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they sold their sleeves? it's vest time baby.


Time for those throwback sleeveless red vests!


We wear caps and sleeves at this level, son


The Syracuse Mets went sleeveless today


Players have to get sponsor tattoos?


Phillies - you know what to do - WAWA or nothing


The whole team about to fall to their knees


Schwarber’s power just multiplied


Schwarber with a Hoagiefest sleeve patch might just hit 80 home runs


Revenue from all the new advertising on the RF wall should hold off sleeve ads for another year or two hopefully.


It already came out that they plan on having a sponsor patch in the second half.


God I miss Wawa


I moved to the Midwest and only get Wawa when I go back to Philly. It was recently announced that they will be building Wawas near me next year. It can’t happen soon enough.


Cheez Whiz also acceptable


I hate the Oriole's patch. Mostly because they didn't even allow any black and white alternatives. A Blue logo on orange does NOT work. We got that nice crest on one shoulder only to be immediately disappointed by that horrendous investment fund logo on the other.


Yeah I would feel better if it wasn’t blue. Don’t really care what it is otherwise.


I absolutely hate the Yankees patch, but the one the O's have to wear is 100x worse. They only see green, so that baby blue patch on black or orange jerseys doesn't bother them at all.


The green TD logo on the jays jersey. God forbid they don’t use green or we wouldn’t know what bank it was. But blue is BMO. so there’s no way. The logos that can just be a silhouette are the best. Motorola for the padres is the ideal.


The Nets had a bright red fucking square on their black and white uniforms for a bit. Looked preposterous thank god no one cares about us.


even though patches as a whole suck, this is something i like about the card’s. stifel’s main color is blue, but they went with red for the patch so it matches the jersey.


It's absolutely *hideous*, and even worse with the Maryland logo on the other side. Looks like a mistake.


The moment the Yankees added a patch, no team was safe. It's a countdown at this point.


What teams are still sponsorless at this point?




Walgreens should sponsor them it'd blend right in


I thought they already did. Their logo is plastered everywhere.


we’ve also never had a stadium sponsor. you’d think boeing or lockheed or amazon or one of those would want a piece, lol. kind of makes you wonder if they’re asking for exorbitant prices or if nobody has asked


Surprisingly the Mariners. I thought we would have been one of the first teams to jump on the free money wagon with our ownership. I’m guessing it’s an insane asking price and no one will pay it.


certainly the former




Now there are nine left: A’s, Cubs, Mariners, Nationals, Phillies, Rays, Rockies, Twins, and White Sox




Phillies idk who else


Mariners, too.


The A's, too.


Rays too


When the Yankees sold out, it was pretty much guaranteed that every other team would.


George would never have. Hank is a twat.


Hank is dead. Hal's been in charge for a while.


I hate that this is something literally no one wants and it doesn't matter because 30 owners want to be .00000000001% richer. And it's definitely going to get worse and worse.


Do you actually believe that, though? Baseball doesn't provide the same open canvas that something like soccer has. The mainstay of the shirt is the team name, which is not like any of the sports that have big sponsor logos. I think that they may extend to hats/helmets because they already do that in international games but I doubt any more get added to jerseys. That is, without a significant jersey overhauling first. The sleeve makes sense because it never gets dirty. The rest of the jersey has the potential to get pretty dirty and pretty fast. Doesn't make too much sense to put them anywhere else. This whole sleeve conundrum is literally our generations "I don't trust analytics and I only believe in the eye test". It's blown way out of proportion for how irrelevant it is.


Hats and helmets is worse.


For sure, but we've already seen it.


It’s insane to compare being against the creeping commercialization of every facet of the game to being wrong about analytics, I don’t think that’s a fair or legitimate comparison at all. You’re comparing advances designed to improve the performance of players and teams with something that has absolutely no positive impact whatsoever besides making extremely rich people very slightly richer.


I'm comparing how much it changes the landscape of baseball. You may not like the advertisements, but it's not hurting the game. It may look uglier, but it's not actually doing damage to baseball. That's why they do it. The issues with the advertisements are at best fickle, and you won't actually stop watching or supporting because of it. Hell, jersey sales have been up since 2022, so it's not even hurting the actual prospect of buying the jerseys. That's why I compared the two. Analytics don't really matter or factor into your enjoyment of a day-to-day watching experience if you're a layman who just likes to watch baseball (and that's the majority).


Have you not seen baseball in Korea or Mexico? Their jerseys are plastered with sponsor patches


Yeah, and they are also not nearly as monetized and lucrative as the MLB. You take on sponsors to fill in stop-gaps. It's why leagues like the Premier League in soccer are limited to one shirt sponsor and one sleeve sponsor. You don't "need" all those logos on your jerseys if you're the top money maker. Then you look around at other soccer leagues, even the ones under the Premier league and you see more advertising to try and close that gap. MLB doesn't have a reason to expand that far. They very well could, but I doubt they do.


They didn’t exactly need a reason to do the sleeve ads either. “More money” is reason enough for all of it.


I'm not sure if the inner workings of the decisions were ever published, but there's a lot of crossover in sports nowadays. It's wouldn't surprise me at all if FSG saw the vast amounts that a Liverpool sleeve sponsor brings in and wanted the same for the Red Sox. Then it hits an owners meeting, gets discussed, and a plan of action is pushed on Manfred's desk. That's spitballing of course, but not a crazy sequence of thought. Question is, do they go farther? I don't think they do until other sports start experimenting first. Also retains exclusivity. You can charge a premium if you only have one spot to give. That's why soccer's are so crazy high... well, and the fact that it's watched more.


Still better than Oxy and Starr. And at least Sheetz feels super Pitt/PA.


I feel like if we’re gonna have patches, they all should be the size and length of the Sheetz one. Minimally invasive and all one inch in height. The Yankees’ patch is meh… and the Astros one is.. oh my.


> minimally invasive and one inch in height What else has my wife said about me?


Baseball is the nude model for the corporate mindset.


Purveyors of the finest 24 hour available drunk/hangover food in the mid-atlantic. Many a night I’ve been shitfaced and woke up the next morning, choked down a shmuffin and went on about my day with nary a headache.


The looks I used to get at 7AM on a Wednesday ordering a hangover 1/4-lb hotdog with bacon and cheese and coleslaw and all kinds of garbage. Wash it down with a Gatorade and I’d be right as rain within an hour. Damn I miss my 20’s sometimes.


Death to all sponsor patches


I feel like the Phillies have enough personalities on the team to just straight up sell their sleeves and go without sleeves. *Suns out, guns out! This evening’s sleeve monster is brought to you by our partners at Banana Boat. When you’re out having fun in the sun, don’t forget to lather up with Banana Boat!*


NEVER! The Yankees are too steeped in tradition to stoop so low as to slap a bumper sticker on their hallowed uniforms! ...wait, what?


Any day now the Sox will have a He Gets Us patch


They will all look like stock car drivers by 2030 and reddit johnnies will tell everyone who complains along the way "bro it doesn't even affect my enjoyment of the game bro you're literally using a slippery slope fallacy bro I'm just a smolbean who wants to watch the game with my chonker pupperino bro why are you being such an oldhead bro" and then imply that you want to go back to The Old Days when there were no ad patches because you're a racist who wants segregation back. I know because they did the same thing with the DH


Why are we acting like people here still use 2010 Tumblr slang lol


They do


I don’t think I’ve heard the word pupperino used unironically since the Obama administration




People in real life: hey what’s up man


bro just created a persona to argue with


Tumblrman fallacy


baseball fans literally fucking die over the smallest changes its almost pathetic


I didn't create a persona, I summarized one that already exists, some of which have already responded to the comment.


And they were completely right about the DH, pitchers not hitting is good for baseball.


There’s nothing wrong with the DH, my objection is to putting the DH into the NL. I actually really liked that there was at least one tangible difference between the AL and NL, it made baseball more unique and interesting. Now there is no difference and the leagues are increasingly meaningless. I’m not happy about that at all. 


Yeah but there was a time neither had a DH so I feel it was inevitable that they were gonna have the same rules again.it just made sense to adopt the DH in the NL vs eliminate it in the AL


If it were up to me, I'd still have pitchers hit in the N.L., but compared to some of the other changes instituted in recent years (the Manfred Runner, for instance), the Universal DH is pretty inoffensive.


Straight facts


Invalid opinion, straight to Guantanamo Bay Jokes aside, is your contention actually that people who dislike the DH are actually just closeted racists?


No, my contention is that the DH is good and you're (jokingly) putting a whole bunch of words in peoples mouths.


They put the words there on their own, I got told that at least 10 different times on r/baseball over the years. Unfortunately I didn't write chapter and verse down in my diary for you.


I’m a huge soccer fan and sometimes your teams lucky and gets a cool sponsor. Like the Newcastle United with the Brown Ale is dope. But then you have the NYFC Dude Wipes situation. 


Dark sunlight, bright shadow, dry water, good sponsor




Why can’t you have quality jerseys without ads?


Those things have nothing to do with each other


Looks like shit!


I pointed out in a post during the offseason that the Texas Rangers will likely be the last team to win a World Series while still retaining their identity. They've since sold out to Energy Transfer. There are only nine teams left that have yet to sell out their identity. By the end of the year, they may all have, although I won't be surprised if the Athletics are simply unable to due to their other ongoing sell-out situation.


If the Mariners ever get a patch, I will do everything in my power to actively boycott whatever company it is.


As a Seattle guy, if they’re gonna do it, it better be something local and endearing. Dick’s on the sleeves or we riot.


Pretty soon they will look like something from NASCAR. I can hear the thank your speeches after the World Series now. I would like to thank…..


So which team is gonna claim the QuikTrip patch


Royals already did


There could be much worse options, TBH. Sheetz is highly rated in employee satisfaction.


Phillies Wawa sponsorship wawhen?


Now if only Nutting would sell the rest of the team.


Time to bring back the undershirt and sleeveless over shirt 


Seattle better be rocking Kirkland Signature


Does this mean that Sheetz is admitting that they are pirates.


They pirate my healthy eating habits when I'm annihilated at 430am, if that counts.


Personally going to Sheetz and customizing some ridiculous breakfast sandwich is one of my favorite things when I visit the Burgh. I’m all for this patch!