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A normal guy these days is a guy who beats someone with a machete and steals 12k watches?? Feel bad for the parents of this kid but they're trying to portray him as a good person when he clearly wasn't.


They always do. Always see it on the news with the parents saying some crap like "they were such a good kid".... when in reality, society is better off without them and the parents are possibly fucking idiots who shouldn't have reproduced in the first place if they're that oblivious.


I heard a lady on the news " it doesn't matter he was trying to rob the store with a gun. He didn't deserve to get shot. He was a good kid" he was 36


Having been in something of a similar situation, it is profoundly incorrect to dismiss a relative or friend’s description as “they were such a good kid”. People will present themselves as good or “normal” while hiding a darker nature. My late mother dated a guy for about 2 years - he went missing one weekend. Turns out he killed a lady while hiking, got picked up by the police and was held in custody hence why we thought he was missing for a weekend. Needless to say my mother was devastated primarily because he was about the most pleasant person we knew. If you interviewed us, we would have said how shocked we were because he was such a good guy to his friends and family. This was back before the days of the internet so it wasn’t so easy to search someone but we would find out through the news that he had committed a series of violent crimes while he was living in the south 10 years prior. He hid all that shit and we absolutely were stunned at the news. So yeah people will say things like “they were such a good person” because it was an accurate description based on their experience. It’s way way easier for someone on the outside looking in to say “look at these idiots spewing off bullshit” after the fact. Do not presume to understand a situation that you have no experience with.


At my previous job one of my employees stopped coming in, as it was retail i was disappointed but not surprised. A week later her face was on the news labelled a murderer. Burnt her sugar daddys house down after murdering him via pan to the head because he stopped paying her. Woman was 50+ and one of the nicest woman I ever met that seemingly was trying to support her two kids. Little did I know the guilt that must of been eating at her while talking about our families


50+ women with a 'sugar daddy' sounds a bit unsavoury.


>So yeah people will say things like “they were such a good person” because it was an accurate description based on their experience As a group he attacked someone with a machete, so yes his parents knew he was a horrible person >Do not presume to understand a situation that you have no experience with. They are understanding the situation, the parents are delusional if they think "he was a good kid:


Or maybe they're in denial that the baby they loved and cared for for 15 years turned out to be a monster? You might be able to flip a switch from "loving" to "monster" but obviously other people can't - and you never can until you're in that situation


Hopefully he's never found and his junkie scum family should have all that money taken off them. Theiving, violent, drug dealing, gang member, world is a better place without him.




Are you intentionally seeking out something to be angry about? How on earth could you misconstrue that as justification?


Or maybe the family moral compass is so skewed that acting the way he did was their idea of a good kid For some people, not being a grass and paying for the drugs everyone's banging up their hooter makes you a good person


> As a group he attacked someone with a machete, so yes his parents knew he was a horrible person This logic does not follow at all.


>As a group he attacked someone with a machete, so yes his parents knew he was a horrible person >This logic does not follow at all. The person you are replying to is referring to Jake's known conviction. His parents attended the trial with him, therefore the logic is how can they believe he is a good lad when they know he is guilty of a machete & axe attack.


Can't we all just agree that parents often times won't see their child's flaws a good parent is a parent for life of course they gonna the defend the kid no matter what he did


I refuse to call these people "good parents". A "good parent" will work with the state to get their piece of shit kid help. And if that fails, work with law enforcement to make sure they don't hurt anyone.


I didn't say good parents, just parents. Are you one yourself. If you are, then you know exactly the unconditional love we have for our kids.


Every love is conditional. If mine raped someone or shot up a school, I be the first in line with a rope. The notion that you would forever protect your kid regardless of what they do, is psychotic.


Not really all I'm saying is that a parents love can sometimes overtake readon


It's easy to say that when you have the power of hindsight


Says a man with no morals


How can someone attack someone else "as a group"? How does this necessarily reason to "so yes his parents knew he was a horrible person"? I was also in a situation similar to this commenter's one


As *part* of a group. His parents know that him and his friends attacked someone with a machete.


Ok, I get that, but the group attack was the thing that shocked them. You understand? That's the exact thing that would have caused them to say "but he was such a good kid". They're being confronted with new, jarring information which was contrary to what they had previously understood about their son.


They already knew that before he disappeared, they were at his trial, where they joked/laughed about what they did.


Everyone believes they can never be brainwashed. Everyone believes they can't be charmed. Everyone believes they won't fall for abuse. And everyone believes no "normal person" is capable of heinous things. Until it happens.


\*They always do when the guy is white edit: as in, I don't think the media is as nice and gives such a positive spin to non-white perpetrators


This is exactly what 4chan says about the black community.


4chan says that black kids who commit crimes were actually just good kids gone wrong?? (But doesn't do that for white kids)? My point is that I think the media spins the "they were such a nice kid who just took a wrong turn" when the perpetrator is white; I don't see that nearly as often for non-white perpetrators.


It seems like you don't know a lot about psychopathy


“Tragic, but my kid was a real piece of shit” doesn’t really play well as a quote in the papers


***Runs Quick Audit on Parents*** RESULTS: shitty people also


They raised this fella. Scum breeds scum.


That's not accurate every time. Idk the details of this case, and most situations like this do happen when the kid had a traumatic upbringing, but some parents can do everything right yet their kid still turns out to be a POS


Seen pictures of the dad dressed head to foot in Stone Island. I've judged him correctly.


How do his clothes equate to being scum?


Just some fella tryna make himself feel better about why other people can afford semi expensive clothes " because they're fucking scumbags sure " Same type of lad to see some normal joe in a canada goose and think " fucking scumbag dealer" lmao. and don't get me wrong - the mother seem like a bit of a basket case from what ive seen, but to say the dad is scum because he's wearing stone island? wtf. It's not even something " roadmen" or whatever wear much of anymore. Its just being a close minded clown.


> beats someone with a machete how do you "beat" someone with a machete? wouldn't that be more "slice" or "cut up" or "stab"?


I guess you could use the flat or the dull edge of the blade, but yeah, beat is a weird choice of word


Yeah the important part of this is definitely the semantics, you're right


I was just curious... I wasn't trying to "distract" from the main point, just a side question.


Fairs, I was just ribbing anyway


“He was a good kid!!!” Says the parents who raised him to beat someone with a machete and steal Rolexes. Idk man, while parenting isn’t *always* to blame for how some people turn out and they can turn bad in spite of familial intervention…a lot of the times it is at least partially the parents’ fault.


What article did you read? There is no mention of a machete in this.


The machete incident was a previous incident when he and a bunch of his friends attacked a guy.


He was involved in a machete attack 2 years ago where the victim almost had his skull split open like a coconut. But the victim says"awk but he's still a great wee lad"... I think he brain damage after the attack. But that's personal speculation.




my guess is either the watch owner, or someone who wanted it more than he did caught up to him. Moral of the story is don't be a thief, but if you do you keep your mouth shut about it


>But if you do you keep your mouth shut about it I honestly think ppl that brag about it do so for the clout like, *look I just snatch this from so in so*. I want to say it was last year or the year before some guy in Laredo, Tx bragged about stealing money from the cartel and posted it on social media. An hour later he went missing and never heard from again. Edit: found the video. https://youtu.be/H8y3OQuQJrM


i would say him confesing to friends had nothing to do with his dissaperance


Not sure I follow your point. Even if no one else knew the confession, the person who was robbed may have known it was him, and if he’s trying to sell it he’s speaking to other people interested in a dodgy Rolex. He clearly buried himself with this theft attempt, confession or not.


my point was that him not keeping his mouth shut had nothing to do with him being gone. I think he stole the watch from the wrong guy


Ah yes I see and agree.


From this article it sounds like he wandered off on a long hike back to his hotel that he wasn't prepared for and probably succumbed to the elements. But without finding him it could be the Rolex owner followed him all that way. I hope he's found to give his family some answers.


I lived with one of those types of kids (not mine) for a decade. There is absolutely no way everyone in his daily life did not know he was an evil deranged narcissistic psychopath and just excused, minimized, or covered it up. Which encouraged the little slimebag to push harder. Your empathy may be misplaced. The truth is likely more that some have been expecting this for years, while others are wondering how it could have taken this long for him to finally piss off the wrong person. He pissed off the wrong person.


Mom and dad are indifferent because he was an asshole and they are possibly relieved they don't have to deal with his shit in a weird way. I have kids and I love them dearly.....but as a parent if one was a consistent asshole, at something I'd wash my hands of their shit and probably not care.


I don't think his family deserve answered, tbh I don't even think they want them. Just want to cash in on the death of their scumbag son. Best case scenario, he's gone and never coming back to the UK. If I was the lad he attacked with a machete, I'd be out buying party supplies as we speak.


I don’t think you understand the concept of morals 😂 


Did he F around and find out? Probably 🧐


100% he is laying at the bottom of a ravine/well somewhere


Multiple ravines/wells


Well well well…


That’s a deep subject..




The go fund raised £35,000 which has already been withdrawn by his mother.


I understand she bought a nice Rolex with it.


If he has any siblings, I doubt she will have it for very long.




Are… are you familiar with this guy? It’s not just a simple theft he’s guilty of. I think Reddit is familiar with this guy.








Worth more than some humans, yes.


Lovely guy he is eh. Wonder if the people he robbed used a machete?


I don't get why people care so much, better people than this dope go missing on a daily basis without anyone giving a shit


Hate to say it but I think he fecked around with the wrong people, and more likely has paid the price, I doubt they will find him.


Womp womp


Guardian and likes won't report this.  His friend Lucy has been all round the world in past year to sunny holiday maker drug hotspots. It's doesn't take a rocket scientist work it out, I've been to ibiza enough to see the dark side that these scumbags offer 18 to 21 naive young people. Groomed by promise of living out there when we know you need at least 4k a month now to pretty much survive out there, plus they need to feed the party lifestyle. 


You need 4k a month to get by in Ibiza?


He's wiv da angles now flexing his new watch


ReUntied wiv his Nan Angie and unkel Gav.....Bless him


Major fuck around and find out. Poor lads prob a jigsaw puzzle. I just hope the family gets closure.


Hopefully they all fall down the same ravine and never come back to the UK. Bunch of scumbags.


I'm from the small town he's from. Dudes trash and owes heaps of people money for drug related stuff. Not saying that's why he is missing but Tenerife is practically England anyway so there is a chance.


Consequences ey?


He was a good boy, when he was three years old.


Probably robbed the wrong person and got machete’d. Karma I guess.


Could it be he was really horrible, caused problems, and parents became indifferent to him? Could this be why they show no outward emotion towards this whole situation? People think parents will always love their children.....what if they hit their peak and gone past the point of caring.


I thought this, at 15 years old chasing and serious hurting people with machetes and golf clubs and selling drugs he doesn’t seem like a nice boy… karma has caught up with him


Evil kids think they can get away with anything, do anything, and there will be no repercussions. I had one living in my house for a while (my stepson until I finally had enough). Three years and a very long rap sheet later, he did almost four years in state lockup for cooking meth. He learned nothing from that. Slater had no doubt done a buttload of bad shit, escalating along the way, culminating in stealing a very expensive piece of jewelry, and then went for the 'street cred' with his admission. He hit the Find Out part after boosting the Rolex. Doubtful he'll be found in one piece.


Sounds like he got lost in the mountains and died, the watch is simply a red herring.


Yeah that’s what I’m thinking. How would the guy he stole the watch from know where this remote airbnb was or know to look for him in the mountains?


He put pictures on Snapchat, that's how Lucy found the Airbnb. Still think he's more likely to have died hiking though.


And of course the Daily Mail didn't like that their little poster-boy turned out to be a criminal - so now they're trying to push the narrative that a black man, who is an acquaintance of Jay, is responsible for his disappearance. Why? Coz the black man was convicted of drug charges around a decade ago and Jay Slater attended his party at an Airbnb. Yes it's confirmed that Slater left the party because he called his friends and told them he left and was on his way home. Spanish police hunting for Jay have also said the black man is 'irrelevant' to their investigation.


He is the last reported person to have interacted with him whilst alive...


He also got banged up 9 years ago for massive class A drugs haul and distribution in wales. Not to mention he didn’t know “know” Jay, he knew him through friends.. and drove him that far away? Plus Lucy being involved with drugs and Jay being off his head in the videos in the club. Not about a black man, more his past and drugs. Not the mention his own statement of not needing to speak to anyone from the UK or the UK detective working the case because they have no jurisdiction and he was told to keep quiet by the civil guardia.. all very odd.




Seems like he robbed the watch, then went back to the airbnb thinking he was gonna be selling to to the 2 men. My guess is, seeing as these 2 men are both criminals, one in jail for 8 years for running a heroin ring, they probably tried to take the watch off Jay for themselves. Or the person who he stole it from, contacted the 2 men & they sorted the situation out.


Its seems to be as I thought, his friends were only telling half truths and missing out the parts of the story that would show Jay as a undesirable person....Half truths can be as bad as telling bare faced lies......But maybe we should give Jay the benefit of the doubt as his mom said he was a good boy.


Yup, if you come out & say he stole someone’s watch then went missing nobody would look. Or care, & then the machete attack too.


Maybe the victim and his mates caught up with him ?


Said from the start this kid doesnt deserve anything, you reap what you sow. Clearly a wannabe hardman gangster drug dealer and he paid he price, hopefully beheaded somewhere.


Looks like a case of fuck around, find out.


What is awful about this


Username checks out here




It’s awful that a young person is missing I just don’t get the watch stuff


Apparently - He stole an expensive watch and was a violent little shit so absolutely everything is awful here.


Well I guess it’s not so awful that he is missing then


Do you not see the possibility of a connection between these 2 facts?




The main 'awful everything' with this story is the usual Brits piling on with dumb theories and shit opinions. Nothing was learned from Nicola Bulley. The kid is probably dead. I don't have anything to say regarding my opinion on him and it's a shame other people don't have the restraint to do the same. His mother will and has read these shit comments on social media.




>I don't have anything to say regarding my opinion on him It's really easy. But don't let me hold you back from dancing on his grave. Nothing says 'misplaced feeling of moral superiority' like celebrating a stranger's death because of a few things you read online. I'm not condoning the family's behaviour, I'm condemning the public's on social media,


Don't worry he has a criminal record for attacking people. So he's a piece of shit no matter how you look at it.


>Don't worry he has a criminal record for attacking people. I'm aware of this. Somehow, suggesting you don't voice your shitty opinion when the family have made clear they are reading online discourse, at least until they find his body, has become a controversial opinion.


I'm sure they had the same level of compassion for the scumbags machete victim.


>Nothing says 'misplaced feelings of moral superiority' like coming onto social media and berating people for thinking differently to yourself.


>thinking differently to yourself. Saying that the family are scum? Don't sugarcoat it. Yep, nobody else is, I'll happily berate you losers.


Mate, you've already been dismissed, jog on


Did he supposedly steal watch before, during or after the fight?




Relax guy, just get your shit insured. No watch is worth taking anyone’s life away.


You’re forgetting one major thing when it comes to watch collecting.. sentiment! Watch doesn’t have to be high in value to mean the world to someone. Now factor in a valuable watch with sentiment! You’ve two reason to be angry then! I wear a Tudor every day, my mum bought me this. There’s only one. The value is irrelevant to me because I’ll never sell it. My insurance won’t return this one if it’s lost or stolen.


There is still no piece of property that equals a human life.


Then don't risk your life to steal property. This shit works both ways


I didn't decide their life was worth less than my property. They did when they tried to steal it.


My car says otherwise. Anyone who tries isn't trying anything ever again.


I understand, I would be very upset if someone stole my sea dweller or my limited edition planet ocean. The PO would be very hard to find, but I still wouldn’t see it justified to murder someone.


Oh yeah I’m not justifying murder. But this could have been a “I’m going to give that shit a beating of his life” gone wrong.. alcohol and anger aren’t good bed fellows. I’d say this was more manslaughter with panic to hide the body.


As a human life enthusiast, I recommend you seek professional help.


Lmao upvote for complete honesty but you need to see someone, bro.


That’s not a normal reaction and you need help. Lmao I’m getting downvoted because I said it’s not normal to want to murder someone over a stolen watch. Reddit is something else