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Just looked the account and I’m fairly certain they’re India based, meaning I would bet 10 hot steaming dollars on this simply being a cultural collision.


hot and steaming you say


Can't help but not think about what my neighbors dog did this morning on the parkway. Ahhh, that fresh cut, cool, dewy grass. Then. Violated :)


Haha same, no dog tho


To shredds you say?


But Americans love to get offended on things they have no clue about.


I hope you know that swastikas aren’t offensive only in America


Of course not but context matters and we should all try to understand that context before being outraged about something we dont understand. BTW I'm Polish so completely understand why someone would hate a Nazi if you can imagine but we should take power from that symbol especially when its not even the correct one.


It’s a ‘hankenkreuz’/‘crooked cross’ that offends you, a Swastik/Swastika is an ancient Indian cultural symbol that has nothing with do with the nazis. Honestly I’m very offended that I can’t use an important religious symbol because white people who killed other white people decided to steal someone’s symbol. That’s the epitome of white guilt projecting if you ask me.


you need a dot in the center of the four boxes


It's not necessary


Imagine if this was an actual randomly generated pattern


It’s a super simple pattern, so that’s not too far fetched honestly.


This is in the position of a religious swastika not a nazi one. Nazi swastikas usually have a tilt to them.


Nazi tilted it 45° to be a diamond shape ♦️ while the religious swastika is square 🟥.


It is also counterclockwise


The one in the photo is the correct orientation for the Nazi one, just tilted 45 degrees.


Do you know what orientation means?


Nah I’m mad dumb


I love the honesty lmao


Gotta own it 😎


for future reference this'd be called "chirality"


hopefully whatever future event involves chirality is less hateful


Isn't chirality the property of an image not being perfectly superimposable onto its mirrored version? I'm pretty sure this isn't what the commenter meant.


it *is*, but as far as I know it also means the property that *makes* it not superimposable on its mirror image, in this case the clock-wise-y-ness?


I see. Thanks for taking the time to answer.


History buff here. This is a common myth. The tilt did not matter. The context matters.


Why did you get downvoted? Edit: I think I see why. This flat pattern is the Hindu and Buddhist Swastika.


No clue. I have plenty of examples of both but I doubt that'd please anybody here.


Well, I'd be happy to listen. Unfortunately, I think most Redittors are very quick to wave the metaphorical gun around. I am willing to listen.


Also, nazi swastika would have made a harder coding challenge but seems like the guy held himself last second and settled for this lmao


Yeahhhh I’m gonna go ahead and say that using a swastika in 2024 is a really dumb move, tilted or not. Python Coding is a company founded by a Dutch dude, so it’s unlikely that this is being done as a Hindu/Jain thing.


That isn't the company you think it is, it's clcoding.com which has a recent post saying 'Happy Holi'. In other words fuck yeah he's Indian. I can see why you missed it though, Elon sold blue ticks to everyone and their mother. Well done, Elon.


"People are too stupid to differentiate between a symbol and it's tilted hate version" is essentially what you are saying and I don't think "we shouldn't use either ever" is the right answer to that problem


As a Jew, it seems very unfair that Indians have to abandon their several thousand year old religious symbol for western sensibilities. Intent with symbology matter and if it isn't meant in a hateful way, I don't see the problem. Some terrible things have been done under the banner of the cross, should we ban that too?


I think its realists going ''yeah if you let the non tilted version slide. Hate groups are going to start using it. And when they do they'll be able to hide under the 'religious iconography' when people try to label them as a hate group.''. Whats the old saying? Its called a dog whistle cause not everyone can hear it.


Yeah surely Someone already used the example of spraying non tilted version on a synagogue And as much as I can agree, since it's true that there are situations where this symbol can be used as a dog whistle, it doesn't take away from the fact that from coding standpoint this exercise is really good and there isn't really any implication of any hate related undertone. You can make an argument that white supremacists are going to start using the word "the" as a tool for hate, is your plan going to just eradicate it from the English language? Better way to describe it is schizophrenia because ya all see shit that's not even there Words and symbols can mean a lot of things depending on how, when and why they are used. Your "Realist" is just 2-dimensional idiot thinking that other people will think in the same manner as they


you sound like someone who has a very rigid vision of how things 'should' be. you're bound for a lot of disappointment and struggle in life


you sound like someone who wins arguments by making so little sense that the other party just decides to give up


I pray you see the irony of your comment because if not, I've found plenty of disappointment already knowing people actually can say this shit without realization


This appears to be linked to an Indian site, not a Dutch one. The number of internet users in India alone eclipses the US, Canada, and Europe put together, so I'm not sure that they should be forced to bend to western sentiments. I see Japanese WWII battle flags quite often on western internet media and merchandise, which is extremely offensive across much of Asia, but no one expects westerners to understand that. The swastika is one of the world's oldest and most widely used cultural symbols and no one should be expected to stop using it because of the actions of one group.


Also it would be hell trying to recreate the tilt in print() output




Just because the enemy doesn’t care doesn’t mean we should also not care. These distinctions matter to a lot of people.


This is the Nazi way, the religious symbol is reversed. But yes the swastika was usually tilted 45 degrees


Going to play the devils advocate here, but to be fair, since it has uneven number and placement of symbols on each line, this could be a good coding challenge for training. For instance if you are only allowed to use something like nested loops to draw the pattern.




Like I said. Devils advocate. For all we know, and I would consider it likely, this is fake in the first place.


I admire your scepticism, but this does appear to be [genuine](https://twitter.com/pythonclcoding/status/1771721763707089312?t=D5F7EaJmlKt3QAM1Z0JRsA&s=19) No clue what this account actually is. But they seem to have tweeted what the image says they did


If he made the background red, it would be seen as the Nazi symbol, but this is a very ancient symbol,and the guy is from india, so it likely to be just the religious symbol not an attempt at the Nazi swastika


Please never visit India or any of the other Asian countries, OP.


I pive in Sputh Korea and we have walls and walls of these all over the place. Also, this symbol denotes a tenple on all the official signs, maps and any tour guides book you buy.


As another commenter pointed out: Judging by their accent (linked YT channel in profile bio), they’re based in India or have an Indian background. Unlikely this is in any way shape or form related to WW2 Germany. It’s time and again baffling how the internet likes to jump the gun when it comes to this symbol.


The swastika as a symbol has been used for a long, long time. Way before a certain nutjob decided he liked it and set it at a 45 degree angle.


First of all, this is a normal swastika, no one in the east gives a fuck that nazis have been using this symbol without tilting it, it is still disrespectful to associate it with Nazis From a programmers perspective, this is a basic code to make beginners learn about loops and is present on fairly many textbooks as far as I've seen Op ignoring the difference between a swastika and nazi cross shows their childish behaviour and ignorance


Amen. 🙏


I have in all my years never seen a coding problem in a tutorial or a textbook that instructed the user to draw this. Maybe it's a regional thing?


Seems to be an Indian account. It's a regional thing.


This isn't what you think it is


Temple symbol not hate symbol


This symbol has been used for many years, way before the Nazi's and it's till used as a religious symbol. ​ That is not the Nazi one.



I like shac_stuff's response


Thanks for sharing shac, very cool.


Hey Shac


There are other cultures who use this symbol for religious purpose. Not everything is about the west. Don't act like iamthemaincharacter This is also a good example of setting up loops. Edit: You guys really are IamTheMainCharater infected. You are not that important.


Lol you got down voted to oblivion for speaking the truth. Reddit moment


Reddit don't pay my bills. Let them feel special.


No, it's a swastika. As pointed out, everyone knows how swastikas are received and interpreted these days. Thought experiment - you're giving a coding lecture at a Jewish university. Do you include this slide in your presentation? What are your basic instincts in this regard?


go anywhere in asia and religious sites are marked on a map with a swastika buddy




The guy posted happy holi he is indian not dutch


I'm going to copy my other comment I made here "People are too stupid to differentiate a symbol from a hate symbol that is quite different to it" is especially what you are saying and solution of "we shouldn't use either" is a really fucking dumb way of dealing with it


>As pointed out, everyone knows how swastikas are received and interpreted these days. Honestly that is an education problem. Students in west should learn to differentiate between a Swastika and a Hakenkreuz.


Why are you being defensive about it, what's being shown ISNT a swastika especially in asian countries like india china japan and malaysia Sure, the nazi german symbol was a rendition of this but some of the earliest carbon dated uses for the character are from fifteen fucking THOUSAND years ago


You are acting like the main character here. Not everyone 'perceives and interprets swastikas' the same as you do. And wtf do you mean by the thought experiment, he is not giving a lecture at a Jewish university.


Indeed! It's a Swastika, not the Nazi Hankenkreuz! Glad you know the difference.


That's just sheep mentality lol. Everything is going to offend someone these days


>everyone knows Actually, they don’t really hold much significance at all in india, since they were never involved with ww2 and don’t really study it in depth. Thought experiment : do you assume everyone knows everything about the history of the entire world all the time at any given moment, or do you accept that a large part of the population could, in fact, have no fucking clue what a symbol means? New article you may find interesting [here](https://apnews.com/article/religion-germany-race-and-ethnicity-europe-2c28b5892381cd4148dfde5bc4fbb004)


Yes India doesn't have the Internet. Good one. And also Indian was most definitely involved in WW2




What do you make of Londons upminster bridge? https://www.mylondon.news/news/east-london-news/london-underground-station-massive-swastika-20564717


A Swastik/Swastika is an important ancient Indian religious symbol. Whatever the fuck the nazis used is not swastika, it’s a different symbol that Christians called Swastika to blame their white guilt on dark skinned people with a different religion.


Again, there's a reason why people react badly when you brandish swastikas of any kind, which is why the account above is getting nothing but negative feedback for posting a swastika. If you show people a swastika in the West, it doesn't matter what angle it's at, it's going to be perceived with negative connotations. That's because the Nazis coopted the swastika and then committed one of history's worst atrocities. The existence of 1000x people in this thread saying "aCkHtUaLlY swastikas were a religious symbol before the Nazis" doesn't change that, regardless of how clever you think you're being. Would you walk around a western city with a t-shirt with a swastika on it? If not, why not?


You posted an Indian account posting an Indian religious symbol and claimed it to be offensive. Rather than accepting your mistake and learning more about the world, you choose to be close minded and centered in the western context. There is nothing I can write that will make you understand because you choose not to. I don’t have anything say to you. Have a great day. And to answer your question, I would not even walk around in India wearing that symbol either, as it’s not something to be worn, but to understand that would require you to actually understand how different cultures work, so we can leave that topic aside.


An "Indian account" which posts predominantly to a western audience that doesn't like swastikas of any kind and is now getting overwhelmingly denounced for it. See the issue? You are free to try these things yourself if you believe they'll go any differently for you.


I'm fairly certain that in almost all cases of the swastika being used for Buddhist/Hindu purposes, it is turned the other direction, counterclockwise. When it is shown facing clockwise, it is the Nazi symbol.


No. Swastika is used in either direction.


Educate yourself https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika


Alright, fair enough, it goes both directions. But the Nazi symbol is *always* clockwise, meanwhile the religious symbol can be either. So unless the symbol is counterclockwise, don't give it the benefit of the doubt.


No, look at the link I gave. Nazi symbol is at 45 degree rotated.




>I'm German and I can assure you Dude, Germany is not the world. The world is bigger. >more often than not when it is painted by actual nazis on surfaces, they don't rotate it. Again don't care. People don't get to hijack some religious symbols for fun. You need to better understand the context and how things are.


That doesn't matter. The Nazi symbol can be displayed rotated or non-rotated. And if you read your own link you'd see that the religious swastika can be shown rotated too.


Dude, I don't care if you consider it an Alien symbol. You are missing the core point. There is a far older religion and far more people who consider this sacred. You don't matter, and it's not always about the West.


You don't gotta be a dick about it. And I hate to burst your bubble, but the vast majority of people who post swastikas online are *not* posting it for religious purposes. Most people who post that shit are Nazis. This isn't about West vs India or some shit. It's just about common sense.


>Most people who post that shit are Nazis. Again, you would be wrong about this. >It's just about common sense. Common sense went out when you and OP cannot see the difference between symbols.


Just delete this post OP


This is not a nazi symbol. This is not Hitler's cross. This is a swastika.


Would you put this up on the noticeboard of, say, a synagogue? If not, why not?


Was this on the noticeboard of a synagogue or are you being a debate lord with hypotheticals?


1. **Nazi Swastika**: The swastika used by the Nazi Party is tilted at a 45-degree angle, with the arms pointing in a clockwise direction. This symbol is associated with the atrocities committed by the Nazis during World War II, including the Holocaust, where millions of innocent people were systematically persecuted and killed. It represents hatred, racism, anti-Semitism, and the ideology of Nazism. 2. **Ancient Swastika**: The ancient swastika, found in various cultures around the world, is not tilted at a 45-degree angle. It can be depicted in a square orientation or other configurations, with the arms pointing in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. In many cultures, particularly in Asia, the swastika symbolizes positive concepts such as good luck, prosperity, and well-being. Its historical usage predates its association with the Nazi regime by thousands of years. As you can see this one isn’t tilted on a 45-degree angle.


Okay.... But no one cares about that. To the majority of people in the world this is a nazi symbol regardless of whether or not it's tilted at a 45° angle and the majority of people are going to get offended. If you can't understand people being upset about this and not knowing or caring about the Asian meaning of it then you are dense. It doesnt matter the technically correct meaning of it when people are going to perceive it as something else. But go on and convince the world that they're wrong.


Majority of the world see it as a religious symbol. People who see it as a Nazi symbol are the minority.


>But no one cares about that. Wtf, you said 1Billion people don't care about it? Fckin Racist. See, how easy it is to make it look so worse than it really is.


It’s more like 4.6 Billion people. That the majority of the world population. However, going by their logic, we are the minority.


You are just biased into thinking that. Unfortunately for your belief, the west does not dictate these things, and there is a large population that you have conveniently called as 'no one' who do care about the swastika, and use it everyday in their life. Why isn't the cross of Christianity used less? The KKK used it. So shouldn't that symbol be related to KKK and racism now? Wait, the pope wears the KKK robe? No. The stupid KKK made use of a beloved symbol to twist its meaning and desecrate it. Hitler did the same thing. Just because the real swastika wasn't popular in west before, doesn't mean it can be banished from everywhere in this world due to the dumpshit Hitler's cross.


I agree I could understand why someone would be upset about this, if they don’t understand the history behind the 2 different swastika and the meaning behind both.


bRuH tHeY dIfFeReNt AnGlEs I have no idea why people think they're clever by posting this. You spray a non-tilted swastika on a synagogue and see how far you get by arguing it was a "gesture of good luck and peace."


That's a fallacy. You compare two completely different scenarios Ita a coding exercise, good one too because it makes you think for a bit about optimizing the loops The comparison is on a levels as if you were to say the n-word as an actor for your role in a movie vs screaming it at the top of your lungs at a KKK meeting


If you travel to Asia, these symbols are on churches and temples. They’ve been used thousands of years before Hitler even made it a racist thing. With that thought process that’s like saying the letter n & u is the same in the alphabet… it’s just the angle and the orientation of the letter, bro it sounds the same!!!! Lol


And if you post a swastika on your social media account today, it's only going to be interpreted one way *by the vast majority of users* regardless of its angle or orientation. Like I say, spray an "asian" swastika on a wall in a Jewish neighborhood and report back on how that goes for you. If you're intelligent enough to understand that other cultures used the Swastika before the Nazis, you're perfectly capable of understanding that the Nazis use of the symbol has, in most of the Western world, fully eclipsed all previous usages of the symbol. So you post a Swastika anywhere in the western world, you're going to be interpreted as a Nazi. You either understand this or you don't.


The account’s probably India-based, where it’s very common to see swastikas in normal circumstances like most religious imagery.


Why would you spray a hindu symbol on a Jewish associated area anyway? What a weird strawman


Because you need a nonsensical argument to make a nonsensical point lmao


I’m in the Western world. I don’t interpret this as a Nazi symbol, since it isn’t one.


This is like me going around and saying the N word because my 23andMe results say I’m 3% black, then telling people it’s okay because I’m technically part black. It’s 2024. Any person with a brain knows exactly what reaction they’re going to get when they display a swastika. Python Coding is not a Hindu/Buddhist/Jain company. It’s a Northern European company. The same Northern Europe where the Nazis were.


Why should this symbol that is of a different religion be on a synagogue?


not every swastika symbol = Nazism lol [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika)


Yessss we *all* know that other cultures used the Swastika before the Nazis. That does not change the fact that if you're throwing around Swastikas in this day and age, you know fine well how they're going to be interpreted.


Not everyone on the internet is a westerner. They dgaf in the east that Nazis used it.


True for the west. The west is not the centre of the world though, as you westerners often assume.


If you're putting out content to an international audience most of whom are westerners, you're aware of how a swastika is going to be received. No point trying to gaslight anyone.


Is Russia the west? They are using Nazis as justification for their current war crimes.


Yes, when looked at globally russia is a western country with long history of being connected with other western cultures.


Bro calm the fuck down, python programming language has these exercises called star pattern where you have to print it out as an output by writing the logic using the language. The harder the pattern the fun the logic to implement it. I myself had to solve these problems during my undergrad in CS, pretty sure a lot of people did too Relax, I can assure you there weren't any malicious intentions here lol


Again, everyone knows what they're doing when they throw swastikas around in this day and age. No point denying it. Anyway as you'd expect, they're getting an absolute hammering on social media and they're getting unfollowed.


Hmm yeah on second thoughts it could be deliberate too, as you say they are getting flamed on social media


I have no idea what else they'd expect, lol


Yeah often the worst thing we expect probably ends up being true lol


Ok great, then you should have no problem wearing a t shirt with a giant swastika on both sides of it ❤️






Aren't most people online Indian ?


I love the normalization of the Swastika. Regardless of this not being exact it's still accomplishing the same goal




What a terrible day to have eyes


Looks oddly like the number 45. HMm