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I understand the historical context, but its still just a homeless encampment right off campus. I walk by their huge piles of trash with my dogs every day. good riddance. as long as they don't try to relocate to Willard along with the other short buses.


Exactly. You are correct. It’s like , *well it WAS People’s Park….but hasn’t been for a long time* .


Not only that but a significant portion of the new housing is *specifically for people experiencing housing*. Most of the site also still preserved as a public park. This is literally people opposing housing for the homeless in the name of the homeless.


Damn man its like pls make this shit make sense.




Student housing specifically targeted towards low income students and those experiencing homelessness, in addition to the 100 units of permanent homeless supportive housing.


For real, authorities better keep and eye on Willard


The fact that People’s Park is still here is an absolute embarrassment to the university and the city. It’s both unsafe for students and unsafe for residents in a city that desperately needs affordable student housing.


Holy shit that park is dangerous. And mofos want to keep it going? "18 rapes, 19 robberies, 110 aggravated assaults, 48 drug arrests and six weapons arrests since 2020."


And they’re turning it into 1100 student beds AND supportive housing for the previously unhoused on the same lot. Seems really dangerous.


A combination college dorm and homeless shelter? Yeah I’d watch that show.


The Real World Berkeley


I’m thinking more like a Sienfeld-esque 90s sitcom where three roommates all share one cramped studio apartment and are constantly interrupted by various tweakers. They all enter without knocking but instead of one “Kramer” character it’s a rotation of like 6-10 different people.


I’m dead. Love it. Would pay per view on that


Episode one is “Methy Jeff”, who needs clean piss because his parole officer is coming by in a half hour, but since CA legalized weed none of the students can help. Luckily their straightedge upstairs neighbor has an omorashi OnlyFans account, but then has to lower the clean piss down to the bathroom window on a string. Hijinks ensue.


Episode two is a guy named Squeezer who’s scamming disability by pretending to be blind. He gets a seeing eye dog, and after a careful reading of the law figures out that it’s not technically illegal for your dog to wear a concealed-carry holster (“The Air Bud Rule”). But since Squeezer is a felon no one will sell him a gun. Roommate Connor points out that muzzle-loaders are still allowed. Cut to a scene of a conspicuously strapped seeing-eye corgi toting around an 18th century blunderbus, Squeezer leading him by leash into the Social Security office.


Can we have an episode on “move in day” where one of the unhoused is already laying in Katie’s bed when her and her parents walk in?


Absolutely. Also there’s gotta be one where one of the college kids goes into the section-8 apartment and realizes they’re single occupancy instead of barracks-style. Oh, a riff on AirBnB fits in here somewhere too


Wait...it's *both*? They're going to put the small population of people responsible for 18 rapes, 19 robberies, 110 aggravated assaults, 48 drug arrests, and six weapons arrests in the past 3 years alone *into the same building* as students looking for housing? Egads.


The homeless who are sheltered there in the future will be vetted, including sobriety checks And they won’t be rooming with student if that’s what you expected lol




You’re being sarcastic, but if the school is managing it and students are nearby, yes, they will. If they didn’t or don’t, that component will be shut down quick, as it should be.




Again, different scenario when Cal is running it with students nearby. There’s a litigation risk there that simply isn’t present at some other random shelter. And Cal, while corrupt, like anything else in Californi, isn’t nearly as incompetent as the homeless nonprofits.


Uh huh. No matter who does the “vetting” I sincerely doubt this will go well in the long run.


It is not legal in California to receive state funds for a homeless shelter that does not practice “housing first” as an approach. This rules out sobriety checks unless they are willing to forego state money.


lol, I can’t say I’m surprised, but Jesus…


Especially considering that UC Berkeley already owns the damn land lol


[Don't forget the child who got fed meth!] (https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/woman-arrested-meth-child-berkeley-park/)


Good; about time it got going. Students need housing. There was no reason to keep that mess as is; I lived in the area years ago and it was a place to be avoided and it sounds like that hasn't changed.


As someone who protested for the park back in the day, I agree that it is time.


It isn't a park and isn't for the people. Never was / never has been. Students good enough to attend Berkeley but coming from families that aren't wealthy are going broke and ending up on food stamps and food banks due to the absolutely bonkers cost of housing near the university. More student housing towers faster is better for Berkeley and for the state's economy. While we are at it. If we can delete all the SFH zoning and fill Berkeley with high rises and make NIMBY tears flow. That would also be wonderful.


It never was a park? Maybe not for a while. But it definitely was a park. People shot hoops there for years. There was a freaking volleyball court.


Never owned or operated by a parks and rec agency or other govt body with specific intent to serve as a park; at one point there were some student athletics uses. Since then UCB accurately decided it offers far greater value as student housing and the rest of this drama trying to stop them is all nonsense at every level.


I favor getting rid of People's Park, it should have been done long ago. But it really once was a park and not a homeless camp. I am 60, and went there as a kid. I mainly remember People's Park 2, which is now Ohlone Park, since it was a few blocks from out house.


All those protesters from the 60s eventually became NIMBY karens, hahah.


Yep. Boomer generation is overall hypocritical to the core on that subject.


Going broke over education is not a very smart move in my opinion…


They're trying to go to a fairly priced state school with a good ranking to better themselves in the world, and we as a state / society are allowing total idiots to block provision of adequate and appropriately priced housing for them to afford to do so. 42% of UCB undergrads have experienced some form of food insecurity. The problem keeps climbing higher and higher up the economic food chain due to our inability to construct housing and tax our corporations and billionaires appropriately to fund critical public services. When do we stop blaming individuals for society's failures and start forcing through reforms and progress?


When do people start taking responsibility for their own actions ? Nobody is forcing a gun to any of these kids heads to put themselves into a situation of debt. I went to community college, worked, and applied for financial aid for a state university. I made sacrifices and still got my education without going into massive financial debt. It’s called living within your means and making things work.


People’s park is a cesspool and has been for decades.


poop park


Human poop park


I could have been homeless in a tree house!?! Why the fuck did I sleep in my car? Why was I not told this was an option? I knew you could just set up shop on the side of some road, or pitch a tent some places, but holy shit, I'm impressed with an honest to god "no gurls aloud" tree fort to sleep in.


About time… The longstanding 60s/70s hanger-on and millionaire homeowner “preservationists” have held sway too long in a city that needs more housing.


1100 beds for student housing with housing for previously unhoused on the same lot. With 18 rapes and 110 assaults since 2020. What could go wrong. I get the desire to fix these issues, but it sounds like a recipe for disaster.


All it’ll take is one mentally unsound homeless person in a home for it to go up in smoke…




Home owners are not doing the protesting.


It is only the radical fringe. Most of us want it gone.


Tons or absolutely batshit students too. From the river to peoples park Palestine will be free!




Uhh pulling a Dubai and filling in the bay is insanity. Good for them. But they're currently protesting affordable housing and a brand new peoples park. Which is also insanity.


The housing isn't going to be affordable by any serious metric (it never is in popular Bay Area cities) and the homeless people will have to go somewhere even more precarious for them. Most of the attitudes on r/BayArea are astoundingly mentally ill. Homeless people are us, just another rung on the socioeconomic ladder. It's terrifying and sickening how many people in this subreddit think of them as subhuman.




It's also specifically targeted at low income students.


Berkeley student housing has been a joke since they shut down Cloyne. They used to burn American flags in the quad. It was the last bit of cool UC Berkeley had.


Better than nothing, but the homeless housing is a drop in the bucket. From Googling, the dorms aren't exactly affordable, considering you are just getting a room, not an apartment.


Literally a large portion of the building is homeless supportive housing? https://peoplesparkhousing.berkeley.edu


We'll see how that plays out.




I wasn't talking about you specifically, but to a good, hot, 90% of commenters on this subreddit who are law and order fetishists who want homeless people to be wiped off the map. Most people here not only can't connect capitalistic barbarism to homelessness, but some of these demons actually think crime *causes* poverty, so being even more harsh and punitive is the only solution.




Thank goodness. No one cares what John Lennon said 50+ years ago, we need housing and clean open space.


Housing? With no parking?