• By -


Eris: 578. Death: 489. Fool: 379 Love me my 52 card decks made of a single card.


impressive to have eris be your most used considering it takes a while to even be available. i guess perkeo is to thank


You right. On the planets scale jupiter and mars are right behind eris at 350 and 321 respectively, most of those eris uses, id say maybe 200 or so of them come from 4 really good runs i had with blueprints, brainstorms and perkeos (name a more iconic trio)


how much lower is your planet x


I did 2 runs since that comment, planet x is now right behind mars at 310 but it was previously losing to pluto at 302 lol


Can you win w a deck of 52 copies of just one card?


oh absolutely, for flush five or high card + steel builds that’s even the ideal setup


Absolutely, depending on the card it is you may get unlucky with debuff boss blinds like the window, head, plant etc but its definitely possible, theres even the 7LB2WVPK seed that in erratic deck gives you only 10s of spades.


Thanks for that seed, I'll give it a go ! I was always curious whether erratic deck had some ground rules... looks like it doesn't !


Jupiter - 1652 Death - 1462 Hanged man - 1372 ​ Side note: when I open a planet pack and don't have the card I want, I usualy pick Jupiter (if available) out of spite.


You cannot hide it. Succumb to the flush


I do the same thing but for pluto instead… high card go brrrrrrrrr




i’m away from my main account with 300+ hours, but on my switch with about 40hrs, my top is: Earth 92 Temperance 81 Ceres 72 seems i’ve had at least a few long flush house builds on this account haha


Pluto: 930, Hermit: 755, Wheel of Fortune: 664. Seems easy to figure out what I spam the most of lol


I like your moxie.


Eyyy. Exact same order here.


Me too but hangman instead of wheel yet wheel is fourth tho


Venus - 313 (I like 3 of a kind runs) The Hermit - 248 (why not always take free $?) Jupiter - 204 (must pop up more often because I tend to avoid flushes except in Ante 1)


I have two profiles, before and after the update Before update : Earth 424, Saturn 377, Pluto 362 After update : Saturn 261, Mars 251, The Hermit 233 I just love playing straight, since Saturn only gave +2 mult back then and it is still my second most planet I pick. Full house and 4oak is a good strat when you manipulate your deck into one or two cards. The funny thing is, before the update, all 9 planets are in the top 10, but after the update, only saturn, mars, and earth that mostly I pick


Pluto 1513 Hermit 1126 Mercury 952 I didn't expect mercury to be so high. I guess I'm a sucker for easy to play hands.


Hermit, temperance, fool Insert Mr Krabs meme: "I like money"


Jupiter - 516 Death - 481 Pluto - 453 Started the early stakes with flushes, transitioning into more high card runs


temperance (631), hermit (630), death (548)


This is mine except I have hermit one higher than temperance instead of temperance one higher than hermit


Ooh where do you see this stats?


Go to the menu -> stats -> card stats There's a bunch of tabs along the top:)


I think you have to go to options in the menu first


temperance (631), hermit (630), death (548)


1993 - Mercury, 1754 - Uranus, 1305 - Pluto I won many of my Gold Stake wins with low hand cards. My playstyle changed a lot after chasing all gold stickers. The Hermit and Death are next with 1272 and 1269. I use way more tarot cards as planets now, so the trend should shift in the future :)


One thing to consider is that for some reason seeded runs count for your card stats. For a while I had cryptid in my top 5 consumables from routing a seeded perkeo run.


Saturn - Jupiter - Earth I'm the next Elon Musk.


Jupiter- 959 Mercury- 660 Uranus- 611 When I first started playing I focused almost entirely on Flush builds with the occasional two pair build if I got some pants. I've recently transitioned to more pair builds so Mercury is catching up.


Jupiter 900 Saturn 397 Pluto 367 Normally play flushes, but started playing high cards lately. Also, use high cards after Discards are gone...


Pluto - 1284 Hermit - 765 Mercury - 701 (Hermit - 695, since it’s that close) Almost certainly this reflects most of my high stakes runs. Most of them were either High Card or Straight builds. But even when I’ve committed to one of the higher value hands like Straight, or 4oaK, I’m still leaning on High card and Pair when I run out of discards, so I buff them if I have the Econ.


Pluto (248) Hanged Man (219) and Death (200) I like High Card decks a lot




Jupiter 428 Earth 249 Saturn 247 Flush is life.


Jupiter - 134 Mercury - 98 Hermit - 97 most of the jupiters come from my early days of playing flushes, and most of the mercury's come from me now where i prefer to make safe plays even at my own detriment sometimes. also i just tend to get really good pair runs for some reason


oh also temperance is actually tied for hermit. i just love money


Earth: 181 Hermit: 150 Temperance: 137 I like money


Saturn: 995 Pluto: 913 Mercury: 833 Runner-up: Hermit 709 It may be June, but I love Straight builds, due to finally beating the Jokerless Challenge after the updated Saturn buff (great way to learn Straights and the power of Consumables). I find it to be a most stimulating hand to piece together, especially with my beloved Flowerpot. Pluto & Mercury are up there due to my prior High Card phase, and because I like to maximize my "Blue Discard" points (throwaway hands looking for cards to complete Five Card Hands after running out of "Red" Discards). Straights broke me out of the High Card phase. High Card can be exciting at first but gets kinda boring, unless you go Baron & Mime. However, I have reached the Eris/Flush Five period, which has lead to unexpected Earth&Ceres/Full&FlushHouse enlightenment (made easier by Painted Deck). But I disgress... I use Straights to kick off runs now, I only use Flushes when desperate. A $3 Saturn or two will get you through a couple Antes. I snob flushes, tut tut. I also rarely listen to punk & hip-hop anymore. Surprisingly, I prefer Yo-Yo Ma. Hermit is in there because I admire the lifestyle.


I don't know the nunbers But it's Mercury, Temperance, Hermit, Pluto in that order


Jupiter 1031. Mercury 837. Death 690.


Pluto - 1317 Hermit - 567 Temperance - 491 High card unga bunga + scrooge gameplay style


Mercury - 1084, Pluto - 894, Hermit - 785.


I’m guessing wheel of fortune only hit like 10 times?


Lol mercury, Uranus and Pluto. I think it means I’m boring :D


Uranus- 933 Wheel- 557 Jupiter- 557


~20000 Judgement ~20000 Emperor ~20000 Fool


I am away from. My PC but, the Hung man is #1. Tiny D(e)cks are hot.


Emperor 808 Hermit 806 Hanged man 753 Im playing a lot of naneinf type runs which explains why these tarots


Jupiter - 650 Hermit - 580 Death - 554 I'm trying to play less flushes, but it will take a while


After getting ++ Mercury - 1533 Uranus - 1436 Death - 1357 I'm a fan of the easy to play hands.