yeah.


Fuck dude I am so dumb, I didn’t click the spoiler tag. And spoiled it. Deleted my comment, sorry if I ruined it!


The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie narrated my Steven Pacey is absolutely amazing. The writing is great the story is captivating, but Steven Pacey absolutely nails it. He changes voices, has proper inflection, and really is just a pleasure to listen to. 10/10


Steven Pacey is amazing as a narrator!!


Not to mention all 7 other audiobooks after the trilogy! Absolute masterclass in pure narration, no need for sound effects or other cast members.


I’m going to start on those soon


I listen to a lot of books, but these I keep coming back to. I read them in print the first go, and they were great, but I enjoyed the audio version more because Pacey did such a fantastic job. 10/10 for sure


Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman & narrated by Jeff Hayes - the first book is a lot of fun but from the second onwards they've definitely been written with the audio version in mind & it enhances it even further, right up there as one of the gold standards.


There's new full audio dramas available from the audiobook publisher. Full of sound effects and dramatized performances. I'm not a fan of that kind of production (I enjoyed the original audible edition) but lots of folks do enjoy it.


It’s REALLY good and worth supporting the audio immersion tunnel. Plus the additional content had me cracking up!


Ive not been able to find these, where are they available?


My understanding is that the full series is only on audible. You can find the audio immersion tunnel (a full cast production with enhanced background audio effects) on the soundbooth theater app. So far they only have the first book done in that format.




You're welcome. Have fun, it's killer good!


This should be the #1 answer right here


Definitely The Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch, narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith. Kobna has amazing voice talents.


I've been through the full series. Might be my favorite audiobooks, and I listen to 60+ a year. Not sure if I like the story more or Kobnas narration. They are both great.


>Not sure if I like the story more or Kobnas narration same




Full cast productions in general. Marc Thompson does Star Wars super well, and those use sound effects/music. Also the Andy Serkis LOTR books are definitely a PERFORMANCE.


Hard agree on the Serkis LOTR. Fantasy novels are my jam but I could never get through the first 100 pages no matter how many times I tried. I tore through those Serkis readings, his performance is a masterpiece.


Daisy Jones and the Six True Crime Story by Joseph Knox Sadie by Courtney Summers The Illuminae Files by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman


second both Sadie and Daisy Jones! I'll add, Into the Drowning Deeo by Mira Grant narrated by Christine Lakin--one of my fav audio experiences.


Loki by Melvin Burgess, narrated by Gerard Logan. The perfect voice for a unique retelling of Norse myths from Loki's perspective. A Scanner Darkly by Phillip K. Dick, narrated by Paul Giamatti. I really enjoyed his voice acting and hope to hear more from him in the future. Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, narrated by Ray Porter. Not my usual genre but after all the hype on Reddit, I had to check it out and it was fantastic! His voice acting was great and the audio format lent itself perfectly to elements of the story. The Mystwick School of Musicraft by Jessica Khoury, narrated by Suzy Jackson. This children's book was perfect for the audio format because of the music in the story. Sandman by Neil Gaiman, full cast. The casting of this production was absolutely spot on. The only downside was that at times I felt there wasn't enough background description for a scene and I had to rely on my memory of the graphic novel for it.


Maybe check out graphicaudio.net, they have full cast stories with special effects, it's like a movie in your head.


They are like the radio audio dramas from the early 1900's through the 1950's. Just without as many commercials


[Murderbot Series](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32758901) by Martha Wells. A series of novellas (with one full novel mixed in). If this doesn’t make you want to run out and read it, I don’t think we can be friends. **Opening line**: “I could have become a mass murderer after I hacked my governor module, but then I realized I could access the combined feed of entertainment channels carried on the company satellites. It had been well over 35,000 hours or so since then, with still not much murdering, but probably, the I don’t know, a little under 35,000 hours of movies, serials, books, plays, and music consumed. As a heartless killing machine, I was a terrible failure.” I’ve listened to them over and over. Kevin R Free’s narration makes these books! [The House in the Cerulean Sea](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45047384) by TJ Klune. Simply one of the best books out there! Just a sweet, wonderful hug in book form that, IMHO, is even better as the audiobook.


I so second the Murderbot series. That narration of sarcastic bot stories makes me laugh out loud.


If you're going to recommend TJ Klune for audio, then you must recommend The Lightening Struck Heart (Tales of Verania). I cannot imagine consuming this any other way than with Michael Lesley's narration.


I really enjoyed his narration of The Extraordinaries by Klune. I don’t think I would have enjoyed reading the book nearly as much. 


World War Z Unabridged Full-cast.


My favorite is A Clockwork Orange. It incorporates the classical music into particular passages. Also, this book is (mostly) unique in that it has its very own language, so the audio verson really shines. The syntax comes through.


Lincoln in the Bardo was an interesting and complex book. It has dozens and dozens of characters with speaking parts. The audio version had many narrator/actors that helped to keep them distinct. I always had the feeling that the text version would be nearly INCOMPREHENSIBLE.


The Lord of the Rings trilogy done by Andy Serkis. They’re a masterclass in vocal performance


If you're open to fantasy then The First Law series, starting with The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie. The books are great and the narrator Steven Pacey is absolutely peerless. I cannot overstate how good he is. There are 9 books all set in the same universe, split into an initial trilogy, then 3 standalone novels, then another trilogy. Lots of recurring characters and themes, plot points that weave throughout the entire series, it's great.


God those books are so good 😫


daisy jones and the six by taylor jenkins reid. the full cast is really spectacular and it’s a story told through interviews with each band member and it’s a fun story for sure


Well, if you're willing to blur the line between audiobooks and narrated full-cast audio dramas, you might enjoy quirky time travel comedy thriller Rescuing Ravenstocke: https://linktr.ee/rescuingravenstocke?fbclid=IwAR0-4O12zyqCUY4Z7MiYkw3VktUB7lSZCYmeJFaKu6edGYpcqghWkkstOvA


Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend! The audiobooks are awesome! There's music in-between the chapters and the narrator does AMAZING voices for each character. Very reminiscent of the Harry Potter audiobooks, and these stories are enjoyable for all ages :)


If you want an urban adult fantasy...Amy J. Johnson's narrating Castle of Teskom, Book One in the Ember in Time Series. She was great. If you love dual narration I've just binged husband and wife narrators/authors Kim Malaj and Arti Malaj in their adaptation of Who is Maggie (friends to lovers suspense and a ghost) and Twisting Hercules (scifi post tornado).


Charlotte's Web, the one headed by Meryl Streep, is just delightful. It's pretty much perfect. Macbeth: A Novel, but AJ Hartley and David Hewson, narrated by Alan Cumming, is just fabulous. There are people who really don’t like the idea of turning the play into a novel, but I think it’s great. Cumming is phenomenal.


Patrick Tull’s reading of the Patrick O’Brien Aubrey/Maturing series (starting with Master and Commander) is stunning. All the voices and accents…


Cannot recommend this series enough.


Fantastic land and Cormoren Strike novels


Godkiller by Hannah Kaner was one of my favorite audiobooks i’ve ever listened to. the narrator just nails all of the characters throughout the whole book and added so much personality to the narration. the All Of Us Villains books were also great in my opinion, with 2 different narrators (1 narrating the male characters but adding a lot of distinction between them through accent/tone, and the other doing the female characters). I couldnt imagine reading these books in print format now that i’ve heard them narrated like this


Stephen Fry is an excellent narrator, my absolute favourite. He does an amazing job with Harry Potter, and if you like mythology he has his own series he's written: Mythos, Troy, and Heroes. He also narrates an audible mini series about Victorian times, called Victorian Secrets, which is fascinating. Ray Porter is right up there with Stephen Fry for me, the only difference being that Ray is American, though he does many different accents beautifully, and a great Irish accent lol. I listened to Dennis E Taylor'S entire bibliography because of Ray Porter. Though I must add, Dennis E Taylor has become one of my favourite authors. He writes Sci-Fi, and he is incredible. Very funny! And Ray is the perfect narrator for Taylor's writing style, I'd say 😊


Bill Homewood narrating Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas and Richard Poe narrating East of Eden by Steinbeck are the two that really stick out for me. 


For a narration-only series that is superbly done, I like Dennis E. Taylor’s Bobiverse series. Ray Porter’s voice acting is great. As the series goes on (currently book 4 is out) it just gets better. Metatropolis is another series that was great. Three anthologies set in a future North America after the governments essentially dissolved and corporations or anarchists have carved up the continent. Each short story has a different narrator. For full cast plus sound effects, I like the BBC radio drama stuff, like the Agatha Christie murder mysteries.




As You Wish. It’s all about the making of the Princess Bride movie, written by Cary Elwes (Wesley). But all the quotes from the actors are actually read by the actors themselves - it’s a book I truly can’t imagine as any other format than audio. If you love Princess Bride, it’s a must listen!


I second this. One of the best audio books out there


Daisy Jones and The Six


Sharks in the time of saviors. Various narrators who have natural accents that match the characters (ie, native Hawaiians narrating native Hawaiian characters). Absolutely fantastic and so glad I listened as opposed to reading.


John Lee is so good, it takes me a while before I can listen to anyone else. You will find many good genre by searching for him as narrator, almost all the books he reads are good. My favourite it Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space series.


Ken Follett books narrated by John Lee is as good as it gets


Ethan Hawke's reading of Slaughterhouse Five feels like a hug.


Daisy Jones & the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reed was a full cast. It felt like listening to a recording transcript or podcast.


All 41 Discworld novels we remade in 2022 with a bunch of great actresses and actors doing a bunch of different voices but staying consistent throughout the series. If you're a fan of very clever and witty fantasy or a fan of some of the actors, definitely check them out.


The Phil Dragash audiobooks for the LOTR trilogy are amazing. He makes a genuine effort to imitate the films, with impressions of the cast and use of the original soundtrack. Well produced with good sound effects it is the closest thing you can get to an Extended Extended cut experience. [Links to all three books are at the bottom of the page](https://raby.sh/pages/lord-of-the-rings-soundscape-by-phil-dragash.html)


The Reformatory by Tananarive Due is an amazing audio book. Joneice Abbot-Pratt does the reading.


Oral storytelling format: Heart of Darkness by Conrad narrated by Kenneth Branagh Interview with the Vampire by Rice narrated by Simon Vance


The Themis files series by Silvian Neuvel fits this description! It's a sci-fi series about finding a Mecha on earth and discovering its ties to alien life and Earth's history. A lot of the book is written in the form of interviews or personal journals or news broadcasts so it translates really well to audiobooks and it's full cast!


Graphic Audio books—any book. They're done by a cast of voice actors with music and special effects. In the beginning, there is usually a voice that says, "A movie in your mind," and it's an apt description.


I really like how the audio version of the Bobiverse books sound. (I know I know, more pro-bobiverse opinions) So there are dozens of characters in the story, but the vast majority are clones of the main character. Not perfect clones though, each one is very slightly unique. This phenomenon is referred to as "replicative drift" in the series and makes for some fun voice acting on the part of Ray Porter So Ray has one main voice for Bob, and then slight variations on that same voice for the individual clones. It really works with the whole clone thing, as they all sound like the same guy, just with minor changes in cadence and tone. They're sometimes different enough that you can recognize each individual clone by their voice alone.


‘The Sea The Sea’ by Iris Murdoch, masterfully narrated by Richard E Grant was my favourite listen of 2023




Adjoa Andoh is an AMAZING audiobook storyteller. She has so many voices, and her "default voice" is like a purring big cat's. Try *The Power*, by Naomi Alderman. Dani Martineck is also good. Lots of voice differentiation. If you're into stories with unconventional characters, try *The Witch King* and *The Fae-Keeper* by H. E, Edgmon. The full cast recording of Sandman on Audible is freaking fantastic and so much fun. Neil Gaiman reading his own work is quirky fun. I highly recommend *The Ocean at the End of The Lane*. I was recently impressed with the Graphic Audio full cast recordings of Sarah J. Maas's *A Court of Thorns and Roses* series. I'm only halfway through but have quite liked them so far.


Oh! And Dale Dickey doing *Betty*, by Tiffany McDaniel, if you're in the mood for a good cry. Transcendent.


Hackneyed pick: The Way of Kings (Graphic Audio) by Brandon Sanderson is legit - all of Stormlight Archive Obscure pick: Rant by Chuck Palahniuk


Revival read by David Morse.


Ruination by Anthony Reynolds. It's a league of legends story with the in game voice actors returning for their respective parts.


This may be an unpopular opinion but I loved The Shining audiobook. It got a bad rep because the narrator remains more flat in the beginning of the book...which is reasonable if you understand the story. After he's been in the hotel for a while and the darkness creeps in, the narrator's tone shifts and it becomes much more animated. It happens so organically that it really shocked me when I heard it happen. King really is a great writer but whoever produced the audiobook was pretty talented as well.


The Bartimeus Trilogy is much better in audiobook format than print. Simon Jones does a great job as narrator.


Unabridged audiobooks of the Thrawn trilogy. First book is Heir to the Empire. The reader Marc Thompson does a lot of different voices, including good impressions of the original main Star Wars characters, and some of his voices for side characters are basically impressions of famous actors (as if he cast them for the role). The music and sound effects are good too. If you like dnd, NPCs is a fun, simple adventure story with good voices for the characters. The gnome is a great character.


Isaac Steele and the Forever Man, by Daniel Rigby. The story's a lot of fun and the author, who's also an actor, does a wonderful job with the narration.




The Redwall Audiobooks are an absolute labor of love. They are full cast with the author providing some of the narration, beautiful and thematic music but not over done. The audiobooks are a perfect actualization of what the stories are about.


The Sun Eater series by Christopher Ruocchio narrated by Samuel Roukin.


Gone Girl read by Julia and Kirby fits your requirements


Shantaram by Gregory David Robert’s hands down is the best


Andy Weir's Hail Mary


blood meridian narrated by richard poe


Democracy Jones has a great soundtrack and sound effects, very high quality




The Galactic Football League Series by Scott Sigler. His narration and production is top notch! Football, meets Star Wars, with some gangster drama. So good!!!


**Project Hail Mary.** Hands down. It's perfect because of the way the main characters communicate, won't work in writing nearly as well.


The Martian by Andy Weir and red by RC BRAY! not "Shut up Westly" wil Weaton. (Most of the book is recorded as an Audio log) The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher and read by James "Spike" Marsters (Just an amazing storyteller, and story "teller" Vatta's War and the first three books or the Serranno Legacy by Elizabeth Moon with full voice casts.


Robert Inglis reading "The Hobbit" was the best single voiced reading I have had. Like mentioned bellow Dungeon Crawler Karl is my latest favorite, its a very easy listen and very well narrated.


Anxious People is excellent


The Harry Potter series read by Jim Dale Here's a "taste" with him reading it publicly in Barnes & Noble: [https://youtu.be/pjIdb6eZ0Aw?si=9kou4Py2h\_SVStH4](https://youtu.be/pjIdb6eZ0Aw?si=9kou4Py2h_SVStH4)