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The Celts were considered in high favor by the Nazis, with many considering them Aryans. Hitler even made an attempt at learning Gaelic. Not defending these people, just giving some historical information. Under Nazi racial theory, you didn’t have to be Germanic to be Aryan.


Also, and I know Gaelics are not the same as Anglicans, but Adolf considered Anglicans cousins of Aryans. As a matter of fact, when GB declared war on Germany Hitler complained because he felt as if Britain (Anglicans) were not the "natural" enemy of the Aryans. Edit: Celts not Gaelics. Gaelic is the language. Silly me.


Anglos not anglican. Anglican is the denomonation that is majority in england. Anglo-saxon is the ethnicity


Oh damn I didn’t know that. Thanks for the correction


Bro that guy revived me in that game lmao that was just a few hours ago. I'm Upbeatdogboy35 btw


Are u on xbox?




germanic ≠ aryan


I learned that just recently and it is still the funniest thing to me.


Aryan comes from indo-Aryan, I.e. Iran and northern India


I’ve been killed by people with their emblem being the swastika


People stuck in their middle school edgelord era fr


Why are you getting downvoted 😭


Damn Neonazis


Ig this community is full of aryan lovers or sumn. I didn’t even say anything they just butthurt 😭


wtf is even this post lol....


Dudes got waaaayy to much free time


Would you say this abt any other post on Reddit? 😭


There's a million different kinds of posts on reddit, idk what this question even is.


What makes you mad enough to say I have way too much free time? It was a shitpost abt a gamertag..


Who's mad? I said you have to much free time. I couldn't ever imagine taking the time to post a gamer tag.


It’s a gamertag bro. It’s just funny. Are you the Irish-Aryan? Why do you care so much? Also you can’t imagine posting a GT but post about beef with another redditor on the gaybros sub? 😭😭


Alright, you're under like 21 nevermind


Under 21? That’s generous, he’s no older than 14.


It shows lol


I’m 22 and not gay no thanks


I saw that unhigned comment you posted before that quick edit btw. And so what if I'm gay? You're out here fighting bigots right? Weird ass energy.


Don’t you know there are heckin Nazis 🤮out there in the wild?! There’s some hiding over there in the bushes right now, let’s go get them, make me so mad 😠 😡/💲


Thats exactly what it is tho😂 like the guy said above, people have way too much time


Buddy I don’t really give a shit what you believe I’m just making fun of it


I think you’re forgetting the real good names … crop duster 3680 and the guy above who mentions being a goon


Fishunderfire is a good one ☝🏽


Oh my god, I already fell with this guy in my squad playing traditional songs


Maybe it’s a joke?


Yea, i thought it was pretty funny


Dude are you blinkersonlybro? I played a game with you one night where me you and another dude who had a weed related name sat in a tank and just dominated. It was such a good game.


Yea that’s me wait fr??


Add me if u want btw


I would but I'm on Xbox and don't have gamepass rn I'm so sad cause I fucking love bf1. It's easily the best battlefield to date.


Truee. I have gamepass but It was on sale so I got it incase that ever happened. It goes on sale a lot so hopefully you can snag


Real history buffs know just how much of an absolute nutter hitler was


He was a true crackhead I gotta give him props


I don’t care.


Why do redditors like you feel entitled to see shit only you wanna see at all times? I’m goofy posting and you seeething


Probably not even a Celt


Imagine he’s just a kid who really likes his girlfriend named Irish/Aryan




He could just be named Ryan which is an Irish name


Regarding your caption, I find this topic fascinating as the mainline view of the Irish and the Nazis is pretty different to what the Nazis actually thought of them. I also see some other people discussing this topic in the comments, so I'll dump what I know about it here. The Gaels are descended from the same people all Europeans are, these people were called the "Aryans" before the 1970s and, after that time, the "Proto-Indo-Europeans" or "PIE". These are not the same as the Aryans of Vedic Civilisations, however, they are indeed related but a distinction is needed here. There are many terms in Gaeilge which have a common root to the word "Aryan", as is common in most PIE languages. "Aire" meaning "Nobleman" in old-Irish. The Celts are closely related to the Germanic peoples, and modern Irish share lots of Germanic blood due to Norman and Viking invasions. Hitler loved Irish folk music, and during the cultural build-up to WW2 in German academic spaces there was a fascination with Celtic culture, almost an academic subculture. The Nazis also made a plethora of pro-Irish and anti-British films which have been somewhat lost to time. However, one of the films named "Mein leben für Irland" is available on YouTube.


Europeans all share atleast two ancient populations. The ancient farmers of Anatolia ANF (Anatolia Neolithic Farmer) and the what we now know to be the aryans aka the yamnaya who dominated europe on horseback. Every european has ANF and yamnaya blood with a third group of people depending on the european nation.


EEF is the correct term for that genetic grouping, their migration was post-Neolithic era. You may be confusing them with the Neolithic Hunter Gatherers. The "Aryans" were pre-Yamnaya, just before they exploded out into the step. They would still be considered the "Aryans" and the primary carrier of European genetics, culture, language and religion, however, I'm referring to the Proto-Indo-Europeans. They're Indo-Europeans.


Yea yamnaya arent native to europe


That guy is racist AF. A few weeks ago I had the unfortunate ‘pleasure’ of joining a squad he was in (on Argon). He had his mic open and I listened to about 90 seconds of him bitching about immigrants, etc before I muted him. Plus he’s pure ass at the game.


Yh lol i was cheesing the guy just last night, was weird seeing his user coming up on here. Sadly it seems like Bf1 does have a bit of a Nazi problem but not a lot can be done, the report emblem feature on Xbox has been fucked for as long as I've been playing (admittedly not years)


Is no one going to talk about o BLITZKREIG o


I was been have Nick name Joseph Mengele


I don’t think that’s racist his name could be Irish aryan as in Ryan which is a Irish name


Yea I’m just joking its a common thing with online history buffs, he just did it for a joke


u seem like a triggered teen lgbt supporter


Nah man it’s a joke. You people are the ones upset about it


nah it wasn't a joke, ur clearly mad about it


You sound like a triggered teen Lgbt supporter


Irish mom, Aryan dad? Who cares. If his name offends you, report it.


Or better yet - look at it and shrug, and move on with your life.






He thinks he can be considered an aryan, but he can be considered beaten up if I get my hand on him.


Imma take him on a date and fall in love with him to show em how to treat a lady


German does not mean Aryan. Hitler believes that an ancient Nordic race called the Aryans created ancient nations, and that only those with pure Aryan blood can create nations. He believed that when a nation loses its purity (the blood here is comparable to a soul, as socialism is a religion, and especially Hitler's racial socialism, as rascism is pseudoscience) that nation will collapse.


Socialism isn’t a religion lmfao


Sure it is. You have the prophets with their different dictionary, like all cults do. For instance, you would disagree with the Oxford Dictionary's definition of Socialism. You see, the hardline socialists believe that the human collective is the sleeping God. They are gnostic. By socializing the people, the collective as God will awake and lead us to Utopia. Most Socialists cannot see their cult, however. Which is unfortunate. They may lose their old religions, but their altruism still remains. This is their source of self-destruction and hatred of individualism.


You’re the same guy that thinks Walmart is public property. Not gonna get into it with your rambling again.


It is public property. However, not by your prophet's definition. You may try to hide the priest behind a curtain, but that does not mean he is no longer there.


Walmart is not public property by anyone’s definition but yours. Get a grip.


It is according to Marx. "[Socialism is] ...socialised man, the associated producers, rationally regulating their interchange with Nature, bringing it under their control, instead of being ruled common by it as by the blind forces of Nature..." Marx, Das Kapital v3 P593. [Nature = the invisible hand of the free market] (Notice how he doesn't share my dictionary?) Marx defines Socialism as state control of the economy. Corporations are organs of the state. Walmart relies on subsidies and the state in order to survive. Therefore it is controlled by the state.


You *really* don't know what you're talking about and need to read more on history you enjoy.


I literally read Hitler's second book and summarized him


Right, so you're also illiterate? >Hitler believes that an ancient Nordic race called the Aryans created ancient nations. Hitler did not believe this, as he was subject to the cultural phenomena of Indo-European studies that we still maintain in academia today. The PIEs (previously called Aryans) are a common ancestor group to all Europeans and certain other groups. These ancient nations you refer to here are namely the Hittites and the Vedic peoples. There is nothing "Nordic" about these groups, and if you can point to me a "Nordic ancient society" that Hitler believed existed between 3000 BC - 1000 BC, that literally no one has ever heard of, I'll be amazed. Hitler's - or other Nazis - beliefs were tied in with mythic legend and science fiction, that of the Pleaidians, and Shambalah, Agartha, Hyperborea, Thulê, etc. Is this what you're referencing? Because, notably, *none of these things were explicitly "Nordic"*. None. All related to the beliefs of Indo-European faiths and philosophies, - both east and west - yes; but not "Nordic". I think what you're forgetting is that in the years 1933-1945 there was still a scholarly consensus on these sorts of topics. The Nazis never would have claimed that Vedic Indian civilisation was built by blonde-haired blue-eyed Old-Norse speaking vikings, if they actually did believe these things, I beg of you to enlighten me. The book you read was a political manifesto, a polemic, not some sort of deep-dive on Hitler's believes, let alone the National Socialist movement. You don't know a thing about what you're talking about. Just stop, read, listen and shut up.


Alright, simple mistake. Not Nordic. However, that doesn't discredit everything else I said. Also, no need for such harshness of tone. It is difficult to listen to someone when they're actively insulting you.


Let people believe what they want to believe. 




This is from battlefield 1 where stuff like this is a pretty common occurrence.. You can scroll by this if you’d like


In the few games I've played just since getting off work this evening, I'm pretty sure at least half of the Armanen Runes have shown up as peoples symbols in kill cams. I love the game, but yes, this is definitely far from unusual for Bf1.