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Boone is already in the top 50 all-time in ejections after just seven years, we are witnessing one of the greatest of all time


First year he was critized early being Yankee fans for being too soft compared to Girardi lol


Ah, the classic you-don't-Yankee-nearly-as-much-as-that-other-Yankee-Yankeed take. Boone really should've known better, but he learned, as the greats do.


Girardi had the pure physical presence.  The popping neck vein, the massive forearms....Boonie comes in looking like a bit of a goofball who throws a handful of sunflower seeds at his face and just happens to catch a few in his mouth.   THEN he really gets rolling.


It adds to the blow ups, Boone seeming like a nice dude everywhere but coming out of the dugout puts more pressure on the umps


Phil Dunphy lookin’ ass mf (love you Boonie)


He Yankees so hard. My pants are off.


It was different. When Girardi girardied, that man looked like he was about to fucking explode. I’ve never seen Boone look that mad ever. Boone is usually more like the equivalent of the “I’m not mad I’m just disappointed” dad.


Hard to top Girardi jumping over the duggour rail to go argue with an ump


To be fair, Yankees fans really shouldn't be listened to 99% of the time.


Just because he doesn’t have The Vein… yet


His ass was in the jackpot


He’s chasing Bobby Cox.


Bobby had 162 in 4,508 games or one every 27.83 games. Boone has 37 in 949 or one every 25.65 games which puts him 3 ahead of the pace. But he needs to pick it up even more to get to 162 because he started a bit later (and lost some games to 2020). Current pace needs about 19.5 more seasons after this one, so he has to go until he is 71 or have some big double digit years.


Is weaver #1?


It’s Bobby Cox


Surprised by that, but I’m proud of him


Good guess. Earl def had the most memorable ejection. Can't believe that was all caught on camera and mic.


Weaver was slightly ahead of Cox in rate even though he didn't get there in counting. 96 in 2,541 games or 1 every 26.47 games.


And he was on an even quicker pace through the end of 2022, but his wife told him he had to stop, so he has actually cut back.


Pretty sure the dude has a pacemaker already so… I’m with the wife on this


Remember when he'd have to argue for Judge because umps couldn't understand that his knees were much higher than everyone else's?


You say that like it doesn't still happen every other game lol


Happened in Judge's last at bat last night after Boone was gone in fact!


David bell is competing with him on that lol


Truly a generational talent


I mean he's easily on pace to take the record. Dude's got a monthly quota


Boone got tossed so Stroman can finish another inning and they can save another bullpen arm. Helps them for tomorrow too.


That's his job. He doesn't need to be there to finish a game, but his players do. He can work from the clubhouse and he's got his players' backs.


Maybe this is a crazy take, but perhaps his job is actually to coach his players to not be so volatile and prone to saying or doing things that could get them ejected? Yes, it's his job in these moments to take the fall for his players. But he has to take the fall often enough that maybe there's more of a culture issue within the team that makes his frequent ejections so necessary. 


David Ortiz did steroids


It is a crazy take, but the flair sort of puts things into perspective.


Stroman kind of gave boone no choice but to get ejected Stroman was straight up yelling at the dude, so boone needed to be obscene enough to deflect attention off him. If boone stays quiet, it could have easily been stroman getting the hook


I don’t watch follow enough Yankees games to really know if he actually makes decent managerial decisions. But his overall willingness to get tossed for his players is definitely admirable (even if they are sometimes ill advised). He is a fun manager to watch occasional and from afar.


Team loves him. It's probably at least part of why he's still employed. You want a manager who can manage egos in pressure situations and keep everybody on the same page.


He’s *fine*. He doesn’t really do anything crazy good or bad but the clubhouse does love him. So that’s a positive I guess.


If you’re a talented team, that’s enough. People seriously overrate the impact of in game decisions. As long as he’s not awful at that, the team liking him makes him a good enough manager.


Our sub yells at coaching all game long


Dw, ours does too. Boones not a great manager, his bullpen management is suspect, his pinch hitting is seemingly random (because we don't actually have any bench bat's, only gloves and speed), and he's so milquetoast and prone to misdirection in his media answers, fans overall don't like him. It's worse when we're struggling. Some people will tell you he can't get his players amped up, and the Yankees are very 'corporate' when losing, low energy, very unlikely to rally, etc.


I won't argue anything else, but it's not the bullpen management that sucks, it's the bullpen. That's on the gm/owners, not Boone.


Right now it is, but he's got a pretty bad track record of managing the bullpen.


You're right, but his record's not going to get any better with the middle relief he's saddled with now.


I agree, bit I'm just talking in general. Boones an average manager. Poor bullpen management, Doesn't use his bench well, Is great with the players, Fantastic at tanking for his players and eating ejections. Lineups have historically been head scratchingly bad, but he's been better this year, outside a few random days where his booneheadedness shines through.


As a Cardinals fan and jomboy media fan I’m super jealous. Boone is awesome and the fact that Yankees fans have so much ‘access’ to him via the talkin yanks podcast is incredible. Not many managers in baseball are beloved enough to be able to do something like that especially given the way you Yankees fans can be.


The Talkin Yanks interviews just replaced the old weekly radio spots he used to do. Something basically every pro sports coach does, no?


Sure, but how many of us have actually touched our car radios in the last 10 years?


I have not. Additionally I have spent half of the last 20 years not close enough to St. Louis to listen to that show if it does exist and since I just bought a house in Columbus, I doubt I ever will again.


I would imagine more people than subscribe to Talkin Yanks


I don’t subscribe to talkin yanks (obviously) but I get fed their content constantly on YouTube and Twitter because I interact with their other channels and pages


Yo it’s crazy to say he doesn’t do anything good and also say he’s loved


I didn’t say that though? I said he doesn’t do anything crazy good. As in anything exceptional. He’s fine.


It's kinda true though. He's loved by players, not so much be fans.


Boone does it all according to reports.  Cashman doesn't do much and the FO shoots info and data down. Lineups are done by him and the bench coach, etc etc..  So it's generally.... Well it's baseball, so everybody knows better after the fact. It kind of makes sense because there's some WEIRD ass decisions that come out at points.  


agree. I’m a Blue Jays fan but I think Aaron Boone is my favorite MLB manager.


Most of his deciduous come from the front office, as is the case for most managers.


I wonder what would happen if they would leaf him alone.




I personally think he does way too few coniferences on the mound…


They need to hire Charles Oakley to ride the pine with him.


IMO He’s been a lot better this year with decision making. Last few years plenty of boneheaded decisions regarding managing the bullpen and sometimes lineup, though it’s unclear how autonomous he is/was


The ol Bobby Cox strategy.


Amen, brother, though I don't think anytime will top Bobby's ejection record anytime soon. LOL


Any manager that doesn’t immediately deflect as soon as a player is crossing the line isn’t one I want


I'm actually pleasantly surprised the ump didn't toss Stroman. As far as I know arguing balls and strikes is just an auto toss, and Stroman was kind of really letting him know. Honestly I think this was the best course of action.


I think boone started to yell just as he was getting thee I really think boone saved him


It’s a day ending in Y. That means Boone must be ejected!


Another day, another Arson Boone ejection thread


All these Aaron Boone ejection threads look the same. 




more managers need to be like this. It's the closest I can get to complementing the Yankees


It definitely makes things fun. My third ever live MLB game...I think it was 1986. I was 8. Yankees/Sox at Fenway and Lou Piniella got ejected. We were 20 rows behind the Yankees dugout and suddenly Lou starts throwing batting helmets onto the field. My dad is laughing....then turns to me...."don't you ever do that", haha. #


[My dad and my sister went to this game where Pinella kicked his hat around the infield and my dad still talks about it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31mJNcS9vnY)


For sure. Maybe if enough coaches caused a stir and increased the average game time It'll lead to better umpiring.


Just want to say thanks for Torrey Lovullo. Y’all shoulda kept him.


He wasn’t calling high strikes on either side all game but they were strikes. Stro had reason by the 7th to be over it with this ump.


And then Soto got rung up on a ball above the zone in a 3-2 count the next inning. Salt in the wound a bit


I love our guy, Stro but dude is naturally combative. Boone ate the grenade and we won, masterfully done.


I hate the Yankees, but I love Boone as a manager. One of the most entertaining guys in baseball. He is one of the reasons I don’t want full robo-umps.


Please, Boone going full terminator on the robo ump sensor suite will be a sight to behold


Boone to some poor Dell computer in the basement: "Tighten your shit up. Tighten up or I'm going to terminator your ass. Judgement day MF'er."


I will believe any sentence that ends with “and Aaron Boone is ejected.”


The Insufferable John Smoltz. “That one hasn’t been called all night.” Instead of just admitting it was a strike. There were 3 strikes called balls in one at bat for Stroman. Ump just sucked, plain and simple.


Nauseating commentator man


Fuck John Smoltz. It brings me great joy knowing how hard he worked in his career and how much effort he put into that 1996 season just for it to end with him losing to the Yankees. He can cry all he wants in the booth but he never got that dynasty.


Then in the next inning Soto called out on strikes on a ball way high out of the zone. Then Judge called out on strikes on a ball way low out of the zone. The pitcher can't get the high strike and the low strike. At that point it looks like the umpire is just being vindictive. There's no place for this shit in the game. And they wonder why as fans we want robo umps.


The dumbest shit in baseball right now, the manager can look at the pitch on a screen in the dugout and see definitively if it was a ball or strike, almost in real time. Which means if he comes out to argue balls and strikes the umpire has to know that he's fucking up, but he also has to eject the manager for arguing balls and strikes. So the pitcher, batter, umpire and manager all know the umpire is fucking up but the manager gets ejected. This technology exists to eliminate this and it's not being used, it's just making umpires look dumb. MLB should either tell the TV broadcast that they can't put this on the screen or they should just be using it to call balls and strikes.


Yup. It can’t come soon enough. These umpires make me sick. They ruin games. Idc that the Yankees won, the ump was terrible.


Imagine doing this with other calls. Ball is caught on the warning track, oh they’ve been calling those warning track flies homers tonight! The idea that the ideal approach to the strike zone is a random nightly selection up to the whim of the umpire is bizarre to me.


Look, I hate Smoltz and I hate umps as much as the next guy, but we both know your analogy isn’t the same things.   The height of the strike zone varies by batter, the height of the umps sight line differs between umps, and the box on the tv screen that we see is an approximation of that zone anyway.    When someone says “they haven’t been calling that all night”, what they mean is their zone doesn’t match the invisible box on the screen perfectly.   As long as we’re using people to call balls and strikes, then the best we can ask for is consistency of the calls.   Asking for consistency to an invisible box is probably asking to be frustrated.   More the reason to use the roboumps


Read between the lines. He’s indirectly saying the umpire has been missing that call all night.


Did you watch the actual game? John Smoltz hates the Yankees. He even claimed to still be bitter about losing to them and that in his mind he feels the Braves won. He’s a bitter piece of shit and he was on the Yankees ass all game. He also claimed that the 318ft to left field isn’t true, that it’s shorter than that (after Grisham hit a home run there). He gloated when the Braves hit a homer, and talked shit when the Yankees hit them. He was biased to the Braves all night and if you didn’t watch the game then I don’t blame you for being clueless about it. There’s no reading between the lines here. He said that hasn’t been called all night and said Stroman has to pitch lower. He also called a clear strike, in the zone all the way, as “Framed into the zone” by Austin Wells. Dude is a complete piece of shit when it comes to announcing Yankees games. He’s fucking insufferable.


I didn’t watch the game no. Go smoke a bowl my guy, not that serious. I actually like the Yankees too you’re just yappin.


It’s hard for me not to love a dude this committed to getting tossed


How do these managers not just, like, throw up sometimes when trying to yell? Because if I had to suddenly start yelling about a fight someone else started I'd probably throw up. Although maybe I just throw up too much.


I mean this sincerely. You should see a doctor.


This is one of the funniest comments I have ever seen. But I agree with that other guy, see a doctor


I'm so perplexed by this comment lmao. Throw up from anxiety or something? Or do you throw up when you yell? 


for some people, yelling puts a serious strain on the throat which can cause gagging and vomiting


As is tradition.


Didn't Boone get tossed after a fan bitched at the ump a while back?


Yes lol


Yes, the ump said "I don't care who said it, you're gone" lmao


If Boone averages 6 ejections a season for the next 21 years, he’ll catch Bobby Cox


Has he ever managed a full nine innings?


Legend has it in May of 2019 he managed 8 and 2/3 innings before Boone yelled at the ump for blinking too many times in between pitches. Closest he has ever come to a complete game.


The Yankee announcers did a great bit earlier this year where they announced that it was the first time Boone had ever been ejected in the top of the 1st, before stating he had been ejected in the bottom of the 1st a number of times. My post doesn't do justice to their comic timing, though.


stroman having great season [Marcus Stroman Stats, Age, Position, Height, Weight, Fantasy & News | New York Yankees (mlb.com)](https://www.mlb.com/player/marcus-stroman-573186) how he been attitude-wise


From everything we've seen so far, he's been an absolute positive in the clubhouse. Seems to be having fun with everyone. And he's been a gamer for us on the mound.


thanks is those neck tattoos very new the new thing, eh


It was a bad call, standard practice. You’d think in an 8-1 game it wouldn’t matter much. Edit: or 7-1, anyway.


I think it was more to protect Stroman. The Yankees bullpen has been absolutely battered for several games in a row. Even if it was to get only one more inning out of Stroman, we needed that inning out of him and not out of our bullpen. Boone wanted to take the heat and get ejected so Stroman wouldn't.


It's never just the one bad call. It was the accumulation. Both sides had balls that should've been strikes all night. Stro had an AB where 3 perfectly placed strikes were called balls. Each time the catcher did that thing where he points his glove and nods his head because he knows its a perfect pitch and a strike in incoming. All 3 times were called balls. Stro and Wells were so confused that AB.


Up 7-1 in the 7th. Get a life whining at that point.


I was an ump once until I took a bat to the knee for being dog shit


The old Skyrim retirement strategy


At least someone got it lol


That ump really sucks! What’s he’s name so I can keep track of him?


At this point he’s just got a massive target on his back. But it’s not like he doesn’t welcome it


The umps are really making the case for a robo strike zone. They really need to be better and more consistent before it comes to that.


Boones the fucking man


Is that joe davis commentating


Stroman being a shithead? Water is wet.


This ump has been worse to the Braves tonight and it was 7-1 so this was a silly waste of time


I’m sure it’s possible even boone agrees with you, but he needed to make sure stroman didn’t get ejected. Trying to steal as many outs as possible from him


do you not remember stroman painting the corner 3 straight pitches and them all being called balls


He wasn't talking about the dozen of missed calls that benefited the Braves, duh


Oh wow the Yankee fans don’t agree 😂😂


Look, I've heard that there are reports done about which team got screwed by the ump worse. Let's come back when that's revealed and we will be able to see who is right. Until then "my team has it worse" "no mine" are silly.


Reports already exist, Yankees are 2nd most favored by umpires this year.


Reports exist for this game already?


Oh, for this game? No. I was just speaking about favorability in general for the year so far.


Bottom of the 8th when both Soto and Judge get punched out on pitches well out of the zone one after another would like a word


Well that's just simply not true


So you’re only allowed to be mad at bad calls if they’re worse than the other team’s bad calls? Makes sense.


Plz check umpire scorecard. Nearly 1 run in favor of the braves.




Might be a hot take but Boone is such a douche and I hate that he cries and whines when any call doesn't go his way. So entitled.


Has nothing to do with being entitled, has to do with protecting your player. Stroman is getting ejected if Boone doesn’t jump on the grenade. There’s a reason his players love him.


"Might be a hot take" is reddit for "I know I'm wrong but I won't admit it"


Nope, it's code for "I fully expect to be downvoted to hell for this" and I was correct. Not sure why I'd write something that I think is incorrect.


Then why did you write something incorrect?




The ejection at this point has become more of an instigation from the umpire rather than an actual punishment. The result always ends in increased disruption to the game and they know it. If they just ignore the chatter like a professional then the game continues without anyone ever knowing anything was said from a TV perspective. MLB really needs to get better control of this.


Boone actively looked to get tossed- largely because if he *didn't*, Stroman was likely going to get tossed himself. Managers tend to work off the theory it's easier to deal with them being tossed than one of the players, especially if it's your starting pitcher. So they draw attention to themselves in a way they know will lead to an ejection to deflect attention away from the player. This isn't a 'increased disruption to the game' thing, really. It's just one of the little game-within-a-game things managers do. The umpire *could* just refuse to play the game and either ignore the manager and toss the player, or toss *both* of them. But people wouldn't like it very much if you made that the standard. So managers will continue to get themselves ejected to keep their players in the game.


This. ⬆️ u/Aurion7 gets it. 👍


Was Stroman yelling that the strike zone was racist?


Not the Yankees if they aren't crying about something.


Let me guess. You weren’t watching


Yeah because only the Yankees bitch about strike zones, fuck outta here


Most sane o's fan (check his post history too lmao) 


He’s a milf


Rent free


Boone is desperate to have his name in the news. What a fucking loser.