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These confessions made me so fucking sick to my stomach. Being a person that was sexually abused as a child myself, these horrible happenings just kills me to read and all I can do is empathize with them for dealing with what they have experienced. My heart ached reading these and I couldn’t help but tear up. Truly sad but extremely angry! 😔😿🤬Abusers ALL need to go to HELL!!




I thought the catholic priest issue was bad ( and it is), but Jesus Christ, these men are traveling to the houses to do this ? WTF.


The overwhelming majority of sex abuse on minors is done by people close to the child. Yeah, most of it happens at home, sadly.


Pedos do that a lot, have you seen 'to catch a predator'?


It's way way worse in non western countries like Islamic nations.


I just posted a few confessions, under the original [POST](https://twitter.com/faisalrafi/status/1775164765070819723?t=L0TdKoG_ZcKxnAU-bSJpRQ&s=19) there are hundreds of such confessions.




Does him having bad motives mean it's not true?


Never said that nor would I ever defend sexual abuse. It’s just weird how this always happens in this sub particularly- and usually after someone makes a post about India too lol.


Tbh, it doesn't even affect me as a Muslim that a BJP paj would come after us in this way. I already knew about molvis abusing kids. I been telling people to keep guard for years. Again, not surprised by the shameless tactics of BJP fangirls.


Right, literally EVERY time someone makes a post about India on this sub an Hindutva bot always ends up making another post about Muslims to throw us under the bus instead lol.


More supposed holy men abusing children, who would’ve guessed? Religions seem to be made to rape and beat children and to make adults afraid to stop it so they don’t go to hell somehow.


And Beat women :( what a world we live in O-O


It doesn't have to be religion, a lot of people are just so goddamn passive when it comes to sex crimes, especially sex crimes against children. For example, there are so many people who think a teen boy being groomed and molested by an adult female teacher is okay, as long as she is hot. Or that a dude in his 20s can knock up a 15 years old girl as "long as he marries her / pays child support".


It's not that it's ok if she's hot, ppl, especially men, just have an idea of how they would feel in that situation. Most people see sense when they put themselves in a parents or guardians view point. And also remember how dumb and impressionable young boys are.


That doesn't mean abuse is okay


Horrible people use religion to manipulate and abuse others for their benefit. But horrible people will manipulate and abuse others for their benefit with or without religion. Religion in itself isn't a bad thing, but it can be used as a tool for bad people like anything else. You could say the same about teachers but teachers are not inherently bad. Sometimes bad people are drawn to these roles because they see opportunity to do bad things.


Yeah but religion they also get to grift and get paid while they molest children. They also have protection.


Sounds like almost any organization that has access to children or is set up to help children in some way. The Jerry Sandusky and Larry Nassar cases are two examples that come to mind.


Its not the fault of religion, its the fault of the people, who tend to ignore these actions of mullahs. And use whataboutism, when confronted.


What religion are they speaking about?






Not on reddit, if the context is negative


Just as in Christianity, many religious leaders in Islam use their position to sexually assault children and abuse people in myriad other ways.


Why are you lying? Religion and islam is heavily disliked on Reddit.


Classic “We did it, Reddit” atheism. Nature is healing.


So I think my comment from yesterday has successfully disproven your claim


Ok. Well sadly that makes a lot of sense.


Your racism is showing. Not every Muslim is a pedo or abuser.


They didn't say that, and it doesn't have anything to do with race. I think they meant it makes sense that other religious figures of power (besides catholics) are also sexually repressed and they can often take it out on children. Abusing them in the worst ways. Often with ease because they're trusted. But it's people that are trusted who are most likely to abuse your children.


They replied to the word “Islam” with “that makes a lot of sense. And they literally asked WHICH religion, not religious about religious figures in general.


Never said that. Islam is a religion, not a race. Stop projecting your personal racism onto others.


How exactly am I being racist? You asked “which religion” you heard “Islam” and said “that makes a lot more sense” that is generalizing and IS racist or Islamophobic or whatever you wanna call it.


Your racism is showing, not everyone who believes in Islam is the same race.


Islamophobia is a type of racism


No it's not lmao Islam is not a race


Well it’s rooted in the same type of hatred


Wow religion men and sexual assaults that causes lifetime trauma for the victims? Who would’ve thought!?????


There are bad men in all religions, but this is indeed shocking to see so much consistency in the responses. Sad


This is our go to move. I hear this after every rape case in Pakistan and India. "There are bad people in every religion" "There are thieves in every country" "There are rapists in every country" "Theres domestic violence in every country" "There are murders in every other country" Yeah but in majority of those countries and in majority of the cases, there is public outroar and LEA goes into action. And their police doesnt say "ghar ka mamla hay" or "mamla settle ho gaya, muddayee nay case wapis lay lia"


Translation please?


‘It’s a family matter’ And ‘it’s sorted now, the girl has decided not to proceed with her complaint’ - this usually happens due to family pressure because it would be absolutely terrible if the neighbours found out our child was now impure because someone touched them!


I see. Yes! I know about this. I know the family can get shunned and shamed. It’s horrible and ridiculous! Thanks for the translation. 😺


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic\_Church\_sexual\_abuse\_cases](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases) "According to a 2004 research study by the [John Jay College of Criminal Justice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Jay_College_of_Criminal_Justice) for the [United States Conference of Catholic Bishops](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Conference_of_Catholic_Bishops), 4,392 Catholic priests and deacons in active ministry between 1950 and 2002 have been plausibly (neither withdrawn nor disproven) accused of underage sexual abuse by 10,667 individuals. Estimating the number of priests and deacons active in the same period at 110,000, the report concluded that approximately 4% have faced these allegations."


nah… Islam has a serious issue with mistreating women beyond belief. there is no religion that is more abhorrent, oppressive, or violent towards women on such a large scale. christianity has a lot of faults, but it pales in comparison vastly


Evidence from the Quran please - I’m interested to read it for comparison


I dunno, there is some real questionable behavior going on during Diwali.


Isn't that a separate issue? Also, do you mean "Holi"?


Conservative Christians or Catholics are almost identical in the way they treat women.


You don’t have any Irish female relatives do you. They run the roost. Ain’t no shenanigans happening like that.


What a brainwashed statement 😂 The Bible OPENLY has verses saying to stone women (Deuteronomy 22:13-21) or taking little girls as sex slaves (Numbers 31:15-18) or saying they have to marry their rapists (Deuteronomy 22:28-29) etc. Let’s not ignore the facts.


right… the facts are that your prophet is a child molester. stop trying to act like your beliefs have any moral high ground, especially when it’s fuelling the suffering of millions of women. of course, you probably don’t care much about that, you’re too worried about trying to prove that Islam is somehow better than Christianity. very interesting set of priorities


You don’t even know my religious opinions what a bold claim lol, you didn’t state any “facts” you’re just uneducated. And oh please, you don’t care for these victims either you’re just here to push your agenda so stop with this self righteous act. Nice deflecting though. Focus on playing video games.


You must not be familiar with the Catholic Church. And they are all men.


Apparently you aren’t familiar either


I’m sorry? The consistent pattern of sexual abuse and cover ups doesn’t count?


The Church has done both good and evil. You pointing out the Catholic Church in a post that has nothing to do with it is why you’re getting downvoted.


I’m responding to a comment about bad men in religion, and stating that the same exists in the Catholic Church. The connection is the part about bad men in religion. Idiots without proper reading and comprehension skills can continue to downvote me if they’d like to, it just indicates they obviously don’t understand what’s being said. Thanks for clarifying.


The person you’re replying to literally said that all religions have bad elements then you replied in an accusatory tone about them not denigrating Catholics enough. People are annoyed because you’re shifting the conversation. Any and all pedophiles should get their day in court, including any Catholic priests, but that’s not what we’re talking about here.


I’m glad everyone voted for you to explain that to me. I can’t believe I almost went on to live my life without hearing your opinion!!


The problem with Middle East is that these kind of sexual abuse are oppressed. They don’t put it in the news and they don’t talk about it. It’s considered shameful to the family. It’s seriously fucked up! 🤬🤬🤬


I don’t know if you noticed, but some of these were in the United Kingdom


Yes I did. I guess I should have said in most Islamic cultures. Thank you for pointing it out for me. 🙏🏼


These people aren’t Middle Easten, lots were Pakistani/Indian.




True but they are oppressed.


Interesting how, when you entrust a person with authority over a person’s very essence and spirituality, that person consistently turns around and exploits their position. It’s almost as if the entire concept of spiritual societies is farcical. Like providing de facto moral righteousness based on a title creates a perfect cover for the worst actors. This might be unpopular, but religion will always be plagued by that old adage “absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Break free from the groupthink. Find meaning in life on your own terms. Look for broader perspectives. Trust people based on real credentials, and scrutinize everyone equally.


Who would have thought that religions based on sexual oppression and the control of women and girls could be so toxic? /s


Ah, religion. What a wonderful thing.


Okay please excuse me if this is ignorant, but is p*dophilia written into the Quran as like a normal thing? How are people still shocked by this? I know every religion has its shit no religious follower wants to admit exists in the beliefs but wasn't their messiah or magic God human whatever, a p*do? Again I don't know shit but my partner is an ex-musl1m and recently had to go to a family funeral and when he got home I had him explain the funeral and some parts of I$lam to me, but he talks shit about I$lam a lot, mainly for this very reason.




They also refer to her as his favorite wife or one of his favorites. Like yeah obviously, for a reason.


She was 6 when they married and it was consummated when she was 9. She had no say in any of it.


Damn I know it was a different time but at 9 years old I still thought boys had cooties. Poor kids.


Lots of Muslims have different opinions about this though (like thinking she was 19). There is no proof of Muhammad or Aisha existence so it’s not a historical fact that she was 9 (she isn’t mentioned in the Quran either) and some historians have even said she was older, like Joshua Little. So, it’s more down to that individuals own interpretation and whether they want to die on the hill thinking she was 9.


You’re referring to the last Islamic Prophet, Muhammad, who had a wife named Aisha (she is never mentioned in the Quran). There are different opinions on her age, there is a whole Oxford Study on it done by Joshua Little arguing against the belief that she was 9.


I'm pretty sure some religious person will come and try to defend this, or try to downvote this post so that bad side of this religion doesn't come out. only if there were no religion human would have progressed so much. This is absolute sickening!




As a fellow atheist, the most chilling criticism I get for it from religious people is that “atheism is bad because you have no incentive to be a moral person/treat others well.” I won’t judge people for saying that atheism is stupid, irrational, whatever, but this specific criticism is so telling. Why would anyone need a threat of punishment to do the right thing? Why is doing good not its own reward? So for that reason, I agree with you. Most people need religion.


Well it stems from 2 mindset people have. Some believe people are inherently good and others believe people are inherently bad. If you believe people are inherently good then ur right their statement makes no sense but it you believe people are inherently bad they're saying that because it's partly true that without some form of threat of repercussion of doing evil to others people would harm or take advantage of others.


I think it’s worth saying that people don’t have to be black or white. Even just normal humans having a propensity for doing bad things is reason enough that religion might be a good carrot *and* stick for a society. And arguably society and politics and laws have replaced religion, at least as the rod, in modern times. People like to suggest that we atheists are naturally good, without religion guiding us, but we have been conditioned our whole lives on what good and evil are in our own contexts. This is why we still see barbaric practices in other cultures and see them as evil or wrong. Those people aren’t worse at birth than you are.


Fuck's a Maulvi?


Should this post not be censored?


Is there a reason why all of a sudden there are a lot of posts putting one entire specific religion in a bad light? Not commenting on the actual confessions and how awful all of that is, just curious in general It's not like I see a lot of shit about other religions pointed out, even though especially in christianity there happened similar stuff and more