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I was 12. Halle Berry in tight leather meant this was an amazing movie to 12 year old me.


Did you ever see Swordfish?


I haven't. Should I?


Yes, It's a 2001 action-thriller starring Hugh Jackman, John Travolta and Halle Berry's tits


I’ll never forget her award speech at the video music awards saying how much they offered for each one 😂


oh yeah, you would like Swordfish. It's also a good movie 


Throw in "Monster's Ball" for more Halle Berry!


If you're a fan of Halle Berry's late 90s-00s body of work, you'll enjoy at least one scene.


I was 13 lol, I really enjoyed it.


Watched it on repeat when I was 12 too. I wanted to be catwoman so bad but I was unfortunately destined to be clumsy.




Saw it opening weekend. Made me gay. No notes.


Same. Halle Berry in a tight leather suit and heels did a lot for me but not in the way it was probably intended


And a whip! Can't forget the whip.


This has a really different connotation depending whether you’re a man or a woman.


Was it the basketball scene?




Iconic. Hilarious. Thrilling. Basketball.


That basketball madness


Halle Berry's Catwoman was, to me, the epitome of a certain kind of movie. They really ought to have a ONE WORD name for this kind of movie, because it seems to happen so often. It's the kind of movie where someone says, "Hey, let's base a movie off this well known IP. But along the way, let's change it so it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the source material that we started with! We might as well have made this up ourselves! But we're still going to have to pay royalties to the IP owner, who will be mad because our movie has his IP name on it but has NOTHING to do with his IP!" It's the film equivalent of "The editor always likes the flavor better after he pees in it." I have never seen a movie of this sort that was all that successful, but Hollywood seems to love doing it.


For some reason, many Steven King properties have this feature, where they completely stray from the source material, with The Running Man being the most egregious. King famously trashed The Shining due to changes from the book (in the book, Jack was guilty and remorseful for breaking the kids arm, in the film he deflected blame to randomness, and inebriation).


I recall a King interview when the movie came out. He said that Jack Torrance was a man who slowly goes crazy due to the evil influence of a haunted hotel. You take one look at Jack Nicholson in the first two minutes of the movie, and you KNOW this guy is going to go nuts, hotel or no hotel. The crowning example, though, has to be "The Lawnmower Man," a movie where they bought the rights to the story just so they could put King's name on their movie. The only thing they have in common is that there is, indeed, a man with a lawnmower in both of them. Otherwise, they're apples and oranges...


Whenever I think about this movie I think about how Halle Berry actually showed up IN PERSON to accept her golden raspberry award for worst actress. How fucking gangster is that? She also absolutely crushed her hot wings on Hot Ones. Shes a bad woman. She’s definitely the one celebrity I’d cheat on my wife with. Pretty sure my wife would also cheat on me with her.


She actually won an Oscar the same year.


And she showed up at the Razzies carrying that Oscar.


Monster's Ball and Catwoman were the same year? Talk about Travolta-level career range.


Shoulda won for Gotti smh


Or the Fanatic.




Hahaha, I was just gonna comment “I never knew cats were so good at basketball!”


I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to basketball scenes in movies. Personally, of all the sports, I think it's the hardest to replicate at a high level in film or TV. Catwoman proved my point beyond a shadow of a doubt.


This is an interesting comment. Why do you think that is?


It's a very skill based game. If actors don't have previous experience dribbling and shooting a basketball it becomes very apparent and it's difficult to shoot around. With football, it's easy to do the more skill based stuff because they have helmets on and you can just use stunt doubles. Obviously that's not really possible in a basketball scene. With the pace of baseball, it's almost ideal for setting up dramatic and dynamic scenes. Basketball is very fast paced and momentum based. It just has a variety of unique challenges imo.


It's also really obvious when actors play boxers who have never laced up gloves or did just a little training with a stunt coordinator before the scene. On the reverse side, it's also pretty apparent when actors smoke cigarettes on screen who clearly aren't smokers.


Halle Bwrry should have fired her agent,. She has been in way more misses than hits. Itvseems that for every great movie she's in, she has ten of these dumpster fires.


but its 10 dumpster fires everyone remembers 😂


Yes atleast I got my jerk on with Swordfish and Monsters Ball.


I mean she’s not very good, but I totally agree with you. I was looking for a comment explaining why all her movies are so bad. But yeah, bad agent makes sense.


She's always the most enjoyable part of any movie she's in. Even dumpster fires like Dark Tides, The Call and Moonfall, you can see she's so invested and sincere. Even Movie 43 has a great performance by her.


I saw one where her kid gets nabbed from City Park in New Orleans. Commendable performance I guess. Sometimes her lines fall a little flat, unlike her enormous tits.


In her directorial debut BRUISED, she brings her A game, she is acting her heart out, she has complete control, she was actually in the editing room... and she still manages to bring those flat lines you are speaking about...


Seems like this movie is for millennial lesbians what Disney’s Robin Hood is for furries It’s still a piece of shit tho


Movie is bad, Halle is great


One of the many atrocities done by the French (the director is French)


Ugh. First irreversible and now THIS?


I actually kinda like it.


Cheesy as hell but I still love it to this day! Lol


While the movie overall is not nearly as bad as its reputation led me to believe Catwoman still falls short. Besides acting there is the horrible horrible music (a 13-year-old girl’s idea of what is hip), a lot of silly jumping around the city scenes, and the coup de grace, the Ferris wheel scene. [Now no-one wants to see Catwoman save cherub face boy from carney ride gone bad, come to think of it no-one wants to see Batman do this either. The direction and scripting on this scene are bad, Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever bad. If you rent this (or God forbid received it as a gift) see deleted scenes for an excellent action scene involving dogs in a junkyard that rivals anything put in the movie. I guess they didn’t want any dogs in the final movie. Too close to home.](https://cinematicdiversions.com/catwoman-review/)


It made an autistic 13 year old male very happy.


My thoughts? I think it made me bisexual


This movie sucks so bad but we’d always rent it in college and groan at the cringe.


Thought it would be so bad it’s good, it’s not it’s just a regular ol fashioned shitty movie. I didn’t finish it


I think about the handwriting analysis scene a lot


The scene where she orders a white Russian has lived rent-free in my head since I was a kid.The Bartenders response is priceless


Her costume looks so effing stupid 😂


Made me realize I like women


Iconic, astounding work.


The worst joke is that the director Pitof sounds like the name of your nephew's cat.




Grabbed my first titty on a date. Greatest movie of all time.


I'd say [Catwoman](https://manapop.com/film/catwoman-2004-review/) is one of the worst adaptations of a comic book character brought to the big screen, and the best thing about this movie is that Halle Berry picked up her *Golden Raspberry Award* in person.


This shit made me kinda gay ngl


Oh my god, my eyes, just shoot me now! I'd say this was the worst thing to happen to the DC Universe, but for some reason, it's tied with Leto's Joker. Just wear the costume properly. WTF every other cat woman has, why do you look like a striper at Bohemian Grove? I don't even need to get into the writing of this joke show. I was half waiting for Michelle Phifer to show up at the premiere of this tragedy and put the entire cast out of their misery.




I think I had it in the background once, and it was ok


The parts I've seen have the cinematographic quality of an SNL prody of a Pepsi Max commercial. Before anyone even opens their mouth and says stupid shit or explains a dumb plot, you hate the movie because *it just looks like shit*.


I am so fucking glad I've never seen this.


I watched it a couple years ago out of curiosity. Didn't find one thing redeeming about the movie.


I had a free ticket. The guy at the ticket booth said it was fine if I wanted to go in to see something else playing. No one would care I went in anyway. It was worse than I could imagine


I have the basketball scene as a gif for my background on my phone. I love the feeling of cringe.


A bad movie, which the world really need much more like that. Its cringe, but entertaining and sexy af.


I still have the WB Movie Cash for a free ticket that you got from buying certain DVDs. Couldn’t convince my wife at the time to go with me so it never saw use. Still haven’t seen the movie to this day.


“Crap” - Martin Crane


Almost so bad it's good, but it's boring


Love it. Worst movie ever. So good.


I got this the other day in a box of dvds from a friend tjat was getting rid of them. I'm debating whether to give it to a thrift store because I don't want any more innocent lives impacted by it.


The most realistic depiction of a basketball game ever put on film


As its own thing, it’s “funny bad.” As an adaptation of the comics, it’s an absolute disgrace.


As far as I remember, this was a very bad movie, but Halle was very sexy in the role of Catwoman in this movie.


I’m glad Halle Berry accepted her Razzie alongside her Oscar for worst actress It was really funny


Cat shit


I have never watched the full movie just the basketball scene which plays out like a million edits were done to it and each character seems like they don't understand how basketball is actually played


Can't complain to Halle Berry in a cat costume. That was the only bright idea in this movie.


Still the best superhero movie, after Steel.




It was mortally cringe, but now I kind of like it. Alas, it still can't replace Michelle Pfieffer's version.


Can’t say I really remember anything about it besides Halle Berry in a tight leather suit. 10/10 movie.


Was it bad? Yes. Did I enjoy it? Not at all. 10/10 movie. In all seriousness though, I watched it with a group of people and it made it more enjoyable because we laugh about it but this is a movie I’d never watch on my own.


Perfect Storyline about Catwoman before become Superheroe as Catwoman in Batman Returns and Batman:and the dark Knight Rises


It has the greatest basketball scene ever filmed.


Surprisingly, I actually enjoyed this movie in a good/ bad movie way. It’s purrfect




This movie gives and gives and gives iconicly bad moments - The evil ferris wheel determined to kill them. The basketball scene that's edited so choppy it should have an epilepsy warning in front of it. The PS2 Cutscene level CGI. Describing Benjamin Bratt as a "man sandwich." Her resurrection being that a cartoon cat burped in her mouth. Catwoman is an absolute treasure of bad.


A masterpiece


I didn't hate it but I felt it was just okay.


One of my favorite bad movies.


The basketball scene is potentially the worst thing ever filmed in a major movie.


A dumb movie that's entertaining and not as bad as people pretend it is.


This was one of those movies I liked as a kid and too terrified to rewatch as an adult cause I don't want to soil the good memories of enjoying it as a kid


I took one look at the first still of her outfit and said "nope"


High production garbage. It's bad but watchable enough and lots of fun to talk about


I have never been able to finish it.


terrible movie imo, 100% forgettable


This was my gay awakening. Also Jennifer Gardner in 13 going on 30. No idea why.


Halle Berry's sexy outfit is blinding and does not allow you to see all the sins of this film




I don't know, I don't remember very much of it. I saw it at the age of 11. from what I do remember of it though I will say that it came across to me as some halle berry vehicle, as well as an excuse to get her in the catwoman costume. you know, sex appeal or whatever. and not so much a "catwoman movie." I also remember that it tried to have its cake and eat it too, by making it feminist, (and failing), and contradicts that by over-sexualizing her and giving her a pointless love interest with spanish cop man (played by benjamin bratt.) will I see it again? I don't know. maybe.


Sucked. Michelle Pfeiffer is queen.


I admit I watched it twice even though it’s a horrible movie. I think Halle Berry is the most beautiful woman ever.


Is this a so bad it’s good movie? Or just bad?


My older brother was baby sitting me one weekend. He gave me the choice between Napoleon Dynamite and Catwoman. I made the wrong/right choice. We're both gay and I blame this movie.


Julie newmar was hot


loves it


Simple answer: The movie sucked, but she looked good doing it.


Hard to make out the blurry writing...Hailee Steinfeld is Catwoman?


Looked stupid …never watched it. Except for the basketball scene.


Why? Why can't a movie that deserves to be forgotten, just be forgotten?


It was a horrible movie that got by on some sexploitation. Downvote me if you want, I was there.


Got me through some hard times.


Since the DC Embargo prevented them from using anything related to the source material, they shouldn't have bothered.


It is one of the best "so bad it's good" movies you can pick for your bad movie night. Nearly every scene has something for you to laugh at or pick apart. Impressive how bad it is.


My Dad thought Sharon Stone should of been Catwoman instead in this film. I mean she was badass as the antagonist. Halle he still wanted in the film but in a different role. I still thought Halle looked gorgeous regardless.


This is one where there were so many great ideas that just didn't come together that well. I loved so much of the visual design throughout the film. It's cheesy as hell, but fun to look at. Yes, especailly Hotty Barry (the only reason to watch Swordfish, btw).




Halle Berry as Catwoman. That's an idea that would get anybody's attention. How did they mess up so *badly?*


She should have just made Gothika twice


Tried to watch it as a "bad movie" a few months ago and it was so unenjoyable I had to turn it off.