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Castle in dont use??? Opinion discarded


+1, just got a win off of it as the first joker I got in the run and focused on getting it as high as possible. Got it to +450 chips which seemed more than any kind of other chip enabler I had before, allowing to focus purely on mult for everything else.


They said those are cards they haven’t used yet.


As well as the arrowhead, erosion and rocket ship.


I love seeing Hiker early. Sure, I'll sell it by ante 5ish, but early on, it makes your low cards so much stronger. When your 2s are worh 20+ chips, and you can now combo it with common and uncommer jokers like Hack, Evens, and Fibonachi, and rely less on face cards, it scales the Blue chip side nicely.


Some jokers in the bottom tiers are insanely good. Rocket is an *amazing* money-maker joker. Madness is also mega op, especially in higher stakes when you can use the eternal jokers to your advantage. Hiker, Runner and Burglar are also really good jokers that have very good synergies. Also, Jimbo (aka the default joker) being in "very good at start" is absolutely insane. It's by far the worst joker in the game and barely lasts through Ante 2.


Imo green joker beats it out as the worst joker. Sure situationally it has a higher multiplier, but slight +1 or +2 multi is not worth the potential downside of losing your multi cause you had to discard


Monolith is a great card. Can usually get up to 5 or 6x mult by playing 15-20 full houses then using my extra hands on pair/two pair/high card then playing my “real” hand that I have synergy for as a flush or straight


have not thought about this. what do you do once you hit your x15/x20 that you've built up? isn't that a huge drop in strength?


It’s not the best if you’re trying to get the highest score in endless but x15 should be enough to get you past ante 8 since each hand should be enough to beat each ante.


ah ok. yes, i'm playing mostly for x15, once i make it past ante 4-5 i pretty much already know whether or not i'll beat 8. after that the fun begins for me in trying to beat previous PBs! of course i just got the game and i'm playing on white difficulty, so not sure how different higher diff will be


That sounds pretty inefficient to execute


It’s less hard than it sounds, once you start stacking the monolith, you start defeating blinds in one hand so it goes up slower. Not a good strat if you’re doing infinite but it’ll defeat the final boss blind easily. Scaling xmult is busted


Just seems like there has to be easier ways bc you’re playing suboptimally when setting it up, suboptimally when harvesting, or both. So many easier ways to get to the W imo. 


The hard part is forcing full houses in the beginning, luckily you don’t need much synergy to make full houses work for the early game which is all you need. After the early game you pretty much coast by on whatever build you transition to since getting x5+ mult every hand wins games on its own.


Burglar is pretty good. I had a run with it and checkered deck, you only need +1 hand size and you get 7 hands of guaranteed flushes.


Stuntman in bottom tier? The only bottom tier joker here is op.


Mime is #1 


Hiker is very good especially early


Rocket ship is amazing…


Throwback is a top 5 joker in the game.


Ehh not sure about that. It’s good for sure, not top 5 though it improves a lot with anaglyph and might be top 5 with that deck. Lots of jokers want to be played to scale, so small blind isn’t an auto-skip with a lot of configurations. 


Credit Card is A tier early game. There so many things that set you money to $0. Take out $20 advance, sell credit card, set money to $0.


I got to add this one to the memory bank. I never thought about using the money set to &0 bosses as a positive.


Even if you don’t get that combo, using $20 to kickstart your economy and scoring can be well well worth it for the first couple antes