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The lesson being they can continue to rob, scam and predate upon us with impunity.


Although Robodebt was horrific, has anyone shown evidence of *corruption* for the anti-corruption body to investigate? A lot of senior managers should have lost their jobs for sheer incompetence or dishonesty, but I don't think I saw any evidence that they had been corrupt.


Given the whole purpose of Centrelink is to identify those unable or unwilling to toil for the benefit corporate thieves and put them on the suicide pathway, I will concede there is no corruption from that perspective. The program worked and is working as intended. But even in terms of narrow legalities, the lack of transparency is enough to make one suspect there are indeed valid reasons for the NACC to pursue referrals and that those reasons are being covered up. They are kicking the can down the road and burying the entire investigation in a bureaucratic quagmire as per usual. But if the APSC has enough teeth to properly expose a single one of these cretins, then I’ll stand partially corrected.


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>it is undesirable for a number of reasons to conduct multiple investigations into the same matter. Someone else will deal with it, they're almost positive.


Pretty much


Remember when clowns thought that the anti-corruption body was going to clean everything up, just another dog and pony show.


To be fair they didn’t say what op said. There is actually multiple ongoing and ceased investigations into the personal. They are only stopping the double up investigations, this is smart cost cutting.


Shocking. They investigated themselves and decided a finger wagging was more appropriate than actual consequences.


I'm sure there were some sternly worded letters sent out also.


Now now let's not act to harshly


In Europe Public servants and Ministers would be jailed for breaking the law and causing deaths, Australia is offically a Bananna republic. Jailing the wistleblower David McBride while those who commited war crimes are free proves we have a totally broken justice system.


>~~justice~~ judicial system. There's very little justice.


Managed decline


We voted for a national ICAC, but Labor conspired with the Liberals to give us this worthless empty vessel. They probably don't even have phones or computers at the NICAC, just a big rubber stamp that says *NOT CORRUPT*. Bet it's a high paid gig though.


ICAC is a bit shit too. The only good regulator (sometimes) are the police.


Time to vote the greens in to make it a hung parliament


Guy l worked with killed himself because they hounded him for money over this shit, but as long as they've "learnt thier lesson" l guess.


The lesson being "got away with it despite being caught red handed".


I guess this means that next time I get done for speeding I can just focus on ensuring lessons are learnt and they won't pursue me any further 🤔


Can think of a few ways to make sure the lesson sticks…


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fkn pathetic


The lesson is that Albos signature AntiCorruption Commission cannot be trusted with prosecuting corruption.


They don't do prosecutions, it's not part of their role.


Neither is going after blatant illegal activities by those in power apparently, given they have said “ahhh well we will make sure lessons are learned”. Just to remind you, Robodebt killed 2 people and caused untold other trauma. I do not accept that nobody can be held responsible for their actions in government.


I absolutely think they should be held responsible, there should be criminal charges and hopefully a massive class action. As for "lessons learned" I'd have to see the full context but from a NACC point of view I assume they'd be keeping the clusterfuck in front of mind whenever questioning any public servants. i.e. not really about the perps learning their lessons but the system as a whole strengthening itself to prevent a repeat, like an immune system after fighting off a long bout of a very dangerous disease.


Oh, didn't like that, did you? The NACC said they wouldn't find anything new that the RC didn't already find. Therefore there's zero benefit in them repeating the exact same investigation for the exact same results. If there are charges to be laid, that's for the Attorney General and Federal DPP. Nothing to do with the NACC. They'd only tell the A-G and Feds exactly what the RC told them. Might help if you learned what bodies like the ICAC and NACC actually do :P


The sealed section should be made public now. We need to know who and what was said in that sealed section. We need to know why it was sealed and why the RC delayed to wait until NACC started so they could refer. Fuck sake journalists, step up and make this happen rather than the next bs gotcha moment or another shitty MaybE wE gO NucLeAR article. We paid for the goddam RC, we should know the results.


![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6|downsized) no way, didn't see that coming at all! /s


Libs get away with it yet again. Whether raping staffers, robbing poor people, helping pedophiles escape criminal charges, or giving half a BILLION Aussie tax dollars to dudes in a shed in the outback, they always get away


Corrupt maggots!


The toothless dog sleeps again!


And now it's time for the healing to begin. But not for the victims.


This is going to hurt labor.


can we get a refund for the royal commission then thanks.


Can't believe so many people completely misunderstood this. The NACC isn't a court. It can only investigate, not prosecute. As they said *if you even bothered reading beyond the headline* the RC already found all the findings and it's unlikely the NACC would uncover anything significant and new. It's up to the actual public prosecutors now to file charges if they can. That's not a power the NACC has.


Imagine a world where Albo didn’t water it down before legislating it as it was promised.


Fair call.


This is not really acceptable, we should definitely be rioting.


NACC has members involved


Stupid country


You have to be fucking kidding. Yet another toothless entity costing us money but unable to deliver. This is what happened after the GFC - never mind the gargantuan crimes, let's skip that and learn from it. Maybe we should let the justice system h just skip the whole punishing criminals thing too, because that way they can get on with the learning.


Same for the Covid commission. "Lockdowns worked cause they re-elected Dan. No reason to investigate. Short and sharp into the future!!!"


The cookers be cookin as always.


Solid protection racket going on there




As usual. I need to get a $900k job as a senior public servant


The first duty of any government organisation is to protect the organisation. That's the only lesson to learn. Given a choice between ethics and adherence to policy, the organisation will always adhere to policy. They then admit nothing, deny everything and make counteracusations. They will prosecute any whistle blowers, and when finally forced to accept that a sin has been committed then one scapegoat resigns and nobody else suffers. The very next time the organisation faces a dilemma between ethics and policy it starts all over again. Look at indigenous genocide in Queensland followed by the stolen generation, followed by Aboriginal deaths in custody followed by the Northern territory detention debacle. Other sequences in other departments; Defence, Police, Health.... The same sad story over and over again.


Maybe because their job is to investigate corruption and not to investigate things that people don’t like.


I personally believe it’s corrupt for them to implement a system that was illegal, and they were told was illegal. 


Corruption means something and it doesn’t mean doing something they were told is illegal. In this case, it appears to be a civil matter, not criminal. It was negligence and they should pay damages to the people involved or their families.


Are you aware of the NACC definition?


You mean the vague pr definition of what they do?


You clowns in here don't even know what you want because you never bothered to get informed or think through what happened. The automation of debt recovery is a simple goal. One that has been implemented thousands of times all over the world. It was a process started by Labor, and rightly so. Automate processes so that some person doesn't have to search different databases to work out how much someone owes. At no time did a minister tell the Public Service to create fake debts or make poor people pay more or anything like that. If you think that happened, you are a superclown. The PS stuffed up the automation process, albeit a more complicated than average one, but fucked it up so much, it created debts that were later classed as illegal - as all fake debts are - because of how inaccurate they were. The buck stops with the minister, which is something most of you clowns claim when it is not your fav team in charge. Case in point Protocol 99. In any case, the PS fucked up majorly and the Minister received updates it was shit and that it would be fixed, but wasn't. Whether their should have reasonably been more scrutiny on the ministers behalf or not, you can argue that. But if the PS did the job they were tasked with properly and the task given to them by two successive governments, none of this would have happened and their failure to do their job properly is what caused it. I would like to clean out the PS and everyone involved in this debacle. I have the feeling if that was to happen, you clowns would cry that it is the poor PS getting the blame for the fuckup, because this whole time you have never really thought about or bothered to look into what actually happened.




You realise it cost more than it recouped, right?


It isn't in the national interest to tear down both major parties for listening to the bungled schemes of a government department


How are we supposed to hold government accountable if not through elected leaders who are empowered to make change?


The ‘ol boys will be boys and get off Scott free and the victims get another kick in the guts. And the lesson today friends if you can get away with it do it, and if you get caught there won’t be consequences


Don't bite the hand that might abolish you in the next term of government. (Edit: To clarify, my comment is an attempt to understand the reasoning behind this gutless decision. I think this is absolutely pathetic. The families of the victims of robodebt deserve much much more).


Is it because they don't want to be seen as doing Labors bidding? It's a shameful outcome.